Not sure if this has been posted but I was reading some old articles and found this comment
supposedly from SGs mom after a 12/14/2010 article on
I am Shannan's mother. A lot of what was on Nancy Grace tonight was VERY WRONG from the length of the 991, a ritualistic killing, to having no suspect.
I and I repeat - I revieled the 911 call in the first place channel 7 news. I know who she was running from, and so do the police. I know he did kill them all, and I know her boyfriend is in FEAR to speak of what he knows but he WAS NOT INVOLVED - she was 23 years old NOT 24- so much on her Nancy's show was wrong. But oh well - I can not control bull crap. All I know is Shannan was a wonderful daughter, a great sister, a proud aunt, a good friend, and doing drugs was a way to not think of what she was doing - until the day she tried to leave the life and she npayed with her life. Many, many woman and men are still out there afraid to escape - because this is what happens when you try. Love for a child is unconditional - afterall. And aftyerall - until the results are in it may not even be my daughter. HE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE less.
If posted before my apologies, I don't remember seeing it.