NY - LISK Bodies found as of December 10, 2011 Thread #13

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this guy is playing with the wrong people.

why have they not identified Shannan's body yet? is something missing?
I wonder if this married-couple-spat between Dormer and the DA are inadvertently causing delays. I'd be pretty uncomfortable to be the person to identify her and her COD especially if it isn't what Dormer is saying it is (ie not Shannan, or evidence of murder).
Look at the difference of perspective between you two. Either one of you could be absolutely correct. If I was the sk, I'd be confused...and even more confused if I was reading here as well. However, he can't stop himself. He must play his game and bigger than all of that, he knows things that we don't and he is smarter than LE.

Well, play on...playa. You are so smart until you are stupid. You're a *advertiser censored* and the only reason why you've gotten away with this for so long is because of the lack of LE concern in SPCD. Please believe it is not because you are so stealthy and untouchable. Your days are numbered. You're going down and your only connection to the outside world will be sick, low self-esteemed bytches who will write and propose to you because you will literally be the best kind of chit they can get. The others who write you will only want to correspond so they can make money off of you. Other than that, you are worthless and you've always been so.

That's sort of the fallacy of SK's thinking that they're incredibly smart and can toy with LE. Look at Gary Ridgeway, for example. He had the IQ of a carrot. I don't know how bright Jeffrey Dahmer was, but he thought that if he made a shrine out of the bones of his victims, it would give him special powers, so you can imagine that where his head was at.

The lack of personal insight a killer would need to have to think that you're actually "intelligent" for killing a bunch of people without getting caught is, ironically what exposes them as stupid.
Which picture did you use originally?

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7439575&postcount=9"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - New Search for Shannan Gilbert, Body found in Marsh[/ame]
:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: I cannot wrap my head around the fact that she ran from where her belongings were found to where her remains were found (as per Newsday's picture). There is no way... it can't be! If you guys went and saw the sticks, brambles, and pinchy marsh, you would agree that no one- drugged or not- would make it 10 feet in that mess. Look how FAR apart her stuff was found from her!

Fellow Islanders, am I nuts? I can't even walk barefoot on the grass at OBI, it's so harsh!
These pictures are from the google earth dated as 9/19/2010. So measuring out at 75 yards from light pole you will see the red line end and then the blue line is a reference for size that measures 5.5 feet.

Cant really see much at all it is so dense.



Edit to add:
What I do see is a white is area just off to our right at the top of the bushes, could be nothing but I think that is the spot?
I feel stupid now after looking more at the photo of the remains....what I thought was the skull I think now is actually a man leaning over the body, probably taking photos.
I enlarged the photo of Gilbert's remains as best I could, and from what I can see, it appears there is something wrapped around the upper portion of her body..and it appears there is still some hair on the skull. (Dormer & others are standing around her looking down at her)


It's such a sad photo - a bunch of people standing around looking at someone's remains. I guess they're used to this sort of thing and can distance themselves but you still have to wonder what's going through their heads. It's such an awful thing. I really hope something breaks soon.
I have no idea how she died and holding out for the autopsy.
There are a few possibilities and I am going to keep an open mind.
If it is confirmed a tip called in lots of possibilities however what was the tip then.
Someone saying they saw her running in the marsh or they know where her body is.
this is just insane
I think Dormer is on to something more then this prosecutor. I think the prosecutor is looking for an easy way out to get rid of Shannan's case and Dormer is not.

Hi Quiet girl, Tonight I watched the video with Bo Dietl { http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/good_day_ny/bo-dietl-20111216 } and he made a comment that the Prosecutor is quite a sharp cookie {so to speak, my wording}. Hearing that and knowing about the airing of different ideas between him and the Chief Dormer made me think it is being very cleverly done to get a certain reaction from the LISK.

That is one thing I learned from watching almost every Criminal Minds show made. :crazy: SK's fall into categories and depending on the profile they can tell how they will react. That often helps in snaring them.
I think FBI profilers are encouraging Dormer to say he doesn't think Shannan's case is connected to make it look like LE is on the wrong track and to reinforce the SK's thinking he is so much smarter than LE.

I think Shannan was eventually "caught" and taken by the SK that night, probably held for a time, and dumped where she was finally found days later, which is why LE didn't find her that morning.

I seem to remember, some time after the Washington snipers were caught, Chief Moose talking about giving misleading statements in the press because profilers told him to.

That's what this smells like.

I almost feel that the SK deliberately let her go so he could "chase" her for sport. Maybe it was even someone else at JB's house that night. Someone who JB didn't realize was a SK, maybe someone he barely knew and was partying with???

Another thing...I think they would know right away whether the body found this week was Shannan's because of the metal plate in her jaw.

That's another clue to me that these press conferences may be slanted for the SK's ears and not the public's.

Dormer's assertion that Shannan drowned in the marsh after becoming disoriented is too ridiculous for it not to be a psychological trick for the SK.

I mean, Shannan was scared for her life, running from someone, calling 911.

And coinkidinkally drowns??? Dormer knows better...


I have a feeling that JB knows who the killer is. When he said
"the truth will come out", that made me think that he is not the killer, but he knows who the killer is and eventually this truth will come out and he will be cleared of any wrong-doing. Otherwise he would just say "I don't know what happened to her and I had nothing to do with her death"
If it is true that LE didn't arrive until 6:00 AM, then it begins to look like they were waiting for the sun to rise. I still say that a helicopter, if they really searched from above, should have seen her or even the reflection off of some of her belongings.

Just K,

SCPD Marine 1 arrived on-scene just after 6AM. They radioed for a K-9 Unit and
a helicopter. SCPD brass decided to wait until a shift change to bring the helicopter in. That shift change would probably be at 7AM or 8AM. Then it would take approx. 20 minutes for it to arrive on site. So the helicopter probably didn't show up until about 8:30 AM. And by then, SG was probably already taken by the killer.

REMEMBER: DO NOT post links to sex sites - any sex sites. Not even Craig's List sex info. NONE.

DO NOT post home addresses of innocent people or phone numbers. Do not name people that are not in MSM and/or named by LE.

No speculation of ethnicity. It borders on being offensive given that stereotype are not always accurate.


Thanks for the thread Miss Modstress Bessie. Great to see you ;} And to you Salem for your bit of script. I almost had cocoa all over my keyboard. :D

We all appreciate your attentiveness to such a busy forum. ;}
Just K,

SCPD Marine 1 arrived on-scene just after 6AM. They radioed for a K-9 Unit and
a helicopter. SCPD brass decided to wait until a shift change to bring the helicopter in. That shift change would probably be at 7AM or 8AM. Then it would take approx. 20 minutes for it to arrive on site. So the helicopter probably didn't show up until about 8:30 AM. And by then, SG was probably already taken by the killer.

The K9 unit should have found her. It was one of the freshest tracks they'll ever have a go at. If she went into the marsh, the dogs should have alerted there. Maybe because the track simply ended (at Anchor Way?)
The K9 unit should have found her. It was one of the freshest tracks they'll ever have a go at. If she went into the marsh, the dogs should have alerted there. Maybe because the track simply ended (at Anchor Way?)
ITA with you and goathair...she was long gone by the time they got the dogs out and the helicopter up.
wasn't Gilbert wearing a blonde wig the night she vanished? wonder if that's been found...
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