Identified! NY - Manhattan, 'Midtown Jane Doe', WhtFem 16-21, 337UFNY, under concrete, ring w/ 'P McG', Feb'03 Patricia McGlone

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Oddly enough, I don't know how it was when this body was placed here, I had read that there was a lively bar down in there and that prostitutes hung out down there, but looking up the address where she was found, it was mostly restaurants all around this building, and this map shows West 46th st. (she was found at 301 W. 46th st.) and 300 W. 46th st. was in the center part of W. 46th street which looks to be ( at least now ) a very well-to-do area, but I don't know the area much.,%20NY&hl=en
Hmmmm so height wise its a possibility although the appx tends to go tword a shorter female....Wasnt it a construction worker that found her? Could it have been a seedier part of town back then? hmmm....I wonder what her mothers name was as well. Maybe thats what the P stands for, im still stuck on the ring...
Angels_Not_Forgotten said:
Hmmmm so height wise its a possibility although the appx tends to go tword a shorter female....Wasnt it a construction worker that found her? Could it have been a seedier part of town back then? hmmm....I wonder what her mothers name was as well. Maybe thats what the P stands for, im still stuck on the ring...
Hell's Kitchen is a MUCH nicer neighborhood now than it was in the 1980's when it was overrun with prostitutes and drug dealers.

Do we know where on 46th Street? I mean, which avenues the address is between? I am guessing between 8th and 9th. Do we know the name of the bar? I am very familiar with this neighborhood the way it is now.
She was found at 301 W. 46th st. It can't be Kathy Durst, I found an article last night that stated the height again as between 4'10" and 5'4", however it said the rat poison bag indicated that it was the mid to late eighties. I wish there was some way to confirm that the bag was in there with her.
New York Post
December 21, 2003


The killer bound the young woman's hands and feet with an extension cord and circled it around her neck. The murderer then wrapped her body in a patch of rust-colored carpet.

Next,the killer carried her down a darkened stairway into the dank basement of a neglected Hell's Kitchen building that was home to squatters, pimps, prostitutes, drug addicts and a popular gay nightclub.

The murderer dropped his burden in a far corner of the basement, next to an aging coal furnace, then mixed enough cement to build a foot-high slab roughly 6 feet wide and 5 feet long.

There, for up to 15 years, the body remained, under the concrete slab, in the basement of 301 W. 46th st, until a construction worker smashed through a section of the tomb with a sledgehammer Febuary 10 and discovered a human skull.

"He flagged down a beat cop, and we got the call" said Gerard Gardiner, a NYPD homicide detective who is now charged with the Jane Doe case.

"At this point we believe she was a young, middle-class woman who probably hopped on a bus to New York full of dreams, but who ended up on the streets" Gardiner said.......
more from article....

Police say the building was used by prostitutes and that the basement could be reached from several points inside, as well as through a steel trap door in an adjacent parking lot that was unlocked during THE POST'S visit last week.

An inventory of items recovered at the scene included a dime minted in 1968, a Bulova watch, a gold signet ring imprinted with the initials " PMcG" , a size 32A bra, pantyhose, seven buttons, part of a bag of rat poison, a clothing label and a plastic toy soldier.

Those clues have led the probe of case # 389- a rare one involving the discovery of a nearly full skeleton- through several twists over the last 10 months.

At first Gardiner placed the earliest date of the killing at 1968 because of the dime. A Bulova watch made in 1966 also seemed to lock the time frame.

By April, that date was moved forward after detectives pieced together a bag of Talon-G rat poison, which was not available until 1979. But a tattered Garment Workers Union label not used until December 1987 revised the time frame once again.......
Just a thought about the ring:

I'm engaged and doing all the wedding planning junk. :)
Anyway, A really popular trend right now is to have monograms in your wedding: Invitations, Cake topper etc;

My point is, is it possible that the P & G are two different names, and the Mc is the last name?

Lets say as an example of a married couple would be: Patty and Gilbert McEllen

Or maybe Patrick and Gloria McEllen

P Mc G

Just another way to look at the intitals on the ring. I know that they do that on towels and stuff, too.
more from article...

That year, the city set a record for murder as drug-fueled slayings pushed the number of homicides to an unheard of 1,896.

Gardiner had hoped that the serial number on the watch might identify a buyer, but he struck out there.

But in February, he learned the digits were randomly assigned for insurance purposes and not linked to the watchmakers customers.

A month later the detective moved on to the ring on the victim's pinky.

Gardiner asked the FBI for anyone reported missing in the United States with a birth date after 1958 and the initials "PMcG", the initials inscribed on the ring. He eliminated all 11 names because of their race, age or other factors.

Last April, detectives plowed through a list of 500 women arrested nationwide with the same initials. All but five have been ruled out.

But there's always a chance the ring bears the initials of someone other than its wearer.
Hoping, it does actual appear that way to me, as if Mc is written as the last name initials. It also could be something like Patricia Gail McAllen.
Hollow, you made an excellent point about the initials on the ring. I sometimes wear my grandmother's signet ring with initials different than my own. If the victim's ring is a family heirloom, they may never find out who she is.
Besides the ring, there isn't much about this particular Jane Doe that stands out, so you may be right. I did wonder in that article why it says "almost a complete skeleton" as if something was missing.
Hollow said:
Besides the ring, there isn't much about this particular Jane Doe that stands out, so you may be right. I did wonder in that article why it says "almost a complete skeleton" as if something was missing.
Maybe the guy with the sledgehammer damaged her bones somehow.
I also found an article stating that DePunte was wearing blue jeans, and her sister said she believes she may have been wearing a white blouse, and "probably" had on high heels as she always wore them to make herself appear taller. Her family stated she was a heavy drinker.
Doing an online search on the inits I found many results although none may actually have anything to do with the case for all I know: I found that there is
Denise Mincey-Mills B.B.A. '80
Principal, PMCG (Pope Mincey Consulting Group)
Business/Industry: Consulting

Through a web search I found that somone uses those initials (actually I found other examples also of people using those inits) and thought it might be interesting so I put a link here.

I also came across the name Patrick McGrail in an online doc file using the inits PMcG, I suppose many names may use those inits:
". . . PMcG stated that general consent had been given in principle that a LIFT type model applicable to Scottish circumstances should be explored further. . . ."
was her clothing checked out further i know they found a tag which gave some clues as to where it was manufactured or a date or something but did they or were they able to figure out where the clothing was sent to like did only certen retailers got those clothes or were they mass merchandised to a lot of retailers

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