NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 6

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I haven't had time to get caught up, but I wanted to throw something out there, before I forget it.

what if this is all staged? maybe there was a fight the night before, maybe it continued inthe morning. RM could very well have forgotten his wallet in the am, and IM said "ill put it in X drawer". other than that conversation was just fighting and when RM hung up on IM she got pissed. she could have spent the next few hours sending awful texts to him. he goes home, grabs some items and heads out to the train cuz he just wants to get away.

maybe he leaves his phone in the car, because another minute of bickering is more than he wishes to endure... but IM finds the car before police. she grabs the phone, deletes the messages and plans to say she found the phone after car is returned from police... but they take forever to return it. hearing RM has returned to the house gives her a second chance so she hides the phone in a second drawer. now the phone says there's no activity all day. and being the lawyer she was, she knows a court order will be needed to argue that, and with no crime no one is getting that. so instead of handeling a private matter privately, she is now able to use the resources of thousands to "hunt" him down.

The only problem I see with this is that once the phone records are looked at they will show he received all those texts and the number that sent them...le would then be looking at IM questioning what they said and why they were deleted. Especially if it was verizon. All texts on my bill show who sent, who receieved at what time. (Obviously not what was said.)
I haven't had time to get caught up, but I wanted to throw something out there, before I forget it.

what if this is all staged? maybe there was a fight the night before, maybe it continued inthe morning. RM could very well have forgotten his wallet in the am, and IM said "ill put it in X drawer". other than that conversation was just fighting and when RM hung up on IM she got pissed. she could have spent the next few hours sending awful texts to him. he goes home, grabs some items and heads out to the train cuz he just wants to get away.

maybe he leaves his phone in the car, because another minute of bickering is more than he wishes to endure... but IM finds the car before police. she grabs the phone, deletes the messages and plans to say she found the phone after car is returned from police... but they take forever to return it. hearing RM has returned to the house gives her a second chance so she hides the phone in a second drawer. now the phone says there's no activity all day. and being the lawyer she was, she knows a court order will be needed to argue that, and with no crime no one is getting that. so instead of handeling a private matter privately, she is now able to use the resources of thousands to "hunt" him down.

I can see a lot of that scenario happening. It isn't far fetched. So do you think he is giving her a taste of her own medicine by remaining in hiding?
Is it possible IM wants to give the illusion he was in danger by saying things like "We will keep him safe" and "he looked scared and worried" on the scrap yard camera? OR was he in real danger, but she didn't want to disclose that to the public for some reason, but it is slipping out in her comments?
Just remembering what a verified insider mentioned here a few weeks ago regarding a very large problem affecting long islanders....with no specifics mentioned.
Long island has been hit with a painkiller/heroin epidemic. I remember a school official telling parents last year that heroin is the drug of choice these days. It is cheap (cheaper than weed) and undetectable (no smell, no red eyes). It is sold in our high schools. Scary.
There are over 100 treatment centers for substance abuse on long island alone. Most of them reachable by LIRR.
They range from day treatment to residential, fancy shmancy to free of charge.

IDK. just running thru the very few details.
Is it possible IM wants to give the illusion he was in danger by saying things like "We will keep him safe" and "he looked scared and worried" on the scrap yard camera? OR was he in real danger, but she didn't want to disclose that to the public for some reason, but it is slipping out in her comments?

OR it was to actually let him know if he came back he is NOT safe lol
Just remembering what a verified insider mentioned here a few weeks ago regarding a very large problem affecting long islanders....with no specifics mentioned.
Long island has been hit with a painkiller/heroin epidemic. I remember a school official telling parents last year that heroin is the drug of choice these days. It is cheap (cheaper than weed) and undetectable (no smell, no red eyes). It is sold in our high schools. Scary.
There are over 100 treatment centers for substance abuse on long island alone. Most of them reachable by LIRR.
They range from day treatment to residential, fancy shmancy to free of charge.

IDK. just running thru the very few details.

I think if he did that he would have said he went on that trip to Italy see you all when I get back... Not vanish off the face of the earth. Hes not some single guy and .................I don't think he does any kind of drug! JMO
Just remembering what a verified insider mentioned here a few weeks ago regarding a very large problem affecting long islanders....with no specifics mentioned.
Long island has been hit with a painkiller/heroin epidemic. I remember a school official telling parents last year that heroin is the drug of choice these days. It is cheap (cheaper than weed) and undetectable (no smell, no red eyes). It is sold in our high schools. Scary.
There are over 100 treatment centers for substance abuse on long island alone. Most of them reachable by LIRR.
They range from day treatment to residential, fancy shmancy to free of charge.

IDK. just running thru the very few details.

Can you please provide a link? As far as I know, I don't believe our verified insider made such a claim.

I have many friends in Dix Hills and have attended many a party there. Not only would I find it hard to fathom a heroin addict being able to hold the job required of a Dix Hills resident to maintain their lifestyle, but I've yet to see heroin, or any other drug for that matter, broken out by the age group that the Ms are in.

Yes, heroin is a big problem among young people, but those of RM's age that have climbed the latter of success up until now? No way.
Hi,all. I am posting for the first time, although I have been reading any and all info on this case that I can. I am from the same town as RM, and have found this whole story stupefying, to say the least.
I just wanted to make a few comments and/or ask a few questions. Forgive me if I state the obvious, or rehash what has been said.
Many of us question the details that have been made public, most of which do not fit easily or simply do not make sense. Many on other sites have questioned why LE isn't doing anything. I always feel that LE is not in the business of telling interested observers what facts they know, or have found out. It doesn't mean they DK. And believe me, I have no friends or family in LE...I just do think they know more than they are telling us. Also, info about RM's wallet, phone, and money in the drawers - well, who knows if that stuff is true, since I think it comes from the one source.
If RM wanted to send a message to IM that he is outta there, so take all my personal stuff, I don't care, etc, then why even bother putting it all in drawers, instead of leaving it where IM could find it immediately? And why separate drawers?
I DK anything, of course, but I just don't think IM is in on anything, other than that their marriage might not have been all it has been portrayed to be. It does intrigue me though, that there have been no press conferences with family & friends pleading for RM's return, just IM. Also, many people suggested contacting a PI, and I never recall IM saying that she intended to do that. Wouldn't that be another possible route?
Finally, and sorry for being all over the place, but I guess the reason nothing makes sense is because we are really working here with limited, possibly accurate info. I think there is so much that we have no clue about. But who does - IM, the family too, friends,????
Can you please provide a link? As far as I know, I don't believe our verified insider made such a claim.

I have many friends in Dix Hills and have attended many a party there. Not only would I find it hard to fathom a heroin addict being able to hold the job required of a Dix Hills resident to maintain their lifestyle, but I've yet to see heroin, or any other drug for that matter, broken out by the age group that the Ms are in.

Yes, heroin is a big problem among young people, but those of RM's age that have climbed the latter of success up until now? No way.

Am i allowed to quote from previous thread?
As i said, he did not give specifics. Only insinuated of a problem affecting us. He could have been speaking of pain killers or alcohol...he didnt say.

I have heard many stories of "grown ups" getting hooked on heroin in the past couple of years. You would be surprised. Successful, average people.
Sorry - one more question.... Why has Long Island's primary newspaper seemingly refused/delayed reporting on this story?? They did report on that other man missing from Dix Hills last summer (never found, AFAIK), GR, but they have told subscribers who have questioned them about RM that there is simply no crime suspected, so no story. Huh? IM said they did finally say they would so a story a few weeks ago, but when, and why the obvious reluctance?? Do they know something from an insider, I wonder??
07-13-2013, 12:52 AM
Verified Insider - Robert Mayer case

Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 52
Originally Posted by talula
NCNY, do you know if Robert liked to gamble? would he ever frequent casinos? Would he have perhaps traveled by train to go and gamble and left his wallet at home to prevent the urge to withdraw more funds? (something my mother does when gambling)
gambling was never an issue... that he went to the scrap metal shop leads one to think if he was collecting cash for something else... i will leave that open as we all know the problems affecting a large number of people today, especially in the long island area...

And that Posting on a missing persons FB page by the young girl from Boston who stated she may have seen him on the train, appears to have been basically ignored or dismissed. Or silenced. Very peculiar. :waitasec:

Sometimes when someone hasn't seen an update concerning something on a case one assumes it was ignored or dismissed as you have. I understand this; however, it was me who researched what police department to call, I called them, left them all pertinent information both on the phone and on voicemail.

I spent nearly an hour that night and the next day following up. I did that and much more as have many, including posters here who invested their time and resources to solve this and to find Rob. I reported back to all in detail what I did and went on to say that chances are we will not hear anything more about it unless it was a good lead.
Can you please provide a link? As far as I know, I don't believe our verified insider made such a claim.

I have many friends in Dix Hills and have attended many a party there. Not only would I find it hard to fathom a heroin addict being able to hold the job required of a Dix Hills resident to maintain their lifestyle, but I've yet to see heroin, or any other drug for that matter, broken out by the age group that the Ms are in.

Yes, heroin is a big problem among young people, but those of RM's age that have climbed the latter of success up until now? No way.

Actually I remember it being stated too just cant post link as it was not stated in public......not saying anything more...

Edited : sorry didnt see post after... I guess it was stated on thread after all.
Hi,all. I am posting for the first time, although I have been reading any and all info on this case that I can. I am from the same town as RM, and have found this whole story stupefying, to say the least.
I just wanted to make a few comments and/or ask a few questions. Forgive me if I state the obvious, or rehash what has been said.
Many of us question the details that have been made public, most of which do not fit easily or simply do not make sense. Many on other sites have questioned why LE isn't doing anything. I always feel that LE is not in the business of telling interested observers what facts they know, or have found out. It doesn't mean they DK. And believe me, I have no friends or family in LE...I just do think they know more than they are telling us. Also, info about RM's wallet, phone, and money in the drawers - well, who knows if that stuff is true, since I think it comes from the one source.
If RM wanted to send a message to IM that he is outta there, so take all my personal stuff, I don't care, etc, then why even bother putting it all in drawers, instead of leaving it where IM could find it immediately? And why separate drawers?
I DK anything, of course, but I just don't think IM is in on anything, other than that their marriage might not have been all it has been portrayed to be. It does intrigue me though, that there have been no press conferences with family & friends pleading for RM's return, just IM. Also, many people suggested contacting a PI, and I never recall IM saying that she intended to do that. Wouldn't that be another possible route?
Finally, and sorry for being all over the place, but I guess the reason nothing makes sense is because we are really working here with limited, possibly accurate info. I think there is so much that we have no clue about. But who does - IM, the family too, friends,????

Great first post! :welcome: to WS and this thread!
Am i allowed to quote from previous thread?
As i said, he did not give specifics. Only insinuated of a problem affecting us. He could have been speaking of pain killers or alcohol...he didnt say.

I have heard many stories of "grown ups" getting hooked on heroin in the past couple of years. You would be surprised. Successful, average people.

Wonder if the headaches he was suffering from ties into this ?
Wonder if the headaches he was suffering from ties into this ?

LOL I could say something but I wont!:facepalm:

I think im getting in trubble so Ill be on my best behavior!

Probably stress!
Cat, is it ok to quote posts from previous thread?
If not, please delete and i apologize.
07-13-2013, 12:52 AM
Verified Insider - Robert Mayer case

Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 52
Originally Posted by talula
NCNY, do you know if Robert liked to gamble? would he ever frequent casinos? Would he have perhaps traveled by train to go and gamble and left his wallet at home to prevent the urge to withdraw more funds? (something my mother does when gambling)
gambling was never an issue... that he went to the scrap metal shop leads one to think if he was collecting cash for something else... i will leave that open as we all know the problems affecting a large number of people today, especially in the long island area...


Thank you. This is very good information and apparently I missed this subtle hint.

I don't think it's heroin, though. I do know of people who are hooked on heroin. They are the children of people I know. These kids do not hold jobs and their lives are a complete mess. From afar, RM does not look like a heroin addict to me.

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