NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #8

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Yes I found that also on my Google search of REMY'S ANGEL. It turned out to be a dead end. There is alot of Remy's Angel stuff out there. But it must mean something to the killer to just remove the name. Maybe it was a mistake, could be Ronny's Angel or something like that. Who knows.

The mistake idea is certainly possible. Maybe he's more of a linguistic learner than visual one, hence is focus on removing the name to make identification harder and overlooking the rest of the image. Or maybe something distracted him in the process.

I am guessing that recovering DNA from the victim's hands of an attacker is extremely difficult if not impossible after 8 years.
I just did a search for Remy's Angels and found this site (link). Seems to have a few pitbulls around... and check out the logo...
I just did a search for Remy's Angels and found this site (link). Seems to have a few pitbulls around... and check out the logo...

I did notice that when I looked at Google images there were alot of pit bulls. I didn't realize the possible signifigance until I heard about the dead Pit Bulls and Fighting Chickens. That could be something......
I grew up in West Islip and now live in Babylon Village. You may be right about GC. Anyway from what I read in an interview he is a big "classic car buff" 50's cars. The day of SG's incident he was up at 5 a.m. preparing to drive to a car show upstate NY.

I think so too FC. In fact I think he was a Doo Wopper in the late 50's w/ the CLUSTERS where 'Sample Kiss' was their big hit. He also had the Gus Colletti Orchestra Co in W Islip NY I think. I think he might be one of these guys singing as it says his name on Google - 2009. Maybe a local will know.


Now back to Sleuthing. Yee Haw :rocker:
I just did a search for Remy's Angels and found this site (link). Seems to have a few pitbulls around... and check out the logo...


Great Link! Wow! More "coincidences" in this case. It's enough to drive you crazy!!!

OK, so Remy's Angel could be linked to a Pit Bull Breeder and JT had that tattoo on her body. Also, there was a guy from West Islip that recently went missing along with his Pit Bull on July 18, 2010.

Pit Bulls are notoriously popular with drug dealers and I think we have some drug angles in this case. I wonder if we could connect the dots and come up with a suspect.

Good find, bodhi!
Wish we could know whether there was skill involved in the dismemberments. If there was none, I think we could rule him out of the Manorville murders. I have not had enough sleep or coffee yet to think logically this morning. Intuitively thinking is all I'm capable of now and I tend to agree with MK. Somehow I think our OB SK would consider a street walker beneath his dignity. Does that make sense?

I'm trying to find something that would rule him out. Even to the taped interview we watched where he seemed so 'off' in his body language which might have come from nerves and his being put on the spot.

That doesn't work somehow, as I still think his manner showed obvious signs of deception. To me he looked as guilty as a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar !!! Almost a classic case IMO

There has to be a reason LE has interviewed him so many times. 3 or 4 I think.

Whoops, I responded to the wrong post. That's OK, but I wasn't thinking of just the Manorville murders
The mistake idea is certainly possible. Maybe he's more of a linguistic learner than visual one, hence is focus on removing the name to make identification harder and overlooking the rest of the image. Or maybe something distracted him in the process.

I am guessing that recovering DNA from the victim's hands of an attacker is extremely difficult if not impossible after 8 years.

Wouldn't bone marrow work?
I grew up in West Islip and now live in Babylon Village. You may be right about GC. Anyway from what I read in an interview he is a big "classic car buff" 50's cars. The day of SG's incident he was up at 5 a.m. preparing to drive to a car show upstate NY.

Thanks Marye, It just adds a nice touch of normalcy to this really wild case. In a way I'm glad she knocked on his door.
Hi all,

Sorry if this has already been posted:

I had never seen this interview with MB's family in Jan. What her family went through is heartbreaking..Look at the faces in that room...


Just trying to go back and see if I missed something. LE is so stingy with the info. IMO there's a lot more that they could make public, and still hold back enough info to maintain
"case integrity".

Also, this is the first time I read that MBB vanished from a hotel room ( "vanished" might be my word, I had always heard that her last known contact was via phone from Port Authority area. I didn't know she had a room); It's also the first time I've read that MW logged onto Craig's list at 12:05 that morning...


Above link also includes actions that LE took in the days following the disappearances...new to me also...
Wouldn't bone marrow work?

Hi scandi,

I think that recovering DNA from an attacker (that might have been on the hands of the victim) would have to be done before the victim body decomposed. Does that make sense? JMO Am I missing something about bone marrow? Tx! scandi. You're a kind and informative poster!
I need someone to post a list of things/anything that rule him out. I already took care of the megalist of circumstantial evidence that rules him in
Seems to me like LE has already ruled him out.
During a news conference yesterday, Suffolk Police Commissioner Richard Dormer said the story about the phone call "was pretty much debunked." ( link )​

The police say the doctor is cooperating and they don't consider him a suspect, or even a person of interest. ( link )​

But in an interview with Eyewitness News, Hackett vigorously denied making that call and police say he, too, is not a suspect. ( link )​
But anyway... am not saying he definitely is not the guy. Just challenging the seeming insistence that "he must be the guy."
But I can say honestly that the notion of who (in any SK case in the world) can dismember another human? (...) But the experience most similar to straight up dismembering another human I would have to say is medical school cadaver practice, performing or watching surgery, or someone who experienced it first hand: undergoing serious surgery or amputation.
Fwiw, dismemberment in the context of serial killers does not necessarily require medical training... Joel Rifkin, Jeffery Dahmer, Edward Gein... and that is to name but a few.
Hi scandi,

I think that recovering DNA from an attacker (that might have been on the hands of the victim) would have to be done before the victim body decomposed. Does that make sense? JMO Am I missing something about bone marrow? Tx! scandi. You're a kind and informative poster!
Crimeny Sakes, I was thinking of the victim and not the attacker. I must have misread that and you are right.

I did see a CSI - Crime Scene Investigations last week tho where the victim, who had been buried in the desert by Las Vegas, had DNA from both herself {blood} and the attacker {skin} under her fingernails. They of course made the most of it, separating it out to his and hers. Amazing what they can do ;}
Seems to me like LE has already ruled him out.
During a news conference yesterday, Suffolk Police Commissioner Richard Dormer said the story about the phone call "was pretty much debunked." ( link )​

The police say the doctor is cooperating and they don't consider him a suspect, or even a person of interest. ( link )​

But in an interview with Eyewitness News, Hackett vigorously denied making that call and police say he, too, is not a suspect. ( link )​
But anyway... am not saying he definitely is not the guy. Just challenging the seeming insistence that "he must be the guy."

Btw and fwiw, dismemberment in the context of serial killers does not necessarily require medical training... Joel Rifkin, Jeffery Dahmer, Edward Gein

Hi there, Speaking of Dormer, is he still there and in charge of the investigation? Do we have any idea who will replace him?

You know, in this case I think when we learn something new from LE it will be a an unexpected surprise. Out of the blue that is. So many cases LE seems to milk the public with meaningless quotes of nothing new just to keep interest in the case alive.
Hi there, Speaking of Dormer, is he still there and in charge of the investigation? Do we have any idea who will replace him?

You know, in this case I think when we learn something new from LE it will be a an unexpected surprise. Out of the blue that is. So many cases LE seems to milk the public with meaningless quotes of nothing new just to keep interest in the case alive.

Levy has said that the story about Dormer being fired wasn't true and Dormer hasn't announced anything about resigning. So as of now he's not going anywhere and no one is replacing him.

Unless of course you have other information
Hi there, Speaking of Dormer, is he still there and in charge of the investigation?
The firing bit was a rumor. ( link )

Suffolk County Executive Steve put the rumors to rest on Wednesday that he fired Suffolk Police Commissioner Richard Dormer. Several news sources reported that Levy is dissatisfied with the way Dormer is handling the investigation of a possible serial killer. The County Executive says that the story is absolutely not true.
Levy has said that the story about Dormer being fired wasn't true and Dormer hasn't announced anything about resigning. So as of now he's not going anywhere and no one is replacing him.

Unless of course you have other information

No, I only know what I read. LOL I had read it somewhere and was curious about it is all. Thanks for the info. ;}
also, when brainstorming what people might have had the kind of experience that could make you comfortable dismembering, (again I'm thinking hunters, ultra violent warfare, slaughterhouse employees, butcher, etc...) remember the investigators who have detailed knowledge of these dismemberings aren't saying gang or maffia (it doesn't look like a chainsaw, axe, knife, or machete(there goes the MS-13 and shower posse idea!) made those slices on JT's tattoo) keep in mind what type of amputating/dismembering we are seeing in the LI victims: They have the look and feel of surgery, not gangsterism, or torture, or butchering...

BBM. How do we know this though, that it was surgeon-like? I don't think the cleanliness of the cutting has been released or discussed.
so please, to make sure I am not suffering from confirmation bias, give me ONE example of ANYBODY on earth who would have more "experience" with amputation/dismemberment than a medical school graduate who worked as an EMT and in Emergency rooms and has had one of their own limbs amputated! I mean HOLY $#!% you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried! :banghead:

also, when brainstorming what people might have had the kind of experience that could make you comfortable dismembering, (again I'm thinking hunters, ultra violent warfare, slaughterhouse employees, butcher, etc...) remember the investigators who have detailed knowledge of these dismemberings aren't saying gang or maffia (it doesn't look like a chainsaw, axe, knife, or machete(there goes the MS-13 and shower posse idea!) made those slices on JT's tattoo) keep in mind what type of amputating/dismembering we are seeing in the LI victims: They have the look and feel of surgery, not gangsterism, or torture, or butchering...

I'm taking you up on this challenge - in the meantime, here is a somewhat disturbing - yet informative! - article in Popular Mechanics on "DIY" dismemberment.

How to Be a Butcher: 4 Pro Tips on DIY Dismemberment


"I'm not a killer, I'm a butcher," says Joshua Applestone as he prepares to sever the leg from a 90-pound half-pig flayed and displayed on a white tablecloth in the courtyard of a New York culinary cornerstone, the James Beard House. "The slaughterhouse is a separate operation." Applestone demonstrates hog-hacking during a Wusthof knife product launch on June 16, cleaving Boston butts from spare ribs in front of a packed house of chefs, knife makers, apprentice butchers, prep cooks, journalists and one lucky circling fly....
Applestone teaches comprehensive eight-week training courses at Fleisher's, for $10,000, and he's booked into 2011.

Not sure I have the stomach to do any further google searches on "body dismemberment" :-(
BBM. How do we know this though, that it was surgeon-like? I don't think the cleanliness of the cutting has been released or discussed.

Hi FC, I think TS was referring to the cutting done to JT's tattoo. I read that someone had made many, many fine cuts on that tattoo post mortem to try and eradicate the name Remy. I likened it in my mind as to using an exacto knife, making parallel cuts up and down across the tattoo. That is what it looked like me too. I just read about that here somewhere today, that they had a hard time pulling up the name Remy there were so many cuts.

The using of an exacto knife could be likened to using a scalpel IMO, which would be surgeon like. eh?
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