NY - LISK Bodies found as of December 10, 2011 Thread #13

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have they released any info as to the state of Shannan's remains, were they clothed?

She might have been partially clothed. Her Jeans were found in another location with her purse but that was the only clothing mentioned.
She might have been partially clothed. Her Jeans were found in another location with her purse but that was the only clothing mentioned.

that's true...some articles say she was wearing a white blouse & others say it was a black blouse
going back to the photo of Gilbert's remains....I studied it again last night for hours...and I'm going back to my original conclusion of what I was seeing. I also compared it to other photos online of skeletal remains.

It definitely appears that Gilbert's upper body was wrapped in something dark or black. You can even see the silhouette of her arm crossed underneath whatever the "wrapping" is...in other words, it does not appear that it's a garment with sleeves.

Where can I see this photo?
i think the jean, purse, cell phone, etc that they found was what Shannan left in MP's car when she went into JB's house. she might have retrieved them when and if she met up with MP again or they could have been toss by MP.

i asked about the remains being clothed because the other GB4 where found with no clothes or jewelry. just wanted to see how Shannan fit in with them.
Just throwing out my thoughts but I think Shannan's official COD will be inconclusive. I really don't think we will ever 100% know why she was where she was, and why she perished. Unless the SK is caught and for some reason admits to her death and gives LE details that match up with everything, I don't think we'll ever officially know. Sorry to be a Negative Nancy lol but it's concerning to me that the ME still has not released a COD. Plus, on top of that she was skeletal in a marshy area. They probably won't be able to tell if she drowned or collapsed of hypothermia and most likely all DNA evidence is gone.

IMO I think this is why they were so quick to state she drowned. They know most likely they won't know the COD and wanted to give an answer to the general public and plant the seed. This way, when the COD is inconclusive, they can say "well the absence of evidence IS the evidence".


I think they'll be able to determine a cause of death...after all, they were able to do so with Brainard-Barnes (who had been missing 3 years & 5 mos)...and Barthelemy (who had been missing 1 yr 5 mos.)
SG's belongings had to have been left at JB's house or MP's car. One of them had to have placed them where they were found or they were given to someone to place where they were found. If they had been given back to SG she would have put her jeans back on and would have used her cell phone again to try to get help. We know by the remains of the other girls that they were stored somewhere before being dumped near the roadside. Sincw they were naked with no personal belongings (the GB4) we suspect the SK was keeping trophies. I think he also stored SG's body and kept her clothing. I believe he placed her body alongside the road recently and then placed her belongings behind CPH's house to try to frame him. I think it was staged by the SK for the attention or it was staged by accomplices thinking if they gave up Shannan's body the investigation will eventually die down and all go away. All with the help of LE saying the death wasn't related to the other girls and that she drowned. Hard not to notice the timing of these events in relation to the upcoming changing of the guard. I'm sure there are many other speculative scenarios but that's what I keep coming up with.
All along I have thought MP was not just a driver. IMO he was a middleman who had been supplying women to OB residents for a long time. In that case it would not have mattered to the other participants that he was there that night. They just didn't count on her getting away. I believe she found something so horrible and incriminating she had to be dealt with immediately unlike the other girls. That was the only difference between her and the others. We don't know if the other girls had a driver or not.
Mari Gilbert is saying that she knows for a FACT that Shannan's belongings were placed there RECENTLY! She is having a press conference at Oak Beach tomorrow morning.

I give Mari Gilbert a lot of credit for being so tenacious, and going up against all the high muckety-mucks who are obscuring the facts of the case.

I pray that she will continue until she finds out who killed her daughter, and until that person is arrested and convicted.
All along I have thought MP was not just a driver. IMO he was a middleman who had been supplying women to OB residents for a long time. In that case it would not have mattered to the other participants that he was there that night. They just didn't count on her getting away. I believe she found something so horrible and incriminating she had to be dealt with immediately unlike the other girls. That was the only difference between her and the others. We don't know if the other girls had a driver or not.

according to the Suffolk Cnty Public Safety Committee - *Pak* was the person who was contacted for the setup with Gilbert.

On the day in question she left her
home in Jersey, took a train into Manhattan where she engaged in one, maybe two tricks, and she
had a driver who was contacted by an individual in the Oak Beach Association
and she was taken
there at approximately two o'clock in the morning.
The google map from 2010 shows an image of a tan object in what appears to be the exact position as the above photo shows the remains. Even if Shannan died there and her remains have been there the whole time, it doesn't mean that she was not chased in there, struggled and collapsed. It really appears as if she is seated with her knees pulled upward. That is what it appears like in this google image from 2010, too.

Whoever caused her to run off into the marsh could still have tossed her belongings into the marsh and behind the doctor's house at anytime. It is still possible that CPH did take her into his house to try to undo whatever drug she had been given at JB's house and it's possible she died in his house and was then taken to the far edge of the marsh...via an all terrain vehicle...that might have been done to buy some time just in case searchers continued to come out. Just another possibility.


  • LISK Marsh Google2010 Q Shannan Remains.jpg
    LISK Marsh Google2010 Q Shannan Remains.jpg
    74.5 KB · Views: 84
I found this very interesting. Flukeyou posted it on the other site:

“The worst thing Peter’s ever done is come home late for dinner.” – Barbara Hackett

I wonder how many times he was late? And how late was he? Did he smell of burlap?
I found this very interesting. Flukeyou posted it on the other site:

“The worst thing Peter’s ever done is come home late for dinner.” – Barbara Hackett

I wonder how many times he was late? And how late was he? Did he smell of burlap?

When she said that to the reporter, it came off sounding huffy and dismissive. It always rang untrue.
You all need to go to Bing Maps and look at the area where Shannan was found. Go to the area and then hit "Birds Eye" and zoom all the way in. Then rotate the picture and view it facing south. The "bramble" in that area is extremely thin and actually has openings that you can walk right into the marsh area. And that area is NOT flooded, contrary to our brain-surgeon police commissioner. He stated that it would be impossible for someone to get through that bramble. Well he is a MORON! The area is easily accessible! Why are we being lied to?
There is actually a foot path from Circle Drive in Oak Beach through the marsh!!! And it is not a wetland trench, it is actually a footpath from Circle Drive right to the area where SG was found!!! I kid you not!
I was wondering, if he was in fact in any way involved, why PH would tell Mari that Shannan had spent the night there, (working on the assumption that he did indeed tell her that, which I personally believe to be true). One would think that would be a stupid thing to do, because why would you choose to alert anyone that you had any possible involvement if you didn't have to (if you had something to hide)? The only thing I can think of would be if Shannan had in fact been at his house, for whatever reason, even briefly, whether it was nefarious or not (perhaps, as some have suggested, that 15 minute mystery trip, to get drugs or whatever) and since when he called Mari he didn't at that point have any idea what anyone knew, he might have said it preemptively, to cover himslef in case they searched his house and found evidence she had been there. Then finding out no-one knew his involvement, he realized he hadn't needed to do that and so denied saying it. Or is that far-fetched?! It's the only thing I can think of that might explain why he would do that.

This brings me to a question: once the police arrived in Oak Beach after GC called them, I would expect in a situation like that that they would try to determine what house the female caller had come from, even if it meant going door to door. Once finding the house, I would also expect that they might ask (JB) if it would be okay if they took a quick look around. Surely they had connected Shannan's call with GC's. I realize Shannan had been seen running away and the assumption would be she was no longer there, and that they didn't yet know she had gone missing (they didn't know she hadn't either) but I still think under the circumstances - they had received a frantic 911 call from there - it would be reasonable. Did they do that? I doubt it. I'm just wondering what actually happened when the police showed up. And shouldn't they have asked to see the security tape right then and there? I wonder who the police officer was who answered that call and how he feels about it now.
Their COD has not been released. Do we know for sure that LE knows their COD? Anyone have a link where LE says they know the COD for each girl? Or do they just know they were murdered because its obvious?
Also, re: the pictures of the victims in the first post - are some missing? What about the fire island victim?
The google map from 2010 shows an image of a tan object in what appears to be the exact position as the above photo shows the remains. Even if Shannan died there and her remains have been there the whole time, it doesn't mean that she was not chased in there, struggled and collapsed. It really appears as if she is seated with her knees pulled upward. That is what it appears like in this google image from 2010, too.

Whoever caused her to run off into the marsh could still have tossed her belongings into the marsh and behind the doctor's house at anytime. It is still possible that CPH did take her into his house to try to undo whatever drug she had been given at JB's house and it's possible she died in his house and was then taken to the far edge of the marsh...via an all terrain vehicle...that might have been done to buy some time just in case searchers continued to come out. Just another possibility.

I don't know...look at the size of that spot vs a tree canopy. About the same size...
Mari Gilbert is saying that she knows for a FACT that Shannan's belongings were placed there RECENTLY! She is having a press conference at Oak Beach tomorrow morning.

Did this press conference end up taking place?
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