NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #1

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"The two prisoners were in the "honor block" of the prison, meaning they were given certain liberties for good behavior"


Sources said Tuesday that convicted murderers Richard Matt and David Sweat were allowed to wear civilian clothes instead of prison greens in their less restrictive wing of the jail dubbed the “Honor Block.”

Matt, 48, and Sweat, 34, were in adjoining cells. Using hacksaws, they pried off the grates of the air vents at the backs of their cells. The paint on the walls is so irregular and chipped, it was impossible to tell they had been tampered with, the sources said.


Then, carrying the tools in a guitar case one of the inmates was allowed to have in his cell, Matt and Sweat shimmied down pipes six floors &#8212; from catwalk to catwalk &#8212; until they reached the ground floor.


At one point, they reached a wall and were able to pass through after knocking out a few bricks. The next wall they hit was the massive prison wall, and there was no going through this.

Holes in the stones suggest that at first they tried to drill through it, sources said. Then they came up with a brilliant Plan B.

Realizing that in the summer the steam pipes aren&#8217;t used, they cut one opening into the 24-inch diameter steel pipe at the base of the wall &#8212; then cut another opening from inside the pipe on the other side of the wall.

I think someone broke in to break them out. Social media will play a big part in the whys and hows as soon as they are captured.

Wow. Very Interesting thought.

I could see that being pulled off. If it was that easy for them to just climb out of the manhole cover and leave from that street then there is no reason someone could not have climbed into the manhole cover and worked their way to the prison wall.

If they did do that, then that person(s) would have had to know the plans of the pipling in the prison i would think. Maybe someone got the plans somehow from some old records.

Im still kind of leaning towards one of the construction crew members for now. I think the cutting of the wall was done from inside the wall. All JMO of course.
Matt, 48, and Sweat, 34, were in adjoining cells. Using hacksaws, they pried off the grates of the air vents at the backs of their cells. The paint on the walls is so irregular and chipped, it was impossible to tell they had been tampered with, the sources said.


Then, carrying the tools in a guitar case one of the inmates was allowed to have in his cell, Matt and Sweat shimmied down pipes six floors — from catwalk to catwalk — until they reached the ground floor.


At one point, they reached a wall and were able to pass through after knocking out a few bricks. The next wall they hit was the massive prison wall, and there was no going through this.

Holes in the stones suggest that at first they tried to drill through it, sources said. Then they came up with a brilliant Plan B.

Realizing that in the summer the steam pipes aren’t used, they cut one opening into the 24-inch diameter steel pipe at the base of the wall — then cut another opening from inside the pipe on the other side of the wall.


Thanks. Just seeing this. Sounds like maybe most of it is known what they did by now.
"Two residents in the upstate New York town where a pair of convicted murderers escaped said they're "lucky to be alive" after spotting what they say were the fugitives a short time after they made their getaway.

"Lucky to be alive, man," the man told ABC News today.

The man and his friend were returning home around 12:30 a.m. when they spotted two men, who they say are fugitives Richard Matt and David Sweat, in their backyard with what appeared to be a guitar case."
When he confronted them at the home, which was near the manhole that the prisoners used to escape, one of the men responded "We're just lost. We don't know where we are. We're on the wrong street," according to the witness.

After that, they took off running, said the witness, whose name is being withheld due to safety concerns.

Later that morning, they reported what they saw to police, who started their search in the backyard. Police dogs were able to follow the trail but did not get far."

Horrifying details makes me think the other escapee is at great risk of getting murdered too, imo...
From your link, thanks.

" The victim was a food broker named William Rickerson who had hired and then fired Matt.

On Dec. 4, 1997, according to the trial testimony of an accomplice, Matt beat Rickerson with a knife sharpener, bound him with duct tape, tossed him in the trunk of a car, and then drove around for 27 hours looking for a place to kill and bury him.

At one stop on the drive, Matt opened the trunk, broke four of Rickerson's fingers, hit him in the chest with a steering wheel locking device, then shut the trunk and kept driving.

The accomplice testified that Matt had him turn down a cul-de-sac, stop the car and open the trunk again. He said Matt told him: "You know, I've had enough of this."

He said Matt reached in and twisted Rickerson's head. "I heard a pop," the accomplice testified, and the businessman "just dropped back in the trunk." Matt cut off the arms and legs with a hacksaw, authorities said".

Oh my gosh! What must it be like inside the mind of someone so evil?
"The two prisoners were in the "honor block" of the prison, meaning they were given certain liberties for good behavior"


Sources said Tuesday that convicted murderers Richard Matt and David Sweat were allowed to wear civilian clothes instead of prison greens in their less restrictive wing of the jail dubbed the &#8220;Honor Block.&#8221;


I am not sure what they were thinking in that prison. One of this two had a history of escapes.
What did they think was going to happen?

No kidding! Did they really think these two freaks were candidates for rehabilitation? Unfortunately there are people in this world who are never going to change and just can't be trusted. Anyone can play nice while they are in prison. But past behavior predicts future behavior.
I am assuming that all witnesses against these guys are under some sort of protection?
One would assume they planned this escape to actually get away.
I'm hoping they hope to escape and fade into society somewhere to live a regular life.

Seeking revenge would certainly increase the odds they would be caught, so hopefully they don't.
However, it doesn't sound like Matt has much self control... so I'd still be worried.

www.cnn.com (The article link turns into a video every time so I'm not linking it.)

The Buffalo News noted yet another twist: The day after Matt's conviction, a police detective and former friend of Matt received a note from the inmate.

The note accused the detective of having lied during the trial, and said, "You also make it very clear that we are not friends. I'll remember both..."

The ellipsis left the note open-ended.
Is it only me (it usually is) that is a bit confused? I can't find anything about Gov Cuomo being denied admittance to the prison after 13 prisoners went missing, nor can I find anything about any other prisoners going missing. But, I am admittedly a terrible google detective. Can you please provide links for that?

I'm sure you don't mean to be coy, but if prisoners come in, don't leave but come up missing that only leaves one alternative. Some kind of long term cover up. If I'm interpreting this all wrong, my apologies.

Maybe if you became verified you would be able to tell us more? :please:

I was confused initially, due to the posts regarding some sort of weirdo conspiracy.

To tell ya the truth; every one of those types of posts we (DH) and I read, we started to feel more and more angry as it is taking away from the real issue.
Two murdering horrid brutal killers escaped from Dannemora Prison and are running loose.

These scum of the earth escaped.
The escape was pristinely planned, every single solitary action was planned.
DH and I are also Upstate NY'ers, keeping a very close eye on this case.

These scum even knew when they were going to begin work on the prison and arranged it so that there "escape equipment" was not heard.

There is lots more that I can post, but it can be easily found by a quick search on the internet.
All our doors and windows are locked up tight.
We think they are on there way to Manhattan, but Canada is the obvious choice.
Forgot to add I think that they were provided blueprints.
They had help that is for sure.
Hopefully the feds do welfare checks to make sure some old couple isn't tied up or something. Now due to the reward; Someone will give them up.

But as far as help. They have been in prison for awhile. You will be surprised of how many people will overlook the same thing everyday and not realize that is a potential way out. I think they just lucked up.

Pictured: The married female prison worker, 51, suspected of being lured by 'handsome womanizing' double murderer and his cop killer friend into helping them with Shawshank-style prison break

Authorities questioned Clinton Correctional Facility prisoner supervisor Joyce Mitchell in connection with the cunning escape

David Sweat and Richard Matt were part of a cell block where well-behaved inmates sometimes worked alongside private contractors like plumbers

Sources claim she is being questioned over the escape of Sweat, 34, and Matt, 48, who tortured, killed and dismembered his boss

A retired police detective who once jailed Matt said that he is 'very well endowed' and 'gets girlfriends any place he goes'

It was also revealed that Matt was part of a failed plot to murder an heiress to the Warner Brothers fortune in exchange for $100K

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-tattoos-help-capture-them.html#ixzz3cYZhDvml
Wow, throw a career and family away to help a convicted killer escape jail, I think that she is only part of the plan, I think that others are involved

Would she be considered an accessory if either of these guys commit a crime while on the run.

I think getting into Canada would have been easy for them, lots of smuggling goes on crossing the lake at night, not to mention the miles of unsecure borders.

Someone has to be still helping them
Meanwhile, two law enforcement sources told NBC affiliate WPTZ they believe that a getaway car either arrived too early, too late or not at all &#8212; leading police to believe the escaped convicts were on foot.


If they were spotted at 12:30 AM in the yard (one carrying guitar case), most of the work had to have been completed days or weeks earlier.

I don't believe they needed blueprints. Once they identified the main steampipe, they knew it would lead beyond the prison walls.
Meanwhile, two law enforcement sources told NBC affiliate WPTZ they believe that a getaway car either arrived too early, too late or not at all — leading police to believe the escaped convicts were on foot.


If they were spotted at 12:30 AM in the yard (one carrying guitar case), most of the work had to have been completed days or weeks earlier.

The car must have shown up eventually, because nobody seem to have seen them since.
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