NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #4

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"Hunt for 'Shawshank' escapees shifts back to woods close to upstate New York lockup after cops 'find prison-issue underwear' in nearby cabin

- Richard Matt and David Sweat escaped Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York, two weeks ago
- The search returned to near Dannemora yesterday after the owner of a cabin 20 minutes away reported seeing a man running away from his camp
- DNA traces on items inside the cabin show the men had been there

Police hunting for two fugitives found prison-issue underwear and fingerprints belonging to one of the men inside a cabin near the New York prison from where they escaped, according to reports.

As the search enters its third week, officers hunting for Richard Matt and David Sweat descended on a wooded area 20 miles from Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora on Sunday after a cabin was broken into near Wolf Pond.

The cabin's owner also told cops he saw a man fleeing when he arrived.

Authorities confirmed on Monday that they have removed items from the cabin. Law enforcement sources have said that DNA traces prove that the two men had been there just 24 hours earlier."

The article states that it does not appear the killers used the trail but came in through the woods.

I am completely map impaired. Walking through woods is almost impossible. You can follow deer trails but so what? They usually lead to water and have fallen trees and plenty of brush.

How did these killers find this remote shack?

It was quoted earlier they walked down power line access. That makes sense as those areas may not be easy walking, but they are clear of trees . Easier to walk and you see where you are going and won't get lost or turned around. Is the shack close to powerlines?


A Possibility??:

CNN reported that LE analyzing hotel guest registries from the last several months in the area near the isolated cabin to see who might have been staying there that had any connection to the escapees
It was quoted earlier they walked down power line access. That makes sense as those areas may not be easy walking, but they are clear of trees . Easier to walk and you see where you are going and won't get lost or turned around. Is the shack close to powerlines?
Added broken line indicates location of power lines...
First press conference I saw they thanked Verizon wireless for upgrading their towers at LE's request, saying that has been of vital importance for them. That means, IMO, that they're using cell phones quite a bit instead of the scanner probably. IMO.

Totally Agree.

I wonder how the Cell Phone companies increase service fast like that in remote areas.

Maybe they bring in like a temporary portable towers or something that they can install new towers quickly. Like "ready-to-go-portable-Cell-Towers" that they can just pull up anywhere and set them up with a few guy wires and presto they have better cell service.
Well I for one would have discarded those undies days and days ago. Lordy they must have been disgusting.
The article states that it does not appear the killers used the trail but came in through the woods.

I am completely map impaired. Walking through woods is almost impossible. You can follow deer trails but so what? They usually lead to water and have fallen trees and plenty of brush.

How did these killers find this remote shack?

It was quoted earlier they walked down power line access. That makes sense as those areas may not be easy walking, but they are clear of trees . Easier to walk and you see where you are going and won't get lost or turned around. Is the shack close to powerlines?

Ah I missed that quote, so in case anyone else did -

""The dogs have got a good track, and we are tightening the perimeter," one official told the Press-Republican today, "so within the next 24 to 48 hours, we're confident they will be caught."

It looks like Matt and Sweat followed the power lines and an old railroad bed from Dannemora to Lyon Mountain and into Standish, the sources said.

"And from that, it looks like Mrs. Mitchell was Plan A (as their ride out of Dannemora). There was No Plan B," one said.

"They don't have a plan now, other than to evade us.""

I swear I did just read that today, LOL. It's cracking me up. I really want SNL to do a skit on this after they are caught.

It was actually a law enforcement officer (Lockport or Buffalo?) who made that comment about "well-endowed." Said Matt got all the ladies. Just sort of a weird thing to say in an interview.
Wonder if these two were in a deep sleep when the cabin owner approached on his ATV. They have to be exhausted.


Marlena BaldacciVerified account

Investigators looking at whether tools used in the prison escape were hidden inside a frozen chunk of hamburger meat #CNN #PrisonBreakNY

Well I for one would have discarded those undies days and days ago. Lordy they must have been disgusting.

these insects i live with have had me hoppin....er flyin'......i see we are where i left off......

you know this is really cutting into my usual sleuthing time.....it's quite inconsiderate of these felons to put us back where we started :mad: lol
Added broken line indicates location of power lines...
View attachment 76812

Thanks for the map shot.

From looking at the map the 2 convicts may have spotted the roof of the cabin while they were walking the path under the electric transmission lines.

They could have just gotten lucky and found it by random if they saw the roof or a window reflecting while they were walking.

Those 2 had a real good idea walking those lines because there is not normally many homes near large electric transmission lines because the electric companies buy out the properties close to the major lines when they are putting in those major transmission lines. Those are the gigantic main power lines it sounds like they were walking under.

And its more or less public access so those 2 would not have to worry about being kicked off private property while walking the lines. The utlity companies usualy dont mind when people use their paths under the lines for ATV riding and hiking and even hunting near them.
CNN breaking news - were the tools used in the escape hidden inside a frozen hunk of hamburger meat?

(Gotta be a Hamburgler joke here)


Marlena BaldacciVerified account

Investigators looking at whether tools used in the prison escape were hidden inside a frozen chunk of hamburger meat #CNN #PrisonBreakNY

my wing to god just as i read this, i heard it on my headphones via cnn LOL

link for those interested, discussing the case http://www.cnn.com/go/

these insects i live with have had me hoppin....er flyin'......i see we are where i left off......

you know this is really cutting into my usual sleuthing time.....it's quite inconsiderate of these felons to put us back where we started :mad: lol

I hear ya my Queen. I much prefer considerate escapees LOL
CNN says they're investigating whether Tillie convinced another guard to pass the tools to the inmates inside the frozen meat (honor block prisoners can cook their own meals).
Oh that Tillie. Isn't she sharp :shame:
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