GUILTY NY - Nixzmary Brown, 7, beaten to death in Brooklyn, 11 Jan 2006

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Don't you just love how these dysfunctional families turn the tables when it suits them? They become saints and martyrs at a funeral. Getting accolades at the expense of the deceased. Makes me sick.
jannuncutt said:
It threw me when I saw her on the cover of the NY Daily News this a.m. My first thought was, "Oh my God". I saw how cute she was and then, I really couldn't stop myself from wondering who brought her the pretty outfit. Of course, it was no one in her family. I agree with every negative thing that is being said about the step-father and the mother. It just pi$$es me off the the maternal grandmother seems to be left off the hook. I hope that she at least carries guilt for her granddaughter's death around for the rest of her life. I just really really don't get people like these.
She was really cute, and the nicest girl. She shared her food with other kids when she was straving to death. The maternal grandmother can go to :behindbar hell.
Thankyou everyone that responded. I found some of this information and felt it might've been the same girl. I did'nt see anything about how the bleepin yogurt was supposed to have sent him in the ultimate rage that killed her.I was'nt sure then if it was her. It's so stupid and infuriating. It makes me physically ill-all the children's stories and how they are failed miserably, I'm going to sign off...I'm not going to forget though...The nerve of the mother though, as some of you said. Exactly as was stated, now she will get a small, very small experience of what her child's daily reality was like. I cannot stand these weak women and what they will do for a man...
This story makes me pound walls. God.

So there is a family where the girl many years ago lied to her teachers that her mother was beating her. So in comes this caseworker, documents bruises and injuries and believes the girl and removes her from the home.

This is the same caseworker is in charge of Nixzmary's case, a battered child.

How much does this stupid girl's lying have to do with the same caseworker, St. Hill, being overly cautious in removing a child? How reserved was she, in removing Nixzmary based on her experience of removing this other lying girl?

INstead of recognizing her evil role in this, this stupid girl blames the caseworker and wants her fired for BOTH mistakes.

I would really like to see this lying girl charged with something, to bring home her role in this case. Or maybe she'll get justice when one of her two babies born out of wedlock turn on her.
bugs said:
Yes it does, I will never forget that story. Now her idiot, pretend adoptive father walks the streets.

Isn't this the same case they ruled on today to take her off the life support? It says the mother killed herself and her mother in a murder-suicide but he may be charged with her murder.
strach304 said:
Isn't this the same case they ruled on today to take her off the life support? It says the mother killed herself and her mother in a murder-suicide but he may be charged with her murder.

No, this is a different case strach. Her mother is alive and well on Rikers Island. I hope she rots.
KatherineQ said:
This story makes me pound walls. God.

So there is a family where the girl many years ago lied to her teachers that her mother was beating her. So in comes this caseworker, documents bruises and injuries and believes the girl and removes her from the home.

This is the same caseworker is in charge of Nixzmary's case, a battered child.

How much does this stupid girl's lying have to do with the same caseworker, St. Hill, being overly cautious in removing a child? How reserved was she, in removing Nixzmary based on her experience of removing this other lying girl?

INstead of recognizing her evil role in this, this stupid girl blames the caseworker and wants her fired for BOTH mistakes.

I would really like to see this lying girl charged with something, to bring home her role in this case. Or maybe she'll get justice when one of her two babies born out of wedlock turn on her.
I agree. This girl is quite ignorant and really needs to shut up.
When I read this story, and the follow ups, I find myself just.... sad. This poor child. I cannot bear to look at the photos of her in the casket. I'm anxious to hear what's going to happen to this caseworker. I dont know if it's possible, but she should be held accountable on some level.
mssheila said:
When I read this story, and the follow ups, I find myself just.... sad. This poor child. I cannot bear to look at the photos of her in the casket. I'm anxious to hear what's going to happen to this caseworker. I dont know if it's possible, but she should be held accountable on some level.

I'd be curious too. It sounds like there was an official case worker who tried everything, even hauling that poor child to the doctor only to have the doctor say it looks like a fall. Geez.

As I understand it, St. Hill's boss quit the day before Nixzmary was killed. And then, St. Hill arrived for a visit the morning of Nixzmary's death only to find the police there. She was just hours late. So sad.

In between a school social worker tried several times to visit her, even though it wasn't her job to do home visits, she got frustrated with feeling like nothing was being done.
Another article:

Link New murder laws!


Mayor Bloomberg (left) enters East Villge funeral home yesterday for the wake of tortured and slain 7-year-old Nixzmary Brown.
Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes revealed chilling new details yesterday of how Nixzmary Brown was allegedly tortured by her stepfather in a hellhole called "the dirty room" - and said New York must change the law that could spring him from prison in as little as 25 years.

"There should be life without parole for someone who kills a child," Hynes said, adding that the law didn't allow him to charge stepfather Cesar Rodriguez, 27, with first-degree murder.

Rodriguez and the girl's 27-year-old mother, Nixzaliz Santiago, were both indicted yesterday on second-degree murder charges, which carry a maximum penalty of 25 years to life behind bars.
NYC mourns for young girl beaten to death

NEW YORK - Friends, family and strangers said a tearful goodbye to a 7-year-old girl allegedly beaten to death by an abusive stepfather, with a priest assuring that the young victim was now "beyond the touch of evil."

"We have a reminder by the death of this child that the violence continues," said the Rev. Robert O'Neil, the church pastor. "She is a witness for us."

Nixzmary's stepfather, Cesar Rodriguez, allegedly beat the 7-year-old on Jan. 10 for taking a yogurt from the family's refrigerator.

According to Brooklyn District Attorney Charles J. Hynes, Rodriguez banished the girl to a rodent-infested room with a litter box filled with feces, a wooden chair tied to a radiator and dirty mattresses, then later beat her and dunked her head into a bathtub. Nixzmary was dead the next morning.

"The first person who should have defended her was the mother," she said. "She was the first person who failed her."

The more I continue to read about this case, the more I continue to weep. The harder I continue to weep.
I had to leave here for a while because it was just the most horrible story I personally have read. It has hit me the hardest for some reason, and I thought little Ryon being beaten on Christmas was bad enough. It was.
This, too, I can't fathom. I can't even ask "Why?" anymore. There's no plausible answer. No answer is good enough, logical enough. No answer justifies any of this.

Rodent-infested room?
Over a yogurt?

Come on. :(
If the investigators wondered whether Cesar Rodriguez posed a threat to 7-year-old Nixzmary Brown, they might have tried a rudimentary records check.
This would have shown that a chance encounter with a stranger once triggered a rage so blind, Rodriguez punched the man numerous times, bludgeoned him with pay phone receiver and cut him with a box cutter.

The criminal complaint of the 2003 incident reports in block letters what Rodriguez screamed at his victim, words that seem just about what you would imagine a crazed stepfather screamed as he pummeled his stepdaughter nearly three years later.

MrsMush99 said:
Another article:

Link New murder laws!


Mayor Bloomberg (left) enters East Villge funeral home yesterday for the wake of tortured and slain 7-year-old Nixzmary Brown.
Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes revealed chilling new details yesterday of how Nixzmary Brown was allegedly tortured by her stepfather in a hellhole called "the dirty room" - and said New York must change the law that could spring him from prison in as little as 25 years.

"There should be life without parole for someone who kills a child," Hynes said, adding that the law didn't allow him to charge stepfather Cesar Rodriguez, 27, with first-degree murder.

Rodriguez and the girl's 27-year-old mother, Nixzaliz Santiago, were both indicted yesterday on second-degree murder charges, which carry a maximum penalty of 25 years to life behind bars.
OMG-- this guy deserves the death penalty and the mother as well! How could she stand by and let someone hurt her children this way!???

I am just so saddened and outraged that abuse like this goes on-- and so sad there are so many still out there suffereing!:(

I hope the inmates of the step father and mother make this two scared for thier safety every single minute for the rest of their lives!

I havent seen actual cause of death- i saw an article that she had at least one major blow to her head:( , im wondering if she froze to death- if the held her under cold water than threw her in a cold room :( that likely as well contributed to her death- im glad they took down her casket photos from the site, she needs to be in peace but paraded around the internet of those to see her body in coffin.:(
Not saying whoever posted that link, did her disrespect, i posted a similar link on another forum , but the twisting in my stomach about it, brought me to delete it-
This case has me so sad for this poor little girl.. i dream last night of a little girl in fear ,following me everywhere, it was very eerie!

Friends, family and strangers assembled Wednesday for a teary goodbye to a 7-year-old Brooklyn girl allegedly killed by her abusive stepfather, with a priest assuring the mourners that the tiny victim was now “beyond the touch of evil.”
The sounds of weeping filled St. Mary Church on Manhattan’s Lower East Side as the body of Nixzmary Brown lay inside a coffin draped with a white and red cloth before an altar still decorated with Christmas poinsettias.

“We have a reminder by the death of this child that the violence continues,” said the Rev. Robert O’Neil, the church pastor. “She is a witness for us.”

The church once served as a shelter for some of the children abandoned on city streets. It was packed to capacity, with the crowd spilling onto the street outside and police closing down a two-block stretch of Grand Street.
mysteriew said:
If the investigators wondered whether Cesar Rodriguez posed a threat to 7-year-old Nixzmary Brown, they might have tried a rudimentary records check.
This would have shown that a chance encounter with a stranger once triggered a rage so blind, Rodriguez punched the man numerous times, bludgeoned him with pay phone receiver and cut him with a box cutter.

The criminal complaint of the 2003 incident reports in block letters what Rodriguez screamed at his victim, words that seem just about what you would imagine a crazed stepfather screamed as he pummeled his stepdaughter nearly three years later.

I HOPE rODRIGUEZ hears those exact words from BUBBA with a foot long penis and espcially as round as a baseball bat , up his *advertiser censored* in prison every day and night.
This guy makes me sick, he needs to suffer and suffer bad!

The laws need to change and he needs to be put away forever , i hope he's deprived too of his 3 full meals and decent cot- but of course he'll get it, because its his judicial/
right as an american------------
, but poor Nixzmary didnt have any comforts in her short life.
Hynes described how Rodriguez allegedly put the girl in what her siblings "describe as 'the dirty room,' a rodent-infested room to which Nixzmary was routinely confined," as punishment for eating some yogurt - after her mother and a sibling ratted her out.

Then Rodriguez found his computer printer was broken, and Santiago blamed the girl - prompting her husband to storm into "the dirty room" and beat Nixzmary some more, Hynes said.

Coward of a Mom, ratting her own daughter out knowing what her fate would be - a beating. :furious:
bugs said:
Hynes described how Rodriguez allegedly put the girl in what her siblings "describe as 'the dirty room,' a rodent-infested room to which Nixzmary was routinely confined," as punishment for eating some yogurt - after her mother and a sibling ratted her out.

Then Rodriguez found his computer printer was broken, and Santiago blamed the girl - prompting her husband to storm into "the dirty room" and beat Nixzmary some more, Hynes said.

Coward of a Mom, ratting her own daughter out knowing what her fate would be - a beating. :furious:
I , agree, Bugs----- that also made me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If i had an abusive mate like that- i wouldve taken blame and took the beating before i ratted out my own kid--- and putting her miscarried baby in a jar beside her bed???! Not only was she one sick witch , but she sounds like she cared more for her miscarried fetus than Nizxmary!:behindbar

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