NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #12

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Worth Repeating...

Yes, IF she was being chased...is it known for certain that she was? I am not up on all of the details. And if someone was chasing her for a good reason, i.e. to help her, they would have reported to LE that she had escaped them, it seems.
That area was ABSOLUTELY searched during the full-scale search back in May!!! I drove down there after the search and I saw all of the papers and markers on the shoulder. The area where the body was found was searched by the police cadets as well as Officer John Malia and his dog Blue!!!

The bramble is not as thick as Dormer says!! It is actually a very thin area of bramble in that area! Especially in early May. That bramble may slow you down, but it is not IMPOSSIBLE to get through!

Velly Intellesting Goathairjones, I wish you would post more often.

Do you believe her body was moved to this location after it was searched last May? Maybe by someone who didn't believe LE would go back there again?

I too am suspicious of this Officer JM having come across the first
Gilgo find and then across the first personal find of Shannon's. I mean, what are the odds?

Was that path there in early May? Did it look like a newly constructed path?

That is just STARTLING to learn a body was not there on a certain date and then appeared at a later date. WOW
Sorry for jumping in the middle here, but have you guys discussed whether the SK contacted LE and that is what led to the discovery of SG's belongings and probably her remains? I have been swamped with RL issues, but tried to catch up over Thanksgiving. It was interesting to me that it was during the Thanksgiving break LE announced that they thought the bodies they had found were linked to a single serial killer. Why would they suddenly say this after having made statements that two, or possibly even three SK's were involved? And then, on 12/1/2011, it was announced that the search for SG would be reopened "based on new information received yesterday" (i.e. Wednesday, 11/30/2011). So.... LE got information that SG was probably dead, and a clue to where her remains could be found. Here we are 2 weeks latter, with her purse, jeans, lipstick (???!!!!), and possible remains. Sure sounds like the SK is tired of their incompetence and has decided to contact them and brag - or taunt.


"[FONT=&quot]A police spokesman said investigators will reopen their search for 24-year-old Shannan Gilbert based on new information received Wednesday. He did not indicate when the search would begin.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] A Suffolk County police spokeswoman told Newsday that the department's detective division received new information indicating the "possibility" that Gilbert may be dead. The tip also indicated that her remains may be dumped along the highway, according to the newspaper."[/FONT]
Hi, theforeigner. From reports from police sources, we know that Shannan was not threatened while she was making the call.

Do you have link that back up that?

Two people were present for at least part of the call; neither of whom knew the other,
how do you know they didn´t know each other?

and both apparently gave accounts that were consistent with the content and background voices on the call.

Do you have link that back up that claim?

Furthermore, if Shannan was rationally afraid of her regular driver, it seems that she developed that fear when he was not present.

I belive, form what we have been told through media, that she showed fear of him after she left JB's house due to that she hid when he showed up at CG's house.

Shannan apparently survived what was probably a drug pick-up, perhaps for herself, perhaps for both her and her john. That a would-be killer (a serial killer to boot!) somehow would take her could indicate only one or two things: He had (another) confederate or he was even dumber than he has been presented here.

Agree, but still possible

As others have noted, all witnesses to Shannan regarded her behavior as irrational.
If I belived that somone was about to kill me, I too would probably behave irratioanlly, especially if I was also under the influence of drugs, UGHHH!!! WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!!

To maintain that she was in actual danger is a claim made without any visible evidence except the wish that it is true.

I have absolutely NO wish that she was in danger

That a woman with Shannan's problems had worked for an extended period as a prostitute did not give him some kind of immunity to flipping out.


Indeed, Pak, the driver who shared the car with her, mentioned her volatility.

So are you of the opinion that we should just belive what SG's criminal escort driver, or whatever he was, says?,

Of course, people who want this to be the crux of the serial killer story, simply identify him as a co-conspirator.

Well I´m not such a person

That people with bipolar problems can take online classes doesn't minimize the severity of their condition. My brother-in-law teachs at a college, but he has had episodes (and, like Shannan, related drug abuse) that have involved extended irrational behavior and a call to the police.

What I´m saying is that because SG early in her life got a bipolar diagnosis does not mean that she could not have "grown" more or less out of it, there ARE kind of youth bipolar like conditions that you can "grow" out of, or at least been better, and herself, with good ground, really felt that she no longer needed the meds. That actuall DO happen.

Just my humble opinion of course;)
The identification (yea or neh) should be done pretty quick. Until then, all this is just speculation. I do find the hypothermia theory very possible. Most hypothermia deaths involve the victim being wet rather than particularly low tempretures. The evaporation of water is an endothermic reaction. This means that heat is drawn in from the surrounding enviorment (i.e. the surronding enviorment become cooler). That is why you shiver when you get wet. An example of this is a "primitive" cooler that can be made by hanging a wet burlap bag in the wind.(wind tends to speed evaportation) As the burlap dries, heat will be drawn from anything inside the bag. You just have to keep it wet; don't let it dry out. You can use that system to cool a six pack on a hot day.

This is also why it is so important to stay dry in cool weather. Wet clothes are far worse than no clothing. Persperation is frequently the source of moisture that leads to hypothermia.

A second factor associated with hypothermia is fatigue. As blood sugar drops and metabolic functions become spent, the body is less capible of offsetting lost body heat.

The classic situation where someone "dies of exposure" while lost outdoors usually involves exhaustion, being wet from either persperation or exposure to water and "cool weather" which can be anything under about 70, particularly if there is any wind.

Realistically, if SG was all wet and struggling to get across that marsh at night in that weather, hypothermia would be a likely outcome if she didn't find warmth and shelter within 1 to 2 hours.

This is spot on about hypothermia and why it is highly recommended to wear layers and watch what type of material you use. Even down to the type of bra ladies, just so you know.

edit to add:
I am not saying that she did die of this, possible sure.
However, for me I also see that this is very far for her and possible that she was placed there somehow/someway after being pulled into a car.
It was said on a few media reports that the 911 call she was heard being pulled into one. I cannot recall those articles at the moment.
The other thing is someone said a few pages back that a poster stated she was approached/pulled into a car or named someone that did not pass a lie detector.
Wasn't Brewer the one who dd not pass.
Just a few thoughts of my own that ran through my mind reading the last few pages
That area was ABSOLUTELY searched during the full-scale search back in May!!! I drove down there after the search and I saw all of the papers and markers on the shoulder. The area where the body was found was searched by the police cadets as well as Officer John Malia and his dog Blue!!!

The bramble is not as thick as Dormer says!! It is actually a very thin area of bramble in that area! Especially in early May. That bramble may slow you down, but it is not IMPOSSIBLE to get through!

A few more important things to note: If it is true that a helicopter was brought in then why wasn't her body seen? Dormer states that skeletal remains were difficult to find/see in there but in May of 2010 Shannon was not a skeleton. Aerial Searches should have seen her there. Especially if the Police helicopter had the kind of equipment that can detect changes in temperature. At the time that a helicopter made its search, if she had died or was dying in there, Shannon would have still been warmer than the surface temperature. She was found on the surface and even wading through the muck, some part of her would have to have been above water level in order to make her way to the impassable bramble. If that happened, why didn't Blue find her scent?
Sorry for jumping in the middle here, but have you guys discussed whether the SK contacted LE and that is what led to the discovery of SG's belongings and probably her remains? I have been swamped with RL issues, but tried to catch up over Thanksgiving. It was interesting to me that it was during the Thanksgiving break LE announced that they thought the bodies they had found were linked to a single serial killer. Why would they suddenly say this after having made statements that two, or possibly even three SK's were involved? And then, on 12/1/2011, it was announced that the search for SG would be reopened "based on new information received yesterday" (i.e. Wednesday, 11/30/2011). So.... LE got information that SG was probably dead, and a clue to where her remains could be found. Here we are 2 weeks latter, with her purse, jeans, lipstick (???!!!!), and possible remains. Sure sounds like the SK is tired of their incompetence and has decided to contact them and brag - or taunt.


"[FONT=&quot]A police spokesman said investigators will reopen their search for 24-year-old Shannan Gilbert based on new information received Wednesday. He did not indicate when the search would begin.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] A Suffolk County police spokeswoman told Newsday that the department's detective division received new information indicating the "possibility" that Gilbert may be dead. The tip also indicated that her remains may be dumped along the highway, according to the newspaper."[/FONT]

Great post Reannan and Thanks for that link. I somehow missed that new info.

If we did the Ben Franklin close right now, making a list of the pro's and con's of Shannon dying accidentally or being killed by someone, I think the second list would start getting longer. Just sayin'.
Who is DS? That is interesting if it is said that Flukeyou is DS and worked with Dr H's son as it would show a connection. I read here Flukeyou is related to one of the GB4 victims or was Amber's roommate.

I think it is against TOS to mention names of posters on other sites. I only mention Flukeyou as the other day one of our Mods asked who this was. ;}

BTW, do you think Fluke is the drifter? What makes you think that? Thanks

DS is Dave Schaller Amber's roommate. A few posters on here claim he is flukeyou but idk if that is true. The drifter is named in a german article as Lenny. If anyone can find that article...they are a super sleuth because I have been looking for months
Great post Reannan and Thanks for that link. I somehow missed that new info.

If we did the Ben Franklin close right now, making a list of the pro's and con's of Shannon dying accidentally or being killed by someone, I think the second list would start getting longer. Just sayin'.

I can certainly see the possibility of SG dying accidentally, but when you add in the fact that she has apparently been found in the area already searched, AND the discovery happened about 2 weeks after "new" information appeared to the police that she was "possibly dead", AND you add in the fact that LE has changed their story that a single SK is involved, I see a picture of a frustrated SK that has contacted LE and essentially told them to "GO LOOK OVER HERE YOU FOOLS"! It just doesn't add up to an accidental drowning IMHO.
DS is Dave Schaller Amber's roommate. A few posters on here claim he is flukeyou but idk if that is true. The drifter is named in a german article as Lenny. If anyone can find that article...they are a super sleuth because I have been looking for months

I am in Germany I will get on it.
Foreigner would you share your interest in 55 larboard ct? I dont think your gonna get an answer from fluke
Sorry for jumping in the middle here, but have you guys discussed whether the SK contacted LE and that is what led to the discovery of SG's belongings and probably her remains? I have been swamped with RL issues, but tried to catch up over Thanksgiving. It was interesting to me that it was during the Thanksgiving break LE announced that they thought the bodies they had found were linked to a single serial killer. Why would they suddenly say this after having made statements that two, or possibly even three SK's were involved? And then, on 12/1/2011, it was announced that the search for SG would be reopened "based on new information received yesterday" (i.e. Wednesday, 11/30/2011). So.... LE got information that SG was probably dead, and a clue to where her remains could be found. Here we are 2 weeks latter, with her purse, jeans, lipstick (???!!!!), and possible remains. Sure sounds like the SK is tired of their incompetence and has decided to contact them and brag - or taunt.


"[FONT=&quot]A police spokesman said investigators will reopen their search for 24-year-old Shannan Gilbert based on new information received Wednesday. He did not indicate when the search would begin.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] A Suffolk County police spokeswoman told Newsday that the department's detective division received new information indicating the "possibility" that Gilbert may be dead. The tip also indicated that her remains may be dumped along the highway, according to the newspaper."[/FONT]

great post & I agree....something or someone led law enforcement directly to Shannan.
Hey sherlock, how long ago did you find this? It will help me a little to narrow it down.
Foreigner would you share your interest in 55 larboard ct? I dont think your gonna get an answer from fluke

This is why:

I´m asking because the son (he is in his mid 60s) was a significant witness and direct neighbor to the horrific satanic murder of high profile atty Dan Horowitz’s wife Pamela Vitale, back in October 2005 in Lafayette, California.
Though he was never a suspect, but as I said a very significant witenss, his “alibi” was that he visited his mother at Oak Beach. He also has a son ( 40 years old)
just wanted to know if Flukeyou had anything interesting to say about that household due to that the SG items where found close to their address.
He was also at a party at the house where the young boy, who was convicted for the murder, lived.
Sorry for jumping in the middle here, but have you guys discussed whether the SK contacted LE and that is what led to the discovery of SG's belongings and probably her remains? I have been swamped with RL issues, but tried to catch up over Thanksgiving. It was interesting to me that it was during the Thanksgiving break LE announced that they thought the bodies they had found were linked to a single serial killer. Why would they suddenly say this after having made statements that two, or possibly even three SK's were involved? And then, on 12/1/2011, it was announced that the search for SG would be reopened "based on new information received yesterday" (i.e. Wednesday, 11/30/2011). So.... LE got information that SG was probably dead, and a clue to where her remains could be found. Here we are 2 weeks latter, with her purse, jeans, lipstick (???!!!!), and possible remains. Sure sounds like the SK is tired of their incompetence and has decided to contact them and brag - or taunt.


"[FONT=&quot]A police spokesman said investigators will reopen their search for 24-year-old Shannan Gilbert based on new information received Wednesday. He did not indicate when the search would begin.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] A Suffolk County police spokeswoman told Newsday that the department's detective division received new information indicating the "possibility" that Gilbert may be dead. The tip also indicated that her remains may be dumped along the highway, according to the newspaper."[/FONT]

Thanks Reannan. I asked that question a couple of days ago when LE first mentioned it ... how does one get a tip on an accident or misadventure that nobody was there to witness? and WHO would have provided that tip?

We'll have to wait to see how this all unfolds. Could be SK's got a good game going with the Man.
Any of the locals know if folks ride ATVs in that marsh?
according to the news photo that was published today - police were parked just barely west of where the west going Ocean Parkway makes a -y- at the eastern edge of Ocean Parkway....

to my knowledge, the jeans, purse, shoes, phone, etc were found much closer to Anchor Way.

All the other bodies were naked, right? except for the burlap?

Seems like Shannan was killed by the same guy with same MO for disposal...only this time, he didn't have time to get the burlap.

Wouldn't her bones still be indide the jeans and jacket if she were wearing them when and if she died accidentally?

Excuse me if these questions have already been answered. I'm a little behind here.
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