NY NY - Kellisue M. Ackernecht, 35, Johnstown, 30 Sept 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Kelliesue A left with a coworker after work. Did she take the coworker home? Did she visit or stop for a bite to eat? What was her timeline after she left work until her car was found on fire? She was only a few seconds away from her home.
Why would her husband's uncle know so much about when and who she got off work with? How does he know exactly what she was wearing?

One of the newspaper forums, said Jayson, is disabled. Is it a workman's comp thing? Or is it a physical or mental disability, and he receives social security disability?
Would he be strong enough to dispose of Kellisue's body?

Doesn't the police dept. know that traces of blood can be found even after a car fire? There are all sorts of new techniques now.
If an accelerant was used, traces of it linger as well.

I know the husband, Jayson, was a firefighter.

Has the ten yr old daughter been questioned by a child advocate?
Turns out Kellisue's husband is now on myspace looking for a woman!
"About me:

I am a volunteer firefighter. I would like to find a women between the ages of 28 - 33. I am not into head games I do not want someone that will cheat on me I already had that relationship for 9 years, I want someone who will treat me and my daughter with respect ? I dont want know one night stands or any of that B.S. I am through with people threating me like I am a piece of dirt.

Who I’d like to meet:
Someone who likes to have a good time, will get along with me and my little girl"

an interview he did a couple months ago!
I have also met with Kellisue's brother helping him to find her. Yes her hubby is looking for a woman. Funny I had to get divorced to be single,and out of my marriage. But yet Jayson's wife is just missing and he can claim he is single just like that on myspace. Does anyone else find that odd???? He is looking for a good woman for him and his child!!! The creep I find that suspcious anyone else????????:furious:
If he is a volunteer firefighter - how does he make money? I've never heard of volunteer firefighters that received pay? What's he do for a living, I wonder?

If he is a volunteer firefighter - how does he make money? I've never heard of volunteer firefighters that received pay? What's he do for a living, I wonder?

Some kind of workman's comp?
He lives above his parents with his daughter, I bet they are receiving some assistance from the State, he may have a comp claim pending,
I was by his house yesterday and spotted him, he lives close.
IMO they need to take a better look at her husband. Reporting her missing around the same time her car is found burning? My hinky meter is going off! I don't see how they can think she just ran away. Everything is based on what the husband says. How can the local police just say she ran away when her car is found afire? At least you would think the police would think that suspicious? How did she run away with her car set on fire? I doubt she'd leave like that when her daughter's birthday was a few days away.

One week after she went missing the husband said:

”She got out of work 9:30 that night. Well from 9:30 to 2:30 when the cops woke me up, I don't know where she was,” said Ackemecht.

Now it is reported he called in a missing persons report around the same time as the car was reported burning? Hinky meter is at a 10 plus!

He is now on myspace advertising as a single man wanting a woman!

Buddy, Buddy fireman (on disability according to one report shortly after she want missing) and policemen take care of their own. This is not right!

At the virgil for her, people interviewed said they "did not want to talk ill of the police" Sounds like my small town, cops around here go out for revenge if they don't like something you said or did. Not a good situation for solving this case!
Jayson A's uncle, Dennis A has a very distressing my space page.
To view it, you have to have a my space account, then on find friends, write in Dennis A.
The background is all black, with a long thick strand of fire going up the right side of page. The man is the foreground is very large, with a white dead looking face, sunglasses on. He has on a black leather jacket.
He has one hand that has long claws. His other hand is nowhere in sight. This whole area is in FLAMES. A woman is there, in the midst of the flames.
Disturbing. As allaster said, Dennis A lives right across the street from where Kellisue's car burned.
If I wasn't already suspicious that Kellisue may not be with us, this would make me that way.
Yes dream I agree. I feel so helpless like more should be done and could be done
We are all on the same page here,Dreamweaver,Allaster, etc.

I have so many questions in my mind that go unanswered here:
I don't get why no one in LE has put this together?
A car burnt beyond recognition and a trained volunteer fireman here? Who better would know how to do this and what to use? ARSON!

Car burnt directly across the street from husbands uncles house?? Doesn't that seem odd to anyone too?

I have never heard answer to the question of did Jayson actually report her missing or is it as he said "the police came and told him she was missing when they came and woke him up,to say HIS car was on fire?

Why would he say HIS car when his wife was driving it? Wouldn't most couples refer to it as our car or her car if she drove it to and from work?? That has always struck me as odd too.

So many things do not add up that have been said,or done,or inthis case NOT DONE. SO little interest it seems from day one From LE to actually go forth and look for this person,its just so strange to me.
:bang: It is very frustrating to those us here who truly care and want to see some results.
BTW Dreamweaver, I also agree
Dennis's MYspace is very disturbing to me as well,it makes me sick
further saying something about his opinion of woman :furious:

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