GUILTY NY - Levon Wameling, 9 months, Utica, 29 May 2013

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it is with a heavy heart that i read this news.
heart breaking.
soar high little guy.
Poor little man Levon. RIP. A very sad week indeed.
breaking news on HLN - they're saying that Levon may have been found, they say the Utica river ... a container was removed that appears to contain the infant's remains, says Rocco Laduca of the Utica Observer-Dispatch live on HLN Evening Express via telephone right now.

edit - just read back, apparently i'm a few hours late. sorry, been caught up with baby Elaina having been found.
That beautiful little face grabs my heart every time I see his picture....

I just can't stand that babies are seen as disposable...

And I wanted mine soooo much!!!!! I'd love to get the rats and beat the living Ch*t out of each one. I know I'd have a lot of WS. helpers.:stormingmad:
Damnit! seriously jevon? He died in his sleep? yeah. right. This is the 2nd infant that has passed in his sleep in Jevon's care. the 2nd. I will bet you that daddy dearest doesn't like his beauty "nod" interrupted by infants and takes it out on them. Jevon has a history of opiate (morphine) and benzo (xanax) abuse and has been arrested accordingly for dealing in both. It wouldn't shock me if he fed the babies these drugs, the latter being dissolvable in water or formula - so he can "sleep" or get high without interruption.

sick sick sick.

Levon, you are a beautiful baby and my heart breaks for you. Watch over your momma and your brother and sister from your eternal paradise, they need your love.

and Jevon, I never wish harm to others but in your case - I'm please you'll never reproduce again and I hope not only do you get life but inmates will figure out what you're n for (they always do!) and you spend your entire existence in fear. I also hope you've been heavily using and abusing your drugs - cold turkey withdrawal in a cell for 6 days is the start of your hell. you rotten disgusting
Why did he even want custody just to kill the baby??? Was money again the motivation??? Sickening. Another dear baby resting in peace.... just isn't right!
"My son Levon was found": Police find remains of infant in Mohawk River

It's a two page article
Read more:

snipped ". . . a Facebook post by the baby’s mother, Amy Warney, suggested that she already knows the truth."

“Well everyone my son Levon was found in the water. I can do this,” Warney's post read shortly before police announced their findings Friday afternoon.

"In a later post, she said, “Now I can put u to rest my love. This is not easy I feel empty in side y did this happin I love u so much babyboy mommy loves u.”

and this later in the same article:

"In the meantime, Wameling remains in Oneida County jail on $10,000 cash bail or $25,000 bond after he was charged Thursday with entering the home of a family member in Oriskany last month to steal jewelry and money."

IMO, sounds like someone in Jevon's own family turned him in for burglary.

Oh, Levon...:rose:

I'm so sorry, sweet baby boy! :cry:
Jevon sound like a serial baby killer!
I was just thinking of Levon yesterday and came here looking for news. So sad to see he has been found this way. Breaks my heart. Rest in peace, little one!
i'm angry.

someone had to have seen jevon carrying a container big enough to carry the remains of levon.

levon was a little guy for his age but big enough to require a sizable container that when carrying, would be noticeable. he would have had to lug it under a mile to the banks of the mohawk river. he would have had to cross one busy highway (route 5S: 4 lanes; 2 lanes each way, possibly 3 if counting a turning land <i can't remember where the turning lane is on that road>), railroad tracks, and other roads, yet no one saw anything?

it goes back to the culture of "snitches get stiches" code of silence.

IMO, he's probably not too bright as it appears as though he could have continued hiding levon for quite some time. police were digging in landfills, and i'm not sure if they searched the river before. it sounds like they found him quickly i got word early yesterday morning (around 7:00 am) that the night prior my cousin was over at the mother's house. my cousin said that police told him that they would take the burglary charges off the table if he told them where levon was.

i wonder if people will start talking now.

as much as fellows prisoners hate baby rapists and killers is how much i want to see jevon in that same prison population.
Oh Levon, you stole my heart. Fly high little man.
Levon, sweet boy...I have thought of you so often as I snuggled my littlest son to sleep, or chased him around the house trying to diaper him after bath. I've thought of you over the last few months as he's climbed onto my lap and put his head on my shoulder, delighted in the taste of cherry italian ice, sprayed the dog with the garden we've attempted to read a book (he is, after all, a year old, squirmy, active little boy), splashed in the tub, examined flowers and fireflies....I've wished for all of that for you. I wish you were as valued as you should have been, by all the people around you who should have fallen hopelessly in love you...I know you're free, that all pain and unhappiness is behind you now - I just wish that it had been different for you and all the dear little ones up there with you.
I'm glad he has been found so he can have a proper burial. At the same time, I am outraged Jevon kept the location of his deceased son's remains as a means to help his arse when he needed it. That choice, and it was Jevons choice, shows exactly what kind of "man" Jevon is.

It's all about Jevon. :furious: When his head is cleared of that drug induced fog, I hope he is haunted by the fact that his addiction caused two innocent babies their life. And that he remembers taking his sons remains in a container to be disposed of in the river. I hope that memory crosses his mind every single day for the rest of his life.

Also, I hope he is so fogged up it didn't occur to him when he agreed to offer up the location of Levon's remains he was stupid enough to think that ALL of his legal troubles were off the table. They're just beginning.

Praying Levon's body gives up the COD. Anyone know what temperature the Mohawk river is? I can't help but wonder if it was cold enough to help slow down decomp.

Prayers said for Levon's mama and those family members who truly loved him.
I just can't take this crap anymore. Disposable babies.

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