NY - WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO McDonald's Worker Beats Women Who Attack Him

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  • justified because this was self defense.

    Votes: 66 70.2%
  • exhibiting criminal behavior and should be prosecuted.

    Votes: 20 21.3%
  • Other - Make sure to explain in a post please

    Votes: 8 8.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
At first I was going to say that it was a bit overkill on his part. But after reading Herding Cats post and other youtube comments I changed my mind. He was totally justified. The fact that it was McDonald's gives us a false sence of security. If that happened at a convenience store and the clerk did that, everyone would probably think he was more than justified.

On a side note, my $20 bill got marked as counterfeit at Subway and they wouldn't accept it. I had just gotten money from the bank! Nonetheless, I went to Wal-mart later that day and used the $20 bill with no problem.
Ok, I watched the video and this is what I see and what I think about the situation.

First, this man is just doing his job when this thuggish woman slaps the crap out of him. There happens to be two women up in his freshly slapped face and he shoves them away and immediately turns to get away from them. Now, my thought at this point is that if a woman has the gonads to jump in a man’s face and slap that man in the face, then she most likely feels that she and her cohort have what it takes to whip this guy or they have an equalizer on their person to help them whip this guy.

Now, I don’t think that this man kept a metal rod handy to use as a weapon just in case a couple of crazy fool women decided to come in and whip his butt. In an operating kitchen area, there are many, many items and equipment that could be used as a weapon or plenty of places a person could come in contact with and be horribly burned.

As soon as the woman came over that counter, she meant to hurt him. She wasn’t about to kiss and make up. Then her cohort came around the counter to help her hurt the man. These women acted as though they were invincible, in other words, armed. I can easily see that these women could have really injured this man or maybe even killed him.
I don’t know why people seem to think that women are so defenseless and fragile. They really don’t care if they maim you for life.

I feel that the man grabbed the first thing he could get his hands on to protect himself. It just happened to be a metal rod. Both women kept right on coming. The fact that he had a steel rod in his hand didn’t even slow them down. Well, not until he used it.

The women had another chance to get out of the fray when they received a well-aimed slap beside the head with the metal rod, but did they stay down? Nooooooooooo, they had to keep popping up like Jason on Friday the 13th.

I say he was justified in protecting himself with whatever he could grab at the time. They should consider themselves lucky that he did not grab a knife.

If a man or woman had slapped me up beside the head and then jumped over the counter to continue the beating, I would have done the same thing.
The only reason that I say he was showing criminal behavior is because in most places self defense is equal or lesser force. He used substantially more force than was used on him, therefore, yeah, he acted criminally. JMO.

I have a feeling that if he had just stood there and let those two thugs jump him we would have been reading about him having a fractured skull and broken arm or worse.
Since one of the woman actually started the fray by slapping the man broadside up beside the head, why wasn't she charged with assault?
Once and for all, does anyone know which of the girls in the video was "Denise Darbeau", the one who got the fractured skull and broken arm? After reading hundreds of posts, articles and watching a bunch of newscasts about this no one has ever said definitively.

From watching the video I would guess it's the one with the long, brown hair who DIDN'T jump over the counter. That's because you can see her raise her head above the counter during the McBeatdown and get smashed on the head as she does so.

But again, no one has clearly said which of the girls got the most severe of the injuries. The one article that interviews Denise's dad, says BOTH the girls "vaulted the counter", which is WRONG- and still leaves you confused as to which one got their head smashed in. http://www.dnainfo.com/20111018/gre...s-worker-didnt-need-beat-my-daughter-dad-says

'The other girl' somehow only received a deep cut on her arm, so wasn't wiped out nearly as bad. But I'm afraid the least injured is the one who 'started it all' by yelling that the worker was a pu**y several times, then slapped him, then jumped over the counter and chased him through his work area.
I am willing to agree he had a right to defend himself and the women were completely the agressors. I just wish he had stopped wailing on them with the metal pole when his coworkers arrived at his side and tried to gain control of the situation. I think that the pole hitting went on longer than need be.

But then again, I have never been attacked in such a way so who knows what happens once the adrenaline gets pumping at that level and the fight or flight instinct kicks in. He tried to remove himself from the immediate area and the response was one of the women coming over the counter at him. Now he is in a small confined area trapped with one woman attacking him and the other on her way around the counter towards him. Can't flee, therefore must fight . . adrenaline, etc.

Again, this explains my "I don't know" vote.
I have a feeling that if he had just stood there and let those two thugs jump him we would have been reading about him having a fractured skull and broken arm or worse.

At his funeral they could've said; "At least he adhered to McDonald's rules." :maddening:

Since one of the woman actually started the fray by slapping the man broadside up beside the head, why wasn't she charged with assault?

Our system is effed up. One or both will end up with a few million and he'll be in jail for a long time.

In one of the articles they mention that someone started a defense fund for him. I hope they raise enough to get the best lawyer in the world for him.

I am willing to agree he had a right to defend himself and the women were completely the agressors. I just wish he had stopped wailing on them with the metal pole when his coworkers arrived at his side and tried to gain control of the situation. I think that the pole hitting went on longer than need be.

But then again, I have never been attacked in such a way so who knows what happens once the adrenaline gets pumping at that level and the fight or flight instinct kicks in. He tried to remove himself from the immediate area and the response was one of the women coming over the counter at him. Now he is in a small confined area trapped with one woman attacking him and the other on her way around the counter towards him. Can't flee, therefore must fight . . adrenaline, etc.

Again, this explains my "I don't know" vote.

If they had stayed down he wouldn't have kept hitting them. When a cop tells someone to stay down and they keep trying to get up they don't stop trying to keep them down and they have guns. JMO
I feel it's totally justified. I had a friend who worked at subway threatened by knifepoint for money, and having worked at McDonalds (15-17) I know how terrible some of the expectations are. I think he expected no help from his coworkers, and assumed they were in possession of a weapon, if they didnt want to get their heads bashed in they should have left it at calling him a p**** and slaping him in the face after he walked away. I think the real shame is that they are "victims." I know some people say "it was excessive," but remember he walked away first, she stepped over the counter, and then the other came with no good intentions. I honestly think he would have been prosecuted without the weapon, it's just how our system works today. Poor attackers.
He was in the right to defend himself, but I think he went too far with his weapon of choice.

I've seen my share of rude customers, but none of them went full out on the employees. My friend had a customer complain about her [my friend] health problems, and she chewed him out. She has a "tell it like it is" attitude, and doesn't hold back from saying what she thinks.
I think he was justified in what he did and I hope he doesn't go back to prison for defending himself like he did. He had no way of knowing if these women had guns, knives or whatever. Doesn't matter that his coworkers were there... a gun would have taken them all down. Look at it this way - what if it were two men that slapped a woman cashier, then jumped the counter and chased after her. Everyone would be applauding a woman if she had done the very same thing this man did. She would be hailed a "heroine". I hate double standards.
A long, long time ago, before I was even 17, I worked in a Taco Bell. One night, a customer came over the counter at me, because I didn't have enough pennies in my drawer, and went to the next drawer to get some more. He came over the counter so fast, and so furious, and scared me and the others badly; some ran out the back door, and some ran out the door to the restaurant. The customers (there were a few) in the store stood there, staring.

I was alone behind the counter with this guy...and he pushed me into the torilla warmer. He grabbed all the money, and jumped back out over the counter, taking not only my cash drawer but the drawer I had opened. And, he took the orders waiting to go to the other customers.

Cops came, blah blah, didn't know who this guy was, so no arrest. They put in security cameras later that week.

A few months later, I was scheduled to work, but traded shifts with someone. I could see the restaurant from my house, and noticed a lot of cops and ambulances there.

Went over, and found that the person I had switched shifts with had been murdered, and the other person there that evening had been shot. I was shown the security film, and it was the same guy who'd come over the counter at me; he'd come back and decided to rob the place, but this time used a gun (and no, I didn't see the shootings; just the photos of him as he walked in).

I quit shortly thereafter.

Long story short, anyone who would come over the counter at someone behind it is a dangerous, dangerous, dangerous person. I have been there; people don't really do anything, it is too fast for some folks to process; if they do, you're still dealing with someone who's willing to come over the counter (and there is, literally, NO reason to do that), and be violent...until the cops come. And in large metropolises (metropoli?), that can take a long time...

I didn't watch the vid (and didn't vote). I just know from my experience that relying on anyone to help you doesn't always work...and that sometimes, matters fall into your own hands.

Herding Cats
Two came over the counter at us, brandishing a semi auto revolver..I just opened the registers and stood by a rack with my hands in the air.They cleared the registers, didnt break them and left. :seeya: ps.they did catch them!! "theys" in prison now.~~~ they did have a shoot out with they retailer down the street, he pulled a gun..
I voted that it was justified. If that had happened to me I probably would have picked up the entire cash register and thrown it at the people. The fact that they were brave enough to smack him and then jump over the counter would make me feel like they had a weapon and my life was in danger. I would use excessive force, too.
I voted that it was justified. If that had happened to me I probably would have picked up the entire cash register and thrown it at the people. The fact that they were brave enough to smack him and then jump over the counter would make me feel like they had a weapon and my life was in danger. I would use excessive force, too.

She's lucky he didn't push her face in the frying oil.
McDonald's Employee of the Month?

This is a tough one. I think that I have a problem with the escalation. Slapping, leads to beating with rod, could it have led to something much worse if the customers had had a gun?

If that was a possibility was the cashier justified because if he hadn't acted like he did someone could have been shot or should he have not grabbed the pole and attacked because a gun could have been used in response?

I was going to answer I don't know/other, but what tipped me over to saying that the cashier used excessive force was the customer yelling for the cashier to stop and the reaction of the other emplyees. They were right there and their reaction indicates to me that the cashier was going overboard.

And the fractured skull... did the cashier have to aim for the head? I wish I could see more of what went on behind the counter, since I can't I'm basing my opinion on my interpretation of the the eye witnesses reactions.

What a horrible thing to happen! I'm glad that no one else was hurt, I hope that there weren't any little one's there to see this.
I look at this like a drunk driver who dies in a single car, car accident. Oh well.

If she hadn't jumped over the counter after slapping him and pursued him she'd still be ok. If she had stayed down when he told her to he probably would have stopped. Everything was HER fault, IMO.

I don't know if the $50 was bad or not but I've seen people get upset when someone is following protocol even though they aren't doing anything wrong. It seems like a lot of people believe that everyone should be able to look at them and see they're honest and are offended if a rule, that applies to everyone, is applied to them. Anyone who can look at someone and tell if they are a liar or not should become a cop. They could be the best cop in the world. When I'm asked to show my DL at the bank I don't get angry, I show them my DL.

As I interpret it, one woman slapped him across the counter. He pushed both of them. One woman jumped the counter and the other ran away down the counter on the outside. The woman who jumped the counter ran after him and he grabbed a metal rod and hit her as she came at him. When she fell to the floor he told her to stay down but she kept trying to get up so he kept hitting her. That's how I interpreted it.

One quick question. How do you know that every fifty or hundred handed to you is legitimate?
She assaulted him first maybe she'll think twice before laying hands on someone just because she has a problem with the business policy.
Ill bet this is just the first time she hasnt gotten away with that kind of behavior.
Perhaps minimum wage wasnt enough to allow customers to use you as a punching bag.Good for him.
There's a FB page for Free Rayon McIntosh now. He asked for a grand jury hearing.
"Don't start no mess . . . Won't be no mess!"

Sorry, struck by this situation and an odd cockroach exchange on another thread. To my morning case of the sillies this translated into I can't stop remembering Will Smith battling the bad attitude giant cockroach in M.I.B.
It was justified.

I bet they will think twice before acting like thugs up in a McDonald's again.Glad people don't like that where I am from.I was more in shock about how they were acting before the beat down arose.I was waiting for bullets to fly.

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