NY - LISK Bodies found as of December 10, 2011 Thread #13

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In this day any non-tech savvy person can browes ads on a website without any electronic trail. For starters, there are hundreds of thousands of cable subscribers how do not have passwords on their wireless router. You can buy an unregistered wifi tablet at any drug store or shopping mall and be on the Internet in five minutes by parking in front of an apartment building and using an open wifi router. Better yet, just stay in the mall and use their free wifi.

thanks for getting what I said. there are plenty of places to access the internet from that are not the home of the perp. he could have perused craigslist from one of these places and wrote the phone numbers down on a napkin.
IMHO, the perp has used proxy servers and that Might be why LE has had trouble connecting the dots to a specific person. I also think it's Possible that they perp has other technology and technological skills that Might help cover his tracks and make it Seem like phone calls, letters and other correspondences are coming from a specific person. That is where the hacking/cracking comes in.

no one made it look like CPH called MG, CPH has already admitted to the calls in a typed up and signed letter to 48 hrs, we also have the police saying they have record of the calls. Aside from breaking into CPH's house and making that first phone call, the rehab call, there isn't any real possibility of someone synthesizing that phone call and having it come up in two different peoples phone records. And if people don't think that first phone call was indeed made from CPH's land line, you should know that BH is claiming that flukeyou breaks into peoples houses in oak beach and uses their phone....holy denial!!!! That statement tells me she knows the first phone call was indeed made from her house, but is understandably in deep denial.
I'm trying to understand what you mean by this sentence.. when you say “there are lots of ways to browse anonymously without technical knowledge” it sounds like you think it's doable by a non-tech savvy person, but after your ellipsis, you continue with “im(sic) sure he is a con artist who is decent at social engineering but he is no hacker”, which kind of implies the exact opposite. Are you saying both, one, or the other?

yes, I am distinguishing between technical deceit ie hacking, and traditional con artists ie social engineers.

someone with no technical/hacking skills can use their friends computer, or the library, or free wifi where ever it exists.

someone with technical skills can use a proxy server.

I am putting the perp into the former category.

Because we know that the perp traveled to penn station and time square to make "untraceable" phone calls, we can assume that he likely traveled to the library, starbucks, or another location that offers free wifi or computer use to "anonymously" browse craigslist.

If he had technical/hacking skills and felt comfortable using proxy servers, he could have made those phone calls via the internet from his house, in the same "untraceable" way.

I still think he browsed craigslist right from his house, and simply did the contacting through a burn phone.

Also, we already know the perp offered 1500 a night for the G4, we don't need to speculate on paypal or credit cards. If the sk were dumb enough to use paypal or credit cards he would have been caught in the mid nineties.
LI doctor accused of abusing girls facing federal charges

(01/11/12) CENTRAL ISLIP - A Bethpage pediatrician already accused of sexually abusing young patients was hit with a 36-count federal indictment today for new charges that include sex abuse and health care fraud.

Dr. Rakesh Punn, 53, pleaded not guilty to the charges at his arraignment today. He's accused of using chloroform to knock out his young patients before blindfolding them and using a camera to record himself sexually abusing them in his Bethpage office. Prosecutors say he abused girls as young as 7.

The new federal charges include seven counts of sexual exploitation and 29 counts of health care fraud. Federal prosecutors say Punn filed fake insurance claims for the victims he molested.

Punn has been held at the Nassau County jail on $10 million bond since July 2010, when he was originally arrested. He's scheduled to be back in Nassau court next week, and to return to federal court in March.
LI doctor accused of abusing girls facing federal charges

(01/11/12) CENTRAL ISLIP - A Bethpage pediatrician already accused of sexually abusing young patients was hit with a 36-count federal indictment today for new charges that include sex abuse and health care fraud.

Dr. Rakesh Punn, 53, pleaded not guilty to the charges at his arraignment today. He's accused of using chloroform to knock out his young patients before blindfolding them and using a camera to record himself sexually abusing them in his Bethpage office. Prosecutors say he abused girls as young as 7.

The new federal charges include seven counts of sexual exploitation and 29 counts of health care fraud. Federal prosecutors say Punn filed fake insurance claims for the victims he molested.

Punn has been held at the Nassau County jail on $10 million bond since July 2010, when he was originally arrested. He's scheduled to be back in Nassau court next week, and to return to federal court in March.

This is way OT, but what parent leaves their child alone in an examining room, these days? Most reputable doctors insist on having an assistant in the room at all times. This story is disgusting...parents have the right to be in an examining room and they need to demand that right. If the doctor denies the parent the right to supervise the examination then they should find another doctor and even report the one that seems skeevy.
As far as Jane Doe 1996 and the cross dressing asian male, have we considered Robert Shulman? He bashed people over their heads with barbells (asian male had blunt force trauma to the head) and apparently cut some legs off too (Jane Doe 1996). He also was apparently into smoking "tons of crack" and perhaps the asian male was too. Note that tooth loss is a part of the long term effects of smoking crack.

Also, he was arrested April 6, 1996. Jane Doe 1996's legs washed ashore April 11, 1996. This might fit. The asian male was supposedly there anywhere from 5-10 years, but I assume it probably wouldn't surprise anyone at the Medical Examiner's office if that was from 1996 too.

Check this out:

Robert Shulman (3+) A 42-year-old post office sorter, Robert Shulman has been charged with killing four prostitutes between 1991 and 1996 and dumping their dismembered bodies in garbage bins around New York...

...Shulman enjoyed picking up prostitutes and taking them back to his apartment for drugs and mayhem. After satiating his senses he would beat them to death using a hammer, baseball bat or a set of barbells....

...Bobbie would sometimes chop off the dead girls' arms and/or handsso they couldn't be identified and dumped their remains in garbage containers in Long Island, Brooklyn and Yonkers. curiously, he aslo chopped off a leg or two.

...Investigators were then able to link Shulman and his brother's blue Cadillac to the dead prostitute

...Shulman was convicted of killing Kelly Sue Bunting, 28, of Hollis, Queens, whose body was found in December 1995 in a trash bin in Melville, Long Island; Lisa Ann Warner, 18, of Jamaica, Queens, whose body was found in April 1995 at a Brooklyn trash recycling plant; and an unidentified woman whose mutilated body was found in December 1994 on a roadside in Medford. He is also is awaiting trial in Westchester County for the murders of two other women. He is accused of killing Lori Vasquez, a 24-year-old Brooklyn woman, in 1991 and dumping her body into a Yonkers trash can. He also allegedly killed and dismembered another woman whose body was found in a trash bin in Yonkers in 1992. She was never identified.

OK, follow this...

Robert Shulman's brother helped dispose of the bodies. As it turns out, guess where his brother lived? Long Beach.

To get from Hicksville (where Shulman killed his victims) to Long Beach, you would definitely take the Wantagh Parkway all the way south, to the Jones Beach circle. I am now assuming that Shulman or his brother drove down towards the beach to dispose of Jane Doe 1996. The legs were probably thrown into the bay from either the 2nd or 3rd Wantagh bridge, and eventually made their way out the Jones inlet and over to Davis Park in Fire Island.

As far as her skull, Shulman and/or his brother would have headed east of the Jones Beach circle to dispose of Jane Doe 1996's head just west of Tobay (which is the first turnaround where you could head back west towards Long Beach). By disposing of the legs in the bay and the head on land, we definitely see an attempt to prevent identification. The fact that her head was deposited east of the circle, it could suggest that the person was attempting to obfuscate any link to Long Beach, which would be a natural assumption if remains were found on say Loop Parkway. Shulman and his brother were known to attempt to obfuscate identification of the bodies by dismembering and also known to dispose of bodies along roadsides (i.e., "Jane Doe Medford"). He also was known to regularly dispose of body parts using plastic garbage bags (see http://caselaw.findlaw.com/ny-court-of-appeals/1479155.html). As we known, Jane Doe 1996's head was found in a plastic garbage bag.

So, what do the scars on Jane Doe 1996's legs mean? They probably mean she was an IV drug user that injected crack cocaine directly into her femoral artery. We can assume this because she was a younger. If she had indeed had a fasciotomy, as some here have suggested, it would be to relieve pressure from Compartment Syndrome. I highly doubt this because a younger person would most likely get compartments syndrome from some kind of accident, like a car accident or broken legs from a ski accident, etc. You'd probably see compartment syndrome more in older people. So would she have been so unlucky as to get compartment syndrome in both legs? Probably not.

Here's what we know:
"The toenails of one foot were painted red and the right leg had 3 1/2-inch scar on the rear calf and L-shaped scar on the shin. The left leg had a 3 1/2-inch scar on the inner side."

So, were these scars "surgical" in nature? Probably not. They were probably the result of leg ulceration wounds from IV crack cocaine use. Check this out if you can stomach it:

...It is estimated that 88% of intravenous drug users have signs of vascular damage to their legs and 55% of these have signs of severe venous disease (Pieper and Templin, 2001). Despite this, Department of Health (2007) guidelines on drug misuse and dependence do not mention venous disease or leg ulceration.

...Clients in their early twenties often have signs of hypertrophic skin changes and ankle flare which are common signs of venous disease.

...Using crack cocaine can accelerate the rate at which venous damage occurs because the drug has a short term action, giving a short lived feeling of euphoria and wellbeing. As the effects of the drug wear off, users often become tense and paranoid and this leads to repeated use to try to recapture those initial feelings. Such behaviour can result in a crack binge, where a user may inject into the femoral vein up to 20 times in one day. There is also a trend among new drug users to use the femoral vein rather than superficial veins because the injection sites are not visible and the vein is easy to access.

Source: http://www.allbusiness.com/crime-law/controlled-substances-heroin/14507783-1.html#ixzz1jGRxqOxW

So, if we can guess that she was a heavy IV drug user and a prostitute, and if I'm correct in that this was a victim of Robert Shulman, then she probably came from Queens: "They identified the victim as Melani, a fellow prostitute who, like them, worked Jamaica Avenue between 198th Street and Francis Lewis Boulevard".

Now, its my belief that we might also surmise that the Asian male came from the same location. As it turns out, "Queens has the largest Asian population in NYC (477,390 or 49.6% of the NYC total Asian population). Among the five boroughs, Queens has the largest population of Chinese, Asian Indians, Koreans, Filipinos, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis." http://www.queenslibrary.org/pub/QuickFacts.asp

But wait, the police said that the Asian male was killed between 5-10 years ago. Well, as it turns out, there are some things that can be determined with pretty good accuracy, and others that can't when it comes to forensically examining skelatal remains. Guessing the victims gender and height is pretty easy. Age is a bit more difficult, but pretty doable with reasonable accuracy. However, guessing Post Mortem Interval (PMI) is much more of a complicated science, and I believe that police may have got this wrong, and in fact the Asian male is also a victim of Robert Shulman. Here's why:

"Since the body has gone through the various stages of decomposition and is now at the skeletal stage, the investigation requires scientific knowledge and skills beyond that of the police investigator. In fact, forensics is now so specialized that in a case such as this the average medical examiner may not have the expertise to determine cause and time of death."

So, did police have a forensic enthropologist to study of bugs in soil samples to determine PMI? Maybe, but even so, the suggestion of 10 years leads me to beleive that they were dealing mostly with a skeletal remains. The longer the time, the greater the uncertainty regarding PMI. See: http://healthdrip.com/estimation-of-post-mortem-interval/

My guess is that a 5-10 year PMI assumption was not that accurate, and it wouldn't surprise anyone if in fact the Asian male had been there since 1995 or 1996.

So, to summarize these findings:

1) "Jane Doe 1996" was potentially injecting crack cocaine intravanuosely via fermoral artery, leading to leg ulcerations and heavy scarring.
2) Shulman was a heavy crack cocaine user, potentially linking him to Jane Doe 1996.
3) Shulman dismembered prostitutes to conceal the identity. Jane Doe 1996 was dismembered.
4) Shulman's brother, who was convicted of helping dispose of bodies, lives in Long Beach, suggesting a link to the area of Ocean Parkway near the Jones Beach circle where the Asian male and Jane Doe 1996 were found.
5) Although Jane Doe 1996 was found in the same month that Shulman was arrested, it is possible that she was murdered in the weeks or months leading up to his arrest and the legs later washed ashore in Davis Park after making their way through the bays behind Jones Beach and ultimately through Jones inlet into the Ocean. This assumes that Barry Shulman (Robert's brother) was responsible for disposing the body parts as he had done previously (http://articles.nydailynews.com/1996-04-26/local/18007717_1_robert-shulman-body-parts-barry-shulman)
6) Both Jane Doe 1996's head and legs were found wrapped in plastic garbage bags, as were Shulman's victims.
7) Shulman's victims died of blunt force trauma to the head, as did the Asian male.
8) If the Asian male is in fact related to Shulman, the Asian male may have been a prostitute working on Jamaica Ave in Queens.
9) If Jane Doe 1996 is in fact related to Shulman, Jane Doe 1996 may have been a prostitute working on Jamaica Ave in Queens.
Because we know that the perp traveled to penn station and time square to make "untraceable" phone calls


We don't even know that. We know so little. He may work in Manhattan (as many have speculated); he could have made the calls impulsively on his lunch break. We only know he was there.
I'm trying to understand what you mean by this sentence.. when you say “there are lots of ways to browse anonymously without technical knowledge” it sounds like you think it's doable by a non-tech savvy person, but after your ellipsis, you continue with “im(sic) sure he is a con artist who is decent at social engineering but he is no hacker”, which kind of implies the exact opposite. Are you saying both, one, or the other?

I can't clarify what the other poster was getting at, but if you hang around seedy websites like 4chan, there is frequent talk about how to browse the Internet anonymously. Picking up the most basic tricks wouldn't require any real intelligence or computer expertise.
In this day any non-tech savvy person can browes ads on a website without any electronic trail. For starters, there are hundreds of thousands of cable subscribers how do not have passwords on their wireless router. You can buy an unregistered wifi tablet at any drug store or shopping mall and be on the Internet in five minutes by parking in front of an apartment building and using an open wifi router. Better yet, just stay in the mall and use their free wifi.

Thanks for shedding light on truthspider's post. It was very helpful.

Agreed, there are a number of ways a person can cover their digital tracks. However, the theories I am entertaining as Possibilities require a little more technical knowledge than what you propose.

That doesn't mean that I think or feel that my theories are any more or less correct than what you and/or others offer here at Websleuths.

BTW, I am working from the profile offered by S.T.A.L.K., Inc. Their profile describes the perp as being “very literate with computers and communications in general” and that he is “probably very adept at computer generated sounds, voices or phrases.”

I should also point out that S.T.A.L.K., Inc has updated their profile as of January 9, 2012. Their recent update has me wondering if LE has the perp on the ropes? Here is the link if you or anyone else is interested in checking it out:

I can't clarify what the other poster was getting at, but if you hang around seedy websites like 4chan, there is frequent talk about how to browse the Internet anonymously. Picking up the most basic tricks wouldn't require any real intelligence or computer expertise.

Agreed. There are even free programs available for download.

The Possibility that the perp is using proxy servers etc. is but a Part of a theory I am entertaining. For my theory to work they perp would have had to use Something to render his identity anonymous over the internet. Of course that is If the perp utilizes technology at all.

Thanks for another well presented and well researched post! The information about intravenous drugs use and the possible connection to Jane Doe's scars was especially helpful and eye opening. That was important info, IMHO.

I wish I had your skills!
OK, follow this...

Robert Shulman's brother helped dispose of the bodies. As it turns out, guess where his brother lived? Long Beach.

To get from Hicksville (where Shulman killed his victims) to Long Beach, you would definitely take the Wantagh Parkway all the way south, to the Jones Beach circle. I am now assuming that Shulman or his brother drove down towards the beach to dispose of Jane Doe 1996. The legs were probably thrown into the bay from either the 2nd or 3rd Wantagh bridge, and eventually made their way out the Jones inlet and over to Davis Park in Fire Island.

As far as her skull, Shulman and/or his brother would have headed east of the Jones Beach circle to dispose of Jane Doe 1996's head just west of Tobay (which is the first turnaround where you could head back west towards Long Beach). By disposing of the legs in the bay and the head on land, we definitely see an attempt to prevent identification. The fact that her head was deposited east of the circle, it could suggest that the person was attempting to obfuscate any link to Long Beach, which would be a natural assumption if remains were found on say Loop Parkway. Shulman and his brother were known to attempt to obfuscate identification of the bodies by dismembering and also known to dispose of bodies along roadsides (i.e., "Jane Doe Medford"). He also was known to regularly dispose of body parts using plastic garbage bags (see http://caselaw.findlaw.com/ny-court-of-appeals/1479155.html). As we known, Jane Doe 1996's head was found in a plastic garbage bag.

So, what do the scars on Jane Doe 1996's legs mean? They probably mean she was an IV drug user that injected crack cocaine directly into her femoral artery. We can assume this because she was a younger. If she had indeed had a fasciotomy, as some here have suggested, it would be to relieve pressure from Compartment Syndrome. I highly doubt this because a younger person would most likely get compartments syndrome from some kind of accident, like a car accident or broken legs from a ski accident, etc. You'd probably see compartment syndrome more in older people. So would she have been so unlucky as to get compartment syndrome in both legs? Probably not.

Here's what we know:
"The toenails of one foot were painted red and the right leg had 3 1/2-inch scar on the rear calf and L-shaped scar on the shin. The left leg had a 3 1/2-inch scar on the inner side."

So, were these scars "surgical" in nature? Probably not. They were probably the result of leg ulceration wounds from IV crack cocaine use. Check this out if you can stomach it:

...It is estimated that 88% of intravenous drug users have signs of vascular damage to their legs and 55% of these have signs of severe venous disease (Pieper and Templin, 2001). Despite this, Department of Health (2007) guidelines on drug misuse and dependence do not mention venous disease or leg ulceration.

...Clients in their early twenties often have signs of hypertrophic skin changes and ankle flare which are common signs of venous disease.

...Using crack cocaine can accelerate the rate at which venous damage occurs because the drug has a short term action, giving a short lived feeling of euphoria and wellbeing. As the effects of the drug wear off, users often become tense and paranoid and this leads to repeated use to try to recapture those initial feelings. Such behaviour can result in a crack binge, where a user may inject into the femoral vein up to 20 times in one day. There is also a trend among new drug users to use the femoral vein rather than superficial veins because the injection sites are not visible and the vein is easy to access.

Source: http://www.allbusiness.com/crime-law/controlled-substances-heroin/14507783-1.html#ixzz1jGRxqOxW

So, if we can guess that she was a heavy IV drug user and a prostitute, and if I'm correct in that this was a victim of Robert Shulman, then she probably came from Queens: "They identified the victim as Melani, a fellow prostitute who, like them, worked Jamaica Avenue between 198th Street and Francis Lewis Boulevard".

Now, its my belief that we might also surmise that the Asian male came from the same location. As it turns out, "Queens has the largest Asian population in NYC (477,390 or 49.6% of the NYC total Asian population). Among the five boroughs, Queens has the largest population of Chinese, Asian Indians, Koreans, Filipinos, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis." http://www.queenslibrary.org/pub/QuickFacts.asp

But wait, the police said that the Asian male was killed between 5-10 years ago. Well, as it turns out, there are some things that can be determined with pretty good accuracy, and others that can't when it comes to forensically examining skelatal remains. Guessing the victims gender and height is pretty easy. Age is a bit more difficult, but pretty doable with reasonable accuracy. However, guessing Post Mortem Interval (PMI) is much more of a complicated science, and I believe that police may have got this wrong, and in fact the Asian male is also a victim of Robert Shulman. Here's why:

"Since the body has gone through the various stages of decomposition and is now at the skeletal stage, the investigation requires scientific knowledge and skills beyond that of the police investigator. In fact, forensics is now so specialized that in a case such as this the average medical examiner may not have the expertise to determine cause and time of death."

So, did police have a forensic enthropologist to study of bugs in soil samples to determine PMI? Maybe, but even so, the suggestion of 10 years leads me to beleive that they were dealing mostly with a skeletal remains. The longer the time, the greater the uncertainty regarding PMI. See: http://healthdrip.com/estimation-of-post-mortem-interval/

My guess is that a 5-10 year PMI assumption was not that accurate, and it wouldn't surprise anyone if in fact the Asian male had been there since 1995 or 1996.

So, to summarize these findings:

1) "Jane Doe 1996" was potentially injecting crack cocaine intravanuosely via fermoral artery, leading to leg ulcerations and heavy scarring.
2) Shulman was a heavy crack cocaine user, potentially linking him to Jane Doe 1996.
3) Shulman dismembered prostitutes to conceal the identity. Jane Doe 1996 was dismembered.
4) Shulman's brother, who was convicted of helping dispose of bodies, lives in Long Beach, suggesting a link to the area of Ocean Parkway near the Jones Beach circle where the Asian male and Jane Doe 1996 were found.
5) Although Jane Doe 1996 was found in the same month that Shulman was arrested, it is possible that she was murdered in the weeks or months leading up to his arrest and the legs later washed ashore in Davis Park after making their way through the bays behind Jones Beach and ultimately through Jones inlet into the Ocean. This assumes that Barry Shulman (Robert's brother) was responsible for disposing the body parts as he had done previously (http://articles.nydailynews.com/1996-04-26/local/18007717_1_robert-shulman-body-parts-barry-shulman)
6) Both Jane Doe 1996's head and legs were found wrapped in plastic garbage bags, as were Shulman's victims.
7) Shulman's victims died of blunt force trauma to the head, as did the Asian male.
8) If the Asian male is in fact related to Shulman, the Asian male may have been a prostitute working on Jamaica Ave in Queens.
9) If Jane Doe 1996 is in fact related to Shulman, Jane Doe 1996 may have been a prostitute working on Jamaica Ave in Queens.

Hi, I still think that with the NYC ME's office having the largest contingent of Forensic Anthropologists on staff of any ME office, they would have examined this Asian male and possibly upped the uncertainty a 15 yr old skeleton might present. IMO


Snippet " . . . .The OCME-NYC is the largest Medical Examiner’s Office in the United States, responsible for cases in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. Due to NYC’s high volume of cases, and particularly in light of the complex investigations associated with the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster, the OCME has developed the largest dedicated staff of forensic anthropologists in a medical examiners office"

PS: Thank you for your diligent research and presentation.
Inspector, just because Robert Schulman was a crackhead does not mean he is connected to the case. The only thing I can think of that could possibly link RS to the case, is the facebook post about how the Capano's are responsible. Tom Capano's brother helped him dispose of the body, just like Barry.

JB has WAY MORE connections to this case than RS. According to our friend goathairjones, JB is a heavy cocaine user, Shannan ran screaming from his home, He made a comment about not liking trannies, he physically assaulted Shannan, a neighbor said she saw him suspiciusly loading a U-Haul. Start sleuthing JB instead of all these unrelated folks.

Here is the thing about JB: Does he have ties to Oak Beach that go back further than when he moved there? Some of the murders are long before his move in date. It is possible he kept some of the bodies as trophies and dumped them once he moved in (manorville). Or he could have been using OP as a dumping ground and the sick *advertiser censored* decided, wow, what a great place to buy a house.

Truth: You are so positive the Dr is the killer but there are only a few scenarios I can think of that make this possible

JB and Shannan took the 15 minute ride to Dr. Hacketts
Dr Hackett was at JB's house
JB and MP recruited Shannan as a murder vic for the Dr

Because Shannan ran from JB's screaming they were going to kill her, It implicates someone or all that were there that night. Another thing, alot of people seem to think Shannan ended up on her own at the Dr's house after running from MP


I'm sure everyone can recall the early reports that SHE WAS PULLED INTO A TRUCK!

Sure there is alot of circumstantial evidence that points to the DR but the REALLY REALLY obvious info points to Joe Brewer and Michael Pak. It is IMPOSSIBLE they are not involved.
PS I know the phone call from the Doctor really really looks bad so more power to you truthspider for sluething the ****in shiit out of him
Truth: You are so positive the Dr is the killer but there are only a few scenarios I can think of that make this possible

JB and Shannan took the 15 minute ride to Dr. Hacketts
Dr Hackett was at JB's house
JB and MP recruited Shannan as a murder vic for the Dr

The doctor had been paying JB to be his proxy, "I'll pay and you call"
oooops now jb realizes he was suckered into being a conspirator..now what.

I run a rehab center and the family contacted me trying to get help for their daughter, but she won't listen so we are arranging an intervention.

They could simply be sharing the cost of an escort from the city.

The doc could have provided drugs to JB earlier, "give this to your girl it will make her wild" etc. if something goes wrong just call me.

there are many many scenarios for which it is possible.....
PS I know the phone call from the Doctor really really looks bad so more power to you truthspider for sluething the ****in shiit out of him

"looks bad" is one way that people say it.
"coincidence" is another way you could say it.
"the doc has bad luck" is yet another.

The reason I have confidence in what I know, is that I actually know how to measure what people are trying to communicate when they use phrases such as these. Let me ask you sherlock, when you say "looks bad", if you had to describe what exactly you mean by that, which would you pick?

1) it's just unlucky, like someone who get's 2 speeding tickets in one day.

2) it's a crazy coincidence, like meeting someone from the other side of the planet who shares your first and last name, and is married to someone who has the same first and last name as your spouse.

3) it's as unlucky as finding out that you have a monozygotic twin (genetically identical) you didn't know about, and now they are commiting crimes in your neighborhood and leaving evidence which essentially frames you.

Do you see what I am getting at? Most people don't know how to assign an appropriate probability to an individuals "unluckyness". Well I am hear to tell you that I do know how to describe his "unluckyness" in a realistic, appropriate, quantitative way. What I have been telling people since April 2011 is that being framed by an adversary, then without knowledge of being chosen as this patsy, you under your own free will inject and involve yourself into the case is closest to choice 3. Then as you examine his life and his whereabouts you will see the overlap with the facts of this case.

In finance, odds such as this are known as a good trade or sure thing. In medicine they might say you have 3 months to live, they don't know with certainty you will be dead in less than 3 months, but they can be confident that there is a 99% chance you will. I am not saying it is a universal gaurantee that CPH is the LISK, I am just saying that I could sleep confidentally if I had bet my house and everything I own on it. Because the probability of him not being the SK is extremely low. I don't know forensics, medicine, and the roads around oak beach and long beach like IG, but I do know probabilities, and he is as close as it gets to a sure thing. Coincidence accumulates as you approach the truth.
LI doctor accused of abusing girls facing federal charges

(01/11/12) CENTRAL ISLIP - A Bethpage pediatrician already accused of sexually abusing young patients was hit with a 36-count federal indictment today for new charges that include sex abuse and health care fraud.

Dr. Rakesh Punn, 53, pleaded not guilty to the charges at his arraignment today. He's accused of using chloroform to knock out his young patients before blindfolding them and using a camera to record himself sexually abusing them in his Bethpage office. Prosecutors say he abused girls as young as 7.

The new federal charges include seven counts of sexual exploitation and 29 counts of health care fraud. Federal prosecutors say Punn filed fake insurance claims for the victims he molested.

Punn has been held at the Nassau County jail on $10 million bond since July 2010, when he was originally arrested. He's scheduled to be back in Nassau court next week, and to return to federal court in March.

We need a link for this, please. If you can pm it to me, I will add it to the post.


no one made it look like CPH called MG, CPH has already admitted to the calls in a typed up and signed letter to 48 hrs, we also have the police saying they have record of the calls. Aside from breaking into CPH's house and making that first phone call, the rehab call, there isn't any real possibility of someone synthesizing that phone call and having it come up in two different peoples phone records. And if people don't think that first phone call was indeed made from CPH's land line, you should know that BH is claiming that flukeyou breaks into peoples houses in oak beach and uses their phone....holy denial!!!! That statement tells me she knows the first phone call was indeed made from her house, but is understandably in deep denial.

“no one made it look like CPH called MG, CPH has already admitted to the calls in a typed up and signed letter to 48 hrs, we also have the police saying they have record of the calls.”

How do we know this for sure? 48 Hours never offered any information in the programs as to how they authenticated the letter's provenance or how they authenticated the doctor's signature. I have written 48 Hours asking them for details on what method/process they used to authenticate the letters and signature but, have not heard back from them yet. Furthermore, 48 Hours did not elaborate on How they received the letter. Was it received via fax, conventional mail, email, hand delivery, messenger service etc.?

In regards to Commissioner Dormer's confirmation that the doctor made a call to Mari Gilbert, his quote was, “yeah our information is that he did”. He did not elaborate on the details of the call or on what information he had.


“Aside from breaking into CPH's house and making that first phone call, the rehab call, there isn't any real possibility of someone synthesizing that phone call and having it come up in two different peoples phone records.”

There are a number of ways this could have been accomplished If the perp did indeed fake the calls and forge a letter with the doctor's signature without physically breaking into the doctor's house. Yes, it involves hacking/cracking into the doctors computer system, cell phone and land-line.

For Example, could the perp have done any of the following:

1. Physically hacked into the doctor's land-line? All the perp would need to exploit landlines are a yellow hat (to blend in), 2 alligator clips connected to the correct wires, a cheap plastic phone and maybe directions from the internet on how to “phreak” landlines. The perp makes the call while connected to the doctor's line and said call is reflected on the phone bill.


2. Could the perp have hacked/cracked into the doctor's cell-phone? Here are some links into the Possible methods the perp Might have used If he hacked/cracked into the doctor's cell-phone to make any of the calls. There is also information about Caller ID Spoofing in these links:




This link includes information on how landlines can be remotely hacked:

3. If the perp hacked into the doctor's cell-phone this conceivably would give the perp access to his email as well. Perhaps the doctor keeps an “electronic signature” handy within his email? The perp could then create a document such as a letter and send that letter via email or fax.

4. What if the perp gained remote access to the doctor's desktop computer to send a letter to 48 Hours? How could the perp have accomplished that? There are a few ways:

Maybe the perp took a "man in the middle" attack/arp spoofing- like when you went to your local coffee shop and checked your bank account, but didn't notice the SSL cert was changed?

Maybe the perp attacked the web browser with malicious script that runs in the browser and then delivers a payload?

Maybe the perp simply guessed the password to the doctor's WI-fi?

Maybe the perp noticed the doctor didn't change the factory user name and password of his WI-fi router, looked up the router's manufacturer information online and found the corresponding user name and password also available online?

Maybe the perp installed a back door program on the doctor's computer, such as a root-kit, virus, Trojan etc.? There are a lot of scripts available on the internet to accomplish this task but the more sophisticated hacker/crackers make their own viruses, Trojans etc. using C++ or C#. This would give the perp unlimited access to the doctor's computer. He could send any correspondence, document etc. via fax and or/email. The perp could do this from anywhere. This would also mean that the perp need not break into the doctor's house to send a forged letter although that is possible.

How could the perp have avoided detection If he did hack into the doctor's computer? Again, there are a few ways:

Maybe he used a root-kit to hide the program to normal diagnostic tools?

Maybe the perp wiped the system logs on the local system?

Maybe the perp ran the tools directly in memory?

Maybe the perp “killed” any anti-virus software installed on the computer? This can be done in such a way as to make it appear that the anti-virus software is still available and functional.

5. Finally, yes the perp would need to use proxy servers and/or a free down loadable program to render his digital identity untraceable. That is, of course, If he did any of the above at all.

“And if people don't think that first phone call was indeed made from CPH's land line, you should know that BH is claiming that flukeyou breaks into peoples houses in oak beach and uses their phone....holy denial!!!! That statement tells me she knows the first phone call was indeed made from her house, but is understandably in deep denial. “

Who is BH and how could anybody possibly confirm the identity of flukeyou?

I am not quite sure if I understand what you mean in that last portion quoted.
“no one made it look like CPH called MG, CPH has already admitted to the calls in a typed up and signed letter to 48 hrs, we also have the police saying they have record of the calls.”

How do we know this for sure? 48 Hours never offered any information in the programs as to how they authenticated the letter's provenance or how they authenticated the doctor's signature. I have written 48 Hours asking them for details on what method/process they used to authenticate the letters and signature but, have not heard back from them yet. Furthermore, 48 Hours did not elaborate on How they received the letter. Was it received via fax, conventional mail, email, hand delivery, messenger service etc.?

In regards to Commissioner Dormer's confirmation that the doctor made a call to Mari Gilbert, his quote was, “yeah our information is that he did”. He did not elaborate on the details of the call or on what information he had.

I am not going to answer most of your questions, I am simply going to tell you to familiarize yourself with the materials of this case before you post.

The letters were type written and hand signed, you don't need to contact 48 hours because the police commisioner confirmed it. The rational among us won't believe that every peice of evidence linking CPH to SG and any other victim was fabricated by seperate unrelated conspirators over the decades. No one has been framing or sabotaging CPH since the 1980's, his personal history is his own creation and is well documented. Conspiracy theories belong on LISK.com not WS.

I would like to add another "maybe" to your list, maybe aliens took over the body of CPH, made him commit all the murders, then left his body leaving "no evidence". Science can never prove that this last "maybe" did not happen, but rational people won't waste their time with such notions. Nobody believed Colin Ferguson's assertion that the government planted a chip in his brain for good reason; it's irrational.
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