Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 9

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Why didn't he pile the kids into his car and go for a drive to look for her, before he called the police??? Isn't that what a normal person would do, if their spouse was late and unable to be contacted?

Exactly what we did when we couldn't get in touch with my Dad. Called his house/work phone non-stop for the better part of 48 hours before driving over to his house/work and leaving notes on the door. We thought he might have taken a trip to Tahoe without telling anyone, but by the morning of the 3rd day with no contact, my Mom went to LE and asked them to kick in his door.....
Can anyone link me to the complete 'list' if there is one? I've only seen bits and haven't had the stomach to ask to see more yet. I know I should though. Is it as bad as I think it's going to be?

It's Post #620

Today's update posted on Jennifer's website:

Update: January 28, 2013 9:53 pm

Television News Media

Remy Ramsaran will be doing a number of media interviews to help bring awareness to Jennifer's missing status. We ask that once the interviews and news reports are done that the public please help share through numerous available online social networks so that it will further bring attention to her case. Thank you.


Perhaps someone, somewhere may find this information helpful if they see someone that resembles Jennifer and they are not sure if it is her. Our advice…if you see someone that may resemble Jennifer…call 9-1-1 and keep in your sight, try to take a photo of the person you think may be her (if possible) as those kind of Tips/Leads will help law enforcement to investigate much easier than you waiting to get home to call and then trying to recall details/time/place, etc. Thank you.
__________________________________________________ _________
Eats hamburgers plain, no condiments.
Loves cherry coke but lately drank a lot of water with lemon.
Jennifer is left handed.
She hates whipped cream.
She is not a morning person.
She loves Boston creme donuts.
She does not eat sandwiches or subs, ever.
She has dyslexia.
She hates coffee but likes tea with sugar.
She loves romantic comedies.
Favorite movies are 50 First Dates, Forrest Gump and Couples Retreat.
Loves to read romance novels and sci-fi fantasy books.
She loves Gordon Ramsey and Top Chef (tv show), Ghost Hunters and Rachel Ray.
Other shows she likes are Survivor, Amazing Race and Hell's Kitchen.
99% of the time she wears no makeup at all, including not wearing lipstick.
She prefers her hair worn down.
Her clothes are almost always pretty casual, however, the last 3-4 months she started dressing up every time she left the home.
She likes Friendly's restaurant an JoAnn's Fabric and Craft Stores.
Jennifer is a walker, not a jogger or runner due to pins in her toes from surgery when a teenager.
She has not worn a dress nor a skirt in many years.
She is more introverted as opposed to extroverted so if she were in a long line waiting she would patiently and quietly wait there. She would not become impatient either.
She has never smoked.
She never wore nail polish until about six months ago when nail polish became the norm.
She uses Lite Italian Vinegarette dressing on her salad; if eating out and they don't offer it she will choose balsamic dressing.
She is an excellent cook but stopped cooking the two months prior to her disappearance.
Jennifer likes reading and writing her own short stories.
There seem to be so many claims around this case of various people knowing background information about Jennifer and LE investigations 'that cannot be released yet', it's ridiculous.

I wouldn't be surprised if LE are becoming extremely offended by it, because it seems to imply they are giving out important info willy nilly to all and sundry.

I don't believe a hot dang word of it.

It's Post #620

Today's update posted on Jennifer's website:

Update: January 28, 2013 9:53 pm

Television News Media

Remy Ramsaran will be doing a number of media interviews to help bring awareness to Jennifer's missing status. We ask that once the interviews and news reports are done that the public please help share through numerous available online social networks so that it will further bring attention to her case. Thank you.


Perhaps someone, somewhere may find this information helpful if they see someone that resembles Jennifer and they are not sure if it is her. Our advice…if you see someone that may resemble Jennifer…call 9-1-1 and keep in your sight, try to take a photo of the person you think may be her (if possible) as those kind of Tips/Leads will help law enforcement to investigate much easier than you waiting to get home to call and then trying to recall details/time/place, etc. Thank you.
__________________________________________________ _________
Eats hamburgers plain, no condiments.
Loves cherry coke but lately drank a lot of water with lemon.
Jennifer is left handed.
She hates whipped cream.
She is not a morning person.
She loves Boston creme donuts.
She does not eat sandwiches or subs, ever.
She has dyslexia.
She hates coffee but likes tea with sugar.
She loves romantic comedies.
Favorite movies are 50 First Dates, Forrest Gump and Couples Retreat.
Loves to read romance novels and sci-fi fantasy books.
She loves Gordon Ramsey and Top Chef (tv show), Ghost Hunters and Rachel Ray.
Other shows she likes are Survivor, Amazing Race and Hell's Kitchen.
99% of the time she wears no makeup at all, including not wearing lipstick.
She prefers her hair worn down.
Her clothes are almost always pretty casual, however, the last 3-4 months she started dressing up every time she left the home.
She likes Friendly's restaurant an JoAnn's Fabric and Craft Stores.
Jennifer is a walker, not a jogger or runner due to pins in her toes from surgery when a teenager.
She has not worn a dress nor a skirt in many years.
She is more introverted as opposed to extroverted so if she were in a long line waiting she would patiently and quietly wait there. She would not become impatient either.
She has never smoked.
She never wore nail polish until about six months ago when nail polish became the norm.
She uses Lite Italian Vinegarette dressing on her salad; if eating out and they don't offer it she will choose balsamic dressing.
She is an excellent cook but stopped cooking the two months prior to her disappearance.
Jennifer likes reading and writing her own short stories.

Thank you so much for this Jillian, but I'm afraid you've linked the wrong list. I didn't want to see the incidental, 'anything else that might give people any clue' list.

I wanted to see the proper one, with all the times, height, weight, hair colour, scars, appearance of teeth, figure, distinguishing features, clothing, medical procedures and accessories etc.
There seem to be so many claims around this case of various people knowing background information about Jennifer and LE investigations 'that cannot be released yet', it's ridiculous.

I wouldn't be surprised if LE are becoming extremely offended by it, because it seems to imply they are giving out important info willy nilly to all and sundry.

I don't believe a hot dang word of it.

Im not sure what to believe at this point. Without the missing links of evidence, we can only surmise, although i do feel it has to be someone close to Jennifer. Someone she trusted and felt comfortable with. I dont think it could have been a complete stranger since it was said that she was a little standoffish, which could mean that she was shy. And a mother just doesnt walk out on her kids, no matter the circumstances!
Oh, I wasn't casting aspersions on any of our verified insiders by that remark, by the way.
Scroll down and read the next to last post! This may shed some light onto why GR thought that she had run off! Hope its ok to post this link.

i'm confused. the post says (paraphrasing) that the reason GR suspected she left was because she didn't answer any of his texts or calls on her way to the mall. there's spotty reception from norwich to the mall.

i would think it would be expected that calls would go straight to voice mail, and texts wouldn't be received until there was reception. the post also implies jen not answering any texts or calls (plural). makes me wonder if he kept calling her phone and texting her as part of his alibi, knowing where she really was at that time.

It's Post #620

Today's update posted on Jennifer's website:

Update: January 28, 2013 9:53 pm

Television News Media

Remy Ramsaran will be doing a number of media interviews to help bring awareness to Jennifer's missing status. We ask that once the interviews and news reports are done that the public please help share through numerous available online social networks so that it will further bring attention to her case. Thank you.


Perhaps someone, somewhere may find this information helpful if they see someone that resembles Jennifer and they are not sure if it is her. Our advice…if you see someone that may resemble Jennifer…call 9-1-1 and keep in your sight, try to take a photo of the person you think may be her (if possible) as those kind of Tips/Leads will help law enforcement to investigate much easier than you waiting to get home to call and then trying to recall details/time/place, etc. Thank you.
__________________________________________________ _________
Eats hamburgers plain, no condiments.
Loves cherry coke but lately drank a lot of water with lemon.
Jennifer is left handed.
She hates whipped cream.
She is not a morning person.
She loves Boston creme donuts.
She does not eat sandwiches or subs, ever.
She has dyslexia.
She hates coffee but likes tea with sugar.
She loves romantic comedies.
Favorite movies are 50 First Dates, Forrest Gump and Couples Retreat.
Loves to read romance novels and sci-fi fantasy books.
She loves Gordon Ramsey and Top Chef (tv show), Ghost Hunters and Rachel Ray.
Other shows she likes are Survivor, Amazing Race and Hell's Kitchen.
99% of the time she wears no makeup at all, including not wearing lipstick.
She prefers her hair worn down.
Her clothes are almost always pretty casual, however, the last 3-4 months she started dressing up every time she left the home.
She likes Friendly's restaurant an JoAnn's Fabric and Craft Stores.
Jennifer is a walker, not a jogger or runner due to pins in her toes from surgery when a teenager.
She has not worn a dress nor a skirt in many years.
She is more introverted as opposed to extroverted so if she were in a long line waiting she would patiently and quietly wait there. She would not become impatient either.
She has never smoked.
She never wore nail polish until about six months ago when nail polish became the norm.
She uses Lite Italian Vinegarette dressing on her salad; if eating out and they don't offer it she will choose balsamic dressing.
She is an excellent cook but stopped cooking the two months prior to her disappearance.
Jennifer likes reading and writing her own short stories.

Thanks so much Jillian for pulling this back up. It's

OK, so I guess we were meant to be on the alert whenever we went to Friendlies for a left-handed lady not wearing a skirt or lipstick, who was having Lite Italian Vinegarette on her salad, and eating a plain hamburger.

And...if we happened to see somebody at Blockbuster renting Forrest Gump, patiently waiting at the checkout line, we could ask that person if she has dyslexia (like that would be obvious to a casual observer) or likes to write short stories.
i'm confused. the post says (paraphrasing) that the reason GR suspected she left was because she didn't answer any of his texts or calls on her way to the mall. there's spotty reception from norwich to the mall.

i would think it would be expected that calls would go straight to voice mail, and texts wouldn't be received until there was reception. the post also implies jen not answering any texts or calls (plural). makes me wonder if he kept calling her phone and texting her as part of his alibi, knowing where she really was at that time.

Also...his alibi is that he headed out on his 8 mile run to the YMCA shortly after she left for the mall. The time it would have taken to run to the Y would be about the same time it would take to drive to the mall. So....texting while running???

Drew Peterson also tried to pull off a similar phone trick with missing wife.
Scroll down and read the next to last post! This may shed some light onto why GR thought that she had run off! Hope its ok to post this link.

I have also thought GR's change from "she would never willingly leave" to "she left on her own" was odd and have tried to reason with it from different angles. Also, CC's comment that they knew something that the public didn't always implied to me that there were some new personal issues that had come to light once the investigation got underway. I've wondered about the possibility that some of her online friends gave her the courage to actually leave GR (not her children). Is it possible she took 12/11 to look for a place to stay, set up new bank accts, etc. Maybe she told GR before she left that morning. His narcissistic behavior wasn't going to stand for it, a fight ensued, JR died (whether intentional by GR or accidental push/hit). He was in shock over her desire to leave him and what transpired that day...hence his stmt that she would never leave them. Then LE gets involved and finds the chats on her phone where her online friends were boosting Jenn's morale and encouraging her to leave if that is what she wanted. So, LE tells GR about this and now he changes to the stmt she left on her own. This explains the negative views of Jenn that he shared and pushing the story of her leaving - he was angry and lashing out.

Just another theory....I think its possible he killed her but its all hazy in his mind due to rage, shock etc. So it's easy for him to take on this new theory that she left, she's gone, she's a bad person and everyone needs to know it.
All my opinion....thoughts?
Also...his alibi is that he headed out on his 8 mile run to the YMCA shortly after she left for the mall. The time it would have taken to run to the Y would be about the same time it would take to drive to the mall. So....texting while running???

Drew Peterson also tried to pull off a similar phone trick with missing wife.

good point. and if he had his phone with him, then why would he need to use the phone at the Y?
Good thoughts, Ace. I agree that it is most probable that he headed EAST from the Plank Road apartments, rather than south, and then headed south later, so it would appear that he was approaching the Y from the east. And I've always felt like he ran around the school yard (and have mentioned it a couple times), and that it might be helpful to question the school personnel. But that would put him right out there at the hospital, where there may be cameras...(can a local check on that for us???)

i checked sevrale routes from plank rd apts to the ymca.... i would consider tillman ave via the rr tracks to be the most possible route.
Thanks so much Jillian for pulling this back up. It's

OK, so I guess we were meant to be on the alert whenever we went to Friendlies for a left-handed lady not wearing a skirt or lipstick, who was having Lite Italian Vinegarette on her salad, and eating a plain hamburger.

And...if we happened to see somebody at Blockbuster renting Forrest Gump, patiently waiting at the checkout line, we could ask that person if she has dyslexia (like that would be obvious to a casual observer) or likes to write short stories.

:furious: + :floorlaugh:
I've used up my tag quota and I wanted to add the locations of where Jennifer and her phone were found. Could somebody else put those in, pretty please?
I have a suggestion for posters - this is not a rule by any means but would make it easier for many here that are reading.

Please read up to date prior to answering questions that have already been answered (sometimes more than once) - if you have read to the end of the thread prior to answering - more than likely you don't need to answer as it has already been done.

Just trying to save time and unnecessary postings.

I'd also like to respectfully add that it might be a good idea to go back and re-read from thread 1 on. I've gone back a few times and refreshed my memory, it's really helpful.
KF posted very exciting news on March 3. She was asked by CC to become the Nationwide event coordinator for LnM. Big announcement will be made on CCs page soon with her picture. She can't wait to work with and learn more. More proud of this than any other payed job she has had. ES commented with her congrats.

Ahh yes I saw that awhile ago-odd right? Especially considering the document that LNM puts out to advise families against seeking the help of "psychics" & how they've all become intertwined. Creepy actually...IMO
Please keep the tags clean and case related folks. We don't need additional work here.


Just thought this should be pulled forward. I understand we want to help but think we need to keep the work of our mods in mind.

Thank you to SoSueMe for keeping things running!
Thank you for the tags, mikkismom. I've tried to be good with them all, this was really hard!
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