NY - NYPD officers drenched with water, hit with bucket, July 2019

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Many wise words here. There must be no tolerance of items being thrown on or at the police or the citizenry. The rush to judgment is very corrosive, but equally corrosive is the lack of swift administrative and legal action in the face of police abuses. If we truly want to turn improve relations, then we need to stop assuming that our fellow citizen or fellow officer is automatically irrational in their concerns and grievances. We need to decide that we are all "worth it".

We need to raise our children to be respectful and speak up when we see disrespect from other adults and children.

We also need to require a higher level of professionalism from police - "To serve and protect" needs to take the place of those vile Punisher decals that too many in law enforcement embrace (it is even on squad cars in a certain small town).

We have all seen too many shocking things that are definitely not "false narratives", but are instead frightening and excessive behaviors that lead to fear and ultimately contempt for law enforcement.

We all know that there are many "good apples", but we also know that sometimes it's the bad apples that overrun a jurisdiction, silencing the voices of the good.

We need to break down the toxic cliques and networks that make it very difficult for well-meaning, competent people to get into, and then stay, in law enforcement positions. All of this requires greater community oversight and a community approach to policing. And yes, we need to be willing to pay our police salaries that allow them to raise their families and compensate for the risks they take.

There must be consequences for bad actions of these people attacking the police - I don't care that it's "just water". The public also want to know that there will be consequences for police aggression. That when there is a shooting of an unarmed person, that there will be time and counseling and training before the officer carries a weapon on the job again, if ever. We need to truly embrace the words "liberty and justice for all".

We must grow up as a nation and abandon this aggression we have steadily adopted towards each other, and towards our institutions.
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25 most dangerous jobs, LE is 18 on the list
I’m not sure of the point you’re trying to make. Should LE just suck it up and tolerate the abuse because there are 17 more dangerous jobs? Those jobs have more deaths mainly because of transportation incidents and slip and falls.

LE is the most dangerous job when it comes to violence by another person. I don’t see teachers or mental health workers anywhere on the list, as some have tried to put those in the same category.

... Should LE just suck it up and tolerate the abuse because there are 17 more dangerous jobs? ...
I don’t see teachers or mental health workers anywhere on the list...
If LE should just "suck it up" (@BayouBelle_LA, sure you do not mean < that literally):) because there are 17 more dangerous jobs, does that mean that teachers and mental health workers should not say a peep about job dangers because they did not even make this top 25 list?

No snark. Every job has dangers; there are different ways to rank them.
If LE should just "suck it up" (@BayouBelle_LA, sure you do not mean < that literally):) because there are 17 more dangerous jobs, does that mean that teachers and mental health workers should not say a peep about job dangers because they did not even make this top 25 list?

No snark. Every job has dangers; there are different ways to rank them.

{{{ETA: I had wonderful teachers & professors at every step of my education and am grateful to each and every one of them.}}}
Here is how it has recently escalated:

Aug 5th, 2019
Chunk of concrete, bottles thrown at NYPD cops in separate incidents

Cops are looking for a man who threw a chunk of concrete at officers during a concert in Central Park — and arrested another man earlier for hurling bottles at police, The Post has learned.

A sergeant was standing with other officers near the Bethesda Fountain at about 4 p.m. Sunday during a concert when the fist-sized piece of concrete smashed into a tree three feet from the cops, police sources said Monday.

In a separate incident, five cops were injured earlier on Sunday when a 28-year-old man chucked bottles at police as they tried to break up a party of about 100 people around 2 a.m. in the Bronx, sources said.

Officer tried to cut off the music during the party at 2805 Barker Avenue when the bottles started flying, according to sources.
I hope there is footage, or that someone runs their mouth about the concrete incident. I also hope that people spoke up to rebuke the bottle thrower at that party of about 100 people at 2 am :eek:. Family and friends need to do their part to turn these people in if they suspect they are doing this. No matter how young (or old). This isn't just mischief.
It's water. If McDonalds employees can live through ten trillion boomers screaming at them, some desk jockies can get water sprayed on them.

At all these people screaming "It's an anti-cop hate crime!" - Blue lives do not exist. At the end of a day, the cop takes off his uniform and stops being a cop. People targeted for hate crimes can not simply stop being gay, or trans, or black... This entire thread is filled with baby boomers who want the death penalty for squirting water on some boot boys.
It's not just water. They were hit in the head by the buckets.
And now concrete and bottles.
Here’s the thing, these cops weren’t targeted after they took off their uniforms. They were targeted AS LE. I can’t see anyway that it ISN’T anti-cop behavior. I also can’t agree with calling them desk jockeys. They obviously were out on the street doing what needs to be done. These folks in blue put their life on the line. They do not deserve to have water dumped on them. Just to clarify, they were soaked, it was NOT water sprayed on them.

I don’t think anyone here “wants the death penalty” , I know I don’t. I DO think the lovely citizens behind these attacks need to be charged. If nothing is done it will escalate. When it does escalate people will get hurt, be it LE or citizens.
I absolutely respect your opinion but I can’t agree with it and that’s ok.
Let me ask one question,, if the officer had turned around and taken action at that very moment would that have been ok in your opinion?
I don't understand these little punks...
Those police officers are doing their job and protect all the citizens...there's no need to disrespect them!
Maybe only Freud or Jung could explain their behaviour :confused:
The only good thing is that some arrests were made!
I'm a New Yorker from a police family. Most NYPD people don't put their lives on their line. It's overwhelmingly a bunch of corrupted desk men who give out more parking tickets than solve crimes. They deserve much more than water sprayed at em

We will have to agree to disagree. LE is made up of human beings. No one should be shown such complete disrespect by a total stranger. Should the average citizen be ok with a complete stranger throwing a bucket of water on them? Throwing/ hitting them with a bucket? What about the chunk of concrete, or the glass bottles?? Would it be ok for these lovely citizens to treat the average stranger like that?
I truly don’t understand the utter hatred some have for LE. After all, at the end of the day they take off their uniform and they are no longer a cop.
It's water. If McDonalds employees can live through ten trillion boomers screaming at them, some desk jockies can get water sprayed on them.

At all these people screaming "It's an anti-cop hate crime!" - Blue lives do not exist. At the end of a day, the cop takes off his uniform and stops being a cop. People targeted for hate crimes can not simply stop being gay, or trans, or black... This entire thread is filled with baby boomers who want the death penalty for squirting water on some boot boys.

Blake Snyder, for one, cannot go home & take his uniform off:

St. Louis County police officer killed in South County; teen faces murder charge

Natalie Corona, for another, cannot go home & take her uniform off:





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I'm a New Yorker from a police family. Most NYPD people don't put their lives on their line. It's overwhelmingly a bunch of corrupted desk men who give out more parking tickets than solve crimes. They deserve much more than water sprayed at em
Police officers aren't all the same. Among them you can find good people and bad people.
I'm not talking about NYPD officers, I'm talking about police officers all over the world.
There's no need to make generalizations!
After all if somebody gets raped, killed or robbed they are those who help the victims!
Without police officers the whole world would be more unsafe and dangerous.

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