NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #9

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OK, I'd like to discuss another angle on the SK's cellphone. Do you think this guy only turns on the cellphone when he is going to solicit a craigslist prostitute? And do you think that he rarely turns it on near his home or his work?

My thinking here is that if they have his disposable cellphone number, the provide could provide to location data to LE. This would show the triangulation data for that cellphone whenever it was turned on. If he left this phone on while he was at home, they should be able to get a proximity to wear he lives.

Or do you think he turns it off and only turns it on when he is far from his home or work and only when he is soliciting prostitutes?

I really think they should be able to triangulate this guy with his disposable cell phone pings. I think that is why the FBI is involved.

What is the thought on this? Thanks for any responses!
OK, I'd like to discuss another angle on the SK's cellphone. Do you think this guy only turns on the cellphone when he is going to solicit a craigslist prostitute? And do you think that he rarely turns it on near his home or his work?

My thinking here is that if they have his disposable cellphone number, the provide could provide to location data to LE. This would show the triangulation data for that cellphone whenever it was turned on. If he left this phone on while he was at home, they should be able to get a proximity to wear he lives.

Or do you think he turns it off and only turns it on when he is far from his home or work and only when he is soliciting prostitutes?

I really think they should be able to triangulate this guy with his disposable cell phone pings. I think that is why the FBI is involved.

What is the thought on this? Thanks for any responses!

If we consider the profile of the SK (and I know that profiles aren't always accurate), he is an educated white male with a wife or girlfriend. Judging by this, I would say that you are probably right-he is most likely turning it on and off when he's in the act of soliciting/communicating with prostitutes. Even if we don't consider the profile, I'd still say that is most likely the case; especially when we consider his calls to MB's family. He was only turning on her phone when he wanted to communicate with them. I'd say that his use of specific phones (disposable or pay-as-you-go, or the victim's phones) are seen by him as part of his little ritual or act in the process of killing these women.
I don't know if this is a good answer to your question or not. My guess about why they can't track the phone is because they sell too many of them. And I agree he would turn the phone off just for the cloak and dagger fun of it.
I don't know if this is a good answer to your question or not. My guess about why they can't track the phone is because they sell too many of them. And I agree he would turn the phone off just for the cloak and dagger fun of it.

I agree....one can purchase a disposable cellphone just about anywhere nowadays, and not all businesses have surveillance of their premises. Here in TX you can buy them at any dollar store, any drug store, any convenience store, etc. and there are also lots of phone stores that sell used phones, prepaid phones, etc. In addition, one can just pay cash for the phone and/or the minutes...
I agree....one can purchase a disposable cellphone just about anywhere nowadays, and not all businesses have surveillance of their premises. Here in TX you can buy them at any dollar store, any drug store, any convenience store, etc. and there are also lots of phone stores that sell used phones, prepaid phones, etc. In addition, one can just pay cash for the phone and/or the minutes...


Here on Long Island, everyone has surveillance cameras. At the local supermarkets and big box stores, there are more surveillance cameras than you can imagine!!! Probably at least one or two per register. They are not really there to catch the customers faces. They are there to ensure that the cashiers ring everything up that they are supposed to.

And the Security Control Rooms in these stores would blow your mind. 20 Flat screen tvs constantly monitoring every aspect of the operation.

Even small gas stations and delis have multiple security cameras. It's just a way of life up here.

This guy has GOT to be on camera somewhere!! It's just a matter of finding when and where to look.
I agree....one can purchase a disposable cellphone just about anywhere nowadays, and not all businesses have surveillance of their premises. Here in TX you can buy them at any dollar store, any drug store, any convenience store, etc. and there are also lots of phone stores that sell used phones, prepaid phones, etc. In addition, one can just pay cash for the phone and/or the minutes...

Hi MrsPC,
Thanks to you and goathair for the questions and info about the phones. I had responded with a post but I hit the wrong key and lost it!

Family needs me now so I can't re-think or re-type it.

The phone calls to the families are a huge insight to the way this SK thinks.
All you need to make a stealth call these days is a wifi device. There are so many households around that do not have their wifi routers password protected. You can find a couple on every street on Long Island (and dozens on every block in Brooklyn & Queens).

There are hundreds of Websites that now offer free Internet calling. Even Google offers it for free; Free Google Voice.

They can't triangulate a cell signal if the SK isn't even using a cell phone.
Skype? is that what you mean?

what if he buys a new phone for every date.

a different store every time.

seems kinda elaborate...especially since you like to keep your girl garden in one small area....

but he's playing a game and i bet he knows what's in store if he's caught.

I think he is terrified of getting caught....and it turns him on.
I tried to interest you all in my theory earlier that Remy's Angels is connected to a pit bull fighting club, or gang, with chapters all across the country. They are thinly disguised as respectable kennels, but the dogs for sale have cropped ears and are fighting dogs. I have been doing quite a bit of googling and have found u-tube videos showing them at some sort of rally. The dogs displayed are vicious dogs held on tight leashes. There are females posing with the dogs and on one facebook page there was something about "we got the girls on lock too." I don't know if there is a person named Angel Remy, Remy Angel, or just Remy. Their emblem or logo is uniquely theirs and was found on Jessica Taylor. When she was found there was very little publicity about her and LE dismissed Remy as a person. LE is always very reluctant to admit gang activity in their area and I feel the mutilated bodies were under investigated. They wanted it to all go away. I believe Michael Taus and his pit bull may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't believe the mutilated bodies are connected to the GB4. This is what LE has been saying and I believe them. As PeterF14 pointed out, the MSM gives us very little information and only with LE's approval. Where are the investigative journalists? For that matter, where are the journalists? I am beginning to think the families and Web Sleuthers are the only people that care about these murders at all. I do believe LE has worked hard to find Shannan but I feel there are influential people on LI that want this to go away.

Do they rescue and rehab pits that were used for fighting? That would explain why they have those dogs.
I have become extremely sensitive to animal cruelty in my old age and these two videos I stumbled across googling "Angel Remy" really disturb me:



I don't understand what is going on exactly, but it's not an AKC meet.

I can see why you are unsure what to make of these videos. First video I take it as volunteers adopting the dogs out. The dogs are not being aggressive to each other. If this were a company that sells fighting dogs, they probably wouldn't be putting videos on youtube.

The second video I could see being a fundraiser or something to raise awareness.

I did not watch with sound on so was not able to hear anything, so this is all just based on what is seen only.

Here on Long Island, everyone has surveillance cameras. At the local supermarkets and big box stores, there are more surveillance cameras than you can imagine!!! Probably at least one or two per register. They are not really there to catch the customers faces. They are there to ensure that the cashiers ring everything up that they are supposed to.

And the Security Control Rooms in these stores would blow your mind. 20 Flat screen tvs constantly monitoring every aspect of the operation.

Even small gas stations and delis have multiple security cameras. It's just a way of life up here.

This guy has GOT to be on camera somewhere!! It's just a matter of finding when and where to look.

Goathair couldn't be more right. Long Island is comparable to Disney World at this point. If your not in a Bathroom. :seeya: Smile and wave your or on camera. Which made me think, Heck we can't even drive most major streets here anymore without being on camera.

:idea: Red Light Cameras.
They are popping up quicker then the flowers here on Long Island.
From the research I did on them they take video. They snap your picture as well as constantly record. You get the stills along with your $50 fine in the mail with a link to watch the video of you running the light.

Skype? is that what you mean?

with Skype you can only call another Skype user. But with many of the other free VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) services you can actually make regular phone calls (not video) to regular phone numbers. On the caller ID these calls show up weird (like a four digit telephone number or UNKNOWN CALLER). When someone uses a complete strangers wifi connection, the best the authorities might be able go do is trace the call back to that stranger's home (but very doubtful since many of the free VOIP services are based over seas).

All a person needs is an iPod touch, an old cell with a browser & wifi, or any laptop with a microphone & wifi and they can cruise any neighborhood and find a strangers home with an unprotected wireless router to use their Internet account to make the call. Also, parking alongside a Starbucks, Panera Bread, a public library, or any other establishment that offers free wifi will do the trick too.
SBM~ Yeah. You sure do get to watch the video.


Sorry to hear it. Luckily I know just because I researched to understand when I have to hit the brakes and when I can still hit the gas. :waitasec:

All a person needs is an iPod touch, an old cell with a browser & wifi, or any laptop with a microphone & wifi and they can cruise any neighborhood and find a strangers home with an unprotected wireless router to use their Internet account to make the call. Also, parking alongside a Starbucks, Panera Bread, a public library, or any other establishment that offers free wifi will do the trick too.

Alot of Long Island is now covered with free wifi as well from cable/phone/internet providers. But I guess needing to log in would make that a difficult route to go?
All you need to make a stealth call these days is a wifi device. There are so many households around that do not have their wifi routers password protected. You can find a couple on every street on Long Island (and dozens on every block in Brooklyn & Queens).

There are hundreds of Websites that now offer free Internet calling. Even Google offers it for free; Free Google Voice.

They can't triangulate a cell signal if the SK isn't even using a cell phone.

Exactly! You can do it now with an IPOD TOUCH! I have seen this with my own two eyes and been the recipient of such a call.
All you need to make a stealth call these days is a wifi device. There are so many households around that do not have their wifi routers password protected. You can find a couple on every street on Long Island (and dozens on every block in Brooklyn & Queens).

There are hundreds of Websites that now offer free Internet calling. Even Google offers it for free; Free Google Voice.

They can't triangulate a cell signal if the SK isn't even using a cell phone.

Google, skype and facebook all have LE interfaces that makes tracking down wanted people a matter of minutes.
Anyone thinking they can't be caught making calls through skype is dreaming.
Even if you use an open wi-fi device, your geographical location can be known in a matter of minutes, unless you use multiple proxies, and if those proxies keep records, that information can also be provided to LE in a matter of days or hours.

Meredith Kercher's killer, Rudy Guede, was caught after escaping from Italy to Germany when he made a call in an internet cafe using Skype.

I feel like I am googling in circles, so I tried a different approach- I people searched "Mickey Mouse" since one of the phone numbers used (to call MB's boyfriend, Johnny T?) was registered to Mickey Mouse.


I used Spokeo. The first phone number/address was of interest to me since it's so close to where the bodies were found -Islip area?. So, googling the address, I come up with a name and I get all suspicious. But, then I wondered 'Why would someone hide their name under the alias Mickey Mouse but then give their address?' So, I moved on to the next Mickey Mouse, and then the next.. until I got to Mickey Mouse address 123 Disney Way. So obviously, the entries there aren't necessarily reliable. It seems like anyone can enter anything. I guess I was hoping for a slip up and that I would see a certain address registered to someone who's been in trouble with the law.
http://www.spokeo.com/search?q=mickey mouse#New York

But it IS so mind boggling that they can't catch this guy with all of technology used today, cameras and computers, and everything.

AND, on Spokeo.com I also searched "Peter H*****t" and in Manhattan there is a man by that name in his 50's registered to the Jane Hotel-a hotel? thought I'd throw that in there..

ALSO, from the link above, JT - MB's bf said that MB frequented Long Island specifically to see a john she was "chummy" with, and that he could point out the john's home. I wonder why they didn't take him there to point it out. He said they already knew about the guy. Maybe just a known harmless john that they weren't concerned with?

This is a quote from MB's mother about the phone(MB's phone?) from the same link: "It was only turned on when the guy would turn it on, when he made the phone calls. He would only keep it on for three minutes."

I'm not sure if the tattoos these women had have any significance to the case, but I believe MB's boyfriend's tattoo tells us something. He said the man on the phone knew he had tattoos on his back. This is the only thing I've heard that convinced me a tiny bit that the SK must have stalked and followed and watched the victims before he killed them, and saw MB and her bf JT from the back. Would JT have to have his shirt off in order for these tattoos to be seen? Are they visible if he is wearing a tank top? IMO, a better explanation would be that JT has driven MB to see this john(SK) and thats how he knows about his tattoos.

Has anyone found out any information on James Bond Entertainment, where MB worked as an escort? I can't find 1 thing about a "James Bond" escort service AT ALL.
I tried to interest you all in my theory earlier that Remy's Angels ....

I've been following that as well Redbird. You may have already seen this, but I find it interesting that the particular RA avatar that seems to match JT's tatt belongs to a woman (NB who owns OPP kennel in North Carolina ... has an affiliation with the R line). That avatar seems to be the ONLY one of it's kind that is found on the internet, and the poster shows up consistently in pitbull forums. It comes up using the apostrophe as R_my's Angel. I'm thinking JT's tatt may have actually contained the apostrophe, but it is not visible due to the mutilation.

IIRC, someone mentioned earlier that the R_my line didn't come into existence until after JT disappeared, but in fact the grand dam (okay, the doggy grandmother ;)) of Low Jack R_my M was also a R_my. So, while the business entity known as RKC maybe wasn't formally in existence, the line itself was.

Will keep rummaging on this.
with Skype you can only call another Skype user. But with many of the other free VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) services you can actually make regular phone calls (not video) to regular phone numbers. On the caller ID these calls show up weird (like a four digit telephone number or UNKNOWN CALLER). When someone uses a complete strangers wifi connection, the best the authorities might be able go do is trace the call back to that stranger's home (but very doubtful since many of the free VOIP services are based over seas).

All a person needs is an iPod touch, an old cell with a browser & wifi, or any laptop with a microphone & wifi and they can cruise any neighborhood and find a strangers home with an unprotected wireless router to use their Internet account to make the call. Also, parking alongside a Starbucks, Panera Bread, a public library, or any other establishment that offers free wifi will do the trick too.

That is actually incorrect.
Skype can be used to call any landline or cellphone in the world, providing you pay for the calls, (which means you have to give them a credit card, etc).
Gmail can be used to call any landline (except Magic Jack numbers) or cellphone in the USA for free.
Any communications business that operates in the US has to comply with a lot of federal regulations.
Both Skype and google have interfaces for the Feds that allows tracking down ip address records and VOIP call info.
If the Feds have their way, VOIP will be able to be wiretapped. They are working on it.
All ip address info for VOIP calls is recorded.
Parking outside an establishment that offers wi-fi has the risk of having you, your car and license plate recorded by the many cameras that are outside such places.
Skype was just purchased by Microsoft, so you can bet they will be keeping records of every single thing you do while using skype and i am sure they will probably offer the Feds wiretapping abilities.

A throwaway phone offers better mobility and total anonymity more than any internet connected device could ever offer.
I looked for James Bond Entertainment too, went through about 20 pages of google and there was absolutely nothing that didn't pertain to the James Bond movies. I began to wonder if the name wasn't made up by MB to keep people from knowing where she really worked. Thanks for helping me with the Remy's Angel connection. I was afraid I was getting pretty far out there:crazy:
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