GUILTY NY - Leiby Kletzky, 8, Brooklyn, 11 July 2011 - #2

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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by disintegration of thought processes and diminished emotional responsiveness so this could explain why Aron didn’t know it was “wrong” to invite Leiby to come with him Monday evening rather than take him home.

“He admitted to us that he began to hear a voice talking to him approximately one year ago, but he says he was too embarrassed to mention it to anyone” and since there is stigma attached to mental illness, it is understandable why Aron wanted to hide his illness.

Stigma is defined as a sign of social unacceptability; the shame or disgrace attached to something regarded as socially unacceptable.

Vince Li, who was found “fit to stand trial” was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Because Li was found "not criminally responsible for killing, beheading and cannibalizing McLean", he won’t have a criminal record.

This article gives a detailed explanation on how Li’s illness affected him.
Leiby Kletzky killer Levi Aron won't apologize for brutal slaughter, calls murder 'the incident'

BY Reuven Blau

Levi Aron says he has a hard time talking about the day he chopped up a lost little boy who came to him for help.

"It hurts too much to think about it," the accused Butcher of Borough Park said in an exclusive Daily News interview - his first with any news organization since the July 11 murder that sickened the city.

"I don't know what happened," Aron said. "I just panicked."

Asked repeatedly if he wanted to apologize, the confessed child killer kept looking away and remained silent. At one point, he nodded his head, but would not say he was sorry.

Asked if he wished he had never met Leiby, Aron said, "Sometimes."
Persons with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, mental conditions, long-standing psychiatric disorders - on or off meds - working or not - are by no means automatically equivalent to insane or legally insane.

So very true! Levy was well enough, iow, healthy enough to maintain a job and not draw social security disability.

He was well enough to state in writing, he understood what he did might be wrong.

He was well enough to understand the social stigma of mental illness (whether he was on or off meds). As his confession appears to only have hidden or not disclosed what he believed was embarrasing or shameful about his illness.

How ill can someone be if they are still in the frame of mind to know to hide their illness? And for it to be clear to others he is choosing to hide bits and pieces of his illness?

I know very little about defendents who were succesful with a not guilty be insanity defense. I was really too young to remember much about when Hinckly shot Reagan and was obsessed with Jodie Foster.

I don't know if this thread is the right place, or if perhaps a thread in the JR to discuss cases with succesful insanity defenses would be better.

I do very much want for Levy to have a fair trial, and to have access to whatever is deemed medically necessary. Thus far I am not convinced he was insane at the time he chose to murder and dismember Leiby. IIRC neither Gacy or Dahmer were deemed insane or diagnosed with Schizophrenia.....

If anyone has more info to share comparison wise on LA and any defendents deemed criminally insane please do so, either here or maybe in a new thread in the JR.
Leiby Kletzky killer Levi Aron won't apologize for brutal slaughter, calls murder 'the incident'

BY Reuven Blau


It sounds rather pompous on Levy's part. Gacy once stated in an interview something about those 'alter boys' weren't so innocent..... (his attorney has a new book out or will be releasing a book shortly... it made local chicago media a few days ago, CBS news and the above direct quote from Gacy was in this article.)

Though Levy already stated in a written confession he knew what he did might be considered wrong and he was sorry for those he hurt. So why is the media now saying he won't apologize? IMO he already did.....

Respectfully, any MSM journalist who has to use the spelling sez reminds me of not so credible MSM.... the NYdaily news is a bit out there to me.

I'm obviously not a big fan of the NYdailynews.... no disrespect for anyone who posts their links. There are not many other MSM outlets reporting on this case.

Hey maybe someone remember this ..I don't even know how long ago i believe this year but a case where the mom or i believe it was a mom i know it was a woman did something and i believe it was murdered a child but when they showed her on either JVM or NG she was coming in to jail the so called perp walk but she was all jittery or almost looked like she was in convulsions all messed up at the least..does anyone remember seeing this lady on one of those too shows ..reason iam asking is because that is kind of how this guy looked to me dont get me wrong i dont care if he is insane he needs to be well taken care off and not by nurses ..

You are talking about Calyx and Beau Schenecker who were shot by their mother for "being mouthy." Here is video of her arrest as well.

Marilyn Lemak, 44, was found guilty of murder in December after a DuPage jury rejected her insanity claim at the end of a three-week trial. She is expected to be transferred from the DuPage County Jail to the Dwight Correctional Center by late Tuesday, authorities said.

I remember mixing up the Lemak case with the Andrea Yates case in Tx.

I will have to do more research on the Lemak case.,0,7019091.story

I also remember meeting Laurie Danns husband while on the job- via the Katz family. Laurie Dann killed a bunch of gradeschool age kids.... Laurie Dann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The reporter used sensationalism in the title of his report which in truth exploits Aron who is currently in a very fragile state.

Aron is obviously suffering and going through hell and he certainly doesn’t need negative media attention portraying him out to be a cold and callous murderer.

Aron’s lawyers should advise him to not give interviews to the media so he isn’t exploited like this again.

The reporter noted Aron’s eyes were watery and he blinked uncontrollably throughout the interview so it sounds to me like Aron was crying.


Levi Aron says he has a hard time talking about the day he chopped up a lost little boy who came to him for help.

"It hurts too much to think about it," the accused Butcher of Borough Park said in an exclusive Daily News interview - his first with any news organization since the July 11 murder that sickened the city.

Aron appeared ashamed and embarrassed when asked about Leiby, and stressed several times the boy slept in the living room, not his bedroom.

His eyes were watery and he blinked almost uncontrollably.
I didn't check to see if a thread was started in the JR so here is an interesting case about a developmentally disabled man, Terrence Saddleback, 26, who was charged with manslaughter in the February 12, 2011 strangulation of Valerie Wolski, 41, a worker with the Canadian Mental Health Association in Camrose, Alberta.

Saddleback was found mentally unfit to stand trial in March and will remain indefinitely at Alberta Hospital, a psychiatric facility in Edmonton.

Despite a risk assessment report conducted in 2006 which which states and the warning The Canadian Mental Health Association was given before Valerie Wolski was stranguled to death by her client:
- On a scale of one to five, Saddleback's aggressive outbursts were rated in the report as ranging from "Major, Level 4 to Catastrophic, Level 5."
- "The likelihood that he will continue this behaviour is rated as Level 5, and is almost certain and expected to occur again."
- Female staff are at a greater risk "because they are his preferred targets."
- "The consequences could be extensive and irreversible &#8212; including death or permanent disability to the staff or support workers involved."
- and Saddleback could be so aggressive that he posed a threat to anyone who cared for him especially women; Terrence Saddleback was accused of killing his 41-year-old female mental health worker two years later.

Saddleback&#8217;s victim, 41 y.o. Valerie Wolski apparently wasn&#8217;t aware of this and she didn&#8217;t know when she showed up for work to take care of Saddleback that her life was in jeopardy because her employer, The Canadian Mental Health Association, apparently withheld this information from her.

Valerie is survived by her husband Craig and it doesn&#8217;t say whether the couple have children.

The head of the Canadian Mental Health Association in Camrose would not comment on the case until an investigation is completed by Alberta Occupational Health and Safety.

Full article at
I didn't open a thread in the JR. I think it is fair to discuss comparable cases here in this thread, as long as we don't get too OT. Because we are doing so to learn more... at least that was my thoughts.

I think there is a difference between developmentally disabled and mental illness leading to one being criminally insane. Two different types of 'handicaps' imo.

Will have to read up more on the case you posted later BlueSky... gotta run out for a bit now, but am very interested in learning more.
I didn't open a thread in the JR. I think it is fair to discuss comparable cases here in this thread, as long as we don't get too OT. Because we are doing so to learn more... at least that was my thoughts.

I think there is a difference between developmentally disabled and mental illness leading to one being criminally insane. Two different types of 'handicaps' imo.

Will have to read up more on the case you posted later BlueSky... gotta run out for a bit now, but am very interested in learning more.

Roberta McIvor was killed and dismembered on the third anniversary of the tragic death of Tim McLean who was murdered by Vince Li. Both victims were decapitated.

The chief of Sandy Bay First Nations Reserve said Roberta McIvor’s murder brings back memories of another beheading in the province _ that of 22-year-old Tim McLean on a Greyhound bus, on July 30, 2008.

A judge ruled McLean's seat mate, Vince Li, was suffering from hallucinations and untreated schizophrenia at the time and was not criminally responsible for the attack.

Eerily, McIvor noted that Roberta McIvor's death appears to have happened on the third anniversary of the tragedy.

"It's a horrible disgrace what happened to her," he said. "It's going to be forever within our community."



Police have arrested two teenage girls in the death of a Manitoba woman who was found decapitated along a road.

The girls, who are 15 and 17, are charged with manslaughter in the death of Roberta McIvor on the Sandy Bay reserve. Both suspects have been remanded into custody pending appearances in provincial court in Portage la Prairie. The 15-year-old will appear in court Thursday police said and the 17-year-old is scheduled to appear Sept. 12.

Karpish said the death occurred while the suspects -- both residents of Sandy Bay -- allegedly made off with the vehicle from the home of McIvor, a single mother of a 14-year-old girl.

"Her vehicle was stolen from her yard," Karpish said. "She was in it. She was removed. And she was fatally injured when the vehicle drove away."

Her mother, Cindy Rubio, has said police told the family that McIvor's remains had been found on opposite sides of a road.

Now Cindy Rubio is speaking out about the charges two teens are facing.
"Those kids were only charged with manslaughter. That’s not good enough for us," Cindy Rubio said Thursday. "It’s tearing me up inside. . . . I wouldn’t want any mother to go through this."

Sandy Bay is about 120 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg.
The reporter used sensationalism in the title of his report which in truth exploits Aron who is currently in a very fragile state.

Aron is obviously suffering and going through hell and he certainly doesn’t need negative media attention portraying him out to be a cold and callous murderer.

Aron’s lawyers should advise him to not give interviews to the media so he isn’t exploited like this again.

The reporter noted Aron’s eyes were watery and he blinked uncontrollably throughout the interview so it sounds to me like Aron was crying.


Levi Aron says he has a hard time talking about the day he chopped up a lost little boy who came to him for help.

"It hurts too much to think about it," the accused Butcher of Borough Park said in an exclusive Daily News interview - his first with any news organization since the July 11 murder that sickened the city.

Aron appeared ashamed and embarrassed when asked about Leiby, and stressed several times the boy slept in the living room, not his bedroom.

His eyes were watery and he blinked almost uncontrollably.

Oh Aron was "exploited" how sad... :loser:

Sorry Bluesky, but if anyone was exploited, it was Leiby Kletzky. Not this evil child killer. I can't cry a river for him.

Aron should just thank his lucky stars he isn't living in some states in this country, because he would certainly be looking at the death penalty.
You are talking about Calyx and Beau Schenecker who were shot by their mother for "being mouthy." Here is video of her arrest as well.

Mother Kills Her 2 Kids For Talking Back To Her! (Boy Shot In The Head. Girl Shot In The Face) - YouTube

Here is a link that has a picture of 50 year old Julie Powers Schenecker.

Julie Schenecker murdered her two children at the end of Jan 2011 and she was charged with two counts of first-degree murder. Mom Julie Schenecker was probed for physical child abuse in fall, but not charged. JS was seriously injured in a car crash at the end of Dec 2010. Her husband took over his wife's carpooling duties while he was home so she could focus on recovering but he was gone when his wife killed their children.

The father said his wife was struggling with addictions and her mother said she was depressed.

JS’s mother called her daughter because she warned her “she was going to take care of the matter and it would all be over soon”. Julie S purchased the gun, a 38-caliber pistol, 5 days before the murders. The children were murdered on Thursday and police arrived at the family home on Friday.

Julie’s mother didn’t say exactly when she contacted the Police to go check on her daughter.

JS left a note saying she planned to kill her children so she was charged with first degree murder. After Levi Aron panicked, he decided to kill Leiby. The State charged Aron with 1st degree murder so they have to prove LA planned to murder Leiby to convict him of first degree murder. Unlike the State of New York, Florida is a death penalty state.

JS with little emotion, confessed to the crimes and after she appeared in Court she was remanded into a hospital for treatment of an unknown condition. There have been no further developments in this case. Although JS is being held up by 2 officers when she stood before the Judge, the shock she was in at the time of her arrest has subsided substantially and she looks like a different person.

Police said Parker Schenecker was in Qatar and was told of his children's deaths on Friday. Parker is honoring his children’s memory and he is not expected to support his wife.

Analysts describe Julie’s present condition as: in severe shock, trauma with very little will to live. Uncontrollable shaking is shock. Levi Aron blinked uncontrollably during his interview so he is likely in shock too. JS has to come to terms with what has happened and so does Levi Aron. Eighty percent of women who kill their children are normally driven by a mental illness.

Although friends and neighbors describe them as the perfect family, Police reports show there was physical abuse in the home where the mother is the suspect.

JS’s daughter said her mother hit her several times in the face before she shot her in the back of her head and then in her face while she was doing homework; however investigators closed the investigation because they saw no signs of physical injury.

They say the children didn’t think their mother would harm them yet the mother attacked her daughter and was violent towards her just before she decided to shoot them. The father was absent so the children were living in a heightened state of fear of their mother before they were murdered IMO.

Complete coverage of the case here which contains several videos,,20462069,00.html
I think Bluesky brings up some interesting cases. There are situations where we have persons commit crimes and they aren't in a right mental state - but they don't necessarily fall within the parameters of not guilty by reason of insanity.

If anything, it highlights that we still have so far to go in diagnosing and treating mental illness, so that these types of situations can be prevented.
Marilyn Lemak, 44, was found guilty of murder in December after a DuPage jury rejected her insanity claim at the end of a three-week trial. She is expected to be transferred from the DuPage County Jail to the Dwight Correctional Center by late Tuesday, authorities said.

I remember mixing up the Lemak case with the Andrea Yates case in Tx.

I will have to do more research on the Lemak case.,0,7019091.story

I also remember meeting Laurie Danns husband while on the job- via the Katz family. Laurie Dann killed a bunch of gradeschool age kids.... Laurie Dann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thank you Cubby.

Marilyn Lamak was sentenced in 2002 and her lawyer promised to appeal. Since that was close to a decade ago it doesn't look like anything has changed in this tragic case.

This is the only case I have come across where the defendant's insanity claim was rejected by the Jury but if this case was retried now the verdict may be different since mental illness is taken more serious these days and people understand the illness more. Insanity is a legal defense.


May 31, 2002 - Saying he wanted Marilyn Lemak to ponder her "terrible acts" the rest of her days, DuPage County Judge George Bakalis on Monday sentenced the Naperville woman to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the 1999 drugging and suffocation of her three children.

During her trial, Marilyn Lemak's lawyers described her as seriously depressed and said she lost her sanity as her marriage dissolved. She killed her children and attempted suicide believing they would be reunited in a better place, the defense said.

Marilyn and David divorced and David married a woman named Janice before Marilyn drugged and suffocated the couple&#8217;s 3 children. Prosecutors argued that Lemak killed her children out of anger after her husband began dating.

Lemak's attorneys have argued that Illinois's insanity statute is unconstitutional, making it impossible for Lemak to receive a fair trial.
Marilyn Lemak, 44, was found guilty of murder in December after a DuPage jury rejected her insanity claim at the end of a three-week trial.

At Monday's 30-minute hearing in the Wheaton courthouse, Bakalis rejected arguments from defense attorneys who cited 17 alleged trial errors and asked for a new trial. Also outlined were concerns about a juror in the case. The Naperville man came to the attention of defense attorneys after being quoted in the Tribune after the trial that he "thought [Lemak] was guilty from the beginning," spurring the attorneys to question if he had preconceived ideas about the case.

Bakalis rejected the arguments and a request to have the juror questioned. Bakalis pointed out he was limited by Illinois statutes to the sentence he handed down Monday after prosecutors in January decided against seeking capital punishment.

David Lemak told the court his family believes the most fitting punishment would be for Marilyn Lemak "to spend the rest of her life in prison. There she will have to live each day with the knowledge of the horror she is accountable for.

Lemak is expected to be transferred from the DuPage County Jail to the Dwight Correctional Center by late Tuesday, authorities said.

On the advice of her attorneys, Lemak made no statement before she was sentenced. Lead defense lawyer John Donahue promised an appeal within 30 days.

LAURIE DANN was clearly insane when at the age of 30 she shot and killed a boy, and wounded two girls and three boys, in a Winnetka, Illinois, elementary school, then took a family hostage and shot a man before she fatally shot herself in the mouth.

A psychiatrist treated Laurie for a obsessive-compulsive disorder and a chemical imbalance. The psychiatrist told police he did not think Laurie was suicidal or homicidal. As her condition deteriorated, Dann and her family sought help from a psychiatrist who specializes in obsessive-compulsive disorders but despite the intervention and drugs she was given, her &#8220;strange behavior&#8221; continued. Dann purchased a .22 semi-automatic Beretta at the end of December 1987. In March 1988, she stopped attending her appointments with the psychiatrist and behavior therapist. At about the same time, she began to make preparations for the attacks. She stole books from the library on poisons, and she diluted arsenic and other chemicals from a lab. She also shoplifted clothes and wigs to disguise herself and was arrested for theft on one occasion. Both her psychiatrist and her father tried to persuade her to enter the hospital as an inpatient, but she refused to go.

The Dunn shootings also fueled the debate about criteria for committing mentally ill people to mental health facilities against their will. Some favored the involuntary commitment of a person who is determined to be mentally ill and incapable of making informed decisions about treatment; civil libertarians like Benjamin Wolf (staff counsel for the ACLU of Illinois.[4]) opposed the idea saying, "It would be a shame if we cut back on the civil liberties of literally millions of mentally ill people because of the occasional bizarre incident."
Thank you BlueSky. I do agree Dann was clearly insane. I find myself wondering what kind of treatment Aron has received in the past. Is it similiar to Laurie's? Would it fall along those lines? Did Levy's family have similiar concerns about his treatment and/or behaviors? I don't believe any specific details of his medical history will come out before trial, especially with HIPPA laws. Nor should it.

I found another recent case where the jury rejected a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. The following article is from July 2011. I did not follow this case, though I know threads exist for it here at WS. (BBM below).

An Ohio jury Friday found Anthony Sowell guilty in connection with the kidnapping, abuse of corpses and aggravated murder of 11 women around Cleveland between 2007 and 2009.

Sowell had pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to all 85 counts against him, which also included rape and tampering with evidence.

The defense did not call witnesses or present any evidence during the trial, according to CNN affiliate WOIO, and rested Tuesday.

The jurors found him guilty on 84 counts, with the sole not guilty verdict coming on an aggravated robbery charge.

The defense calling no witnesses and not presenting any evidence doesn't teach us much, other than perhaps Sowell had no history of mental illness? Just a guess because as I mentioned, I did not follow this case.

Now I am also wondering if the state of NY has laws which allow involuntary commitment for the mentally ill.
Another thing I can't help but wonder about Aron. Is it possible while panicking he took his emotions or feelings out regarding his own illness on Leiby? I'm trying to wrap my head around why the cocktail of medications he gave Leiby included his anti-psychotic medication.

Especially considering his sister passed away from what appears to be an overdose of medication while institutionalized for Schizophrenia.

The stigma of social illness is powerful, as is the stigma of suicide. It could be possible LA had suicidal tendencies which he was able to overcome toward himself due to how he perceived his family's reaction to his sisters death. IMO it is possible those tendencies manifested in a way which led to how he reacted when he 'panicked' over the search for Leiby.

I am not a professional in the area of psychiatry.... This could be something, could be a stretch. Just something that crossed my mind.
More information from the psychiatrists who testified in the Lemak case.

The psychiatrist pointed out that during his evaluations of Lemak, she repeatedly denied his suggestions that she might have been out of control on the day of the killings.
"She rejected my query that it could be some kind of delusion," Cavanaugh said Thursday. "She said, `There has never been a point in my life when I have not felt in control.'"

Additionally the article states she had been treated for depression several years prior to the murders.

Now that I have reread some of this, I do recall the evidence made public led me to believe she was not criminally insane. It appears this was an attempted murder/suicide in which she failed to commit suicide, similiar to what we see in many divorce/custody cases.
Thank you BlueSky. I do agree Dann was clearly insane. I find myself wondering what kind of treatment Aron has received in the past. Is it similiar to Laurie's? Would it fall along those lines? Did Levy's family have similiar concerns about his treatment and/or behaviors? I don't believe any specific details of his medical history will come out before trial, especially with HIPPA laws. Nor should it.

I found another recent case where the jury rejected a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. The following article is from July 2011. I did not follow this case, though I know threads exist for it here at WS. (BBM below).

An Ohio jury Friday found Anthony Sowell guilty in connection with the kidnapping, abuse of corpses and aggravated murder of 11 women around Cleveland between 2007 and 2009.

Sowell had pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to all 85 counts against him, which also included rape and tampering with evidence.

The defense did not call witnesses or present any evidence during the trial, according to CNN affiliate WOIO, and rested Tuesday.

The jurors found him guilty on 84 counts, with the sole not guilty verdict coming on an aggravated robbery charge.

The defense calling no witnesses and not presenting any evidence doesn't teach us much, other than perhaps Sowell had no history of mental illness? Just a guess because as I mentioned, I did not follow this case.

Now I am also wondering if the state of NY has laws which allow involuntary commitment for the mentally ill.

Sowell&#8217;s case is worth reviewing here because Sowell pled not guilty by reason of insanity and the Judge and Jury both rejected Sowell's insanity defense despite the strong testimony mental health experts presented to them during the sentencing phase.

The Ohio man entered a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity in the 11 deaths and psychiatric evaluations were ordered before the trial began. Sowell was held without bond and refused visitors after he was remanded by the Judge into custody. Sowell attempted to flee when the police arrived to serve a warrant for his arrest and he denied he was the man they were looking for.

Under Ohio law, in order to prove his insanity defense, he must show that he was unable to differentiate between right and wrong at the time of his crimes because of severe mental disease or defect.

Anthony Sowell's defense attorneys, who didn't put a witness on the stand during his trial, began presenting evidence from mental health experts on Monday to try and spare him from being executed.

On Wednesday, a Cuyahoga County jury recommended that 51-year-old Anthony Sowell, a registered sex offender, be sentenced to death. In 1989, Sowell lured a 3-month pregnant woman to his home, tied her up, gagged her and raped her. He was sentence to prison for 15 years and was released in 2005. His criminal background wasn't allowed to be discussed during the trial to prevent prejudicing jurors.

That same jury convicted Sowell on 82 of 83 counts, including aggravated murder, rape and kidnapping, in the deaths of 11 women whose remains were found in around his Imperial Avenue house. Nearly all of the women had been strangled and were nude from the waist down.

Sowell stood and then sat stoically when the lengthy verdict was read aloud -- a process that lasted about an hour, starting around 3 p.m. He yawned once the process was complete. The unanimous decision was read in open court, to the cheers of the victims' family members. Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Dick Ambrose upheld the jury's opinion, sentencing Sowell to death, instead of life in prison.

His execution by lethal injection was scheduled for 29 October 2012, although it is likely to be delayed by appeals. That is the three-year anniversary of the initial discovery on Imperial Avenue.

Sowell&#8217;s defense team approached Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason and offered him this deal. Sowell agrees to plead guilty to all the murders and rape charges. There are 85 in all. He would also agree to forgo any chance to appeal the conviction in the future, which would in effect be a life sentence without possibility of appeal or parole. The prosecutors would have to agree to take the death penalty off the table. Mason said no. According to the news report, all of the families want the prosecutor to take the deal. They don't want to see the county incur the huge cost of the trial and they don't want to have to relive the horrors of Sowell's crimes in court.

For much of his trial, Sowell sat in court with a cold stare, but Monday, tears streamed down his face. Defense attorney John Parker said in his opening statement that Sowell was a hard worker and wanted to be a positive part of society but he had a difficult childhood and changed after his heart attack in 2007. Defense attorney John Parker said his client Anthony Sowell suffered from several mental health disorders. He said they include post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and psychosis. "You will find that death is not appropriate in this case."

During the sentencing phase for convicted killer of 11 Anthony Sowell, Dr. Watson, a forensic neuropsychologist, told the Jury &#8220;Essentially he has indications of brain dysfunction&#8221;. In one test, Watson found that it took Sowell considerably longer to reassemble a 10-piece puzzle while blindfolded and told the jury that it suggests Sowell has a moderate brain disorder.

Another test showed Sowell had an 86 IQ. He also quoted Sowell as telling him that he feels depressed and "sad most of the time and guilty over many things" he has done. Dr. Woods,
a forensic psychiatrist, said &#8220;Sowell suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and psychosis&#8230;.&#8221;

Social worker Lori James-Townes investigated Sowell&#8217;s childhood and articulated to the Jury how sexual abuse, a strained relationship with his mother and witnessing other children being abused among as causes. The sexual abuse in the home reportedly started when some of the children were just 10 or 11 years old.

Childhood abuse is the biggest red flag for adult criminal behavior,&#8221; James-Townes said. &#8220;The sad thing about this is trauma is extremely treatable&#8230; The problem comes in when they don&#8217;t get treated.&#8221; She said that telling the story is one of the most helpful ways to treat someone who has suffered trauma.

&#8220;It&#8217;s not normal for an 11 year old to have sex with 10-year-old niece,&#8221; she said. &#8220;There were high levels of promiscuity that are also red flags.&#8221;

Serial killer Anthony Sowell took the stand in the death penalty phase of his mass murder trial, and apologized for his actions. He told his defense attorney John Parker, &#8220;She sexually abused me,&#8221; Sowell said, after an much older relative. &#8220;No, I don&#8217;t want to talk about that&#8230; There was a lot of sexual activity going on there.&#8221; Sowell described how a heart attack changed his life. Everything from mood swings to losing jobs to hearing a voice, one called Arnie.Sowell completed his statement by saying he was sorry. He was asked no specifics about his crimes.

&#8230;&#8221;And it&#8217;s because of this abuse and this miserable, sad life he murdered 11 women?&#8221; assistant prosecutor Pinkey Carr said.

&#8220;That&#8217;s not just the only reason&#8230; There are multiple reasons,&#8221; James Townes said. When children are growing up in this type of situation, it impacts them in a variety of ways,&#8221; Lori James-Townes said. &#8220;It makes him susceptible to violence later in life.&#8221;

&#8220;There should be an assessment made when you see certain risk factors,&#8221; she said, referring to Anthony Sowell&#8217;s school records&#8230;.

Judge Ambrose said the doctors' diagnosis of Sowell's mental issues did not explain his propensity for murder.

Still reading, Judge Ambrose said the court will give not weight to Sowell's academic performance and some weight to Sowell's behavior in prison.
This link contains all the victim&#8217;s impact statements.


CLEVELAND (AP) &#8212; A document filed in a Cleveland court shows attorneys for a serial killer sentenced to death last week plan to request a new trial, alleging juror misconduct.

A motion filed Friday says the jury forewoman was prejudiced against 51-year-old Anthony Sowell (SOH'-wehl). He was convicted of killing 11 women whose remains were found in his Cleveland home in 2009.

Defense attorney Rufus Sims says the motion was filed prematurely and that the defense is working on a replacement. He says the defense has to wait until 14 days after the sentencing before they can request a new trial.

The attorneys cite comments made by the forewoman after the trial, including her statement that Sowell winked at her at one point.
Another thing I can't help but wonder about Aron. Is it possible while panicking he took his emotions or feelings out regarding his own illness on Leiby? I'm trying to wrap my head around why the cocktail of medications he gave Leiby included his anti-psychotic medication.

Especially considering his sister passed away from what appears to be an overdose of medication while institutionalized for Schizophrenia.
The stigma of social illness is powerful, as is the stigma of suicide. It could be possible LA had suicidal tendencies which he was able to overcome toward himself due to how he perceived his family's reaction to his sisters death. IMO it is possible those tendencies manifested in a way which led to how he reacted when he 'panicked' over the search for Leiby.

I am not a professional in the area of psychiatry.... This could be something, could be a stretch. Just something that crossed my mind.

The circumstances surrounding Aron's sister's death are suspicious because psychiatric inpatients are handed their medication by a RN and the meds are kept in a secure location under lock and key so I can't understand how Aron's sister managed to voluntarily kill herself from a drug overdose when she was institutionalized.

Levi's ex-wife didn't say Aron's sister was an inpatient at a mental health facility when she died from a drug overdose so I didn't question the circumstances under which she died until
I heard she was institutionized. At home a patient has easy access to all their medications so an accidental or voluntary suicide isn't suspicious but because she died in an institution, her death sounds very suspicious and perhaps the COD is a cover-up.

There is social stigma around rape and family and domestic violence too.
More information from the psychiatrists who testified in the Lemak case.

The psychiatrist pointed out that during his evaluations of Lemak, she repeatedly denied his suggestions that she might have been out of control on the day of the killings.
"She rejected my query that it could be some kind of delusion," Cavanaugh said Thursday. "She said, `There has never been a point in my life when I have not felt in control.'"

Additionally the article states she had been treated for depression several years prior to the murders.

Now that I have reread some of this, I do recall the evidence made public led me to believe she was not criminally insane. It appears this was an attempted murder/suicide in which she failed to commit suicide, similiar to what we see in many divorce/custody cases.

Albert Lemak said his son David had told him that his wife had plummeted into a deep depression after giving birth to their third child, Thomas. She would emerge from the depression off and on, but last year she sank into it again and never came out, Albert Lemak said.

During her trial, Marilyn Lemak's lawyers described her as seriously depressed and said she lost her sanity as her marriage dissolved. She killed her children and attempted suicide believing they would be reunited in a better place, the defense said.

Marilyn and David divorced and David married a woman named Janice before Marilyn drugged and suffocated the couple’s 3 children. Prosecutors argued that Lemak killed her children out of anger after her husband began dating.

Lemak's attorneys have argued that Illinois's insanity statute is unconstitutional, making it impossible for Lemak to receive a fair trial. Marilyn Lemak, 44, was found guilty of murder in December after a DuPage jury rejected her insanity claim at the end of a three-week trial.

David Lemark told his father last year that "Marilyn woke up one morning and said she didn't love him anymore and that was it." During the 911 where Marilyn states her first name is Lynn, she told the Dispatcher “My husband didn’t want us anymore” when asked “How did you do this, what happened?”

Marilyn told the dispatcher the cops would have to break down the door to the house because she couldn’t go downstairs and that was okay. She told the 911 operator she overdosed on pills hoping to not wake up but she did and her kids didn’t. Marilyn didn’t tell the operator she suffocated her 3 young children after she drugged them and Marilyn never explained why she couldn’t leave her bedroom and go down the stairs to answer the door when the ambulance and police services arrived. Marilyn apparently slit one of her wrists before help arrived and the exacto knife she used was found in her bathroom. Link to transcript of Marilyn’s 911 call.

Though the divorce was described by attorneys as not especially contentious, Marilyn Lemak asked the court last summer for exclusive possession of their home because living with David was causing stress that led to "physical symptoms," according to court records.

David Lemak fought that request, saying that he was paying the $3,500 mortgage on their 1872 Victorian house. The judge denied her petition in September.

On cross-examination from defense attorney John Donahue, Cavanaugh conceded that he had written in a pretrial report that Lemak had not been treated for a serious mental illness when in fact she had been treated for major depression in 1993 and 1994. Donahue also suggested through his questioning that Cavanaugh was predisposed to cite anger as the motivation for Lemak's conduct, ignoring the "altruistic" motivation that she killed her children out of a sense of kindness.

"I took that into consideration," Cavanaugh said, "but in light of all the other information, I ultimately rejected what she said as a plausible explanation for what she did."

But Cavanaugh did acknowledge that a person suffering from depression can spiral downward severely in one day.

Although Lemak’s attorney promised to appeal the verdict, Marilyn, who is now 51, remains at the Dwight Correctional Center where she was sent after her trial. She did not reply to a recent request to be interviewed by the media.

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