NY - LISK Bodies found as of December 10, 2011 Thread #13

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Yeah, drowning huh? So, how did Shannan's jeans that she was presumably wearing at Coletti's and her cell phone that she had at Coletti's end up in exactly the same location as her purse that she supposedly did NOT have at Coletti's?

Or (tongue in cheek), did Gus forget to tell us she wasn't wearing her jeans while her jacket was over her shoulders? :rolleyes:
If Shannon's death is ruled accidental, I want to know what kind of tip LE received over Thanksgiving that led them to renew their search for her.

Well, that one officer was talking about the "90 points of interest" that they found with the high def helicopter photos. Maybe this was one of them?

Of course, the helicopter photos were taken months ago, if I'm not mistaken, so why did it take them that long to search?

I have to think that they are being intentionally evasive.
Just K,

SCPD Marine 1 arrived on-scene just after 6AM. They radioed for a K-9 Unit and
a helicopter. SCPD brass decided to wait until a shift change to bring the helicopter in. That shift change would probably be at 7AM or 8AM. Then it would take approx. 20 minutes for it to arrive on site. So the helicopter probably didn't show up until about 8:30 AM. And by then, SG was probably already taken by the killer.

Those helicopters they run up and down the beach have heat seekers as they are used for locating people in rip tides. If the chopper was up even 9 am Shannon would have been omitting a heat signal even if she had already passed. (if they used the tools) Since they were looking for a woman in distress near an ocean it would be insane to think they wouldnt use those tools..

Would Shannon's family have a civil suit since it took 45 minutes for LE to arrive? Is that why they want it to appear like she drowned ?
Well, that one officer was talking about the "90 points of interest" that they found with the high def helicopter photos. Maybe this was one of them?

Of course, the helicopter photos were taken months ago, if I'm not mistaken, so why did it take them that long to search?

I have to think that they are being intentionally evasive.

Perfect statement as to how I feel about this whole investigation. Shannon CALLED LE shortly before she went missing - with the claim that her life was threatened. LE DID come to investigate...... and they found.... nothing right away.... latter they found 10 other bodies! Now, at Thanksgiving LE receives a tip that Shannon might be dead, so they focus their search and find her belongings... and then, they find her body. I am absolutely AMAZED that they are still saying she "drowned". Yea.... and monkey's might fly out of my butt real soon.
Those helicopters they run up and down the beach have heat seekers as they are used for locating people in rip tides. If the chopper was up even 9 am Shannon would have been omitting a heat signal even if she had already passed. (if they used the tools) Since they were looking for a woman in distress near an ocean it would be insane to think they wouldnt use those tools..

Would Shannon's family have a civil suit since it took 45 minutes for LE to arrive? Is that why they want it to appear like she drowned ?
Hi Soulmagent, Goathairjones wrote this post yesterday that really explained it for me. The process for responding to a call isn't like the normal way in Portland or NYC, etc. Here is his post:

"Originally Posted by Goathairjones:

SCPD Marine 1 arrived on-scene just after 6AM. They radioed for a K-9 Unit anda helicopter. SCPD brass decided to wait until a shift change to bring the helicopter in. That shift change would probably be at 7AM or 8AM. Then it would take approx. 20 minutes for it to arrive on site. So the helicopter probably didn't show up until about 8:30 AM. And by then, SG was probably already taken by the killer.

I also think this has something to do with the Marine Unit which was on call that night for responding. I read in a comment on line it took an extra 20 min for these guys to group up, even before they left for the site. Not sure about that. ;}
Has anyone looked at the marshy area from the google earth for tracks? any kind of tracks. We know its really swampy, BUT people tracking through it could cause similar lines as in the ones with the amphibian vehicle. I believe she was chased by SK for game. I dont believe one bit she "drowned". I truely believe in my gut that the secret with all this lies in one man. Dont know if I can mention who, I dont wanna be booted off here. I think she found "sk" secret out and she would pay dearly for that. I think she found something of the other womens. Remember some of these women were on each others FB pages. I cant keep it all straight as to who is on whos, but they were. I think it was just how movies are, she escaped and was later tracked down by SK, him alone.I also want to know who lives in the houses right there where her items were found? They heard nothing that night? If DR was telling truth about her being there, then recanted it why? He says she left with her driver that morning.
Those helicopters they run up and down the beach have heat seekers as they are used for locating people in rip tides. If the chopper was up even 9 am Shannon would have been omitting a heat signal even if she had already passed. (if they used the tools) Since they were looking for a woman in distress near an ocean it would be insane to think they wouldnt use those tools..

Would Shannon's family have a civil suit since it took 45 minutes for LE to arrive? Is that why they want it to appear like she drowned ?

Suffolk County has that technology in their helicopters?
GC from old article at:

A dark SUV then slowly approached, he said. Pak said he was driving around looking for Gilbert, and told Coletti they had been at a party and that the young woman who had gotten upset and left.

Coletti said he'd seen her and called police.

Pak said he resumed his search and sent Gilbert a text message. She didn't respond.

Pak looked for Gilbert along Ocean Parkway but said he gave up at 6 a.m., driving back to New York City.

If MP sent SG a text after she ran from Coletti's, that text should be on either his cell or on Shannan's. Also, after speaking with GC, did MP leave the gated community immediately and search for her on Ocean Parkway? If so, why would he think she would be there as opposed to still within the gated community? IF what he said was true, then he has removed himself from the OB location where she was last seen. With Barbara B seeing SG approx 5:22 on Anchor Way and CPH having said initially that he saw her looking sick and distressed, that would seem to point moreso to CPH than MP.

Don't know who to believe here, eh?
If you are new to this thread or subject, you should go back and read. It's really not so cut and dry. Remember the kid who was drugged by Jeffrey Dahmer and almost escaped, but they thought it was just a lover's quarrel or something and didn't intervene? Convenient for SK's when victims aren't taken seriously. Regardless, if you read back about this case, you will see it's still a shameful situation, regardless of whether or not anything malevolent happened.

Not new to the thread or subject. She was working as an escort, that means she had a driver and at least one call operator. So multiple people would have known where she was, and the guy who hired her would have been well aware of that if this is what he does. No serial killer would do the deed in their own home knowing that. And what serial killer does their dumping in their own immediate neighborhood?

It is not unusual for low end "escorts" to be on drugs/liquor, especially if they were going to "party". A lot of those women have chemical dependencies, which tends to be an expensive life style, and that is a major reason why they choose to earn a living that way. Having a bad trip and going psychotic might not be something that would happen to you but it is entirely believable in this situation.

The fact remains that she called 911 unmolested for a length of time, left the house on her own and was out in the dark. Her driver was running around looking for her, so obviously he knew that she had freaked out and bolted. It is highly improbable that one of the people involved in this would have killed her because there would be so many loose ends with other people who knew stuff or saw her. Killing her and leaving the body so close, when you know people are going to go looking and consequently might just find the other 10 or so bodies you have stashed away seems exceedingly stupid. It would have been far less risk to simply let her get away.

All the evidence we know of from that night suggests a drug induced psychotic episode followed by an OD. The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
If Shannon's death is ruled accidental, I want to know what kind of tip LE received over Thanksgiving that led them to renew their search for her.

Probably someone who lives in the immediate area was walking in the brushy area and noticed items.
Has anyone looked at the marshy area from the google earth for tracks? any kind of tracks. We know its really swampy, BUT people tracking through it could cause similar lines as in the ones with the amphibian vehicle. I believe she was chased by SK for game. I dont believe one bit she "drowned". I truely believe in my gut that the secret with all this lies in one man. Dont know if I can mention who, I dont wanna be booted off here. I think she found "sk" secret out and she would pay dearly for that. I think she found something of the other womens. Remember some of these women were on each others FB pages. I cant keep it all straight as to who is on whos, but they were. I think it was just how movies are, she escaped and was later tracked down by SK, him alone.I also want to know who lives in the houses right there where her items were found? They heard nothing that night? If DR was telling truth about her being there, then recanted it why? He says she left with her driver that morning.

I used google Earth in this post, however the last image update is seen as 9/2010 and its hard to tell not very clear up close.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7444532#post7444532"]New Search for Shannan Gilbert, Body found in Marsh - Page 3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Shannan is the diva in a very large and complicated opera. She is a heroine and a light in every single way., however it played out, for whatever possible reason.
At least she can have a proper burial, instead of her body strewn about in a marsh all alone. May she rest in peace.
Not new to the thread or subject. She was working as an escort, that means she had a driver and at least one call operator. So multiple people would have known where she was, and the guy who hired her would have been well aware of that if this is what he does.

Shannan was not working with an agency, she was independent.
Anyone know what happened at the END of the 23 min px call to LE? Was it a disconnect?
Not new to the thread or subject. She was working as an escort, that means she had a driver and at least one call operator. So multiple people would have known where she was, and the guy who hired her would have been well aware of that if this is what he does. No serial killer would do the deed in their own home knowing that. And what serial killer does their dumping in their own immediate neighborhood?

It is not unusual for low end "escorts" to be on drugs/liquor, especially if they were going to "party". A lot of those women have chemical dependencies, which tends to be an expensive life style, and that is a major reason why they choose to earn a living that way. Having a bad trip and going psychotic might not be something that would happen to you but it is entirely believable in this situation.

The fact remains that she called 911 unmolested for a length of time, left the house on her own and was out in the dark. Her driver was running around looking for her, so obviously he knew that she had freaked out and bolted. It is highly improbable that one of the people involved in this would have killed her because there would be so many loose ends with other people who knew stuff or saw her. Killing her and leaving the body so close, when you know people are going to go looking and consequently might just find the other 10 or so bodies you have stashed away seems exceedingly stupid. It would have been far less risk to simply let her get away.

All the evidence we know of from that night suggests a drug induced psychotic episode followed by an OD. The simplest explanation is usually the right one.

1)No, there was no "call operator." SHE hired the driver herself. She worked for herself and advertised on Craigslist and I believe backpage.com or whatever that other one is called.
2) If you look at it in the most facile way, yes, it doesn't make sense that a SK would call someone to their house & do them in. But who says that's what happened? There are a bazillion other possibilities, which is why so many people are puzzled by this. For example - if, hypothetically, she did in fact end up a victim of the SK and the client was either involved or the SK (and I'm not saying he is, I'm furnishing this as an example of how there could be many other possibilities) who's to say the SK brought her there with the intention of making her a victim? Maybe he didn't, but she saw or found something out or something unexpected happened while she was there that "necessitated" his getting rid of her? That's just one possibility, but there are others, including the possibility that the client had nothing to do with it but someone else did (and don't ask me to go into how that might go down...that's why I suggested going back and reading the myriad of plausible ideas on this thread.)
3) What serial killer does their dumping in their own neighbourhood?! It's a known fact that SK's often like to have their victims nearby, as they get a kick out of passing by them or be able to see where they are, etc. The other victims were close enough for that but not so close as to be suspect (if Shannan hadn't thrown a wrench into the whole thing.) As for Shannan's remains - since she disappeared around there, it would make sense for the SK to let her be found there. If that is in fact true, it was smart, because it has put doubt into some people's minds as to whether or not she was a victim.
4) She may very well have been on drugs/doing drugs/ whatever, but that doesn't preclude her being genuinely in danger. That's what's so irritating to me - yes, obviously is someone is one drugs you might take a harder look at their claims, but it doesn't automatically stand to follow that whatever they say is unreliable, and IMO to automatically make that judgement is not only unfair, but foolish. Again, the issue of her state of mind has been exhaustively discussed in these threads and everything you are saying has been said before and a ton of counter-opinions and ideas furnished - that's why I suggested taking another read.

I could go on with the rest of your post but it's exhausting. I didn't write what I wrote to criticize you, I was honestly suggesting you read back because all of this has been discussed to no end and there are many, many alternative answers/ideas and credible suggestions to the questions you post that have been put out there before. I'm just saying it isn't that cut and dry and if you are really interested in finding out why and if that's true, there's a wealth of information on the previous threads.
Don't forget too that her sisters found one of her earrings in the street when they went searching for her after she disappeared. I don't have any piercings but I believe it can be easy to lose an earring. Just reminding everyone that she had items found outside of this location of her purse and clothing.
Anyone know what happened at the END of the 23 min px call to LE? Was it a disconnect?

Supposedly she is heard being dragged into a van, although I think this is to be filed under rumor and not fact. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
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