Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 8

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in the video he drives about 20 miles round trip. in reality im talking of a few hundred ft if not only 20ft. i drive it daily. im freinds with almost every house in that small streach. and no no, service look at it on a topo map. you will see why.

I'm not saying you don't see that with your phone-what I'm saying is-different phone,(do you have an iPhone?-just curious) different carrier-seems to have different results. Both ORR & thefox have seen some coverage in that area. I think what's more important to know would be what carrier JR &GR has. Not to mention-did he have a work phone that he was using-was that a different carrier? I ask that because it could explain why he'd have coverage there & her phone wouldn't (or vice versa obviously).

I'm curious your thoughts on this- I'm thinking no matter the coverage what can't be explained is if the phone was at the location & never moved-it wouldn't have not been able to be located by the "find my phone" the night she was reported missing but then in the morning be able to be located. Would you agree?
Been reading here and not had much to offer. I was hoping for a break in the case by now. I was thinking, since she was in the fetal position when found... Perhaps he did use a plastic tote to carry her to the car. He wouldn't have to worry so much if someone saw him carrying it out and it would conceal her while he drove the van away. Wouldn't explain the blood in the van though.

I've wondered if something along these lines might have happened. I keep thinking of "there is nothing in the house.'' GR tells JR that he wants to run a particular route for his workout and wants her to drop him so that he can run home from that point. He directs her to an out of the way location, possibly where she was recovered. GR attacks ER resulting in the blood found in the van. He pushes her out of the van and disrobes her to make it look like a sexual attack. He disposes of her clothes and other personal effects somewhere along the way to dumping the van at the apartment complex. He plants the phone at some point, maybe later, but he runs over to the Y to alibi himself. Only a theory and all MOO.
I'm not saying you don't see that with your phone-what I'm saying is-different phone,(do you have an iPhone?-just curious) different carrier-seems to have different results. Both ORR & thefox have seen some coverage in that area. I think what's more important to know would be what carrier JR &GR has. Not to mention-did he have a work phone that he was using-was that a different carrier? I ask that because it could explain why he'd have coverage there & her phone wouldn't (or vice versa obviously).

I'm curious your thoughts on this- I'm thinking no matter the coverage what can't be explained is if the phone was at the location & never moved-it wouldn't have not been able to be located by the "find my phone" the night she was reported missing but then in the morning be able to be located. Would you agree?

yes, i would agree. but, (please be awear i am not stranger to that EXACT location).yes you may get 1 2 breif bars, or recive a text message. but i also recognize, that is the only 1 mile strech of between plank rd apts and center rd, that even comes close no or bad service. all other 4 bridges have good clear service. as does every were the river kisses the rd.
i cant help but deduce someone wanted it found...not and the van were breadcrumbs.(---------------this way----------> )
Interesting; exact same time down to the second. Thats not a race, thats a date.

yea ,my thougts too. did you see jr time., and the kids? he said to the daily star , (lets just say she wasnt losing weight in a healthy way???? but i WAS so proud of here) not proud enough to run with her, huh? and how bad could he off felt about that trist?
yes, i would agree. but, (please be awear i am not stranger to that EXACT location).yes you may get 1 2 breif bars, or recive a text message. but i also recognize, that is the only 1 mile strech of between plank rd apts and center rd, that even comes close no or bad service. all other 4 bridges have good clear service. as does every were the river kisses the rd.
i cant help but deduce someone wanted it found...not and the van were breadcrumbs.(---------------this way----------> )

Oh there's no doubt about that-they wanted the phone, van & Jennifer found-totally agree. I really think there was no desire in hiding it.

My only point was that there could be service there depending on phone & carrier. I wish I was closer to the location as I'd love to bring iPhones from different carriers to the location & test out the connection, especially using the app as I've seen the way it works in the country put in my area. Would be interesting to see...
fyi in this video to jenn @ 3:42 seconds this pic is from the saint barts run.
Interested, yes, the thought occasionally occurs to me as well...yes, the guy is vain, and probably controlling, and yes, he did have an affair, but is it possible that perhaps someone else murdered Jenn, and because he's the guy you love to hate, our interest is focused on him.

But...there's really no other viable suspects. No one else with a motive to kill Jenn.

1) I believe POB has squashed the rumor (started by her husband) that Jenn had formed some sort of attachment with an online gaming friend.

2) Aside from online gaming, most of Jenn's activities outside the home centered around women and children or her family -- teaching knitting classes, leading girl scouts, taking her kids to basketball practice, teaching Sunday School, joining her family in running -- the chances that she could have had some other romantic attachment is extremely low.

3) The protege may have had a motive, but she would not have been able to carry it through by herself.

4) The chances that some random serial murdurer somehow managed to stop Jenn somewhere on SR 23, kill her, dump her body on Center Road, drive her van over to the Plank Road apartments, and then manage to get back to SR 23 (where presumably his own vehicle would be) is improbable, and the logistics make it almost impossible.

On the other hand:

1) GR's body language and eye movement in the TV interviews show he clearly is lying. When he talks about something factual, he looks the interviewer directly in the eye. But when he's probably lying, you can notice his eyes shifting over to the side, and what he's saying sounds rehearsed and forced.

2) GR had the most probable motive of anyone.

3) The logistics fit very neatly for GR -- we've figure out that he could have easily transported Jenn's body to Center Road, disposed of her phone, and parked her van at the apartments, and then jogged the 1 mile to the YMCA where he showed up during the day (without a vehicle) -- all within an hour, which would fit neatly into the 1 hour 20 minutes it would have supposedly taken him to run to the YMCA from his home.

4) It would not be logical for him to run the 8 or 9 miles TO the YMCA with the intention of doing a workout. I checked with my friend who is a seasoned marathoner and body builder. He said that you run AFTER a workout, not before, as running 8 or 9 miles would temporarily weaken your body and you would not benefit from the workout.

5) This is no innocent explanation for deleting photos and postings from Jenn's facebook and from her gaming postings. This would be crucial evidence that the police would be interested in seeing. And GR is the only one who would be able to delete those posting. A serial muderer posing as an online gaming friend would not have been able to do that.

6) GR continually tried to steer people in the wrong direction -- putting out the rumor that Jenn had possibly formed a romantic attachment with someone else, painting her character as completely different from who she truly was.

Okay, these are good points of GR's actions. Let's look at motive too:

Originally Posted by lovinglife View Post
Financial/Custody Theory - if JR was alive and they divorced, GR would most likely be responsible for alimony (since JR was SAHM) and definitely child support. And JR could start a relationship with someone else if desired (which probably would blow GR's fuse). However, with JR dead, there is no custody issue and no payments. There is a life insurance policy on JR but don’t know the value. Even if it was just a “standard” spousal policy, the amount could be $10,000 on up which MAY be an additional attractive benefit in GR’s eyes.

GR is a controlling type personality as we’ve seen in making JR quit girl scout leader, caretaker job, he filled her car with gas, was aware she had money for the shopping trip, had all her passwords, etc…It would fit that he would want control of all the money. The following demonstrate some of that control:

Websleuths Facts:
Credit Card debt court cases found in AZ. Moved to NY shortly after these court cases

No reward offered by GR

No donation to billboard by GR (but GR's father did donate large amount)

Own 2 old vehicles

Hasn’t hired attorney, possibly be money issue

GR allowed money raised for billboard to go back to LMN to use for a different family—maybe because he wasn’t able to donate financially to LMN

Life insurance can’t be collected if no body found—many of us think the car was parked so it would be found; even JR’s body was put where it could be found

House is in a trust—I’m assuming that means GR cannot take out a second mortgage if needs money

Didn't want background check for girl scout leader -made JR do it instead (THIS SENDS UP ALL KINDS OF RED FLAGS ON MY RADAR-WHAT'S HE HIDING??)

So, with JR out of the picture, GR has no custody issues, has control over all money, can continue his affair, no need to worry that JR would find someone else (if I can't have her, nobody will)…...what else can be added to this? Thoughts?

Can we build on this? Does anyone have another motive idea? (Sorry for the Looooong post). MOO
yea ,my thougts too. did you see jr time., and the kids? he said to the daily star , (lets just say she wasnt losing weight in a healthy way???? but i WAS so proud of here) not proud enough to run with her, huh? and how bad could he off felt about that trist?

Sad isn't it? We discussed this previously-I think it may have been Lola that posted it-what's even more frustrating us that this wasnt the only time this stuff happened & most times JR was only a short distance behind!:furious:

CJ-since you see him-(at least I believe that was you?) Wondering if you used to see him before JR went missing & if you noticed any differences?
Maybe he checked that before it was discarded ......... :waitasec:

Hmmm... not sure if this is going to come out how I'm thinking because its late here and my brain is frazzled...but I wanted to just add a quick thought ... If Jen wasn't the type to delete her text messages as she goes, like I know I am (I like to save special ones) and a huge amount were deleted on the 11th Dec (or 10th) ... do you see where I'm going with this?
Do any tech-savvy sleuthers know if an iPhone could be checked by the provider to see WHEN text messages were deleted from the handset?

Oh and in my opinion, If you are given a nickname by your supposed closest college friends and that nickname has the word "Psycho" in it...I would love to hear a character assessment from those frat brothers!

Hmmm... not sure if this is going to come out how I'm thinking because its late here and my brain is frazzled...but I wanted to just add a quick thought ... If Jen wasn't the type to delete her text messages as she goes, like I know I am (I like to save special ones) and a huge amount were deleted on the 11th Dec (or 10th) ... do you see where I'm going with this?
Do any tech-savvy sleuthers know if an iPhone could be checked by the provider to see WHEN text messages were deleted from the handset?

Oh and in my opinion, If you are given a nickname by your supposed closest college friends and that nickname has the word "Psycho" in it...I would love to hear a character assessment from those frat brothers!

Good question on the deleting-I'd think one could possibly figure some of it out once the forensics come back if there were some rec'd that day. But it's still not a guarantee. If would be nice wouldn't it?

Character assessment would be nice but sadly I believe these same people are supporting him & haven't thought too much about the fact that he really could do this...or maybe they helped?
has anyone else seen this? i cant help but ponder why the results are what they are .this was 3 months before she went missing. do we no when the trist was?

Word problem with practical application! How rare is that??

By my calculations GR/ES were 1,378 feet in front of JR at the end of this race. Their speed was 7.7 km/hr and her's was 7.14 kn/hr. Not a huge difference, so they paced themselves to be together but left her just behind out of sight. On the other hand that 3:45 was probably all GR needed for a tryst :).
Possible Motives:

Financial - no need for alimony, child support, losing a home, damage to credit based on possible divorce.

The mistress - she gave him an ultimatum - pick her or me. He may have picked ES - she's clearly still in the picture. Maybe Jennifer suspected it and confronted him.

Fear - Jennifer may have found something that could cause GR issues with the law. Could be possible but not limited to - money scheme (doubtful,) possible *advertiser censored* on computer (something illegal?) steroid drug use, or any other illicit behavior that maybe made Jennifer uncomfortable. Hell, he could have been picking on one of their children or being mean -we don't know. I know that although I don't know Jennifer, I KNOW she would defend her babies to whatever extent necessary.

Loss of control - Maybe Jennifer wanted out. Maybe she fell out of love. Maybe she desperately wanted it to work all the years together but never really felt needed, wanted, desired. She may have decided to divorce him. He may have not liked the idea of being left.

There could be a million in one reasons.

I do think Jennifer wanted her family for many years. I think she like most of us, want the picket fence, at any cost to her own self esteem and needs. I bet she did everything for him and rarely felt appreciated.

She never left that day to run off, she didn't pack bags, nor take her medicine.

IMO, she didn't leave the house that day. To think of all the denial and time that's lasped, I do not doubt that he premeditated this. I can't wait for an arrest.

Patience is not my strong suit but I can't wait to wash down the justice with a bottle of champagne and lots of celebratory posts here. Ultimately, I cannot wait to see the word ARREST on this thread.

Jennifer's family deserves that.
I'd love to know if he had that watch on his hand when he went running that day.

Better yet I'd love to know if LE got a hold of it to see of he had it on that day & if so where he really was!
Just an FYI: Jumping off of lovinglife's possible motive comment #789 above-

Okay, these are good points of GR's actions. Let's look at motive too:

Originally Posted by lovinglife View Post

How Much Will My Divorce Cost in New York?

What Really Matters when Considering the Cost of a Divorce
While these items are important, the aspect of your divorce that has the strongest bearing on your divorce is YOUR SPOUSE. Your spouse may act in a mature and reasonable manner during your divorce or be completely irrational. The actions of your spouse with regard to your divorce will have the greatest bearing in any divorce, as a non-combative spouse ALWAYS results in fewer costs and will help to minimize your emotional stress.

Alimony Guidelines in New York

New York Child Support Calculator

Collecting payments
Child support payments are remitted to the non-custodial parent’s local Child Support Enforcement Unit’s (CSEU) Support Collection Unit (SCU). The SCU will then disburse the monies to the custodial parent.

Enforcing support orders
The DCSE can help ensure that support payments get made by using a variety of methods:

Garnishing wages
Intercepting unemployment insurance, lottery winnings, tax refunds
Reporting to the credit bureau
Suspending their driver’s license
Placing a lien against their property
Denying them a passport
I just looked for it also and couldn't find it.:dunno:

I don't see it either -- and I had it bookmarked... I cannot believe he would be going w/o FB -- he needs to read about himself... Could have opened it under another name? Might be able to tell by comments and 'likes' on a CC/LNM type page and pick out his new name?
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