GUILTY NY - Levon Wameling, 9 months, Utica, 29 May 2013

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Maybe not a classic smile, but his eyes are bright and he looks happy (instead of having weepy eyes and looking upset like in all of his other photos).

:bump: Bumping for Levon, sweet baby.
What a precious baby boy. I sincerely hope his father didn't do something to him while in a blackout. Who knows what may have happened to this little guy???
IIRC, Jevon said he had taken Levon for a walk because Levon wasn't able to sleep.

Thank you. For some reason I had forgotten this info.......
It certainly doesn't match up with Jevon's story about the car seat with a blanket set on the porch. Who walks their kid around the block in a car seat?

I'm curious as to what Jevon's story is why the car seat, his blanket were outside while Levon was wearing only a diaper.

I still think the story is b.s., but I think that this one tiny part would make sense if he had one of those fancy strollers where you can lift out the seat. At least I think that's what it is...was shopping for my brother's baby and I thought that I found a stroller where the car seat fits on the frame, you just lift it in and out. (I could be wrong because it was too complicated for me.)
Of course, Jevon's still full of chit.

The only thing I can think of that makes any sense is that the carseat is also a carrier-the majority of infant seats are. You lift it out of its base that stays in car- and carry child into a store, home, etc. These car seats come with a handle. The less expensive ones do not have a removable base; slots on sides to feed seatbelt into. They are cumbersome and not something I would want to walk around the block with- but? And where did he put Levon if the seat & blanket made it to the porch? ( not that I believe anything he says as credible - but they say there is a bit of truth in every lie)
The only thing I can think of that makes any sense is that the carseat is also a carrier-the majority of infant seats are. You lift it out of its base that stays in car- and carry child into a store, home, etc. These car seats come with a handle. The less expensive ones do not have a removable base; slots on sides to feed seatbelt into. They are cumbersome and not something I would want to walk around the block with- but? And where did he put Levon if the seat & blanket made it to the porch? ( not that I believe anything he says as credible - but they say there is a bit of truth in every lie)

I thought by 9 months a child would have outgrown an infant carrier.... but maybe the carriers that fit into a car seat are different. the car seat I used did not include a carrier so am not really familiar with them.

Praying today is the day Levon comes home. :please:
I thought by 9 months a child would have outgrown an infant carrier.... but maybe the carriers that fit into a car seat are different. the car seat I used did not include a carrier so am not really familiar with them.

Praying today is the day Levon comes home. :please:

Most have (or are just simply TOO heavy). I think 15 lbs was the weight limit when my kids were small. My sons were 10 and 11lbs at birth, so by 3 months I know I had to get something for them and it seems like the infant carriers had a limit for them.

Levon looks really tiny, unless the photos aren't updated. But at 9 months he would be a bit more squirrelly and moving around.. I don't think a carrier would hold a fussy baby very well.

with 2 other small kids - you would THINK there would be a stroller ..
I don't know why I haven't already asked this. Was the carseat gone as well?
The infant carrier we have goes up to thirty pounds. My son is almost 14 months- we no longer use the infant carrier but did on occasion up until recently. It's ridiculously heavy with him in it but if we were going someplace that I knew he'd fall asleep and I would like to keep it that way, it is more practical than waking him by getting him in and out of the convertible car seat/ stroller. The infant carrier carseat fits inside a stroller. I've been following the case and I can see this part making sense. If I were to take my infant who couldn't sleep for a walk to help him fall asleep, I would put him in the infant carrier and put that in the stroller. This way in returning home, I could carry the baby in the infant seat into the house without waking him.
The infant carrier we have goes up to thirty pounds. My son is almost 14 months- we no longer use the infant carrier but did on occasion up until recently. It's ridiculously heavy with him in it but if we were going someplace that I knew he'd fall asleep and I would like to keep it that way, it is more practical than waking him by getting him in and out of the convertible car seat/ stroller. The infant carrier carseat fits inside a stroller. I've been following the case and I can see this part making sense. If I were to take my infant who couldn't sleep for a walk to help him fall asleep, I would put him in the infant carrier and put that in the stroller. This way in returning home, I could carry the baby in the infant seat into the house without waking him.

Thank you. I would have done the same. A stroller will lull a fussy child quicker than drudging a carrier around. Those things always felt like they were going to snap my arm in half after about 10 minutes or so. Walking around the block with one is just no bueno.

I don't think it's ever been stated what happened to the car seat. Heck, I had no idea one was even in this story till just today. I took the story to be "he carried the child" and sat the child on the cold concrete of a porch in a diaper. i had hoped there was a car seat, but I probably glanced over any story that stated there had been.

Levon is the cutest baby and I can't get over how beautiful his facial features are. Entire thing makes me so damn sad/mad. I noticed on one of the poster boards used at the vigil that whomever put it together used the wrong newborn photo, (I'm not joking, it's of his other brother) put the missing date in a fashion that I had to do a double glance back because it looked more as an RIP type date. The details of his missing are also lacking. His height, weight were not known. But to top it off - a 9 month old has generally a tooth or few. I do not think anyone paid attention to baby Levon. That makes me sick.
The only thing I can think of that makes any sense is that the carseat is also a carrier-the majority of infant seats are. You lift it out of its base that stays in car- and carry child into a store, home, etc. These car seats come with a handle. The less expensive ones do not have a removable base; slots on sides to feed seatbelt into. They are cumbersome and not something I would want to walk around the block with- but? And where did he put Levon if the seat & blanket made it to the porch? ( not that I believe anything he says as credible - but they say there is a bit of truth in every lie)

What if?? and this is just a thought that popped into my head..... he took Levon out of the carrier/car seat/stroller/whatever and tried to carry him as he climbed up to the 2nd storey window?? Maybe tried to tie Levon to his body with the blanket.
It's possible that Levon fell and was injured or worse that way.

Just a thought?
What if?? and this is just a thought that popped into my head..... he took Levon out of the carrier/car seat/stroller/whatever and tried to carry him as he climbed up to the 2nd storey window?? Maybe tried to tie Levon to his body with the blanket.
It's possible that Levon fell and was injured or worse that way.

Just a thought?

I could honestly see this has being something he would attempt.
I don't know why I haven't already asked this. Was the carseat gone as well?

No. Jevons statement was along the lines the car seat and the baby blanket covering the car seat were left behind on the porch and just the baby was gone.
No. Jevons statement was along the lines the car seat and the baby blanket covering the car seat were left behind on the porch and just the baby was gone.

:( i had no idea he said this and it just further proves how made up it all is. I would NEVER steal a child but if I were going to - I wouldn't take the time to unbuckle them from a carseat.. I would just take it and go. Plus, how would you transport the child? To top it off.. wouldn't unbuckling the kid possibly cause him to wake up and then your plan would be over? Yeah... he's not even a creative liar.
This is a long article.

Jevon Wameling just couldn’t get himself to say what should have been said three weeks ago.

Whenever he talked with the mother of his 9-month-old son Levon, Wameling only got as far as tearfully asking if she’d still love him no matter what.

Then when Wameling’s own mother stopped by, the words just wouldn’t come.
“I tried to say it, but I felt like I had a rock in my throat,” Wameling said Wednesday. “How do I say that to his mother: I lost our son.”


“I panicked when it first happened. It shattered me,” Wameling said. “Every negative emotion I felt all at once, and it just shut me down. I just wanted it to be a bad dream, and I wanted to wake up. I just lost control of everything.”

Somebody took Levon, that’s all Wameling could think. On Wednesday, Wameling physically climbed a tree in his backyard to show how he had pulled himself into a second-floor window to unlock the front door.


Wameling said he spent the next days trying to quietly find Levon himself. He started talking to neighbors he had never talked to before, while looking around their yards and homes for any signs of something suspicious.

But Wameling said he never mentioned his missing son, because he didn’t want to “spook” anyone who might know what happened. And Wameling’s own past troubles with the law over the years had made him somewhat wary of police.

Then finally, after two weeks Wameling realized he couldn’t find Levon himself and had to tell police, even if it meant they would throw him in jail, he said.

“I love my son with all my heart, and if I could give my life to get him back home safe, I would,” Wameling said. “He’s the best thing that I’ve ever done in my life, and I just wanted to show that boy everything I knew and raise him, to be there for him.”


“I’m sick of people trying to make me look like the monster I’m not,” Wameling said. “But I don’t expect everybody to understand. They can’t.”


For now, Wameling can only wish that every day he opens his front door he’ll find his baby boy right where he left him.

“I won’t even say anything, just give me my son back,” Wameling said in a plea to whoever has Levon. “If and when I get him back, you’ll have to have a pry bar to get him out of my arms.”

It was in the above article 'Cheese linked which mentioned Jevon's statement about the car seat on the porch:

He explained how he had left Levon in a carrier-seat on the front porch, with a blanket pulled over him to hide him from any strangers. But by the time Wameling came back downstairs to open the door, he said the carrier-seat was still there, the blanket was pulled off and Levon was gone.

Why does that comment about hiding him from strangers make me think about the 'shadowing' that was mentioned upthread? I don't know anything about that, and had never heard the term shadowing in that manner prior to this case...... but boy does the comment about hiding him from strangers make it sound like dad was higher than a kite and paranoid during the evening Levon 'disappeared'.
:( i had no idea he said this and it just further proves how made up it all is. I would NEVER steal a child but if I were going to - I wouldn't take the time to unbuckle them from a carseat.. I would just take it and go. Plus, how would you transport the child? To top it off.. wouldn't unbuckling the kid possibly cause him to wake up and then your plan would be over? Yeah... he's not even a creative liar.


It is almost believable that a nosy neighbor would watch him fumbling around on the porch, being locked out and then walking away from an infant in a carrier, and the neighbor, already worried about the child's safety for some time now, would run out and snatch the carrier and child.

But I cannot see a scenario where they would unbuckle the child right there on the front porch.

After having three miscarriages, I would sometimes see teen girls leaving their little babies unattended on the beach in Venice, while they smoked a joint with their friends. It would sometimes cross my mind that I could just grab the baby and run. :angel: I never did, obviously. But when I did finally have kids, I always kept that in mind, and I was wary of strangers fawning and wanting to hold my baby in public.

So I have always thought it POSSIBLE that someone would take the opportunity to take an adorable infant like this sweet boy, however that scenario the dad paints makes no sense. JMO
Having worked in clinics in Utica, and having a job that required me to do home visits, I can tell you that Jay Street is in a terrible section of town. Much of it is in the Cornhill ghetto where crime runs rampant. People on drugs approach your car pretending to be homeless and hungry and ask for money. Driving during the day is somewhat safe - but the rule of thumb if you don't want to be the victim of a crime, is don't walk in Utica (most of it) at night. Gangs are everywhere - bloods, crips, latin kings, les mob, etc. People who work in these neighborhoods know what colors to wear and not to wear.

What seems odd(est) to me is that this baby would be unseen by the people that come out at night and wander those streets. Even if Jevon placed a blanket over a car seat, I would think someone walking by would take notice, as the houses are close to the street.

Sometimes that code of silence is heartbreaking, as I think it is in this case. People are afraid of the police, and don't come forward.

The Mohawk River is in walking distance from Jay St.

The parks aren't huge in Utica. If Jevon wanted to be sure that Levon wouldn't be found, he would have to drive a ways to find a larger park - mountain area (Adirondacks - Sara Anne Wood, missing since 1993).

Gargage bags in Utica have to be bought, and a certain color (used to be blue, but not sure if that's still the case). Trash pickup is once or twice a week, set out on the curb.

That's my fear.

I pray he's not in a landfill somewhere, and that someone has him, but as the clock ticks, that scenario seems unlikely to me.

God bless Levon's mother and family.
If someone did take him from the carseat there should be a thumb print on the seat left behind where the buckle release was....unless he wasn't buckled or they were smart enough to wipe it down. In which case it would show up clean and indicate that.

Maybe not a classic smile, but his eyes are bright and he looks happy (instead of having weepy eyes and looking upset like in all of his other photos).


Again, let's take a look at this sweet baby Levon.

No excuses, I want to know why his father didn't report him missing or even tell his own parents that his baby was missing for two weeks. On the off chance he did black out, then felt scared, blah, blah, remember each day he could've gotten help because Levon was out there maybe suffering while Dad was the only one who even knew baby was missing.

Dad kept quiet for two weeks. Why?

A stranger took his baby off the porch!

Blacking out, car seats, whatever...I still don't believe the whole story as told by Jevon. MOO

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