GUILTY NY - Levon Wameling, 9 months, Utica, 29 May 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Still thinking about you, Levon. Wondering where you are and praying someone finds you and brings you home soon. :praying:
:( This little guy is a real heart breaker.
I fell out of the loop and Ben so caught up in missing baby Elaina case. Um so sorry that he is still gone . Smh come.on Jevon where is this lil precious baby boy ..
Levon needs to be found!

Wish I knew what LE knows because they hopefully had a solid enough tip to be searching near Barnes Avenue. I know they did a search of that area and didn't find Levon. What was the tip that led them there? No details have been shared with the public.

The father, Jevon, has been such a coward keeping his mouth shut so they won't find his son, MOO. Jevon has delayed providing details that would help LE find baby Levon, MOO. Gotta wonder why.

Keeping Levon in my prayers.

"Police battle mosquitoes in Barnes Ave. search for Levon"
"If there’s any place somebody would want to do something without anyone seeing, the mucky mosquito-infested area along Barnes Avenue would be the ideal place to do it, Utica police officials said Thursday."
Bumping for Levon. I can't stand seeing his case go to the second page....

ETA: curiousme, glad to see something in the media about Levon. Thanks for posting!
From the link curiousme posted:

Although police did question Wameling the day he reported Levon missing, investigators have not talked to him since after he invoked his right to speak with an attorney.

Come on Jevon! Be a man and help police locate your son!
What a coward this DNA contributor is....... doesn't appear to give a rats batooty about his baby son. :stormingmad:
Also from the link curiousme posted:

While police previously have said it’s hard to believe Wameling’s suspicious story about how Levon disappeared, they acknowledged on Thursday that the month-long investigation so far hasn’t led them to believe they know what really happened.

“That’s not to say we’re presuming the child is not alive,” Hauck said, noting that there’s always the hope that Levon will return home someday.

Read more:

I wonder if this means LE has NOT taken cadaver dogs to the apartment Levon shared with his father-the location from where he went missing. Or used them in the investigation. Or perhaps they have and are simply not making that info public.

I hope LE is keeping a close eye on Jevon. Perhaps he'll lead them to his son, if he is responsible and checks on the location he 'dumped' his son.

Like others, I hate to see this thread on page 2.

Praying today is the day Levon is found and brought home.
What is going on in Utica?? Yesterday I read an article from there that rescuers were responding to a "shots fired" report and were going to houses nearby to check that people were ok and they got to one house that was left with the DOORS wide open and found a 3 month old infant laying alone on a mattress. When the father arrived HOURS LATER they arrested him. The child is now in CPS' hands.

I don't get how Levon could be outside for mere minutes and get taken while this child was left alone for hours and wasn't. And I don't understand what these people are thinking!

:scared: :scared:

"Officers found the baby girl as they were canvassing Park Avenue on Monday morning, investigating a shots fired report. They saw the home with its doors wide open and inside, found the infant laying on a mattress. No one else was there at the time.

Hours later, Aaron George, 39, identified himself as the girl's father and turned himself in. He has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child.

The baby has been turned over to child protective services."

(more at link)

I've heard Utica referred to as "Shootica" numerous times...
Glad they are continuing to search!
So many great cities have gone down hill, and so many small towns are no longer the safe places they were. Seems everyday now, babies and children are being harmed, not by strangers, but by their own parents or family members. How many selfish parents leave their kids in the car to go to bars, concerts, or the mall!

The last one to see 9 month old, Levon, was his father who got an attorney from day one, and hasn't provided further info on how to find Levon. He said someone took the baby off the porch, but I guess he doesn't want to talk about it any further. That is what I call strange, to put it mildly, and it's MOO.

Praying Levon will be found soon.
No new entries on the fb page this past month.

Where is baby levon wameling
This case will continue to grow colder than it already has without some community noise and ACTION.

The Utica PD has scaled down their search for Levon to one day per week, if they have the time.

I do believe Barnes Ave was searched because there's an auto junkyard there. I think the bridge is closed there now, but years ago, if one needed a spare hub cap or other car part, you would just go there and find one yourself or have the attendant find one, and then pay the attendant a small fee. I've been there a few times, but many years ago. I would imagine all the wrecked cars in the junkyard are still there. I remember it being a pretty big place.
Yes, I think they checked near his mother's property in Marcy. Then, IIRC, I remember there were 12 officers searching around the Barnes Ave. area which is a straight shot from Jay St. I wonder if they used any dogs and checked in abandoned cars. I heard there's an old closed down mental hospital that has a reputation, and I hope they search the cemeteries. It's too quiet from Levon's family and this case will go cold - and someone will get away with whatever happened to this little baby. It's crucial to find Levon now if there's to be any Justice.

(This is the second baby.)
IMO we will never find Levon. I've never posted that before on any thread and I pray I"m wrong but that's what the gut says on this one. So very sad, but I've read too many cases where people have been unidentifiable even so far as gender after just a couple of weeks in the elements. Before he was even reported missing it had been a couple of weeks. Incredibly sad.
The punishment needs to be DP for any parent who kills a child or loses one and doesn't care. They need to make a legal assumption that if a child is in your care and you just don't know what happened, that you 've killed your child. Sounds unfair? Maybe to some but then you'd keep an eye on your baby and if you no longer can/ want to / able care for the baby, you hand them over to the state ! End of ! I'm sick of this. I was just following up on a similar case and it's just unacceptable to POOF the baby's gone, and I don't know what happened. Note to idiots....... they are not CAR KEYS ! They do not just get misplaced and folks say oh well and you go on with your life. I'm furious today !
The punishment needs to be DP for any parent who kills a child or loses one and doesn't care. They need to make a legal assumption that if a child is in your care and you just don't know what happened, that you 've killed your child. Sounds unfair? Maybe to some but then you'd keep an eye on your baby and if you no longer can/ want to / able care for the baby, you hand them over to the state ! End of ! I'm sick of this. I was just following up on a similar case and it's just unacceptable to POOF the baby's gone, and I don't know what happened. Note to idiots....... they are not CAR KEYS ! They do not just get misplaced and folks say oh well and you go on with your life. I'm furious today !

BBM - I was just thinking about this yesterday in regards to Elainia's case. Now Angela's attorney is filing requests for funds from the taxpayers to hire an investigator for her defense, after she admitted to cellmates that she threw E. into the river.

Call me crazy but for ME as a taxpayer if I'm gonna be shelling out more for something like this I'd rather it be to help care for the baby while they find a foster parent for her than to help her mom hire an investigator later after she does something to the poor child!!!

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