NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 5

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In the words of IM....300=Minimal. Im sure she could do without it.

Ok, 300 is minimal, but it serves a purpose, to go along with what happened, IMOO. There was a specific reason or reasons why it was left there, hidden like that. Maybe to go with the rest of the story, to make it seem real, to make it look like there wasn't a fabrication of sorts, perhaps.
New updates to the FAQ sheet just posted. A red car was seen on video tape in his driveway June 14, wallet and $300.00 found in a drawer in garage at 4pm. Car is seen pulling out of driveway at 2:51pm, IM pulled in at 3:00pm. No phone calls within that 10 minute timeframe. One week later phone is found turned off in a drawer in the garage (during a search). Nothing else missing from house.

I'm sure I'm missing something. Have to check it again.

Please advise where the FAQ is posted, link? - thanks!

ETA - if it can't be linked to, then it's not valid IMO....
Ok, so I hate to be the party pooper here, but this new release of information concerns me.

Why release it now? Because LE said so? But why? What changed? Something must have happened for LE to say its ok to talk! They just didnt wake up this morning and decide that is was ok for it to be released out of nowhere.

The public has been lied to before, what makes up believe this is all true? Again, it is coming from FB Admins, NOT LE. So they may not be 100% accurate, and perhaps by no fault of their own. :trainwreck:

As it has been from the beginning... "believe half of what you read"... Once the truth comes out, I think people might be a bit shocked on what they hear. :twocents:
No...no...no. At first the comment talks about an edge seen and there being an assumption that it was Rob's car. Then it says "Only the top of Rob's car was seen." ROB'S CAR. Why would we not be able to trust the video??? Frankly, it's one of the FEW pieces of objective information we've heard in this case!

Well, you know the whole thing is still quite strange with many unanswered questions. Why would he risk going home a few minutes before his wife came home? Risk being seen by someone, kids, neighbors, camera etc. Go to the DP RR where he could be spotted again. Very risky if you ask me. If he wanted to run, just go to work and at the end of his shift, hop a s/w and vanish. My only thought about the video camera, was that it's only as good as the proper setting of date and time. I guess if this information is validated by LE, then it is a fact that we can accept. thx. J
Here's a question (1 of the million to come thanks to this new info).....if the camera didnt catch Rob's Car, how did it catch Ida's? I assume we are talking about the same camera, and no one moved it for those 15 mins.....so if it was in the same position, I find it interesting that the FB FAQ Page clearly states that its DEF IM's car in the driveway later.....but for 10 mins Robs car is home, it only caught the edge of it.

Only explanation here is the cam only catches part of the driveway, lets say Ida's "side" of the driveway....and only catches a piece of the side RM typically parks on.

It is probably coorborated by IM, that is what time she arrived home that afternoon, being the same time the car shows up in the driveway.
Maybe the family could use the 300 dollars?
It was left there for a reason and a purpose.

Precisely right. It would defy logic to leave the $300 (cash) unless doing so accomplished SOMETHING: Were he leaving voluntarily, as I respectfully suggest he was...then the funds, relatively small though they may be, would be an added benefit to his new life. It wouldn't get him far but it sure wouldn't hurt.

So there had to be a purpose behind leaving the money...we can speculate various ways, but I would suggest that the amount MEANT something. The amount,, $300, could have been the impetus for him leaving. How so? Here are some feasible examples.

Few examples: A fight between the two over a $300 fix to the GTO - maybe keyless entry (I'm just hypothetic'ing here, as my boss says LOL). The amount is a point of contention between the two. It's a recent fight - say, on the phone at 9am that very morning. He leaves the $300 for her as a final 'screw you' and books it outta there.

Perhaps she needed $300 for one of the kids to register for a sport/equipment. Her income has been greatly reduced lately - attorney to piano teacher, IIRC, and that's GOTTA hurt financially. So she asks him for the money - he leaves it...and leaves his life.

Those are just two random scenarios I thought up, but I would put forth, IMO, that it is reasonable to think the amount left behind had MEANING.

JMO, yo.
The money could be left because he doesn't need it where he went.

Perhaps he did commit suicide, as horrible as that sounds.

Perhaps he's on a sailboat with a rich heiress in the Caribbean.

The money was left for Ida and the kids, I think. And most likely because he didn't need it, IMO.
With the newly released info and the previously understood info that he only had the work phone, he absolutely had to have come home to leave it there. It is unreasonable that someone would risk being seen to plant it. It points to him leaving voluntarily to me although I felt that before.

A dilemma - appears this info cannot be linked because it is not MSM. Please advise.

Could it be quoted as rumor, then?
I have been thinking about RM's time line as regards travel from Dix Hills to Brooklyn in the a.m and from Brooklyn to Dix Hills in the p.m. B/c the Belt Parkway being the adventure it can be and LI and city traffic being....traffic, his return commute would be at least twice as long. Does the bridge still rise??? Mr C worked in Brooklyn and had to really hoof it or get stuck while the bridge was up.
My point--and it took a bit to get there sorry--what was his usually expected time home???
More updates on the FAQ sheet say
If it was Rob, it is not understood why he would come home for 10 minutes and then go back out. Ida usually would have been home at this time.

The ONE time Ida is NOT home at THAT time - he (allegedly) RM - bops in the home and out within 10 minutes.??????????

Someone said his normal work hours were 7a-2p.
so....most likely - he'd come home by 3pm.....as has been stated in this case from the beginning. So to be home at 2:45....falls within normal range of time.

Cue up scary creepy movie:
WHAT was retrieved from the home? And was the home being watched?
I would be petrified to live there.....at this point.

I live around this neighborhood, it is NOT the slums....it is very safe. You can freely walk around with your children at any time of the night and not be scared.

You can be assured the Mayer's were targeted if a crime was committed...this wasnt random.
Well, you know the whole thing is still quite strange with many unanswered questions. Why would he risk going home a few minutes before his wife came home? Risk being seen by someone, kids, neighbors, camera etc. Go to the DP RR where he could be spotted again. Very risky if you ask me. If he wanted to run, just go to work and at the end of his shift, hop a s/w and vanish. My only thought about the video camera, was that it's only as good as the proper setting of date and time. I guess if this information is validated by LE, then it is a fact that we can accept. thx. J

OK question 1---how close do her folks live to RM and IM?? less than a 9 minute drive??? Maybe a neighbor was watching and tipped IM off that RM was home??

question 2--- does IM drive an SUV?? It is higher than the GTO so possibly easier to see on the video???

question 3--well statement on $ 300.00---I think its a middle-finger gesture. I think they argued about it---lobster, oysters etc for the BBQ. Or he wanted to do something--golf, concert--something for him specifically and the money was argued about.
I live around this neighborhood, it is NOT the slums....it is very safe. You can freely walk around with your children at any time of the night and not be scared.

You can be assured the Mayer's were targeted if a crime was committed...this wasnt random.

I know Dix Hills is really nice. Safe.
It appears to be very HITCHCOCK if you ask me.
a real sleuthy thriller with lots of double meanings here
No mention of dogs seeing if it was RM's scent in the house.

And its already been said that dogs did NOT pick up RM's scent in the car the next day.


with the car seat moved up close to the steering wheel and no dog scent of RM....its' a given that RM did not drive that car to D.P.

If it wasn't RM in the house....but someone else.
I know Dix Hills is really nice. Safe.
It appears to be very HITCHCOCK if you ask me.
a real sleuthy thriller with lots of double meanings here
No mention of dogs seeing if it was RM's scent in the house.

And its already been said that dogs did NOT pick up RM's scent in the car the next day.


with the car seat moved up close to the steering wheel and no dog scent of RM....its' a given that RM did not drive that car to D.P.

If it wasn't RM in the house....but someone else.

Unless, RM wanted it to "look like" it was someone else...and then that would bring up yet another theory to add to the rest of the theories....
Unless, RM wanted it to "look like" it was someone else...and then that would bring up yet another theory to add to the rest of the theories....

dogs would smell the phone
money and the floor
from house door to outer door.

no mystery...
And that scent and footprint evidence is long gone.

Wonder why RM would put a cell phone in one drawer and cash in another....seems a bit odd. Perhaps the $300.00 was a token "here ya go...that's all I have and I'm outa here".

I wonder if it was common practice for him to place items like that in those drawers? Seems odd to me.
Okay, obviously he wasn't car jacked or robbed at gun point. Nobody would leave behind $300.00, no matter how "minimal" it is to IM.

Phone was put in a drawer - was that normally where he kept it? Who keeps their phone in a drawer in the garage???

If he left voluntarily and he was the only one who knew he went to Arrow Scrap, why leave cash behind? I don't care how much money you have, $300.00 cash is well worth hanging on to.

SO, what if......he got home, realized he forgot the oysters (or lobster...or whatever it was he was in charge of getting), so zipped out real quick to get it? **Still doesn't explain why the phone was turned off and in a drawer though.
I know Dix Hills is really nice. Safe.
It appears to be very HITCHCOCK if you ask me.
a real sleuthy thriller with lots of double meanings here
No mention of dogs seeing if it was RM's scent in the house.

And its already been said that dogs did NOT pick up RM's scent in the car the next day.


with the car seat moved up close to the steering wheel and no dog scent of RM....its' a given that RM did not drive that car to D.P.

If it wasn't RM in the house....but someone else.

Perhaps someone not interested in money or expensive electronics-- but interested in him?
Well, you know the whole thing is still quite strange with many unanswered questions. Why would he risk going home a few minutes before his wife came home? Risk being seen by someone, kids, neighbors, camera etc. Go to the DP RR where he could be spotted again. Very risky if you ask me. If he wanted to run, just go to work and at the end of his shift, hop a s/w and vanish. My only thought about the video camera, was that it's only as good as the proper setting of date and time. I guess if this information is validated by LE, then it is a fact that we can accept. thx. J

JMO but I do not see a risk in RM being "caught" at home where he was expected. We don't know what type of plan he had, or even if there was any plan. He could easily have left on an errand after IM arrived.

That cellphone information is major to me. The $300, just says to me "I'm emptying my pockets." I would have left two quarters, a dime and three pennies, a cough drop and a little lint to underscore this point, however, so maybe I'm wrong. I agree with many others that this latest info substantiates the theory that RM willingly left. For how long, who knows? MOO

On another topic, I look for RM everywhere. I just got back from a Home Depot in Suffolk County. Along the side were about 15 bicycles against a fence, one green one. They belonged to the day laborers who wait to be picked up for work. I thought how easy it would be for a skilled laborer, a union electrician, even without ID, to pick up regular work off the books. Then I imagined RM with his green bicycle, tool belt and lunch pail.
Friday before Fathers Day.

Leaving the cell phone AND IT WAS SHUT OFF.
he can't be tracked. Would imagine - cell phone had GPS in it - more than likely.
so he can't be tracked.

Car at a train station that he never uses....is VERY HITCHCOCK
I know Dix Hills is really nice. Safe.
It appears to be very HITCHCOCK if you ask me.
a real sleuthy thriller with lots of double meanings here
No mention of dogs seeing if it was RM's scent in the house.

And its already been said that dogs did NOT pick up RM's scent in the car the next day.


with the car seat moved up close to the steering wheel and no dog scent of RM....its' a given that RM did not drive that car to D.P.

If it wasn't RM in the house....but someone else.

The info we received is that his scent wasn't found OUTSIDE of the car. There has been no mention of dogs other than this that I remember, no trip to the house has been documented.
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