NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #12

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ok, so all of this is just one giant swirling coincidence...now that her body is discovered at the end of a line of dead girls...

uh huh...

and I am Marie of Romania with faeries flying out of my butt.
Sounds to me like the killer was in a hurry, wanted her in his line up but didn't want her found...because cops were all over the place...

but he went home knowing she was there in a spot that he approves of....so when he drives by...she's there with the others.

sorry, I don't think she ran across all that junk in the night and then expired. I just don't.

Recognizing signs of shock

Shock is a state the body can enter into as a response of either serious trauma or intense pain. Shock is a very real and deadly condition, and should not be treated lightly. Shock can often occur as a deadly side effect to an otherwise non-fatal injury, such as a broken leg.

Shock is a very serious condition and needs to be addressed immediately. Shock is an actual medical condition, that basically shuts the body’s systems down to deal with extreme pain or trauma. Shock can result in death, whether or not the injury that caused the shock was life threatening.



Given that SG was found such a short distance from OP, how do they posit she got almost through the entire marsh, almost out the other side to the parkway in May when the marsh was more impenetrable than it is now, and when seasoned searchers/investigators couldn't do so before?

At the same time we should also consider how a SK could make it thru that terrain carrying a dead body.

Dormer said she would have never made it thru the Briers and thick brush. He and the LE officer behind him "highlighted" the fact she made it to the edge of the thick brush. So taking that into consideration, a SK coming from the side of the road and 100 or so feet thru this thick brush carrying a dead body would be, at least in the eyes of LE, impossible.
well then how the he-- did she get in there? it's absurd...
I'm willing to believe SG's death was accidental. However, it's an awfully big coincidence .
Quotes from some of the key players:

The man who summoned Shannan Gilbert to his Oak Beach home said "my heart goes out to Shannan's family."

"As one of the last people to see her, I have always held out hope that she would be found alive," Joseph Brewer said in a statement. "I am encouraged that the police have made this investigation a high priority, and my thoughts and prayers are with the Gilbert family during this very difficult time."

Michael Pak, the limousine driver who took Gilbert to Brewer's home the night she vanished, said he was "relieved" police apparently located her remains.

"Finally -- they found her," Pak said. "It's not their [the police department's] fault. It was muddy or watery out there."

Pak said when he went into the house of her client that night Gilbert was acting "irrational."

"She thought people were trying to kill her," Pak said.

one more...

Alex Diaz, Gilbert's boyfriend at the time of her disappearance, acknowledges there is a high possibility the remains belong to Gilbert, but he said he was, nevertheless, shocked by the news. He also said he is not entirely convinced the body is Gilbert's.

"Unless I hear the forensic results, that's when I'll pretty much believe it," said Diaz, 29, of Jersey City. "For the moment, I'm not sure of anything. I don't want to believe it."
sorry if I missed something but can we see where Shannan's body lies in reference to the other dead victims of the SK? is it really 2 miles?



Given that SG was found such a short distance from OP, how do they posit she got almost through the entire marsh, almost out the other side to the parkway in May when the marsh was more impenetrable than it is now, and when seasoned searchers/investigators couldn't do so before?

The marsh is more penetrable now because they are using heavy equipment.

Marsh becomes more tangled the more you wade in.

People want this to be a serial killer because the Shannan Gilbert narrative is the most complicated we have to play with. With all the named players, people can pretend that it's an Agatha Christie mystery.

It's easy; if your theory no longer fits, just add more conspirators. In this case, the police.
What if she was never In the swamp?

what if she got pulled imto MP's suv and then opened the door to jump out as he drove down Ocean Parkway?

Then maybe she ran into the swamp and only made it 100 feet before drowning or being drowned by MP or whoever was chasing her?
well then how the he-- did she get in there? it's absurd...

It is plausible that, in a state of panic with the adrenalin pumping, she entered the marsh. Once she reached the point of no going backwards, she saw lights and tried heading to the lights. She would have been unaware of what was ahead of her. She knew what she had been thru to get so far, and in her panicked state she figured it can't get much worse. The lights were just ahead and her body gave out. Cold and wet, exhausted hypothermia set in. I wonder what Bear Gryls would say. I know for a fact what it is like to be in that type of bad spot. Lucky for me I was not alone and had A LOT of help bringing me to safety. Otherwise, I might not be here today. So trust me, it is possible!!!!!
Something is NOT right here. Not the most intellectual argument, I know, but this whole thing just doesn't add up for me.

ITA Mountain_Kat. There is one thing a poster said that just hit me as something that makes allot of sense, that that street light on Ocean Parkway could have been a marker for the killer. It seemed to me her remains lined up with that light in a photo I saw here.

That way every time he drove by he would know exactly where she was :waitasec:

ETA: Thanks to Seaslug:
Running almost 2 miles high on coke, possibly some alcohol as well
and 1 mile just about threw marsh, reeds,water and bramble..
You'd have crash at some point, adrenaline would only take you so far
Hypothermia would set in faster if alcohol was in her system..

I believe GC said she almost fell over in his house before leaving

.2 cents worth
Last night I read she fell down the steps at both JB and GC's houses.
ok she was falling down but she made it all the way through that marsh? how? sounds like she wouldn't make it to the toilet, let alone thru that jungle.
ok she was falling down but she made it all the way through that marsh? how? sounds like she wouldn't make it to the toilet, let alone thru that jungle.

People who fall down or nearly fall down repeatedly are moving too quickly. I know an uncoordinated 72-year old bipolar guy capable of propelling himself into just such a predicament. And unlike Shannan, he is not known to have abused cocaine.
For those who were concerned about her well-being (I know I was), Kim O. was at the vigil today, I just saw her on Eyewitness News.
Hey everybody, I haven't been on here in a long while. Alarm bells went off in my head today, when I was reading an article on Newsday.com regarding tomorrow's vigil at Gilgo. Melissa Cann (sis of MBB) and Lorraine Ela (mom of MW) said they hadn't been able to reach Kimberly Overstreet lately. I remember Kimberly said in the A & E special that she had been posting ads on Craigslist trying to lure the SK....

Just saw Kim Overstreet on local (NYC) NBC news - todays discovery and family gathering was the lead story. She was feisty as ever, god bless them all.

Amazing work here as always Websleuthers.
ITA Mountain_Kat. There is one thing a poster said that just hit me as something that makes allot of sense, that that street light on Ocean Parkway could have been a marker for the killer. It seemed to me her remains lined up with that light in a photo I saw here.

That way every time he drove by he would know exactly where she was :waitasec:

ETA: Thanks to Seaslug:

Hi scandi! That was me who suggested that the street light could be a marker. I wondered if that might make sense to others. I'm glad that I am not the only one who feels this could be a possibility.
I have decided that I am not buying any of it...sorry...

what are the odds? it seems virtually impossible. If the autopsy shows she died on her own, if her money is there, if her leg is broken, if there is a map to her drug intake in her hair, if her hydoid (sic) bone is intact, if there is nothing around her neck, if there is no dna beneath her fingernails, no dismemberment or crushing of the skull, no petrici (sic) hemmorages to the eyes,


but I'm really on the fence and taking it all with a grain of salt...because it sounds wrong...and I want truthie to tell us all that no way, her body could get dropped there from the road...

how do we know she didn't just float further in or get dragged in there by animals?
Check out street view on Google maps, and just east of that street light you can see a path that leads south into the "marsh". Seems to be a large stick or similar pointing to path...

Does anyone know how to retrieve the date street view took the photo of a specific coordinate?
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