Observations from attending Sunday, 11/30/08 Vigil

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One day soon we'll learn of Cindy's demise. I won't log in to WS's on that day. I don't want to 'hear' the cheering and celebrating.

Actions have consequences Chilly. If she continues down this path she is on, yes, I agree we will read of her demise, but it won't be because of anything but her own daughter's inability to tell the truth. Her daughter is killing her as sure as if she had her in her trunk like Caylee.

Cindy can change this.......she can tell the truth. She can let KC reap the consequences of her action. Cindy has a chance at life, but only she can make the choices which need to be made to accept it.
If the vigil were perfect, people would be complaining that Cindy took time to plan a perfect vigil rather than walking the streets looking for Caylee. No matter what the woman does people twist it into something evil. If she speaks at the vigil, she's looking for media attention. If she doesn't speak, she's not showing proper respect for Caylee. She's blamed for Casey's actions because she was too controlling, at the same time she's attacked for not controlling Casey's actions. People just love to hate her.

One day soon we'll learn of Cindy's demise. I won't log in to WS's on that day. I don't want to 'hear' the cheering and celebrating.

I personally would never cheer or celebrate anyone's demise. I am worried about both of the A's physical health. I don't hate them or KC at all. I pray for them and hope that they find guidance in someone honest that they will help them in the right direction, whatever that may be. That being said, I do question their motives in the choices that they make.

Do you think that having the media present is helping the A's?
Thanks so much Elizabeth. It is so helpful to hear from a WS'er without having to get info first hand from the media.
I agree this spokesperson is so off in left field, they didn't ned any more neg. publicity, she is a Liability.
She seems like a very angry person and as far as a public speaker, she is the WORST.
I waffle back and forth with anger and sadness for this family. BUT you don't insist a daughter keep a baby she doesn't want, then continue to tell her it was the BEST MISTAKE she ever made and then tell her what a bad mother she is.
Also you don't let a child of yours lie and steal without consequences. Not that anyone ever deserved this, but what else really coul come from such dysfunction?
All families are dysfunctional in many ways, but this is such an extreme.
GA knows Caylee is gone, but is afraid to say it to CA.
IMO the family hasn't gone to see KC because they do know and want to sever their ties with her. They know she is going away forever.
My heart sinks every time they play the tape where Caylee says to her great Grandpa, you tired Papa? Too bad no one cares enough for her to at least lay her to rest properly. :mad:
Actions have consequences Chilly. If she continues down this path she is on, yes, I agree we will read of her demise, but it won't be because of anything but her own daughter's inability to tell the truth. Her daughter is killing her as sure as if she had her in her trunk like Caylee.

Cindy can change this.......she can tell the truth. She can let KC reap the consequences of her action. Cindy has a chance at life, but only she can make the choices which need to be made to accept it.

There is nothing that Cindy can do that will keep Casey from paying the consequences for her actions. Perhaps if Cindy felt an outpouring of love and compassion from the public she might be quicker to accept things in the time frame that others have set for her. Attacking her only serves to make her defensive, as it does all humans. While I hope she finds peace and acceptance for her own sake, it's not anyone's place to shove it down her throat. Cindy's confusion and inability to deal with the truth are symptoms of her grief, for both Caylee and Casey. She needs help, not hatred.
One day soon we'll learn of Cindy's demise. I won't log in to WS's on that day. I don't want to 'hear' the cheering and celebrating.[/QUOTE said:
There aren't any EVIL ppl here so I think you're way off base..Sorry!
I do not approve of the way the Anthony's have handled things in this case. Then again I am not in their shoes either. Something that occured to me very early on, is that Cindy is 50 years old. I thought to myself, I hope she isn't going through the change of life on top of all this stress. Women have lost their minds during the change. Then just the other night I read where Cindy posted somewhere to Casey about the night sweats and them waking her, and all she can do is lay awake and think about her and Caylee. Not only has Cindy deteriorated right before our eyes, the worse is yet to come. I'm just not sure she's going to be able to make it through the acceptance that Caylee is gone, and the trial. Yes, I do include the Anthony's in my prayers because Casey has completely destroyed her daughter's life and her own. What she has done to her parents can never be repaired, but God forbid another life is lost because of Casey. I was shocked when I saw the video of Cindy at BP, when she showed up when Leonard was searching. It's unbelievable how gaunt and thin she is. Regardless of what the Anthony's have done or said, they are human beings who are trying to exist with a knife stabbed through their hearts.

I totally agree. Even though I think Cindy is in total denial and may have possibly broken the law to protect KC, it is easy to see the pain she is going through. What's even more sad is that KC didn't just one day suddenly turn into who she is today..she has been hurting this family for years and years. Although I have a lot of mixed feelings about Cindy, I hope she makes it through this ordeal intact.
I do feel very sorry for them all and it is sad that they have broken hearts. It is sad that they can find no comfort in their families and friends at a time like this and that they are so alone in their grief. The whole situation is plain sad.
Ick, I feel like I just read someone's diary. Sad story all the way around.
There is nothing that Cindy can do that will keep Casey from paying the consequences for her actions. Perhaps if Cindy felt an outpouring of love and compassion from the public she might be quicker to accept things in the time frame that others have set for her. Attacking her only serves to make her defensive, as it does all humans. While I hope she finds peace and acceptance for her own sake, it's not anyone's place to shove it down her throat. Cindy's confusion and inability to deal with the truth are symptoms of her grief, for both Caylee and Casey. She needs help, not hatred.

Chilly, although I usually disagree with you. I think I have to agree on most of what you said here. I feel that people don't hate CA, I think she is possibly one of the most frustrating individuals on earth. The hatred here, IMO is for Casey. What an evil young girl. How does someone so young become so mean and cruel. I feel that if the Anthonys would just stop going along with this charade, maybe just maybe KC will tell what happened. This will never happen as long as they continue to go along with this utter bs. But KC, god, I don't know what I would do if she was my child. I mean why? She has single handedly ruined her life, her baby's life and all who were involved with her. It just seems so bizarre someone so young could keep this going so long. Maybe there was an accident, but why carry it out so long? She has got to be one of the most hateful individual I have ever seen.
If the vigil were perfect, people would be complaining that Cindy took time to plan a perfect vigil rather than walking the streets looking for Caylee. No matter what the woman does people twist it into something evil. If she speaks at the vigil, she's looking for media attention. If she doesn't speak, she's not showing proper respect for Caylee. She's blamed for Casey's actions because she was too controlling, at the same time she's attacked for not controlling Casey's actions. People just love to hate her.

One day soon we'll learn of Cindy's demise. I won't log in to WS's on that day. I don't want to 'hear' the cheering and celebrating.

I would hate to think ANYBODY here would cheer or celebrate the demise of any of the A's. I have such mixed feelings when I see CA, but the last thing I would want is to see any harm come to her. When she lies I just want to shake her but when I see her wasting away and see her frail body hunched over, I just want to hug her and tell her everything is going to be ok. Believe me, I have to ask for forgiveness almost daily for my feelings for this family. Thank God he is loving and puts up with my constant slip ups!
Thanks for the insight and especially for portraying the Anthonys as the grieving grandparents that they are. I find it very refreshing indeed. My heart goes out to them and I would have gone to support them if I lived in the area. They need all the love and acceptance they can get right now. My heart breaks for their loss. I have never in my life seen victims so beaten up as these people have been. People have been incredibly cruel.
Again, thanks for the insight.

Honestly, at first, I was on their side, and felt tremendous compassion and doubted EVERYTHING...However, as the days have turned to weeks and then to months and the lies and deceptions that are being employed by this family have increased and grown more outrageous, I must say that my compassion has been replaced by something else. I do feel sympathy for their loss, still, but as for having compassion for them in the situation in which they find themselves (due to their own behaviors and the sheer VOLUME of lies that they have told) no, I do not feel compassionate to THAT. All of my compassion is reserved for Caylee in this instance, because nobody in her entire family has even HINTED that they would like for her "kidnappers" to return her...They have not searched for her, LIVE or DEAD. They have focused on saving the murderer and their own IMAGE rather than stand beside the little girl that lays ROTTING somewhere because her mother put her there and refuses to tell the truth...I save all of my compassion for Caylee now, because she IS the only innocent in all of this.
I must disagree with you. I don't think the Anthonys are doing what they feel is right. I think they aree being manipulated by other people or sold a bill os good by criminal elements. I think they have no clue as to what they think is right. They have hitched themselves to people who are giving them BAD infomration and they are believing it. They are getting bad advice across the board. Cindy's family has tried to wake her up. She refuses. IF she thinks for one minute that her family does not have her best interests at heart, then she is in deep trouble. I think she is too far down the wrong path to adjust. Now she has a spokesperson who knows nothing about missing children and who is promotinsg herself and NOT CAYLEE. moo

I have to disagree. Cindy wouldn't even take the advice of her own attorney, Mr. NeJame, who is a true expert and the one class act they should have listened to. She's gonna wave him and his expert guidance and advice away like a gnat, but somehow be manipulated by the likes of the slovenly, inarticulate and ineffective MB/KFN folks?

I think Cindy sticks with these people because they won't stand up to or contradict her (it's not in their best get-publicity/money-for-themselves interests to do so). She is getting exactly what she wants out of them. In the process, they get what they want, too.

I don't think it's likely that they (or any others) are controlling Cindy Anthony, although at some point I expect her to play that card and say she was taken advantage of by everybody and their brother in an attempt to garner sympathy and deflect blame. JMO.

As to earlier references about MB not having produced a well-thought out vigil, my impression is that she simply isn't capable of anything better. She's an embarrassment, and I feel for other families of missing children with whom she may insinuate or have an actual association.
How sad the people are compelled to continually attack this poor grandmother who is literally dying of grief before our very eyes. I would think just this once, after reading a first hand account of exactly how badly Cindy is doing, people could find just a small bit of compassion. Just once. I could not live with such hatred in my heart.

I agree, I am a very reserved and shy person but after reading the description of Cindy written here, I would have felt compelled to seek her out and give her a hug. No matter how she has 'behaved', she is still a woman who has lost her grand daughter, a little girl she so obviously loved immensely.
I feel bad for her.
Thank-you Elizabeth. I really enjoyed reading your take on the vigil. Welcome to the forum.

I really feel sorry for this family, and do think of them as victims also. While going through the most traumatic time of their lives, they pretty much had the whole nation go against them. So many of the ones that are supporting them seem to be opportunists, looking for their own gains. So very sad.

It's nice to have a thread without bashing and hatred, post after post.
If the vigil were perfect, people would be complaining that Cindy took time to plan a perfect vigil rather than walking the streets looking for Caylee. No matter what the woman does people twist it into something evil. If she speaks at the vigil, she's looking for media attention. If she doesn't speak, she's not showing proper respect for Caylee. She's blamed for Casey's actions because she was too controlling, at the same time she's attacked for not controlling Casey's actions. People just love to hate her.

One day soon we'll learn of Cindy's demise. I won't log in to WS's on that day. I don't want to 'hear' the cheering and celebrating.

Hi Chilly. Nobody here HOPES for Cindy to come to harm. What we all DO hope for is that she will awaken to the truth before it is too late for her. She IS wasting away and that is likely due to the fact that she is being torn to bits by her own masquerade. If you read the emails that Cindy's mom sent in to LE then you know that Cindy was this way, in denial and ignoring the truth, long before Caylee ever came up missing. This is not due to Caylee...this is and has been Cindy's very nature, and unfortunately, when your nature is to ignore the unpleasantness and "fix" everything that everyone else does wrong so it does not reflect on you, then there are consequences that eventually arise from your choices. This behavior is NOT all about grieving grandparents. They have not once in all of their public appearances and television appearances made a PLEA to the supposed "kidnappers" to return Caylee. This SAYS something very important, and just because we see this does not mean that we HOPE for Cindy's demise. I would love nothing better than to see Cindy smile a real smile and feel joy, but that day is not coming. Her granddaughter is DEAD and her daughter did it...There IS no joy for this woman for many years to come, if ever...She needs support and encouragement and TRUTH and not a circus of thieves surrounding her.

There is nothing that Cindy can do that will keep Casey from paying the consequences for her actions. Perhaps if Cindy felt an outpouring of love and compassion from the public she might be quicker to accept things in the time frame that others have set for her. Attacking her only serves to make her defensive, as it does all humans. While I hope she finds peace and acceptance for her own sake, it's not anyone's place to shove it down her throat. Cindy's confusion and inability to deal with the truth are symptoms of her grief, for both Caylee and Casey. She needs help, not hatred.

She does need help and unfortunately, she is not getting it. Who should make sure she IS helped? Her husband? Her son? Her daughter? Her family? She has rejected anyone who does not believe the Caylee is alive story outright. If her own mother and brother cannot get through to "help" her then how would we, total strangers who have only "met" her through her interviews and evidence statements, help her? By saying it is OK what they are doing? It is NOT ok Chilly to lie and destroy evidence and fake dates and cover-up. It is NOT ok for them to do NOTHING to PLEAD for their GRANDDAUGHTER'S safe return, IF that is in fact what they believe. It is NOT ok to lie to the authorities and to "paint a pretty picture" to save their image. I am sorry, but Cindy's inability to deal with the truth existed LONG before Caylee was even BORN, and it is only compounded by this horrible situation that she CANNOT control, although she has tried mightily. This is out of Cindy's hands, and she keeps trying to get control back over it, but she can't, because somewhere, a sweet innocent girl of 2 years named Caylee, lies in an unmarked grave, her short life uncelebrated and dishonored by the defense of the very one that placed her in her grave. If the Anthony's want SUPPORT, true SUPPORT and COMPASSION and SYMPATHY and HELP, then they need to stand for Caylee and leave Casey by the wayside, as painful as that is.
If the vigil were perfect, people would be complaining that Cindy took time to plan a perfect vigil rather than walking the streets looking for Caylee. No matter what the woman does people twist it into something evil. If she speaks at the vigil, she's looking for media attention. If she doesn't speak, she's not showing proper respect for Caylee. She's blamed for Casey's actions because she was too controlling, at the same time she's attacked for not controlling Casey's actions. People just love to hate her.

One day soon we'll learn of Cindy's demise. I won't log in to WS's on that day. I don't want to 'hear' the cheering and celebrating.

As much as I sometimes get frustrated with the Anthony's, I won't be part of the cheering crowd either. I still pray for them every night and am a firm believer that we are not totally responsible for how our children turn out. I am a disorganized misfit with a wonderfully responsible son. I can't take the credit like Anthony's can't take the blame for their adult child's actions. I believe, in spite of their mistakes, it is ludricrous to say they did not love that child. I am very sad to watch someone dying with the whole world watching and no one stopping it.
I don't think any of us need to defend ourselves and say that we wouldn't cheer or celebrate if Cindy were to die. I can't imagine a single soul here who would ever do such a thing, nor that the mods would ever allow it. Chilly, I'm disappointed that you think so poorly of your fellow posters. :(
Originally Posted by Pink Panther
Chewing gum on virtually every public interview, scratching, sniffing, taking one's shoe off, wiping one's nose with one's hand...And a baseball cap is surprising?


I'm not surprised at all.


I would dare to venture the family never spent much time in a church before all of this happened. How would the person know not to wear a hat in church if that were the case?
No problem! I have actually been a little intimidated to post on this site because I thought I would do something wrong. I probably spend about 1 to 2 hours a day on this site...at least!

Lastly, I would really have no problem attending any local events to share my opinions with WebSleuths.


i completely understand why you would say this.

you have found yourself on the most heavily moderated site on the internet.

i think that the moderators have their hearts in the right place but i can see why you might have kept yourself silent for this long. please, say what you want because you are one of the few people that are actually in the vicinity of this case. i hope you can share more.

i might be deleted after this post.


**edited for clarity**

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