GUILTY NY - Valerie Reyes, 24, found deceased, New Rochelle, 29 Jan 2019 *Arrest*

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Jan 21, 2014
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SHE took these things, or they are just missing?

Moon, those were exactly my thoughts. Especially the bed sheets. Had she been telling others she'd be leaving therefore the missing sheets aren't alarming to LE and family/friends? Seems that would have been mentioned. But you know LE is known to give and hold back tricky info. just to trip up the perps, if any. We'll see.
If my bedsheets aren't on the bed, they're going through laundry processes. A heap on the floor, moved to washing machine and dryer, and then back to the bed (for example). So if her sheets aren't in any of those places, someone might conclude she took them with her?
:(...or someone took her with them (the sheets), but hopefully she took them to Goodwill b/c she bought new ones. :)
Well if I decide to go missing and they say I took my bed sheets, it's a lie. Check to see if my bathing suits are missing and my soft and fluffy pillow, towel, slippers and books, a couple of changes of clothes. Sheets? I'd take a blanket instead.

What ever happened to back packs and trash bags? Is this a new trend for people that take off- taking sheets, phones, clothes, Ipads?

If I didn't know better, I'd swear this was some kind of game on FB some fool started to get kids to pretend they're missing for 48 hours, but I doubt that's the case here or in Savannah Pruitt's case.

I hope she's ok and found soon.
Well if I decide to go missing and they say I took my bed sheets, it's a lie. Check to see if my bathing suits are missing and my soft and fluffy pillow, towel, slippers and books, a couple of changes of clothes. Sheets? I'd take a blanket instead.

What ever happened to back packs and trash bags? Is this a new trend for people that take off- taking sheets, phones, clothes, Ipads?

If I didn't know better, I'd swear this was some kind of game on FB some fool started to get kids to pretend they're missing for 48 hours, but I doubt that's the case here or in Savannah Pruitt's case.

I hope she's ok and found soon.

Haha...not the time or place but I couldn't help but laugh and agree 100%. My toothbrush would be a major clue.

And yeah...I thought I read a headline about that "game". These kids today!
I'm thinking she was living with a roommate and decided to just move elsewhere but not showing up for work is troubling. Hopefully, there will be more info on here soon.

My husband would know if I was missing if the wine opener was gone.
Seriously, you decide to take off and you take the sheets? I had to do a double take because it sounds rare. Plus what if she has more than one set? What if she went missing after deciding to change her sheets but before she got a chance to put a fresh set?
I have at least 3 different sheet sets along with blankets and comforters, so im just wondering out loud.
I do hope she is found. Maybe she just decided to stay at a friend's house. She could have a personal "issue" and needed time away. Here's to hoping.
Pfft... no one else in this house would know if sheets are missing. That's not something most ppl pay attenton to unless they're responsible for laundry. And why wouldn't she just grab a clean set of sheets, if she has a spare set?
I have to agree with EVERYONE'S OPINION on this. Moved out took her stuff OR something bad happened and the sheets were taken to get rid of evidence of some sort. I'm assuming the reason they say the sheets were taken is because the bed was unmade and none in the laundry etc. Or a family member could have noticed her bed didn't have anything on it, what items were missing etc. Very odd to say the least. I'm still wondering if she had a roommate, has this been confirmed/denied? Boyfriend? I wonder if dishes/household objects were missing as if she did move out fast. If she didn't have a roommate, there should really be no reason for her to take off on her own with bedding or whatever so quickly. Ok, I feel I'm rambling. This is all IMO

PS, I googled missing people situations where they took sheets and other then the other case going on here now, I couldn't find anything, not that it isn't out there.
Weird that she also took the sheets. Maybe someone was like hey you can hide out at my place/exit your current living situation and sleep on a mattress on my floor.. I Don’t have any extra sheets though so bring yours. IDK
When I was in my late teens and early 20’s my then BF and I made rent sometimes by letting a friend crash on our spare mattress.

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