NY NY - Patricia Cabrera, 34, Centereach, 26 Dec 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have the day off tomorrow and plan on driving the routes Droopy posted above. I will also take the Sagtikos north and south, as, there are many ditches a car can veer into.

Anyone hear of searches being planned?

I will take a ride on Nicolls Rd tomorrow afternoon. It's a very dark and winding roadway at night. I doubt she would go that way to go home though. Unless of course she was not going straight home.
I will take a ride on Nicolls Rd tomorrow afternoon. It's a very dark and winding roadway at night. I doubt she would go that way to go home though. Unless of course she was not going straight home.
I think Holbrook Rd.to the LIE west would be the quickest route for her to take as there is normally little traffic and limited amount of stop signs/ traffic lights to delay ones drive, imo.
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Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE. Additionally, sleuthing family members or others that are not suspect is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members or others cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.
I will take a ride on Nicolls Rd tomorrow afternoon. It's a very dark and winding roadway at night. I doubt she would go that way to go home though. Unless of course she was not going straight home.

I've driven Nicolls Road many a times and I'm quite familiar with the road, but I looked at satellite view of the area anyway. Even though most of the roadway from Middle Country Road to the L.I.E. heading south is lined with trees, there really aren't many places where her car could have gone off the road if she had an accident or for someone to hide the vehicle without someone noticing it by now. Quite a few sections of the road have a guardrail. The areas that don't, the tree lined areas don't offer any kind of openings for someone to hide a car in them. If her car crashed, I think there would be evidence of that happening, someone would have seen and reported by now. If she had crashed on Nicolls, it's a well traveled road even at that time of night, more than likely someone if not multiple people would have witnessed it. SCPD cars also drive that road frequently including using the turnaround north of the L.I.E. as a speed trap. With PD knowing the description of the car and the license plate, there is no way her car wouldn't have been spotted by them if it was left on the shoulder of the road.

Off topic, but does anyone know how much time you have once you're logged in at Websleuths before you get logged out? It always seems that every time I start writing a post, by the time I'm finished and submit it, I have to log back in.
I've driven Nicolls Road many a times and I'm quite familiar with the road, but I looked at satellite view of the area anyway. Even though most of the roadway from Middle Country Road to the L.I.E. heading south is lined with trees, there really aren't many places where her car could have gone off the road if she had an accident or for someone to hide the vehicle without someone noticing it by now. Quite a few sections of the road have a guardrail. The areas that don't, the tree lined areas don't offer any kind of openings for someone to hide a car in them. If her car crashed, I think there would be evidence of that happening, someone would have seen and reported by now. If she had crashed on Nicolls, it's a well traveled road even at that time of night, more than likely someone if not multiple people would have witnessed it. SCPD cars also drive that road frequently including using the turnaround north of the L.I.E. as a speed trap. With PD knowing the description of the car and the license plate, there is no way her car wouldn't have been spotted by them if it was left on the shoulder of the road.

Off topic, but does anyone know how much time you have once you're logged in at Websleuths before you get logged out? It always seems that every time I start writing a post, by the time I'm finished and submit it, I have to log back in.


When you log in at top, click on "keep me logged in", and that should help.
I think Holbrook Rd.to the LIE west would be the quickest route for her to take as there is normally little traffic and limited amount of stop signs/ traffic lights to delay ones drive, imo.[/QUOTE

Criminal Justice Mom brought up the point of any places where you could hide her car in plain site, like airports park and rides and railroads.

That is the satellite view of the park and ride located on the north side of the L.I.E. just west of exit 58 about a block past the old Hooters. Anyone familiar with this park and ride? Would it be common for cars to be left there overnight? Does anyone patrol the parking lot like security or even PD? Could a car be left there for more than a week without it being noticed?

This is the park and ride at exit 52. South side of the expressway just east of Commack Road and about a mile west of the Sagtikos Parkway. Same questions on whether or not a car can remain there over a week unnoticed.

Anyone familiar with how getting phone records work? I am assuming that LE would need to a search warrant to get her phone records. If that is the case, would a warrant be issued without any evidence of a crime? A big key to locating her would be here phone. Did she have any contact with anyone after leaving Mama's? Finding out where her phone pinged could help narrow down where to search if the battery wasn't removed.
Criminal Justice Mom brought up the point of any places where you could hide her car in plain site, like airports park and rides and railroads.

That is the satellite view of the park and ride located on the north side of the L.I.E. just west of exit 58 about a block past the old Hooters. Anyone familiar with this park and ride? Would it be common for cars to be left there overnight? Does anyone patrol the parking lot like security or even PD? Could a car be left there for more than a week without it being noticed?

This is the park and ride at exit 52. South side of the expressway just east of Commack Road and about a mile west of the Sagtikos Parkway. Same questions on whether or not a car can remain there over a week unnoticed.

Anyone familiar with how getting phone records work? I am assuming that LE would need to a search warrant to get her phone records. If that is the case, would a warrant be issued without any evidence of a crime? A big key to locating her would be here phone. Did she have any contact with anyone after leaving Mama's? Finding out where her phone pinged could help narrow down where to search if the battery wasn't removed.

The park n rides are...shady. A lot more than parking goes on there, day and night.
I am driving past both today and will drive through and take a look.
Phone records and pings need to be subpoenaed by LE.
I just wanted to add that LE do not always "notice" cars on the side of the road or in lots. Jasmine Joseph was deceased in her car a block away from her home in a busy parking lot for two weeks before a Delivery driver noticed it. IIRC.
I've driven Nicolls Road many a times and I'm quite familiar with the road, but I looked at satellite view of the area anyway. Even though most of the roadway from Middle Country Road to the L.I.E. heading south is lined with trees, there really aren't many places where her car could have gone off the road if she had an accident or for someone to hide the vehicle without someone noticing it by now. Quite a few sections of the road have a guardrail. The areas that don't, the tree lined areas don't offer any kind of openings for someone to hide a car in them. If her car crashed, I think there would be evidence of that happening, someone would have seen and reported by now. If she had crashed on Nicolls, it's a well traveled road even at that time of night, more than likely someone if not multiple people would have witnessed it. SCPD cars also drive that road frequently including using the turnaround north of the L.I.E. as a speed trap. With PD knowing the description of the car and the license plate, there is no way her car wouldn't have been spotted by them if it was left on the shoulder of the road.

Off topic, but does anyone know how much time you have once you're logged in at Websleuths before you get logged out? It always seems that every time I start writing a post, by the time I'm finished and submit it, I have to log back in.

I just figured I would check Nicolls Rd out since Momoffourboys was checking the other parkways.

I keep forgetting that she has been missing since 12/26.
I just figured I would check Nicolls Rd out since Momoffourboys was checking the other parkways.

I keep forgetting that she has been missing since 12/26.

Nothing wrong with checking, it certainly can't hurt. I just think that if her car is abandoned somewhere it is less likely to be on Nicolls heading south for some of those reasons I mentioned above. What did just dawn on me though is on the east side heading north is SCC. Plenty of places to park a car in there.
I just wanted to add that LE do not always "notice" cars on the side of the road or in lots. Jasmine Joseph was deceased in her car a block away from her home in a busy parking lot for two weeks before a Delivery driver noticed it. IIRC.

Good point. I only remember her disappearance in the news vaguely as being a young woman who was supposedly attending college, but wasn't really attending classes. I didn't follow her story and didn't even realize she had been found. Just finished reading a couple of articles on her case. You're right her car wasn't found for two full weeks and in one story it's mentioned that the area where her car was located had been searched previously, but the search party missed it.
Just returned from my 2 hour drive. I will post a long post (with locations i drove) when I am at my desktop, but, just wanted to let you guys know a few things.
First, even at 10:20 AM the park n ride at exit 52 is crawling with creepers lurking in their cars (i need eye bleach...blech!)
Second, the home under construction next door is no longer under construction and has a family living there, IMO.
Third, in PC's driveway there was a car parked (it is a two car driveway) and there is a front and side entry door. I believe she shares the home with another tenant.
Fourth and most important...as I pulled up in front of Mama's Pizza, a SCPD pulled up in front of me. The officer got out, and was taking photos of the shop and surroundings. He then proceded yo go inside. I waited around a little, but, he was in there for a while.

IMO She did not make it home that night and she either met someone or was followed by someone from her work or one of the other nearby stores. Mama's Pizza closes at 10. There were others leavingwork at the same time.
I just got back from a quick trip myself. I started out at Mama's and interestingly enough as I was passing I saw a police car driving in the shopping center. I wonder if that was the same SCPD car, maybe the officer was just leaving? I took Holbrook Road down to the L.I.E., making sure to look down the side blocks as well. I didn't come across any black Honda Fit's and there didn't appear to be any places she could have crashed and her car left hidden from view.
Another possible route location just popped into my head. If you exit the L.I.E. at 53, that takes you to the Sagtikos Pkwy on ramp, but before you get there is an exit for Wicks Road. Wicks Road runs south past SCCC's other campus down to Pine Aire Drive. I haven't been on Wicks Road in quite some time, but I do remember while having driven the road many times, there would always be numerous vehicles parked up on the grass and dirt areas on the west side and just south of the expressway. There is also a park and ride I think on the corner.

Just returned from my 2 hour drive. I will post a long post (with locations i drove) when I am at my desktop, but, just wanted to let you guys know a few things.
First, even at 10:20 AM the park n ride at exit 52 is crawling with creepers lurking in their cars (i need eye bleach...blech!)
Second, the home under construction next door is no longer under construction and has a family living there, IMO.
Third, in PC's driveway there was a car parked (it is a two car driveway) and there is a front and side entry door. I believe she shares the home with another tenant.
Fourth and most important...as I pulled up in front of Mama's Pizza, a SCPD pulled up in front of me. The officer got out, and was taking photos of the shop and surroundings. He then proceded yo go inside. I waited around a little, but, he was in there for a while.

IMO She did not make it home that night and she either met someone or was followed by someone from her work or one of the other nearby stores. Mama's Pizza closes at 10. There were others leavingwork at the same time.

Thanks MOFB....You were all over the place today.

I wonder why PD was back at her job? Maybe she has a locker there? Or PD was going to interview someone?
Check out the Press release section on top. You will see her missing report on 1/3 and check out 12/26, female abducted at 3pm. That is the next town over.


**turn off the volume bc scanner comes on)

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