Identified! NY - Manhattan, 'Midtown Jane Doe', WhtFem 16-21, 337UFNY, under concrete, ring w/ 'P McG', Feb'03 Patricia McGlone

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Much has been discussed and concluded from the victims teeth and those conclusions are very important:
At one point in her life, she had expensive dental work done. A lot of money was spent on her teeth and yet her teeth also had severe decay by the time of her death. It suggests that she was from a middle to upperclass family that had hit on hard times, perhaps she herself fell into some sort of trouble. Because of the change in her teeth, the possibility that she was a runaway who came to New York most certainly cannot be discounted.
The possibility that she was adopted and did not like where she was living cannot be ruled out.

Age is off but pregnancy can weaken teeth
Children raised on welfare always had wonderful dental care because it was free. I don't think you can place her economic class by the dental care unless of course she had braces. I don't think that was covered.
The possibility that she was adopted and did not like where she was living cannot be ruled out.

Huh. I just remembered something. I grew up on the NJ side of Greenwood
Lake . I know the NY side in the town of Greenwood Lake had all those kids come over from Ireland in the summer. Heres the link.

Maybe the girl stayed here in the U.S. I know alot of those teenagers ended up staying one they got here. My sister even dated one .So did my neighbor.
This was 83' 84ish.

Project Children is an American-Northern Ireland partnership dedicated to showing Protestant and Catholic kids that they have nothing to fear from each other and much to gain. The programme started in 1975 with six children from Belfast, three from one community and three from the other. The kids spent that summer in America, getting to know each other in a small New York town. Now Project Children places more than 600 children from Northern Ireland with host families across America each summer. And several years ago we expanded to include university students by offering summer internships on Capitol Hill. A few months later, a new venture with Habitat for Humanity and local trade unions pulled in vocational students and gave them on-the-job experience building homes in America. Project Children also sponsors programmes in Northern Ireland that bring together Protestant and Catholic children and their families. Although we have expanded, our vision remains the same: to help build peace in Northern Ireland through its children and young people.

Denis Mulcahy, the founder of Project Children, doesn't use the power of personality or the force of rhetoric to inspire others to join his cause. Denis Mulcahy leads by example. He takes no salary from Project Children and works long hours tending to the big plans and small details of running the organisation. Over the past twenty-five years he has quietly masterminded summer vacations in America for more than 14,000 children in Northern Ireland.
He has given those children-Protestants and Catholics-a much-needed break from the grim politics of their own country and an extraordinary chance to play together. He hasn't done it alone, and he will be the first to tell you. In fact, if you try to praise Denis, he will quickly start praising Project Children host families, area co-ordinators, fund-raising volunteers, and benefactors. Denis considers himself simply one of the many. But Denis is truly the heart and soul of Project Children. He started it in 1975, along with his brother Pat. They both had grown up in County Cork, Ireland, and emigrated to New York, where they joined the New York Police Department. Denis is still with the force; he's a bomb squad detective. Pat retired early because of injury and returned to County Cork.

In 1975, Northern Ireland was a boiling pot of political violence. Armed soldiers, rolling tanks, and surveillance cameras were everywhere, trying to keep the lid on. People were dying and children were growing up scared. Protestant and Catholic families were insulating themselves against each other-fleeing integrated neighbourhoods in search of segregated enclaves. Denis and Pat were heartsick. They decided to do something to help the children. That summer they brought six kids from Northern Ireland-three Protestants and three Catholics-to Greenwood Lake, New York, where they lived. The idea was twofold. Most importantly they wanted to get the kids away from the violence and the paramilitaries who work double time recruiting kids during school breaks. Denis and Pat also wanted to show the Protestant and Catholic kids that they could live together and actually like each other.

Denis Mulcahy with James Ruoff, U.S. Customs, welcoming the children of Northern Ireland at J.F.K. Airport in New York.

Each summer two Aer Lingus jets touch down in the United States packed with over 600 excited kids ready for six weeks of fun in the sun. Six weeks away from the "Troubles" back home.

All these kids that came over through the years loved it here. They had a great time and it is really a great program. Alot of the older kids said it was like heaven. Swimming ,fishing, boating. Such a different world than what they were used to.
Maybe the girl was here and decieded to find her way back to US?
Never found her way out of NYC?
HollywoodBound said:
This web site makes it seem more likely she went missing sometime in the 80's.
That ring could very likely be a boyfriend's ring she wore.
Could be a high school ring too that could have belonged to a family member. Maybe a family member killed her, threw in the items and rolled her up in the carpet. I mostly think an enraged boyfriend, pimp or someone killed her though.
I am fairly sure that this case is also on another thread here at websleuths somewhere. I remember doing some research on it. My notes are all on a different computer hard drive but soon as I get that one back up and running I will look at my notes. I only mention it because it might be worth doing some reading in that thread to see what others may have turned up.

Edited to add:

Here is the oldest (I think)

And this one also was begun later.
outofthedark said:
Why would report Jane Doe as having died after 1979, when found evidence clearly states after 1988 because of a piece of product packaging dated 1988+ being found with her remains

I think that was after the tag found on the clothing was researched and found to be made after 1979. They found a garment number and the item was made later. Is this the same as an inspector code?
ihadcabinfever said:
I think that was after the tag found on the clothing was researched and found to be made after 1979. They found a garment number and the item was made later. Is this the same as an inspector code?
Now I know a little more about the after 1979 info, I'm not sure about the inspector code though
hidden behind an old coal-burning furnace in the basement of a rundown, mostly abandoned apartment building on West 46th Street in Hell's Kitchen on Manhattan's West Side.

So who mantained the furnace during this time? Who was the building superintendant at the time? Having different entry ways could mean anyone had acess but only the person that was fimiliar with the place would know when they could mix concrete and hide a body without being seen. It's not like that basement was Grand central. Someone needed privacy.
P Mc G

Okay. This has been driving me crazy the Mc
That puncuation mark under the c , I don't think the possibility that it is her

confirmation name. I have seen alot of Initial rings but I have never seen the dot mark. It's not common. So maybe P first name M middle name c confirmation name and G last name?
I have looked up celtic grammar until my eyes are blurred. If you look at it ,it usually is shown on top of the

like that , not on the bottom. What about that now? :banghead:

In the middle of the 1980's there was a large number of undocumented Irish living in the United States. At that time Irish immigrants were a group that had fallen between the immigration 'cracks', having missed out on the amnesty program of 1986. Because of the Irish immigrants' long history of contributing to their adopted country it was no surprise that by 1987 the Irish community had begun to agitate for changes in immigration law. The fruits of their labor are most visible in the Morrison and Schumer Visa programs, written into the U.S. Immigration Act of 1990, which give balance and diversity to U.S. immigration policy.

One group that was very instrumental in these positive changes was the Irish Immigration Reform Movement (IIRM). The IIRM also recognized the need for a center which could provide day-to-day assistance to recent Irish immigrants, especially since many were undocumented, and in 1988 Emerald Isle Immigration Center (EIIC) was born. In those early days a small hard-working staff and dedicated board and volunteers spent long hours helping people with important matters; bank accounts, driver's licenses, housing, medical insurance, education and protection under the law. The Center helped thousands to apply for visas after 1990 and has since assisted many more thousands to follow through and get green cards.
Since 1990 the Center has broadened the scope of its services to include job-training and placement services. The Center has also recently placed much emphasis on Citizenship and Voter Registration among Irish immigrants. The Center sees empowerment and participation as a vital factor in the well-being of the community it serves. In many ways, helping those who were once 'illegal aliens' to become U.S. citizens is enough reward for building the Center to its current position of leadership in New York's Irish immigrant community.

Today, however, we are seeing some setbacks for the overall well-being of the Irish immigrant community. It is becoming harder and harder to secure green cards. The Diversity Program offers one of the few hopes but the new immigration law passed by Congress last year even removes that chance for many. In the year ahead EIIC will strive to bring the attention of legislators to the plight befalling many immigrants from Ireland.

EIIC has had many highlights over the years. These highlights include the presentation of the Paul O'Dwyer Peace and Justice Award to President Bill Clinton in September 1998, and the memorable visits of Mary McAleese, President of Ireland, to the Woodside facility in June 1998, and President Mary Robinson's visit in May 1995.

In November of 1995 Brian O'Dwyer, as Chair of EIIC's Board of Directors, accompanied President Clinton on his historic trip to Ireland.

Among EIIC's funding sources are the Irish Government, the New York City Department for the Aging, the New York City Council, the New York State Assembly, Queens and Bronx delegations, and the Queens, Bronx, and Brooklyn Borough Presidents. Recently EIIC has secured a large grant from the State of New York to provide comprehensive citizenship services to New York's immigrant population.

Well now this is a large number of people to consider. How do they figure out where to start?
Interesting about the Irish connection!

I was curious about the monogramming, too, and tried to look up the Mc asterisk thing. I grew up with a Mc surname and occasionally saw the "c" underlined but never with a little star underneath. I checked out some websites to see examples of monogrammed signet rings but couldn't find any ready examples with Mc.

I did read that "traditionally, the last name initial is the middle letter of the monogram."
ihadcabinfever said:
hidden behind an old coal-burning furnace in the basement of a rundown, mostly abandoned apartment building on West 46th Street in Hell's Kitchen on Manhattan's West Side.

So who mantained the furnace during this time? Who was the building superintendant at the time? Having different entry ways could mean anyone had acess but only the person that was fimiliar with the place would know when they could mix concrete and hide a body without being seen. It's not like that basement was Grand central. Someone needed privacy.
First, I want to thank whichever mod got me on here. It's been nearly a year of getting disabled before being activated. :banghead: Hooray, I finally made it in !!!:crazy:

Now on to this: I grew up in Hell's Kitchen and this particular case always bugged me. I lived in one of those tenements for about 14 years and the basements are the last place on earth anyone would ever want to go. Still, a superintendent has to go down there for boiler/water issues. I have always wondered who owned the building and who did the maintenance.
I still live in the city albeit on the upper west side now (one express train stop away from the building) and if anyone has any suggestions, I would be more than willing to try and check out info. My husband calls me tenacious (due to my success with my family genealogy) so I think I belong right here on WS. !!!
Glad to meet you all.
N8tiveNYR said:
First, I want to thank whichever mod got me on here. It's been nearly a year of getting disabled before being activated. :banghead: Hooray, I finally made it in !!!:crazy:

Now on to this: I grew up in Hell's Kitchen and this particular case always bugged me. I lived in one of those tenements for about 14 years and the basements are the last place on earth anyone would ever want to go. Still, a superintendent has to go down there for boiler/water issues. I have always wondered who owned the building and who did the maintenance.
I still live in the city albeit on the upper west side now (one express train stop away from the building) and if anyone has any suggestions, I would be more than willing to try and check out info. My husband calls me tenacious (due to my success with my family genealogy) so I think I belong right here on WS. !!!
Glad to meet you all.

Oh geez , now thats the last place you should go asking anything by yourself.Don't go asking the matinence man. He will be insulted.
Do you think the ring is hers ? I don't think it is. I think someone put it on her to throw anyone off that came upon her.
Otherwise why leave it? With initials? I think it was left as a message. Like the soldier. Some sort of insider message.
ihadcabinfever said:
Oh geez , now thats the last place you should go asking anything by yourself.Don't go asking the matinence man. He will be insulted.

Thanks for assuming I'm stupid and tacky. But hey, you don't know me personally. Anyway, I was thinking more along the lines of going downtown to look at property records, etc. Also, I am close enough to get a photo of the building which I am sure would satisfy a sleuther or two's curiousity. Alas, I must put this on hold for now bc my dad was just diagnosed with cancer and he's my priority.
N8tiveNYR said:
First, I want to thank whichever mod got me on here. It's been nearly a year of getting disabled before being activated. :banghead: Hooray, I finally made it in !!!:crazy:

Now on to this: I grew up in Hell's Kitchen and this particular case always bugged me. I lived in one of those tenements for about 14 years and the basements are the last place on earth anyone would ever want to go. Still, a superintendent has to go down there for boiler/water issues. I have always wondered who owned the building and who did the maintenance.
I still live in the city albeit on the upper west side now (one express train stop away from the building) and if anyone has any suggestions, I would be more than willing to try and check out info. My husband calls me tenacious (due to my success with my family genealogy) so I think I belong right here on WS. !!!
Glad to meet you all.

Welcome N8tiveNYR! So glad your here! Being where you are, you may be able to dig up some dirt on this case!
N8tiveNYR said:
Anyway, I was thinking more along the lines of going downtown to look at property records, etc. Also, I am close enough to get a photo of the building which I am sure would satisfy a sleuther or two's curiousity. Alas, I must put this on hold for now bc my dad was just diagnosed with cancer and he's my priority.
Property records/photos would be great! So sorry to hear about your dad. We will be here when you are able to return.

About the ring, my gut tells me it is a McG-Something. My maiden name is McSomething and I know I have seen something with a little line under the little c. I don't think it is anymore than First name P... Last name McG....
N8tiveNYR said:
ihadcabinfever said:
Oh geez , now thats the last place you should go asking anything by yourself.Don't go asking the matinence man. He will be insulted.

Thanks for assuming I'm stupid and tacky. But hey, you don't know me personally. Anyway, I was thinking more along the lines of going downtown to look at property records, etc. Also, I am close enough to get a photo of the building which I am sure would satisfy a sleuther or two's curiousity. Alas, I must put this on hold for now bc my dad was just diagnosed with cancer and he's my priority.

LOL I'm sorry , I didn't mean it like that. I am sorry your Father is sick. Mine is driving me crazy. Speaking of him , I told him about this girl they found there and He barked out "NOW what do you want to go poking around there for?" LOL He worked in the City until the Trade Center was completed and left for work in Pa . There was no more construction going on after that. I don't remember the rest but it was when you had to line up for gas I think.

I know he thinks Hells Kitchen was dangerous..... you know the Business stuff and I had been thinking about some article on CTV about MID TOWN DOE , I have to go back and read again. When the Irish were running down there who was in charge at the time and left for Florida? Someone turned ,I dont know who it was. Mc Grath maybe.
I'll get the link. heres a better one.
These people were lunatics. So either it could be the neice ,They dont give her name.

here it is Alberta Sachs--Coonan's niece?
ihadcabinfever said:
I know he thinks Hells Kitchen was dangerous..... you know the Business stuff and I had been thinking about some article on CTV about MID TOWN DOE , I have to go back and read again. When the Irish were running down there who was in charge at the time and left for Florida? Someone turned ,I dont know who it was. Mc Grath maybe.
I'll get the link. heres a better one.
These people were lunatics. So either it could be the neice ,They dont give her name.

here it is Alberta Sachs--Coonan's niece?
I'm just jumping on real quick to follow up with the above organized crime link... BTW Mickey Featherstone was the one who turned. He is in the witness protection program now. Another little piece is that Tommy Hess was a good friend of my father. When I read the Westie's book in the early '90's and asked my Dad questions, he said, "They killed my good friend, Tommy Hess." I was stunned because I was sheltered from that as a child. And no, my Dad was not a Westie. It was the kind of neighborhood where everyone knew each other (and of each other) through either their church parish or the corner bar. I know some of these guys are still around but they don't have much power anymore. They sit in the bar denying the Westie's ever existed. I have experienced that firsthand and very recently. So, I'm going to stop there. As I said, my Dad is very ill. He needs a liver transplant and I am going to get tested to see if I fit the criteria for a living donor. :( Please keep us in your thoughts. I will be popping on and posting, but I'm not sure when I can get to photograph the building or get any property records.

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