NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #7

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Hope these links aren't a repeat. Here are some links I have found. If you google "Shannan Gilbert911 call there are many more.

Several reliable sites describe Shannan's 911 call, some saying the police told the mother the details of the call,

one saying "Police say Gilbert even specifically named her attacker who was someone she knew."

See http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2010/12/missing_jersey_city_woman_iden.html
This includes a video interview of the mother and the sister. They do not say they heard the call directly.

Then there is

"We all heard the last 911 call," said Gilbert's mother, Mari Gilbert. "[Shannan] was screaming the person's name [and saying], 'He is trying to kill me!' She was saying, 'Help me! Help me! Help me!' She was trying to escape. We know who it is."

I had many interruptions trying to get this posted. Sorry it is rather sloppy.
Thanks, Redbird. Looks like there may have been more than one 911 call. SG's mother heard "the last 911 call."
Thanks, Redbird. Looks like there may have been more than one 911 call. SG's mother heard "the last 911 call."

Good observation. That clears up a little of the confusion about 911 calls for me.
I called the number to the 460 Montauk Hwy - W Islip CVS. Here is what happens when you make that call:

"Thank You for calling CVS comments.... We Are Open 24 Hours....
Press 1 if you are calling for a refill
Press 2 if you are a Physician
Press 3 if you are a Pharmacy
Press 4 if you have a Non-Pharmacy Question
You Can Stay On the Line if you Have a Non-Pharmacy question"

I actually stayed on the line and it was answered fairly quickly. I explained to the very nice lady that I might be traveling to the area in the next month with an elderly relative and we might need a prescription filled at an odd hour, would that be possible? Answer: "Yes - they are open 24 hours with a pharmacist there 24/7".

I then called back and went through the automated options and timed it - it takes a minimum of 26 seconds to get through the options and make a choice.....or stay on the line for someone. The call from SG's phone to the pharmacy lasted less than or equal to 1 minute, so that would have left SG or whoever made that call, about 36 seconds to connect and say anything to anyone. That is not enough time to order drugs, speak with a pharmacist about an overdose, order viagra, or condoms. The call was either a misdial, or they were interrupted while making the call. In less than one minute after the call to the CVS, the phone of SG begins to call MP and there is a flurry of calls between them that last for about 15 minutes. During this 15 minute time period, MP actually calls SG's phone back on two occasions with each call back to her phone lasting less than 3 minutes, and less than 1 minute respectively. After this flurry of call's, there is about a 52 minute lull before SG tries to call MP again. The call last less than one minute, and then there is another lull of 42 minutes before SG calls 911. The 911 call lasted for 23 minutes. What happened during the 54 minute period between the last two calls to MP? And then, what happened during the next 42 minutes between the last call to MP and the 911 call? I have tried to analyze the time between calls, and the length of calls.. I hope my next post will work because I am going to try and attach the Excel spreadsheet with my analysis.

bbm -- but it would be enough time to ask, "Are you open?"
bbm -- but it would be enough time to ask, "Are you open?"

They state that at the very beginning of the call.... it is part of their automated answer. I really wish I could get my spreadsheet to load here.... it is very interesting to look at the timeline of SG's calls.
OK... I can't get all of the date/time/time before last call/source called/etc. to load, so I am going to just print my "Significance/Analysis" of the phone records from SG that night (my opinion of course - based on what little we know):

[FONT=&quot]4/30/10 - 10:02 pm
[FONT=&quot]1) SG Calls MP to say she had left home and taken train, etc. ???? talks for less than 2 minutes.[/FONT]

5/1/10 - 12:20 PM
2)[FONT=&quot] SG Calls MP back in 2 hours, 16 minutes - call lasts for 3 minutes - voice mail???[/FONT]

5/1/10 - 12:23 PM
3)[FONT=&quot] SG Calls MP back in less than one minute. Call last for less than 2 minutes. (Voice Mail again???)[/FONT]

5/1/10 - 12:25 PM
4)[FONT=&quot] SG Calls MP back in less than one minute (almost immediately) and call lasted for less than 1 minute. (announced she had arrived and was ready to be picked up to go to JB's house). [/FONT]

5/1/10 - 02:55 AM
5)[FONT=&quot] SG calls the pharmacy at 2 hours, 29 minutes after last call to MP, and talks for less than 1 minute. 26 seconds of the call is taken up with automated options. That leaves less than 34 seconds to actually speak with anyone. Did someone interrupt the call and take the phone away, or was it a mis-dialed call??? [/FONT]

5/1/10 - 02:57 AM
6)[FONT=&quot] In less than 1 minute, SG calls MP, but the call only last about 3 minutes. Voice mail again???[/FONT]

5/1/10 - 03:00 AM INCOMING CALL TO SG
7)[FONT=&quot] MP calls SG's phone back almost immediately, and the call last for 3 minutes. - voice mail?? An actual conversation - With SG and MP or with JB and MP??[/FONT]

5/1/10 - 03:04 AM
8)[FONT=&quot] 1 minute passes, and SG's phone calls MP back and they talk for 6 minutes - perhaps while MP is driving back to JB's. - This was probably where the statement that "JB called the driver" came from.[/FONT]

5/1/10 - 03:13 AM INCOMING CALL TO SG
9)[FONT=&quot] 3 minutes pass before MP calls SG's phone back, and they talk for 1 minute - probably to say I am almost there.[/FONT]

5/1/10 - 03:15 AM
10)[FONT=&quot] SG's phone calls MP back in about 1 minute or less, and and they talk for only 2

[/FONT]5/1/10 - 04:09 AM
[FONT=&quot]11)[/FONT][FONT=&quot] SG's phone calls MP back in 52 minutes - almost an hour after the initial pharmacy call and the flurry of calls to MP. What was going on during this 52 minutes??? The call only last for about 1 minute. How did MP get back into the gated community??? Is this the time she was running to GC's home??? Was the driver looking for her for 52 minutes???

[/FONT]5/1/10 - 04:51 AM
[FONT=&quot]12)[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot] SG's phone calls 911 about 41 minutes after her last call to MP. As far as we know, this is the last time her phone was used and the call to 911 lasted 23 minutes. [/FONT]
Then where was she from 12:25 until 2:55?

and someone drugged her and then stuck the pill bottle in her pocket?

Hi dcgrumpy,

"stuck the pill bottle in her pocket?" I must have missed something...can you enlighten me? Anysleuths?

ps still tryin' to ketchup!

Thanks is not enough. You are wonderful! Spreadsheet so helpful.
okay, I found a post by "Shutterfly" in archives where the news report mentions Gilbert running with her phone in hand

see Shutterfly's 4th post on this link


With a phone in hand, Gilbert ran from the house while talking to the dispatcher. Coletti said he opened his front door and she ran inside. He then called 911 and Gilbert ran off, McCarthy said.
They state that at the very beginning of the call.... it is part of their automated answer. I really wish I could get my spreadsheet to load here.... it is very interesting to look at the timeline of SG's calls.

That would still be shown as a 1 minute call to that number on most billing plans. They don't care whether you're talking to a machine or a person.

The 30 seconds or so that's left would be enough to ask about availability of common items: do you have tonic water, garbage bags, Comet, fireplace logs, chocolate-flavored lubricant...et cetera.

You can get a lot of conversation into a two-minute call, especially if most of it's about who-where-when sorts of things. Somebody else mentioned that coverage can be spotty out in the rural areas of Long Island, so they could have been dropped calls and redial.

Hi dcgrumpy,

"stuck the pill bottle in her pocket?" I must have missed something...can you enlighten me? Anysleuths?

ps still tryin' to ketchup!

That was somebody's speculation. That she might have gotten the CVS phone number off a prescription bottle.
interesting posts on another site from a local

[ame="http://www.findadeath.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1133068&postcount=30"]Findadeath Forum - View Single Post - Police Work to Identify 4 Bodies Found Near New York Beach[/ame]

West Islip in ENTIRELY in the Town of Islip! There is not any part of West Islip that is in the Town of Babylon! West Islip starts at Rt 231 and continues east, as does the Town of Islip. West of Rt 231 is the Village of Babylon which is in the Town of Babylon.

The only thing "Babylon" that are associated with West Islip are the phone exchanges (422 and 669). Other than that, everything else about West Islip is associated with the Town of Islip.

I got my information from Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylon_(town),_New_York) I quote: "West Islip is located on the south shore of Long Island about 45 miles (72 km) east of New York City. A hamlet shared by the Town of Babylon and the Town of Islip in Suffolk County".

Wiki may have it wrong or this may be an example of the confusion I was refering to.
Holy directions. That CVS is within 11 minute walking distance of JB's either sister's or families liquor store.

Does that mean anything? I don't know.:waitasec:
We know that LE showed up shortly after SG disappeared. They had to have spoken to JB then, right? I can't imagine that they wouldn't have immediately taken his statement. But does anyone recall if they questioned her driver immediately after they arrived on scene? Or was he already gone? I can't find anything at all that clarifies this point for me. I know that the driver did leave that morning, but did he leave BEFORE he was questioned?

Hi Mk,
Had to jump in here (still catching up so pls forgive if I repeat)!

From what I've read, mr gc was the only one police spoke to that night, as he had to let LE in the gate!. And the driver is said to have left about 6: am thinking she would "somehow" get home...At that point, nobody even knew SG was missing, right? And mr gc didn't know who she was or where she came from...
Somehow, I don't think JB was out looking for her and telling neighbors that"I'm looking for a girl - we were partying and she got upset and left" (my words)
That's the reason I said JB had plenty of time to clean up his house/car/whatever...because his house wasn't searched until dec. 2010 after they had found bodies.

If gc and the driver never spoke to each other , or spoke briefly, I don't think her name would have been brought up...And the driver is said to have returned to search for her:fence:

Just my thoughts (and yes, I did skip ahead to the recent posts!
Holy directions. That CVS is within 11 minute walking distance of JB's either sister's or families liquor store.

Does that mean anything? I don't know.:waitasec:

Probably means it's a small town :p
If I dial one number off the end of that CVS number I came up with an addy. The addy says it's a "Yacht Broker"?

What the heck is that? I take no credit for the thinking that was Mrs. PC's idea, and a good one to boot.

It may not have anything to do with anything, but the yacht broker had me perk my ears up.
There is a lot of mis-information but the preponderance of evidence seems to suggest that SG started her call in JB's house. When MP came in and tried to get her to go with him, she took off running without ending the call. She may have still been on the call when she got to GC's. If SG started the call at 4:51 and ran straight to GC's
(He lives only a few minutes from JB), GC's estimate of 4:45 is reasonable. Since he did call 911 himself, there will be a record of the exact time. (I am assuming the time on the phone log refers to when the call was initiated; if it is when the call ended, it would change everything).

The fact that the 911 call was the last call on the list we were given, would lead one to believe that was the last call made. Is this correct? If so, why didn't the driver keep trying to call her?

According to the mother of SG, SG "named" her assailant (who was someone she knew but not JB) and got into a truck (how would anyone know it was a truck) at the end of the call. Who would she know in Oak Beach at 5:00 AM? This could be the Driver MP. But, from other reports, he stuck around until the police arrived and was quite cooperative.

If SG knew Dr. HP or just blundered into his house, he wouldn't have been the person she would have named because he would not have been on the scene. (Could he have been there with JB and both JB and MP kept quiet about it? pretty farfetched, but then everything in this case is)

If SG was "rescued" by Dr. HP only to be killed by him, he would have been off-the-chart crazy to give his real name when he made the
‘call”. I think whoever she ended up with knew Dr. HP lived in Oak Beach and made the call as a red herring.

How she "fell in" with the real perp is the big question. A "good Samaritan" could have picked her up and taken advantage of the situation, but those sorts of perps seldom take any trouble to dispose of a body. Is it possible that she made her way to the home of someone she knew and trusted (a regular perhaps)? If she called him on her phone, that would have lead right too him) She may not have had his number but went right to his home. A cab driver may have picked her up. Cab drivers are often immigrants who might not pay attention to the local news.

All of this conjecture is based on the information that SG's mother provided. As I said in an earlier post, you have to take it with a "grain of salt" when a relative of the victim provides it.
I called the number to the 460 Montauk Hwy - W Islip CVS. Here is what happens when you make that call:

"Thank You for calling CVS comments.... We Are Open 24 Hours....
Press 1 if you are calling for a refill
Press 2 if you are a Physician
Press 3 if you are a Pharmacy
Press 4 if you have a Non-Pharmacy Question
You Can Stay On the Line if you Have a Non-Pharmacy question"

I actually stayed on the line and it was answered fairly quickly. I explained to the very nice lady that I might be traveling to the area in the next month with an elderly relative and we might need a prescription filled at an odd hour, would that be possible? Answer: "Yes - they are open 24 hours with a pharmacist there 24/7".

I then called back and went through the automated options and timed it - it takes a minimum of 26 seconds to get through the options and make a choice.....or stay on the line for someone. The call from SG's phone to the pharmacy lasted less than or equal to 1 minute, so that would have left SG or whoever made that call, about 36 seconds to connect and say anything to anyone. That is not enough time to order drugs, speak with a pharmacist about an overdose, order viagra, or condoms. The call was either a misdial, or they were interrupted while making the call. In less than one minute after the call to the CVS, the phone of SG begins to call MP and there is a flurry of calls between them that last for about 15 minutes. During this 15 minute time period, MP actually calls SG's phone back on two occasions with each call back to her phone lasting less than 3 minutes, and less than 1 minute respectively. After this flurry of call's, there is about a 52 minute lull before SG tries to call MP again. The call last less than one minute, and then there is another lull of 42 minutes before SG calls 911. The 911 call lasted for 23 minutes. What happened during the 54 minute period between the last two calls to MP? And then, what happened during the next 42 minutes between the last call to MP and the 911 call? I have tried to analyze the time between calls, and the length of calls.. I hope my next post will work because I am going to try and attach the Excel spreadsheet with my analysis.

Hi Reannon,

Thank you for all your hard sleuthing! I wanted to share my thoughts on SG's phone records:

1) Is it possible that the call to CVS was to see if a prescription was ready for pickup? That would be a quick call...and, I ask because the 4 known victims were also known drug addicts - my point being that this john could add to the date the element of "partying." He could say "I called in that script for you, pick it up and then come party with me..." or "Calm down, wanna go pick up that prescription now?"

2) Is it possible that the "flurry of phone calls" between SG and her driver were just them playing phone tag? Leaving a message for the other? Maybe even "I'll have to call you right back - I got another call" kinda thing?

I will have to look into her phone records closely, but these were my recent thoughts 'til I can get there!:twocents:
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