NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #9

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WOW! Great pic seaslug! Tx! How big do those cod get? (O/T, I know, just got a "fishing jones"!!)

Seaslug, if you were going to dump something in the water and hope it was never seen again, where would you do it? And could I ask how you would do it? Respectfully asked by a friendly poster - asking you because of your knowledge of the area and of fishing...!:innocent: TIA!

Wow, never though about this one before. Very good question and very easy to answer by anyone who knows the waters and truly wants to make something disappear.

Assuming you are speaking about a dead body correct?

Well, any seasoned fisherman in the Northeast will tell you how we have a very large shark population in the waters south of the island from the end of May until around October (with the peak being around July 1st). In addition to the sharks, we have an extremely large population of a species of fish known by its popular name, bluefish. Between the large schools of bluefish and the large schools of sharks (mostly blue sharks but also many mako & thresher sharks) there are many opportunities to create a feeding frenzy using a chum slick and then feed body parts (how gross right?) to the hungry fish. On the surface, this would appear to be a good plan. My problem with that plan is... what happens to the body parts that don't get eaten? Do they wash up on a beach somewhere or do they end up in the net of a commercial dragger?

So that plan is out. It's also too difficult to gurantee if and where a feeding frenzy will take place. But it does make one remember that there are many commercial fishing vessels in our waters dragging nets. With that in mind, the old "cement shoes" mafia method of disposing of a body is very risky if the body is dumped in the open water where it could be scooped up by a scallop dredge. However, anyone with knowledge of the seas & fishing would be aware that there are certain areas where commercial draggers will avoid like the plague. These would be areas where "hangs" exist. A hang is something sharp on the otherwise smooth sandy bottom that could cause the net to get hung up.

Commercial fisherman do not want to lose $10k+ worth of gear by getting it hung up on the bottom. A hang could be a rockpile or a ship wreck. The New York bight (area of water from NJ to Montauk and everything in between) has been nicknamed Wreck Valley because we have so many shipwrecks. These would be places were draggers would avoid. But on shipwrecks, the person dumping a body would have to worry about recreational divers discovering their secret (and we have many divers. Check the news, one just died this weekend while diving on the shipwreck of the USS Oregon that lies in about 130 feet of water just South of Long Island along with the hundreds of other shipwrecks).

The idea of dumping a body near a known hang is a good idea. Finding one that divers would never visit is where it gets a bit tricky. So now the gears in my mind are spinning. I start to think about what divers hate. One is poor visibility. Another one is strong currents. Yet another is very deep water. The only thing worse than diving in deep water with poor visibilty and strong currents would be to add in some very large, sharp boulders and possibly some sharp rusty metal and even some broken glass to the mix (OUCH). That would be a death trap for a diver.

That's it; the perfect dump site would be an area with deep water, strong currents, poor visibility, and lost of jagged sharp objects scattered along the bottom. In such a location there would be no threat of divers nor would there be any threat of a commercial dragger accidentally netting the body.

Now ask me... do such locations exist in my area?

The answer is YES.

At most of the former DUMP SITES.

You see, before our society and government cared about the environment, New York, New Jersey & Conneticut would load our trash on to barges and dump it into the ocean and the Long Island Sound. The state governments would approve dump sites as long as the waters were at least 100 feet deep and had sufficient currents to help circulate the water. On many NOAA nautical charts, these dump sites are still identified. They have to be because they are obviously hangs that commercial fisherman need to avoid with their nets. NOAA calls them either dumping grounds or Disposal Sites.

Much of the garbage that was dumped was in the form of soot (they put the garbage through an incinerator) but much of it was also jagged pieces of metal, concrete, glass (even crushed automobiles). The soot settled to the bottom but any diver will tell you that one swift kick of a swimming fin is all that it would take to send a cloud of soot floating through the water column created ZERO visibility for a diver.

I'm running out of time to continue this post. I can tell you that if you look online you can surely find a list of all of the inactive dump sites around Long Island. One of the most famous is South of NYC and East of Sandy Hook NJ. It's called Mud Hole. There is also another inactive one in the middle of the Long Island sound halfway between Huntington and Maramoneck (yes, it's true, look it up).

Very quickly, to finish my reply... to make sure that a body is never found after it is dumped at one of these inactive dumping grounds I guess a smart person would encase the body completely in concrete. A not-so-smart person would use the Dexter Morgan method of puting the body pieces in a large plastic garbage bag that is weighted down with chains or rocks. Another dumb move would be to put the body in a suitcase that appears heavy enough to sink to the bottom. Both of these are dumb moves because as a body decomposes, the gases that build up inside the cavity of the body are enough to make the body buoyant enough to offset the weight attached to it. Saltwater is also highly corrosive. Even plastic contractor bags will rot away (or get chewed through by crabs & fish with sharp teeth).

Anyway, hope you've found my answer useful. I never thought about this before and I fear keeping this post up because what if a potential SK reads it and learns from it? (or is that really unlikely?)
Few more things I have been thinking and asking myself. Sorry to be throwing up all over. Coming out of lurker mode has me with lots to spew. :crazy:

Is it really possible that this much time has passed and the Nassau discoveries from 4/11 have not been Identified? As well as Asian man and Toddler?

I am also of the theory/opinion that things have gotten this quiet for a reason. Anybody else think or feel the same?

Looking at maps closer and realizing a few things: (Using Shadowraiths)
1. All were dumped on the side of the PKWY that head west? (which also leads me to question the "road work" i mentioned last night)
2. All the remains cover pretty much that whole PKWY from Robert Moses Causeway (Eastern End) to the Wantagh State PKWY (Western End). The span from Wantagh State PKWY to Meadowbrook PKWY where nothing has been found actually makes sense when knowing the area. Much more popular and populated all year round. But, it is still pretty deserted at the right times of night. I can understand though someone not being comfortable there at night doing these deeds.
3. All the remains from what I can see if the map is accurate are walking distance to a boat in the Bays or just close to water. Granted this may mean nothing and still could be easier done from the road. It just sticks out to me. This island ranges in with from less then 1000 ft to around 4000-5000 ft in areas. Water is always close though.
a. 1st spot most west in Nassau less than 1000 ft from waters of Zachs Bay
b. 2nd spot from west in Nassau less than 1000 ft from Gugenheim Pond. This one is furthest from large body as in bay or Ocean but, still close to water and the pond has waterways to it.
c. G4 and Asian male all surrounded with water about 1000 ft or less away.
d. JT remains a few hundres feet from water, same body of water that asian male was only hundreds of feet from
e. Unidentified and Toddler less then 1000 ft from inlet of water in the bay.

Like I said may be nothing to this at all but, strikes me as odd that water is so close to all the victims/remians. Also so close to that channel that runs parallel with the PKWY for pretty much the whole length of the PKWY. There is clearly spots on that Island where they could have been dumped alot more desolate then these surrounded by road and water.

Which leads me to my final thought...
That big field behind PH's house was that ever thoroughly searched?
Thanks for the well thought out post. Aren't there a lot of trees back there too? I wondered if Shannan could have been placed in a spot like that. The ground would be hard is the only thing, eh? Or is it sandy enough not to be?
Wow, never though about this one before. Very good question and very easy to answer by anyone who knows the waters and truly wants to make something disappear.

Assuming you are speaking about a dead body correct?......

Anyway, hope you've found my answer useful. I never thought about this before and I fear keeping this post up because what if a potential SK reads it and learns from it? (or is that really unlikely?)

SBM - Thank you for the excellent information Seaslug! I wouldn't worry about giving any SK any ideas, because there are plenty of other places on the net that they can get ideas from. As a member of WS's, I am greatfull for your ideas and information.
Thanks for that interesting info. It reminded me of the NYC Doctor who murdered his wife in Manhattan and dumped her body from an airplane into the Atlantic Ocean. Guess he knew where the right spot was!

Most likely a drowning victim, but who knows?

I swear, our LE spokesman are a bunch of clowns. I agree that it would be highly unlikely that a body dumped to the West would wash up on that beach but that doesn't rule out a connection to this case.

They should not be so quick to state that it's unlikely that this body is connected.
I'm with you something stinks and it's not a dead squirrel on ran over on the way home from work tonight.:waitasec: Coruption? Maybe. I'm still going on there is a whole lot more going on then we know. My opinion is that the police commich here lost control and then really lost control of the case. Is that uncommon? Could this all be secret for a reason right now? It just seems that there quite the list of unasnwered...

If you are referring to the road Route 27 that is most commonly known as Sunrise Highway. Until it hits the great peconic bay and goes through a few name changes on the rest of the way out to Montauk Point.

The water just stuck out to me when looking at the map. Almost as a comfort zone for all the dumps? Your post did pan out to be a bit of a profile and if your off your rocker I like it. It makes alot of sense to me.

I'm guessing your talking about the land behind PH house? From what I remember of my ride the other day there is trees back there. Not a whole lot and not very big. The land on that Island has got to be pretty soft in my opinion. Mostly sand. Even where I am at on Long Island the grounds is usually pretty soft, except when frozen. We essentially live on sand around here. I am also guessing that if there was once something to be found back there, it's not anymore.
I swear, our LE spokesman are a bunch of clowns. I agree that it would be highly unlikely that a body dumped to the West would wash up on that beach but that doesn't rule out a connection to this case.

They should not be so quick to state that it's unlikely that this body is connected.

I agree seaslug. But, I am going with small village chief covering his butt and not putting his foot in his mouth like some other brass. Suffolk Homicide getting involved speaks volumes to me....more to come? Or just more silence?
I think when we speculate on the law enforcement aspect of this case...we have to remember that the possible corruption or mistake aspect of this case only occurs with Shannan's 911 call.

This part of the case is not a serial killer case.

It's an hysterical inebriated woman in the wee hours who no one gives a whip about.

this should highlight the real issues for law enforcement there.
I swear, our LE spokesman are a bunch of clowns. I agree that it would be highly unlikely that a body dumped to the West would wash up on that beach but that doesn't rule out a connection to this case.

They should not be so quick to state that it's unlikely that this body is connected.

The description matches that of the young Asian male found in Gilgo. Do we have a third SK? One who goes after young men (possibly gay.)

What ever happened to the investigation of young college men disappearing in and around NYC? Is there a thread on here about them?

LE: wake up! Sometimes 2 + 2 = 4. Sometimes a spade is a spade. Sometimes the sky is blue.
Wow, never though about this one before. Very good question and very easy to answer by anyone who knows the waters and truly wants to make something disappear.

Assuming you are speaking about a dead body correct?

Well, any seasoned fisherman in the Northeast will tell you how we have a very large shark population in the waters south of the island from the end of May until around October (with the peak being around July 1st). In addition to the sharks, we have an extremely large population of a species of fish known by its popular name, bluefish. Between the large schools of bluefish and the large schools of sharks (mostly blue sharks but also many mako & thresher sharks) there are many opportunities to create a feeding frenzy using a chum slick and then feed body parts (how gross right?) to the hungry fish. On the surface, this would appear to be a good plan. My problem with that plan is... what happens to the body parts that don't get eaten? Do they wash up on a beach somewhere or do they end up in the net of a commercial dragger?

So that plan is out. It's also too difficult to gurantee if and where a feeding frenzy will take place. But it does make one remember that there are many commercial fishing vessels in our waters dragging nets. With that in mind, the old "cement shoes" mafia method of disposing of a body is very risky if the body is dumped in the open water where it could be scooped up by a scallop dredge. However, anyone with knowledge of the seas & fishing would be aware that there are certain areas where commercial draggers will avoid like the plague. These would be areas where "hangs" exist. A hang is something sharp on the otherwise smooth sandy bottom that could cause the net to get hung up.

Commercial fisherman do not want to lose $10k+ worth of gear by getting it hung up on the bottom. A hang could be a rockpile or a ship wreck. The New York bight (area of water from NJ to Montauk and everything in between) has been nicknamed Wreck Valley because we have so many shipwrecks. These would be places were draggers would avoid. But on shipwrecks, the person dumping a body would have to worry about recreational divers discovering their secret (and we have many divers. Check the news, one just died this weekend while diving on the shipwreck of the USS Oregon that lies in about 130 feet of water just South of Long Island along with the hundreds of other shipwrecks).

The idea of dumping a body near a known hang is a good idea. Finding one that divers would never visit is where it gets a bit tricky. So now the gears in my mind are spinning. I start to think about what divers hate. One is poor visibility. Another one is strong currents. Yet another is very deep water. The only thing worse than diving in deep water with poor visibilty and strong currents would be to add in some very large, sharp boulders and possibly some sharp rusty metal and even some broken glass to the mix (OUCH). That would be a death trap for a diver.

That's it; the perfect dump site would be an area with deep water, strong currents, poor visibility, and lost of jagged sharp objects scattered along the bottom. In such a location there would be no threat of divers nor would there be any threat of a commercial dragger accidentally netting the body.

Now ask me... do such locations exist in my area?

The answer is YES.

At most of the former DUMP SITES.

You see, before our society and government cared about the environment, New York, New Jersey & Conneticut would load our trash on to barges and dump it into the ocean and the Long Island Sound. The state governments would approve dump sites as long as the waters were at least 100 feet deep and had sufficient currents to help circulate the water. On many NOAA nautical charts, these dump sites are still identified. They have to be because they are obviously hangs that commercial fisherman need to avoid with their nets. NOAA calls them either dumping grounds or Disposal Sites.

Much of the garbage that was dumped was in the form of soot (they put the garbage through an incinerator) but much of it was also jagged pieces of metal, concrete, glass (even crushed automobiles). The soot settled to the bottom but any diver will tell you that one swift kick of a swimming fin is all that it would take to send a cloud of soot floating through the water column created ZERO visibility for a diver.

I'm running out of time to continue this post. I can tell you that if you look online you can surely find a list of all of the inactive dump sites around Long Island. One of the most famous is South of NYC and East of Sandy Hook NJ. It's called Mud Hole. There is also another inactive one in the middle of the Long Island sound halfway between Huntington and Maramoneck (yes, it's true, look it up).

Very quickly, to finish my reply... to make sure that a body is never found after it is dumped at one of these inactive dumping grounds I guess a smart person would encase the body completely in concrete. A not-so-smart person would use the Dexter Morgan method of puting the body pieces in a large plastic garbage bag that is weighted down with chains or rocks. Another dumb move would be to put the body in a suitcase that appears heavy enough to sink to the bottom. Both of these are dumb moves because as a body decomposes, the gases that build up inside the cavity of the body are enough to make the body buoyant enough to offset the weight attached to it. Saltwater is also highly corrosive. Even plastic contractor bags will rot away (or get chewed through by crabs & fish with sharp teeth).

Anyway, hope you've found my answer useful. I never thought about this before and I fear keeping this post up because what if a potential SK reads it and learns from it? (or is that really unlikely?)

Hi seaslug,
Thank you for that incredible post. I knew I asked the right person!:rocker:
I'm really amazed - your knowlege has helped me gain a bit of insight...we all are learning from you - thanks again!
I don't believe for a minute that the SK dumped SG's body in the water. He could have just as easily went over the second Captree bridge and dumped it in the bramble along Robert Moses State Park.
Hi all,

Sorry I'm jumping around here - I've been reviewing my past efforts at researching this and I found one thing that I would like to share to see what you think...TIA!

Massapequa was the location that MB's LAST call originated from. Maybe it's not a big deal, but someone named E. Br--er, age 87 may have lived there (not that she made the call, but rather her family members may have had access to the address).
This person has a documented middle name of "Trust."
It's VERY ironic that another member of that family has the middle name of "Trust!
Alternate spellings have been "Turst". There is also a "Br--er Family TRUST" !

Just wanted to share that one. What do you all think? There's many other residences that could be available to JB, I mean MANY. Just not sure how reliable the info I have is..
My notes say her boyfriend Terry said she checked her voice mail from two motels in Massapequa on July 10, 2009, a Budget Inn and a Best Western. Are you saying maybe she called or someone from her phone called a trust fund? I don't understand what you are saying.
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