NY - NYPD officers drenched with water, hit with bucket, July 2019

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Oct 22, 2009
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So awful that LE has to deal w these kinds of ppl & behaviors.

"... NYPD supervisor also warned, “Today it’s a bucket of water. Tomorrow it could be a bucket of cement.”

"That remark referenced the 1993 slaying of city Housing Authority cop John Williamson, who was struck and killed by a 30-pound bucket of spackling compound tossed from a Washington Heights rooftop amid unrest that began when the NYPD began towing illegally parked cars."

^ bbm & snipped from nypost article linked in SugarQueen post #1.
Yes great to see arrests- but where’s the “assault of an officer” charge?

The existing charges are “obstruction of governmental administration, criminal nuisance, criminal tampering, disorderly conduct and harassment”. Not enough imo.
Assault on an officer is exactly what I was hoping to see.
From what I can find in NYC for assault on a police officer there would need to be serious injury. In other words that law stinks. We need to take the target off of our officers backs. We expect them to protect us yet the law doesn’t protect them. Sickening.
Probably repeating earlier posters, but kudos to those very young officers for walking away as their city expected!!!

Justice is coming for you gentlemen!

Probably repeating earlier posters, but kudos to those very young officers for walking away as their city expected!!!

Justice is coming for you gentlemen!

Takes a very strong inner core to do that, imo. It could've turned into a much worse situation, and that isn't getting much credit. Thanks for pointing it out.

Praying for cool weather and cool heads in August in the city.

Now we are up to 4 water attacks! I’m glad to see the arrests. It needs to stop, now!
Good thought on the probation! These @&#&#& think it’s just water so they will get away with it all. I doubt they will get much punishment but at least they have to go thru the hassle of what I doubt is their first arrest.
I literally was sick to my stomach to see this happening to our police officers who were just doing their job. Its heartbreaking they knew they couldnt react to the assault, and abuse then.

Imo, they knew if they arrested the assaulters it would be twisted to be the officer's fault. It shows how upside down we are in now about right, and wrong including the rule of law.

Since the ones happening in NYC I've seen other police officers subjected to the same abuse in other states.

The lawless are spreading like wildfire, and the most tragic thing some will support these lawless immoral creeps.

Imo, they are like cockroaches spreading everywhere now infesting, and ruining our country.

The assaults will increase. Back in the 70s someone dropped a bucket of spackling on an innocent NYD police officer killing him.

Imo, the assaults allowed to happen NYC is because the mayor makes it known he detest his law abiding officers. They all know he doesn't support them, and will side with the criminals. The NYPD has said so publically.

Next time it may be a bucket filled with acid or bleach or concrete. Criminals will start doing this elsewhere upping the violent game using something other than water. Imo. It scares me to death.

This insane madness must stop. Per the FBI over 60K assaults per year happen to our police officers while on duty.

It seem now more than ever many proclaim bad acts as good acts when in truth they are vile bad acts.

It's like all of the vile bad acts are taking over our nation, and law abiding citizens no longer matters. That's how low we have gone down this country.

I fear for the safety of all of our police officers now more than any other time. The criminals are encouraged to taunt, and abuse LE. Imo

How in the hell did we get here when we have always been a country who prided ourselves as a nation fully supporting the rule of law?

Imo, I doubt this thread about a very serious problem facing our nation's police officers will get many posts or foot traffic. I think that is very sad within itself.

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I literally was sick to my stomach to see this happening to our police officers who were just doing their job. Its heartbreaking they knew they couldnt react to the assault, and abuse. Imo, they knew if they arrested the assaulters it would be twisted to be the officer's fault. It shows how upside down we are in now about right, and wrong including the rule of law.

Since the ones happening in NYC I've seen other police officers subjected to the same abuse in other states.

The lawless are spreading like wildfire, and the most tragic thing some will support these lawless immoral creeps.

Imo, they are like cockroaches spreading everywhere now infesting, and ruining our country.

The assaults will increase. Back in the 70s someone dropped a bucket of spackling on an innocent NYD police officer killing him.

Imo, the assaults allowed to happen NYC is because the mayor makes it known he detest his law abiding officers. They all know he doesn't support them, and will side with the criminals. The NYPD has said so publically.

Next time it may be a bucket filled with acid or bleach or concrete. Criminals will start doing this elsewhere upping the violent game using something other than water. Imo. It scares me to death.

This insane madness must stop. Per the FBI over 60K assaults per year happen to our police officers while on duty.

It seem now more than ever many proclaim bad acts as good acts when in truth they are vile bad acts.

It's like all of the vile bad acts are taking over our nation, and law abiding citizens no longer matters. That's how low we have gone down this country.

I fear for the safety of all of our police officers now more than any other time. The criminals are encouraged to taunt, and abuse LE. Imo

How in the hell did we get here when we have always been a country who prided ourselves as a nation fully supporting the rule of law?

Imo, I doubt this thread about a very serious problem facing our nation's police officers will get many posts or foot traffic. I think that is very sad within itself.

I don't disagree, but to put these water attacks in NYC in some context, it was very recent that an officer was not charged for the killing of Eric Garner - the man who died when police arrested him for selling cigarettes. Garner is the man who said, "I can't breathe." The police officer not facing charges for that death is on people's minds.

I AM NOT JUSTIFYING throwing water at officers. I am appalled. I think it's scary. And I am dismayed that there seems to be no real punishment or deterrent for it.

But I don't think the problem is completely because the mayor and NYPD don't get along. There's more to it, imo.

I’ve seen EG come up in other places in connection with this mess. Here my problem with that..... If folks are going to use the actions of one officer as an excuse to harass all officers how is that different than an officer profiling based on race/ religion/ whatever?
Imagine for a minute what would have happened if the officers DID react to the water assaults. Imagine the outrage!
( I’m not saying anyone here feels EG is an excuse for this)

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