NY - Rita Tangredi, 31, and Colleen McNamee, 20, murdered, 1993-94, John Biltroff *GUILTY* - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Im ashamed of my own police department. If more evidence or bodies are found it would further show the incompetence of Suffolk county police force. You are not doing us a service by pinning murders on anyone, you are letting a real killer go free. I do no believe Bittrofl had anything to do with Gilgo, I believe they are opportunistically presenting evidence to make Bittrolf look guilty as they had been. If Those dim-whits had spent half the time and resources doing their job and chasing the real killer instead of tapping out and focusing all their attention trying to prove it was Bittrolf maybe we would have respect for them. At this point I dont even think they care. What a slap in the face to the community that pays their salary they are supposed to be "protecting and serving"!!!!
Im ashamed of my own police department. If more evidence or bodies are found it would further show the incompetence of Suffolk county police force. You are not doing us a service by pinning murders on anyone, you are letting a real killer go free. I do no believe Bittrofl had anything to do with Gilgo, I believe they are opportunistically presenting evidence to make Bittrolf look guilty as they had been. If Those dim-whits had spent half the time and resources doing their job and chasing the real killer instead of tapping out and focusing all their attention trying to prove it was Bittrolf maybe we would have respect for them. At this point I dont even think they care. What a slap in the face to the community that pays their salary they are supposed to be "protecting and serving"!!!!

I agree that Suffolk PD are up to no good and it's telling that only now they want to use this conviction to possibly pin Gilgo Beach on him. From what I understand though or just from reading between the lines of what was said, is that some bodies could be connected to Bitroff. I suspect the GB4 are not connected to the same killer/s but some of the other bodies may be.
I understand that the consensus seems to be that Bittrolff is guilty.

Is there some evidence other than the dna?

Or has the dna that was in the database shown to be the same as the dna taken from the bodies?

Or is it considered inappropriate to suggest that the police may have monkeyed with it somewhere along the way?

The more I research this case the less guilty he looks.

Can somebody summarize why they think he is guilty, or why they are certain that the dna evidence could not have been tampered with?

You would have to also accuse/suspect/consider that everyone in the Medical Examiner's Office tampered with evidence collection. I can't see that being the case at all. JMHO
Never heard of MB growing up on long island and tangredi was killed a long time before the gilgo murders.. big age difference between the 2 also.. how could they have gone to high school together or even been best friends? This sounds false.

I misspoke, it was Rita Tangredi's daughter who was friends with MB (in upstate New York). This was discussed when Bittrolff was arrested (as I recall, in the early pages of this thread), and was also mentioned in this newspaper article from yesterday:

Watch, though, the police will soon announce that they've discovered this connection, and also concluded that it's odd that Jessica Taylor's body was divided up between Oak Beach and a site a couple of miles from Bittrolff's house - great detective work!
Mary Murphy of PIX11 is the one who was contacted about the connection between Tangredi and Barthelemy:

In July 2014, after Bittrolff’s arrest, PIX11 interviewed retired NYPD homicide commander and author, Vernon Geberth.
Geberth had written a book about sex crimes and serial killers.

Regarding Bittrolff’s Manorville victims and the Gilgo women, Geberth retorted, “I say those bodies, the heads and the hands are linked to one killer.”

Right after I reported this story, a viewer wrote to my Mary Murphy Mystery Facebook page, telling me the grown daughter of Bittrolff victim, Rita Tangredi, was best friends with Gilgo victim, Melissa Barthelemy.

The two young women knew each other from Buffalo in upstate New York.

I thought this connection was significant.

Definitely an interesting connection guys if true.. or just a coincidental small world. hopefully some relevant and trustworthy member of law enforcement was able to pick tangredis daughters brain about her relationship with melissa.

Pretty wild though for all this to happen so suddenly in the news during yesterdays local voting taking place, which eliminated boyle..bittrolfs sentence, DAs office revisting claim that bittrolf could be lisk and not even 24hours later, LHenry gets picked up or turns himself in to the first precinct in suffolk on domestic assault charges. All very interesting stuff going on.
Definitely an interesting connection guys if true.. or just a coincidental small world. hopefully some relevant and trustworthy member of law enforcement was able to pick tangredis daughters brain about her relationship with melissa.

Pretty wild though for all this to happen so suddenly in the news during yesterdays local voting taking place, which eliminated boyle..bittrolfs sentence, DAs office revisting claim that bittrolf could be lisk and not even 24hours later, LHenry gets picked up or turns himself in to the first precinct in suffolk on domestic assault charges. All very interesting stuff going on.
Lindsay henry is evil.

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According to court documents, Henry threw a "necklace containing a sea glass pendant" that struck his fiancée in the forehead and caused "lacerations, swelling, redness, substantial site pain and headache."

Babylon Town Supervisor Rich Schaffer said "domestic violence is a very serious allegation."

"I've lived through that myself personally, so I know what kind of impact it has on all family members," said Schaffer.

Henry, a 50-year-old father of two young girls, surrendered himself to the 1st Precinct Tuesday and was held overnight.

News 12 has also learned that Henry was arrested on an assault charge in Massachusetts on July 4. Henry was set to go to trial on that charge, but it was dismissed after officials said the victim would no longer cooperate.

What was the missing clothing item missing from each woman?

Has his wife or any family member publicly defended him/his character?
So apparently, Bittrolff is officially a suspect in one of the Gilgo Beach murders as of now. Will elaborate later, but from what I'm piecing together, I think its Melissa Barthelemy.
This is a recent quote from Melissa's mother. In my opinion, this could be huge:

“I don’t know what to think, because Melissa had a lot of calls to Manorville from her phone and that is where this guy is from,” Lynn Barthelemy, mother of victim Melissa Barthelemy, tells PEOPLE.

This is the same victim that had connections to Rita Tangredi's immediate family, and the same victim who's family also received the horrific phone calls that were likely from the killer. Not to mention that "Jane Doe NO. 6" and Jessica Taylor were found a mere THREE MILES from Bittrolff's home?! I really think there may be something to this. Too many coincidences.

Also could be rumor, but I swear I heard something about John Bittrolff once getting caught trying to convince a random kid to buy him a prepaid phone at a convenience store? Can anyone back me up on this? Because the LISK was known to anonymously use a prepaid phone registered to a "Mickey Mouse".
This is a recent quote from Melissa's mother. In my opinion, this could be huge:

“I don’t know what to think, because Melissa had a lot of calls to Manorville from her phone and that is where this guy is from,” Lynn Barthelemy, mother of victim Melissa Barthelemy, tells PEOPLE.

This is the same victim that had connections to Rita Tangredi's immediate family, and the same victim who's family also received the horrific phone calls that were likely from the killer. Not to mention that "Jane Doe NO. 6" and Jessica Taylor were found a mere THREE MILES from Bittrolff's home?! I really think there may be something to this. Too many coincidences.

Also could be rumor, but I swear I heard something about John Bittrolff once getting caught trying to convince a random kid to buy him a prepaid phone at a convenience store? Can anyone back me up on this? Because the LISK was known to anonymously use a prepaid phone registered to a "Mickey Mouse".
I read that the phone was registered to mickey mouse but never heard anything about bittrolf trying to get someone to buy him a phone. Does anyone know if bittrolf has a living quarters above his garage?

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If they are saying he is a suspect in one of the gilgo murders then how can he not be related to the other 3. That is the kind of thing that frustrates me. I cant get a read on bittrolf and that also frustrates me so is he being framed or is he lisk?

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If they are saying he is a suspect in one of the gilgo murders then how can he not be related to the other 3. That is the kind of thing that frustrates me. I cant get a read on bittrolf and that also frustrates me so is he being framed or is he lisk?

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This is typical. Rodney Halbower is only technically linked 2 of the 6 Gypsy Hill Murders. Bradley Edwards is technically only linked to 2 of the three Claremont Serial Murders, Frederick Scott is only linked to one of the four Indian Creek Trail Murders, but all those killers are widely considered to be the perpetrators of the whole series. What police are saying right now is that they only have actual evidence connecting Bittrolff to one of the Gilgo victims (likely Melissa Barthelemy for reasons mentioned above), and are working to connect him to the others.

This does not sound like a framing to me, which would require Melissa's mom and the FBI to be in on it for goodness sake. Are we forgetting that the FBI started taking a fresh look at this case very recently, and that this could very well be a result of some of the information they recently turned up? Let's not just start crying "framing" just because the way this seems to be panning out isn't matching up with the police conspiracy snuff ring theory that so many have been expecting. In terms of Bittrolff, he fits my profile of the LISK perfectly. Family man who lives in the area who is well-liked an unsuspecting, but has definite tendencies towards psycopathic behavior, and has a fixation on death and mutilation. That's John Bittrolff for sure. Let's keep an open mind here, because objectively, he's a great suspect for the LISK and i'm sure there's more connecting him that we don't know about yet. This is actually all very exciting, and i'm shocked at how quiet this forum is right now.

Let's not forget that the only reason he was "ruled out" initially was because the bodies of his confirmed victims were "posed differently". Ridiculous.
... My main question is why did Bittrolff admit to sleeping with both girls if the evidence was planted. I did not ever read that Bittrolff was claiming the evidence was planted. But maybe I have that wrong. Did Bittrolff admit to being with both of the victims?

That's an excellent question.

1) Bittrolff did not admit to sleeping with the victims. Bittrolff's lawyer admitted Bittrolff slept with the victims.

Bittrolff "I did not sleep with those girls. I do not know how my dna got there" paraphrased

Bittrolff's lawyer "Mr Bittrolff did have sex with those girls, even though he denies it."

Ask yourself why his lawyer would be bolstering the only piece of evidence that points to his guilt, and the only piece of evidence that has not been adequately verified.

What does adequately verified mean? The police and some lab should have lab results of the actual material taken from the body. It should be dated 1994 or so. It should meet some standard of probably being genuine.

The material that was tested and refered to in court was "enhanced".

Very simple. Please produce a lab result from 1994 or so and have it be verified by the lab and open to public scrutiny.


I would be very wary of a lawyer who seems to have a strong history of providing elaborate cover to Spota.
You would have to also accuse/suspect/consider that everyone in the Medical Examiner's Office tampered with evidence collection. I can't see that being the case at all. JMHO

A fair guess, until disproven, is that the sample taken in '93 or '94 is not the same sample as was offered in court. I am not accusing anybody of anything, sorry if I did that. I'm simply doubting that the dna taken from the bodies was the same as the dna used to convict Bittrolff. My guess is that the dna used at trial was new and I have no idea how they could have gotten new sperm from their suspect. The fact that the tails were intact and the sperm were in very good shape is not enough by itself, but I think they overplayed that evidence for a reason, same reason as very similar evidence was overplayed in the Rodney Reed case. Notice that sperm evidence was used in almost the exact same way in both cases and it is probably accepted by most people now that the science used in the Reed case was lacking. It was unscience.


for the pathologically curious

What was the missing clothing item missing from each woman?

Has his wife or any family member publicly defended him/his character?

The missing item was a shoe taken from each body.

In other words either

a) Bittrolff was likely responsible for similar killings that had shoes taken or brains beaten out of the skull,


b) He was a copycat of the killer who did that


c) the other killer or killers was a copycat of him


d) It's all ******** coughed up by Spota and company to deflect public scrutiny of how the lisk murders were handled.

Considering that Spota was especially coy about that piece of evidence saying something like "a piece of wardrobe missing that we will reveal at trial", and considering that Bittrolff seems excluded from most or all of the murders, it looks like Spota was trying to ignite a feeding frenzy against Bittrolff. He wanted people to say "Hey, the police didn't make any mistakes and Bittrolff may be lisk even if the police haven't got evidence".

When the frenzy didn't self ignite, he had somebody give it a push. They want people to assume Bittrolff killed a lot of people. People should want them to authenticate their dna evidence under public scrutiny.
If they can tie Bittrolff to Jessica Taylor, a "non-GB4" LISK victim, and also to GB4 Melissa Barthelemy, then it's game, set, match - the identity of the LISK will be solved. As bad as the police have been on this case, it's probably worth remembering that they initially denied that Bittrolff was a likely LISK suspect, so that just means they could've been wrong one more time.

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