Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 4

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I agree...

I was just wondering since GR so willingly gave LE all of JR's user names and passwords..

If he... Just as willingly... Gave LE ALL of his OWN user names and passwords...

By the way, if he new all Jennifer's usernames and passwords, how on Earth, would she manage to get into an affair with some online stranger? I assume she knew about it.

Because if she didn't... Now THAT would be creepy!

Just a comment regarding this Facebook post. My job takes me all over NY state on a daily basis. I drive the interstates as well as the back roads. I also live in Norwich. I have yet to see ONE poster for JR anywhere.... this disturbs me.

Interesting comments about not donating to anyone wanting money for the billboard. GR won't pony up the money, but when someone tries to do something to get it up they get shutdown.
By the way, if he new all Jennifer's usernames and passwords, how on Earth, would she manage to get into an affair with some online stranger? I assume she knew about it.

Because if she didn't... Now THAT would be creepy!

Being an IT person I'm sure he had all her passwords and knew everything she was doing online without her knowing.
I would think it would make pretty hard to chat and organise a meet up with someone.
I saw this question asked somewhere else as well! I'll find the link in a second. I believe it must be GR signed into her account, since he has her password and has been making changes to her page.

ETA: Okay, it was the same person, BB, asking the same question on the Missing Person page:

When someone is logged in from a mobile device, it shows a little phone icon by your name in the chat list, so that's probably what she was seeing - and it was prob GR who was logged in!

Can anyone give a reason... That makes sense.. For a husband whose wife is missing ... To continuously be using and/or making modifications to the MISSING person's account?

Yes.. I imagine he may wish to be "checking in" to see if the missing person has communicated in some way... and MAYBE taking pix of the children off of it..But modifying the account seems like a breach of trust...

And If the missing person IS checking in... Wouldn't that person maybe really WANT to see pictures of the children she loves?

Oh Pleeease! :floorlaugh:

Let me guess. He was talking to a family member at the time, yeah?


Makes a good alibi doesn't it? ie - I can prove I just found it at the time as I was on the phone and that person can verify that.
What a coincidence he came across this stuff while on the phone :waitasec:
Search was planned for 01/19.
It was called off on 01/17.
Your account above summarizes accurately.

The timing seems extremely suspect, doesn't it?

*Jennifer goes missing Dec 11th
*GR finds the wedding rings, phone, LE does their searches of the house, etc etc etc, during the first few days or the week or so after she disappears
*GR then doesn't sleep in the room, or go looking for anything out of place, for the next 5 weeks
*Searches are planned, an uproar ensues, and searches are then called off on Jan 17th
*GR starts searching around and makes new "discoveries" in the bedroom on Jan 18th
New press release about the Shining Hope event -

Husband to hold event for missing wife

Ganesh Ramsaran asks for help from the public to distribute missing posters.

The word "husband" sure does get mentioned a lot in every article and fb post, doesn't it? I've noticed that it also seems to be used synonymously with the word "family." It's alllll about the husband, never about the parents or sister or any other family members.

My thoughts exactly
I think the hair clippings could be another plant. For that matter, he could have dug some out of the trash, left over from another day when she clipped her own hair, and put it in the sink to fit with his story of her running away.

Or if she never planned on going to the mall (GR is the only one who has said she had this plan, right?), then maybe she was at home that morning going about her business, clipping her hair. And it was just convenient for GR to use it later as part of the story.....

My problem with the trimming and coloring of the hair... THAT Tuesday morning ... was that she had just gotten her hair "done" (I would assume cut and colored) just the Friday previously....

She may not have been completely happy with the results from the Friday hair appointment... But it is pretty common with women who are not completely satisfied with the cut/color to go back to the same hair salon and request a "do-over".

The salon... Wishing to keep good PR... Usually will make the requested changes... Free of charge...



(wait, Blackberry's aren't smart phones, right? It doesn't seem like they're too bright anyway).



I don't know the answer to your question... Being a flip-phone owner myself...

but I thought it was funny! :D
Yes! Window is open and I'm listening to the sweet sound of howling wind!
Snowmobiling and hiking tomorrow!

Hopefully the snow will melt soon either for when CUE comes up or for when another private search is formed if one with CUE doesn't get started soon...

Locals are really vocalizing their need and desire at this point to DO something (in addition to praying and hoping, that is).

I am so encouraged to hear that the community is "biting at the bit" to get searches for Jennifer started...

she needs that support!:rocker:

Yes! Window is open and I'm listening to the sweet sound of howling wind!
Snowmobiling and hiking tomorrow!

Hopefully the snow will melt soon either for when CUE comes up or for when another private search is formed if one with CUE doesn't get started soon...

Locals are really vocalizing their need and desire at this point to DO something (in addition to praying and hoping, that is).

I am so encouraged to hear that the community is "biting at the bit" to get searches for Jennifer started...

she needs and deserves that support!:rocker:


ETA... I apologize for the double post... my iPad was messing with me! :dunno:
Very interesting.
I would think not sleeping in the room could mean something happened to JR in that room. I would think someone that believes in psychics would also believe in ghosts.
Or maybe it was too painful for him to be in that room without JR.

As for the lingerie - how would police miss something like this unless it was well hidden?
It would be interesting to know what size they were. I would assume JR's size as I believe they were put there to back up the JR met someone online and ran off with them.
If these were a gift from a man JR met and ran away with, why would she not take the beautiful lingerie this man just bought her with her?
If they are running off together surely he would be offended if she left such a nice gift behind?
If they were not there when LE searched and were purchased weeks after JR disappeared. Who would have done this?
I would think GR could have done this with cash at the time as his face wasn't widely circulated.
Now of course it has been, I would think the girl who worked at the lingerie shop and would have assisted him would have remembered him and called LE.
I would think a male purchasing lingerie would be a small amount of the customers.
They also usually need to help and would then be engaged in a conversation with the sales girl.
A woman on the other hand could buy lingerie using cash (if the size was different to hers she could just say they were a gift for her sister etc) and the sales girl wouldn't bat an eyelid.
Perhaps GR asked a female to buy lingerie for JR for xmas as he believed she would be back by then?
Now I wonder what female in GR's life would be willing to do that....

As for the credit card. I'm not sure what a prepaid visa is? I have a visa but it is linked to my bank account. Is it like a prepaid phone, as in it can't be traced?

All VERY good questions, LA...

And now I wonder if/when some other miraculous discovery will be found by GR...

and.. I can't help but wonder... Why would GR even think it important to notify LE about these items..

What was his reasoning to alert LE about fancy underwear/PJ's?

That in itself, raises huge flags to me. This is, in my opinion a huge contradiction to the "message" that is being projected publicly, the "message" that Jen disappeared herself. This is partially OT but also leads to a theory that applies, so please bear with me.....

When, years ago as a teenager, my daughter ran away and I had not a clue where she was a for a month or if she was living, did I avoid her room because it was too painful? No I went in there as often as I could go, because being surrounded by her things and being able to smell her scent on her pillow made me feel closer to her somehow, even through all the pain of not knowing where or how she was....

During the 3 times my oldest son was hospitalized and I could not stay there in his room with him, and the staff actually forced me to leave the hospital for a night because I'd been there 24/7 for weeks on end, did I avoid his room because it was too painful that he was not there? No I went in there and slept because the smell of his hair on his pillow and being surrounded by his toys made me feel closer to him, almost like I was right next to him, holding his hand as he slept like I always did every night I did stay with him in the hospital....

But not enough years later, after God called him home, and I knew he'd never again sleep in his bed or play in his room, and the next time I'd see his smile was when God called me home too, did I avoid going into his room? That was when it became difficult for me, for a very long time, to go into my son's room. I don't remember for how long, but I do know it was weeks and remembering it now, over 10 years later, I can still feel the pain of just looking at that closed door. I keep several boxes of his things as keepsakes and whenever I need to, I open them up, and they bring me great comfort, and peace and I feel him thisclose to me but during the weeks and months after my sons passing, seeing, smelling and handling those same items would have been excruciating and unbearable. It was literally, nearly physically impossible for me to enter his room.

The above is based on my experience only, however, my reaction after my beautiful son's passing is one that is commonly experienced. Many people are unable to enter the room of a loved one or family member they know has passed, and I have to ask myself, if GR is so sure that Jennifer either ran off or really does not know if she encountered foul play at the hands of another while out, and he is *truly unsure as to if she is with us or not - then why does entering their room cause him so much discomfort? I would think if there is hope, then being surrounded by her things and the smell of her hair on a pillow, would bring a small measure of comfort?

jmo and sorry this wound up being so long....

Thanks for that post Ladybug, I would think most people would react the same way in those circumstances.
So GR's reaction is very odd.
So sorry about your son and thank you for sharing.
Visa Prepaid Card

The Visa Prepaid card is a reloadable Visa card* you load with money to use everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. You can pay bills, shop online and off, get direct deposit, and more. No credit check or prior bank account is typically needed – simply sign up, add money, and start using it. Go open a new world with Visa Prepaid.

Sorry for the O/T... But while I was reading this post I was thinking this sounds like a great advertisement for Visa card! :rocker:

Then I realized it was a link to Visa card's brochure!

Just a note about the gift card. Where I work we sell a few different kinds. The normal ones, in dollar increments that you can buy and the register activates the purchasing power so to speak. The reloadable ones are almost like regular cc these days with new rules. When you buy the actual card you can load up to $500 on them. You go home and call the company and give them all your personal information including ssn. Then when you buy a reload kit, you go home and add the $ to the card you purchased initially.

I am lurker pretty much on this thread. I do think there are some strange twists and turns and coincedenses so far. I sincerely hope JR is found soon. There needs to be closure for the children. While I have my doubts she ran away with someone on the internet, I always hold out hope the spouse is telling the truth and had nothing to with it.


Thank you for the information regarding reloadable cards...

And please join in the discussions whenever you get a chance! :seeya:
And IF so, may not have even been a gift...for Jennifer.

Maybe that was a gift that JR FOUND that fateful morning..

Maybe GR had bought it for someone else...

And that discovery by JR set off an argument?

Just some thoughts...
Maybe that was a gift that JR FOUND that fateful morning..

Maybe GR had bought it for someone else...

And that discovery by JR set off an argument?

Just some thoughts...

Good point. I guess it all comes down to what size the lingerie was.
There are so many discrepancies and strange things going on that I am sure LE were onto this way before we were.
Could explain why they are staying silent.
Can someone with an iphone with game apps tell me if there are game pieces, things, you can purchase as "extras" for a game- like mappacks for xbox360.... I know you can buy stuff like that for FB games...but clueless about phone
My opinion is that speaking on the phone while looking in a closet for something is a hindrance. I need both hands free to look when I'm searching for something in a closet.

OH My... How convenient...

He "found" undies WHILE he was on the phone.. And instead of thinking... "Undies in a bedroom closet... No big deal" ...

he just happened to have someone else on the phone to cry crocodile tears to...

and create a big ol' drama about it?

Sorry... But that sounds planted AND goofy...

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