NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 8

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So...for the people thinking there is a possibility of drug involvement, on what level are you considering? User? Dealer? Was Rob under so much financial stress that he resorted to dealing drugs? And, for that matter, stealing and selling scrap? Or, are you thinking he was a user with an addiction problem? Or, both? Got in over his head with dangerous people? Owed them money? I have no idea how dealing works. Do suppliers provide inventory to the dealer and then the dealer brings back the proceeds? Or, does the dealer buy the inventory and then distribute themselves? Could Rob have been given an inventory and Rob didn't bring the proceeds back because he needed the money to support family? Anyway....just thinking out loud and wondering what drug theorists are thinking.

To me that's last on my list!
I cant say why.
Just a feeling!

To me that is the only thing that makes sense. Leave everything behind, vanish without a trace. Possibly went home to get his gun. Nothing else makes sense to me, I don't think he just took off to start a new life. I think he just couldn't take the pressure anymore and said F it.
Did we discuss other neighbors's security cameras??????? That great pic we had of the Mayer's house gave us a good visual of the immediate neighbors---possibly only one neighbor has a security camera---what about the across the street neighbors and the one/ones the property backs onto.

Where can I see a pic of the Mayer's house?
IMO, finances were not an issue in the household.
I dont believe he needed to sell but probably to buy.
Any drug deal is a dangerous situation. The suppliers and the customers are
Desperate for something. Desperation leads to trouble. IMO.

Our verified insider said he was not a gambler.

Our verified insider hinted that there was a drug problem.

Why embrace the thing he claimed weren't the case and discard the thing that he said was?

Hmmm.., loan shark. Now that's something I hadn't thought of. That is quite possible. As I've said many times I don't see them meeting their household budget on his salary alone.

However, I would think that IM would know about the loan shark. Surely she isn't buying lobsters oblivious to their financial status.

See I took his hint to mean money issues that many people on LI are dealing with, not drugs. With the nut he had to cover for that house I don't know where he would get the money from.
Your theory would work except for one fact. The car seat being pulled forward for a shorter driver. I am confused as to why no information was released about the fingerprints in the car and on the water bottle on the front seat. I still think we are missing some information that would paint a better picture. People who have help within the police force can get things brushed under the carpet and information can be omitted very easily. We have people calling for information and, instead of getting information, they are being threatened with questioning. Someone is connected to someone in law enforcement and the details of this case are heavily guarded. :twocents:

My guess is without evidence of a crime the investigation never got as far as to check prints. Wouldn't that only be done if they thought a crime was committed?
Sorry I think I have only seen one or 2 posts from the verified poster I'd still like to hear from someone on Roberts side of the family if he had a drug problem wouldn't ppl notice? Work ? If it was serious he mus have looked bad maybe missed work? Erratic behavior? Yes no?
I'm not of the opinion this has anything to do with drugs.
However "wouldn't ppl notice"? Not necessarily. It does not always effect a person's appearance to the point they resemble "the faces of meth". Sometimes they just look tired or no reflection of it at all. If they use some substance on a regular basis their behavior may not reflect it either, just part of who they seem to be. This is all just my uneducated opinion from observing people over the years.
BBM - I don't think this info would be released to the general public in an ongoing investigation. Even if the detectives release it to the family, it shouldn't be made public if anyone's fingerprints (other than RM's) were found.
True but would they still say no sign of foul play not considering a crime was committed? IF they'd found other fingerprints or other evidence in the car, wouldn't that change their status of the case? Maybe not officially or told to the public, but wouldn't they approach the investigation differently? - more aggressively - I guess is what I'm getting at.
Have they even examined the car yet? If they have, why would they still be hanging on to it?
Your theory would work except for one fact. The car seat being pulled forward for a shorter driver. I am confused as to why no information was released about the fingerprints in the car and on the water bottle on the front seat. I still think we are missing some information that would paint a better picture. People who have help within the police force can get things brushed under the carpet and information can be omitted very easily. We have people calling for information and, instead of getting information, they are being threatened with questioning. Someone is connected to someone in law enforcement and the details of this case are heavily guarded. :twocents:

A very simple question that I have never seen an answer to is, "were the mirrors adjusted for a shorter driver"? The answer to that question would tell a story.
Have they even examined the car yet? If they have, why would they still be hanging on to it?
I don't know but it makes me think of 2 cases that were handled very differently from each other. Made me wonder if it is done differently by different agencies / states. Ray Gricar went missing in PA, his car was processed + returned to his g/f very quickly (couple days IIRC). Maura Murray went missing in NH, car was processed + then held forever, may still have it for all I know. Her car was registered in her father's name + he couldn't get LE to release it to him. Both cases were "no foul play suspected" at the outset. Just going by questionable memory here IIRC.
So...for the people thinking there is a possibility of drug involvement, on what level are you considering? User? Dealer? Was Rob under so much financial stress that he resorted to dealing drugs? And, for that matter, stealing and selling scrap? Or, are you thinking he was a user with an addiction problem? Or, both? Got in over his head with dangerous people? Owed them money? I have no idea how dealing works. Do suppliers provide inventory to the dealer and then the dealer brings back the proceeds? Or, does the dealer buy the inventory and then distribute themselves? Could Rob have been given an inventory and Rob didn't bring the proceeds back because he needed the money to support family? Anyway....just thinking out loud and wondering what drug theorists are thinking.

I don't know, but remember this Doctor:

Doctor’s arrest for writing over $1M in addictive prescriptions highlights larger drug problem — and possible new solution

Read more: http://pix11.com/2013/07/30/doctor-...d-to-his-illegal-prescriptions/#ixzz2eh1Tp4jP
I could be way off base, but my sense is that IM handled the finances. It is just a feeling on my part—no fact.

I think so to!
I think his scrap money was his play money!
I think so to!
I think his scrap money was his play money!

That brings up another question. Can each electrician just take stuff to scrap or do they split it? Doesn't seem fair or legal for one electrician to be able to get scrap money and not others.
True but would they still say no sign of foul play not considering a crime was committed? IF they'd found other fingerprints or other evidence in the car, wouldn't that change their status of the case? Maybe not officially or told to the public, but wouldn't they approach the investigation differently? - more aggressively - I guess is what I'm getting at.

They could very well have someone else's fingerprints but why hold the car?
That brings up another question. Can each electrician just take stuff to scrap or do they split it? Doesn't seem fair or legal for one electrician to be able to get scrap money and not others.

Personally I don't think your allowed to take any. I thought copper was locked up. I'd think the big boss would dictate that it's not theirs to take imo
That brings up another question. Can each electrician just take stuff to scrap or do they split it? Doesn't seem fair or legal for one electrician to be able to get scrap money and not others.

It's not legal but they do it anyway.
If they get caught, well.....the boss takes care of the problem.

I spoke to several guys who work in these Unions and each one said that its very common that guys just up and leave their family. It happens a lot. They can't keep up with expenses.
Here in Los Angeles a very tall handsome movie exec, Gavin Smith, disappeared without a trace in May 2012. A couple of months ago they found his Mercedes in a storage locker with lots of his blood. From the evidence the police are assuming homicide. He had been involved somehow with the wife of drug dealer ow serving time. The storage locker is linked to the dealer. They don't believe Gavin was involved with drugs. His wife's comment about her sorrow in knowing that he must be dead is mitigated in part by the vindication of knowing that he didn't just leave. She said that she knew he would never have just left his children and family.


They found the so called smoking gun by finding that car. They got a tip to look there in the storage locker.

Did they decide that the bike had been at home until RM went missing?
Could he have come home, changed his clothes and put the bike in the trunk to go for a ride at another location? Leaving his phone and wallet behind while exercising is logical.

Not knowing the family's debt situation it is hard to ascertain whether they could afford the house or not. Maybe they had an inheritance that was used for it?

If my husband had vanished I would be Googling everything with his name online. When I found this site I would have a friend monitoring and answering questions being posed. It is all speculation but there is a tremendous amount of brain power here that with the correct info could lead to some better theories. Brainstorming is how great discoveries, inventions and decisions are made. Power to our brains!

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