NY-Long Island-Four bodies found on Beach-Possible Serial Killer-Dec 2010 #1

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not sure if this been posted
Gilbert's mother Mari Gilbert told WABC 7 that "[Gilbert's] last phone call was 23 minutes to 911 when she was grabbed and pulled into a truck."

"She was trying to run away and leave," added Gilbert's sister Sherre. "[She was] screaming, she was running and knocking on neighbors doors, saying, 'He's trying to kill me!'"

Police say Gilbert even specifically named her attacker who was someone she knew.Gilbert's family hopes the 911 call will help detectives solve the case and noted that they remember Gilbert to be filled with love and promise, according to WABC 7's report.


I been looking to see if a 911 tape was ever release. Seem weird if they had name why we have not heard that name.
The AC victims were left in a row about equal distance apart just as the Long Island victims were. They were fully clothed except for shoes and socks and there was definitly indications of stagging as they all appeared to be deliberatly placed in the same distinctive manner. At this point, we have no information that the long Island victims were staged and they were apparently not clothed and two were covered in burlap. (clothing tends to last a long time but animals could "rearrange" bones) If the only similarity is the fact that they were (apparently) 4 prostitutes and were left in a symetrical row, there is really no reason to believe they are related. Serial killers often use the same "dumping ground" for different victims.

Although the AC "POI" has been discounted as a suspect, I would expect LE to take a look at his movements "just in case".

At this point, we don't have a positive ID on any of the Long Island victims so it's too early to draw many conclusions. If Craigs List is the common denominator, it would probably be where the investigation would start. I would think ALL missing women say from 16 to 45 should be checked to see if they had a Craigs List account (names and pictures).
Is there a Websleuths thread on Megan Waterman? I'm curious to know how she was separated from her boyfriend on this trip. Was it a vacation for them or was she working as a prostitute while they were there together? I haven't had a chance to look for old news reports on Waterman, but I'm wondering what the boyfriend said at the time she went missing.

I'm just trying to think about how the killer would have found his victims (I'm assuming it is a "he" based on SK statistics). Prostitutes advertising on Craigslist seems like the easiest target, but this is a big vacation destination as well and I'm wondering if he could have lured his victims in another way.

All MO and just thinking out loud...

Yes there is a website here for Megan. From what I remember she left the Holiday Inn with her BF at 800pm then came back a short time later by herself. At 130am she got a call from her BF and she left the Hotel never to be seen again. This was all on surveillance video. But just her entering and leaving, not the parking lot.

I think this is the same news story that Texas Mist posted earlier. It states in it that about two months ago the 'john' in the Shannon Gilbert case used a UHaul van at night to move something. There was another man involved and the neighbor said they did most of the moving in the dark and that it was very quick about 15 minutes.

I don't think you'd need a UHaul van to move a body and I believe I read in other articles that the john has been interviewed and cleared by LE but thought it was interesting information.
Hi everyone
As a websleuther, I have been closely following this case, though I haven't posted in forever.

As a Long Islander, I feel compelled to post to clarify a few things and then offer my opinion.

My husband and I go to Oak Beach, Gilgo Beach and Cedar beach at least 4 times a week in the summer. I am more than familiar with the area.

1. This area is not near the rich and famous tony hamptons. While real estate in the area is pricey and sought-after, it is a casual beach community that is 70% or more seasonal. It's more than an hour to the hamptons. I'd classify it as closer to fire island than anything.

2. This stretch of highway is not congested, nor popular for commuters, as it is a bit out of the way. It is a perfect 'shortcut' from Suffolk county to Nassau county and points west, but can be impassable and brutal in the winter. It is a rather remote location.

3. I've heard on several reports how this is brush is near the beach and is popular. I beg to differ. The cove closest to this brush is only used for recreational boaters to anchor and party or to go clamming and crabbing. Most people do not need to walk through this area to cross Ocean parkway to the Ocean side. There are specifically designated areas where the beach access is open for people to cross. It is on the Westbound side of the highway, on the bay side of the barrier island.

Ok, now the websleuther in me wants to guess on the situation... :innocent:

I immediately thought of clamming when I heard where these bodies were found. About 1/4 mile due east of this area is where my family and I have gone clamming for years. The burlap bags make perfect sense for someone who has access to fishing/clamming/oyster fishing. I whole heartedly believe that the purpose of the burlaP bags is tied to fishing.

The side of the road where the bodies were dumped is significant. It's westbound, which means the perp lives west of the area- Nassau County, Queens County, Brooklyn, Manhattan, even Jersey. I believe the murders happened East of the site. Fire island is not a possibility. The ONLY way to access the fire island beaches is by ferry, and it would be impossible to go unnoticed on the fire island ferry with a dead body. However, it is a perfect way to get from Happague or any points East on the South Shore of Long Island to points west- Ocean Parkway.

Finally, there is a huge seasonality o the entire area, including the party boat fishing industry out of Captree state park. MANY of the people who work in the industry are seasonal or migrational/foreigners. I've met mates from Ireland and Idaho alike who are working in the area for the summer. It is also an area where people spend the summer and own a second seasonal home. Like the hamptons, it is hopping in the summer with people from all over...

These are things we all should consider when looking into the case.
:woohoo: it feels sooooo good to be back! Thanks for listening to my :twocents:

Fellow LI'ers, please let me know if you agree/disagree.
Welcome back Mrsg728...

I sometimes used Ocean Parkway to either go to work or to visit my sister in Long Beach. I only used it 3x at night and each time I did I said to myself never again. Its so dark and scary and no one was around.

Someone posted here that you can get to Fire Island using the Robert Moses State Park. Well you only can walk and if you use your bike the boardwalk ends making it difficult. And more difficult if you are carrying a body. lol

I'm wondering if this SK lives in Suffolk County. He could just drive over the Robert Moses Bridge get onto the Ocean Parkway, pull over and dump the body and just turn around and go back over the bridge back towards Suffolk.
WB mrsg728

Big thanks to you and trigger. I am from east coast but never been to Long Island so this help to get a better feel of the area. I do remember having Clams bakes and we would buy them in a burlap bag. I think it was like 50lb bags. (we were lazy) but we did do our own crabbing.

I not good at maps at all but sure hope that one wser could do map from mrsg728 post.

so mrsg you think the pert is local?
MG -

I'm with you on the Captree connection and the clamming. I also thought "corn" as I've seen corn delivered in burlap. I may be wrong, but my gut is screaming Bay Shore, and yes, I must admit, immigrant (the burlap is what leads me here). If it were a farm worker, there are more desolate areas out east to dump a body.

I would think someone from NJ would be able to find a more desolate place in their own state. I also am thinking whoever did this is from a densely populated area.

Don't know why. I just follow my gut (and I was right about where they found Caylee, fwiw).
Does this area have a fishy smell in the air? If so, is the smell bad enough that it would cover the smell of a body decomposing?
Does this area have a fishy smell in the air? If so, is the smell bad enough that it would cover the smell of a body decomposing?

Honestly no one ever really walks around in that area. No need to because there is nothing to get to and from right in that spot. Ticks in the brush, speeding cars, etc.

To answer your question, on a hot summer night, we can tell when it's low tide driving by that area.
MG -

I'm with you on the Captree connection and the clamming. I also thought "corn" as I've seen corn delivered in burlap. I may be wrong, but my gut is screaming Bay Shore, and yes, I must admit, immigrant (the burlap is what leads me here). If it were a farm worker, there are more desolate areas out east to dump a body.

I would think someone from NJ would be able to find a more desolate place in their own state. I also am thinking whoever did this is from a densely populated area.

Don't know why. I just follow my gut (and I was right about where they found Caylee, fwiw).

My gut was screaming fisherman/clammer instead only because if the person of interest did work on a farm, Ocean parkway wouldn't be an ideal, way to go west, and there are much more remote areas out in Calverton/Riverhead (northern farms) and The Moriches (Southern farms).
Bodies dumped on Long Island beach all women, cops say as they hunt possible serial killer

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_...beach_in_li_hint_at_slayer.html#ixzz18DeXfL96


An early analysis suggests none is Gilbert - who vanished in May after a sex romp in a gated community in Oak Beach.

"Preliminarily, it doesn't look like it is her," Dormer told the Daily News Tuesday.

Interesting on Gilbert that night. Media talk with the "john" mom

Hmmm I wonder why they ruling her out so fast??
I'll tell you what else my gut is YELLING:

This person went to great lengths to go and take care of business out of the way- away from where he lived. Ocean parkway is a waypoint for his activities on the way home.

I'm not really pointing to migrant/illegal immigrant/foreigner as much because of lack of means of transport, so maybe I should clarify my older post to mean seasonal/transitional worker, possibly an immigrant.
SKs usually dump victims somewhere that is familiar to them so depending on how much "out of area" traffic the area gets it is probably someone who is local.

They would have to be comfortable in the area to toss bodies, in burlap bags, just off the roadway.

I see you all are talking about the burlap sacks and clamming. That is the first thing my husband said when I asked what he felt they would be used for in this area, clamming...
I would think if the burlap bags were used they would be able to figure out what had been in them previously or where they came from.

With craigslist off the market now, I wonder where this guy would be going to hook up, and I would also be looking at guys with previous prostitution arrests.

Also it is hard to believe that the police have not done more with the"john" tha Shannon Gilbert was with last. The one news article said, he said she was there for an hour, while her driver said she was there 3 hours? Something doesn't sound right there, if I am the police and she was at his house last. I would have to get a warrant to search the property, plus she left personal items there, that doesn't sound right. I would love to get his name to do more sleuthing on him.

Here is my early thoughts, I have been close a few times before:

White male, 35-45, single but could very well be divorced, paying child support, has deveoped a hatred for women, but craves sex, obviously some mode of transportation, blue collar worker, construction, factory, loner type, will have some criminal background, prostitution, assault, drugs. I think he will be a Long Island resident, grew up and stayed there. Familiar with the areas where he dumps, fits in there.
crymesolver, I almost agree 100%

I say white, 35-50, wouldn't be shocked if married, and I say 5 boroughs resident. I was leaning more toward the white collar hidden 2nd life kinda guy, like pharmaceutical rep, or someone who has a wife and kids who "summer" out in babylon while he weekends out there.... :waitasec:
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