DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
ClayCat...You use the word 'ALWAYS'...did you personally know the girls?

This information was provided by the people closest to Taylor - her parents. I can assume the information is 100% correct.
Has anybody considered that the POI may have been an OSBI informer or under cover agent, and things went bad in the sting that he hadn't considered. Somehow the OSBI heirarchy realized the POI was one of theirs. It's still odd that the POI has never been found. Like ClayCat said a month ago, maybe the POI actually was disguised, and the pony tail was fake.
I don't believe those girls were ever used as mules.

Taylor always had her bag with her. She carried her cell phone, her MP3 player, and a bottle of water in there.

They might have been killed, because of a botched-up drug deal or something, but I don't believe they were part of anything themselves.

I also do not believe the girls were used to deliver drugs. I do however believe, that maybe the girls were asked to leave the premises because certain members of the family knew there was going to be illegal activites and they did not want the girls around. They encouraged the girls to take a walk, assuming the drug deal went bad, the drug dealers left in a rage and took out their angst against the girls. Resulting in the death of 2 innocent girls and a wealth of unanswered questions.
Has anybody considered that the POI may have been an OSBI informer or under cover agent, and things went bad in the sting that he hadn't considered. Somehow the OSBI heirarchy realized the POI was one of theirs. It's still odd that the POI has never been found. Like ClayCat said a month ago, maybe the POI actually was disguised, and the pony tail was fake.

W1~ I had considered this possibilty. I also thought the undercover drug sting that Okla. DEA completed after the girls were killed was suspect. They arrested lots of people that were involved in the drug world. I have often wondered if the sting was completed at that time in hopes of finding info. or a person that may have been involved in the deaths of Taylor and Skyla.
Ruflossn, it would be nice to have that list of locals the OK DEA rounded up. Again, I came from there, and knew a lot of the people who were involved in the indiscrimanant use of party goods. Who was the first law officer(s) on scene, and from where?
I also do not believe the girls were used to deliver drugs. I do however believe, that maybe the girls were asked to leave the premises because certain members of the family knew there was going to be illegal activites and they did not want the girls around. They encouraged the girls to take a walk, assuming the drug deal went bad, the drug dealers left in a rage and took out their angst against the girls. Resulting in the death of 2 innocent girls and a wealth of unanswered questions.

If in fact it was a deal going on at the P's, that is a very brief window for the killers to leave, come across the girls, and do what they did. Also, wasn't the house unoccupied when the shots were fired? So whoever was at the house for the deal had to have left before the shooting. Is there more to your theory that I overlooked?
W1~ your question of who was the first LE on the scene is a good one. I would like to know that also. If I remember correctly, LE &/or EMT's could not intially find the road where the girls were killed. There was a delay in them getting to the site becasue of this. I remember the sheriff being interviewed but that is all I can remember about LE.
XPA~ I am not sure that the timeline the public has been presented is correct. I think the girls may have been on a walk to the bridge much earlier than we (the public) were told. I think the transaction was perhaps completed earlier in the afternoon. When one of the dealers realized that he had been "shorted", he returned to confront someone at the Plackers residence. The girls were gone, (walking) or were told to leave again, and then all heck broke loose. As for no one being at the P residence when the girls were shot, I have heard rumors of that. I have also heard rumors that the family was home. As far as I know, the where abouts of the family have never been confirmed.
I also remember there was a rush to gather evidence & put up lights because of of the bad weather expected. It said they were able to get the tire tracks.
XPA~ I am not sure that the timeline the public has been presented is correct. I think the girls may have been on a walk to the bridge much earlier than we (the public) were told. I think the transaction was perhaps completed earlier in the afternoon. When one of the dealers realized that he had been "shorted", he returned to confront someone at the Plackers residence. The girls were gone, (walking) or were told to leave again, and then all heck broke loose. As for no one being at the P residence when the girls were shot, I have heard rumors of that. I have also heard rumors that the family was home. As far as I know, the where abouts of the family have never been confirmed.

OK thanks - it makes a lot more sense put that way. Hmmm...thinking about these recent posts, the P's could actually hold the key. I wonder if OSBI feels they have told everything, and when they appealed to the public to come forward they were in part urging the P's to tell all.
OK thanks - it makes a lot more sense put that way. Hmmm...thinking about these recent posts, the P's could actually hold the key. I wonder if OSBI feels they have told everything, and when they appealed to the public to come forward they were in part urging the P's to tell all.

Excellent thoughts about family holding the key(s). Also, don't 4get the billboard that is posted on the highway. Many family members pass that way on a daily basis.......... I believe the urging by the OSBI was to try and induce an emotional reaction out of someone who had shut down emotionally. That is why the 911 call was released. I was told by LE there is much more to the 911 call than what was released publicly. I was told there is some strong "evidence" (my word, not theirs) on the 911 tape. And that different LE personnel had various views on releasing the tape at all. Not everyone was thought releasing the tape was a good idea.
LE personnel had various views on releasing the tape at all. Not everyone was thought releasing the tape was a good idea.

I wonder why that is?
Excellent thoughts about family holding the key(s). Also, don't 4get the billboard that is posted on the highway. Many family members pass that way on a daily basis.......... I believe the urging by the OSBI was to try and induce an emotional reaction out of someone who had shut down emotionally. That is why the 911 call was released. I was told by LE there is much more to the 911 call than what was released publicly. I was told there is some strong "evidence" (my word, not theirs) on the 911 tape. And that different LE personnel had various views on releasing the tape at all. Not everyone was thought releasing the tape was a good idea.

Very interesting, indeed. But what about immunity? Surely LE would look the other way for some past infractions to close a double murder, even if those were relative to this case. Also, does OK have a witness protection plan?
Has anybody considered that the POI may have been an OSBI informer or under cover agent, and things went bad in the sting that he hadn't considered. Somehow the OSBI heirarchy realized the POI was one of theirs. It's still odd that the POI has never been found. Like ClayCat said a month ago, maybe the POI actually was disguised, and the pony tail was fake.

Unless the POI is a figment of several people's imagination to throw LE off the track.
Excellent thoughts about family holding the key(s). Also, don't 4-get the billboard that is posted on the highway. Many family members pass that way on a daily basis.......... I believe the urging by the OSBI was to try and induce an emotional reaction out of someone who had shut down emotionally. That is why the 911 call was released.

I was told by LE there is much more to the 911 call than what was released publicly.
I was told there is some strong "evidence" (my word, not theirs) on the 911 tape.
And that different LE personnel had various views on releasing the tape at all. Not everyone was thought releasing the tape was a good idea....

Ruflossn, that says a Lot, imo...
the family members on the scene of the murders, being recorded by the 911 call, said 'things' that is strong 'evidence' in the murder of the girls...As for the partial release and hesitation of releasing the 911 call, possibly LE was afraid releasing the 911 tape would jeopardize them using the tape later in court.

This convinces me, someone known to the P family or at the house that Sunday knew 'something'.....even though the P.'s claimed NOT to hear the 13 gun shots that evening...
This information was provided by the people closest to Taylor - her parents. I can assume the information is 100% correct....

Lauren, thanks for answering Clay Cat Mary's question so quickly.
I agree it could be 100 % correct,.... As always I try to leave no stone unturned and

IF someone in the P. family is directly or indirectly responsible for bringing about the murders of these 2 innocent girls, would anyone expect the family to be telling the 100% truth about everyone, everything and the time line, and Who was at the house that day?....
IMO...Not even V., (who I have the utmost sympathy for)...due to family involvement and /or retaliation.
Has anybody considered that the POI may have been an OSBI Informer or

Under Cover agent, and things went bad in the sting that he hadn't considered.

Somehow the OSBI hierarchy realized the POI was one of theirs.

It's still odd that the POI has never been found. Like ClayCat said a month ago, maybe the POI actually was disguised, and the pony tail was fake.........

Weleetka...excellent point and very possible!
The POI was definitely 'waiting' for someone or something on that dirt road, that day. IMO, he was either a drug dealer, user, gun-runner or Undercover narc...

It also fits with OSBI leaving town without a word to the families (that we know of), or to the community. Maybe they implied that, "If you don't tell us everything, we aren't telling you anything," and to the locals, "Keep your kids away from drugs." Meanwhile, the P's, already overwhelmed by grief, think they are facing more legal problems if they tell all, not to mention retribution from those they told on, and scorn from the community. Didn't they already have to move and lay low once before?


This is the conclusion I have come to. I think OSBI is an arrogant organization and the locals in that area and the families involved rank about as high as dirt with them.

I think OSBI is convinced this case could be solved with one phone call. Because that hasn't happened I think OSBI has taken their ball and gone home.

Somebody should send OSBI a copy of Aesop's fable of The North Wind and the Sun.
Originally Posted by XPA Magnet
It also fits with OSBI leaving town without a word to the families (that we know of), or to the community. Maybe they implied that, "If you don't tell us everything, we aren't telling you anything," and to the locals, "Keep your kids away from drugs." Meanwhile, the P's, already overwhelmed by grief, think they are facing more legal problems if they tell all, not to mention retribution from those they told on, and scorn from the community. Didn't they already have to move and lay low once before?

Well the more I read this post the more sense it makes to me. I know as in everything thing in life we have those that will go beyond the call of duty.. now it just depends where that indivudal is standing at on the ladder rungs...If their boss has the attitude like the above post would suggest then at this point in time it will even probably take more than the long awaited PHONE CALL.. because that too could be pushed back or aside & that happens more often than not.

The LE says it is still getting leads.. then why are they laying not low but they are underground at this point.. what would it hurt.. how much ink or air time would it cost to remind the public they need their help ..once a month!!!

There is more to this than meets eye!!!.

Yes Albert you are on to something here !! Good one.
"Kindness, gentleness, and persuasion win where force fails."
This probably belongs in a different thread but it is a very interesting theory. Some parts fit: Uncle J just being in the vicinity around the critical time; Uncle J driving past the girls but not stopping to say hi; Uncle J in front of the news camera like a deer in headlights; Uncle J allegedly holding court in an all-night diner after this most tragic event. It also fits in with the idea that OSBI, after knocking themselves out for three months, recognized a drug deal gone bad; but in utter frustration with the P family's lack of information, threw in the towel. If YellowDog's theory is close, then the P's would have had to know who the girls were meeting, and probably who gunned them down.

What doesn't fit is why the P's would allow an 11-year-old girl from a straighter family background to be part of this. Also, the undeniable rage with which this was carried out. This was much more than robbery. Could the P's have been in an earlier deal with the same people, which did not work to the others' satisfaction? Then, this deal was examined after the girls left the bridge and found to be more of the same? So the enraged merchants took off after the kids and used overkill to send their message? Then they took back what the girls were carrying home and slithered back to the underworld?

It also fits with OSBI leaving town without a word to the families (that we know of), or to the community. Maybe they implied that, "If you don't tell us everything, we aren't telling you anything," and to the locals, "Keep your kids away from drugs." Meanwhile, the P's, already overwhelmed by grief, think they are facing more legal problems if they tell all, not to mention retribution from those they told on, and scorn from the community. Didn't they already have to move and lay low once before?

Not a pleasant scenario. No theory justifies what happened and no theory should demean the P's grief. But, as most wonder why the lack of progress and why OSBI has apparently given up, I also wonder if those closest to the victims were 100% cooperative.

If the girls were sent to pick up drugs, maybe they just thought it was cigarettes or something. Who better to use to not look suspicous than two young girls.

That whole walk straight down and straight back from the bridge doesn't sound like it would be too entertaining for two young girls. No reason for the walk, not meeting anyone.............just doesn't make sense to me especially knowing the grandmother was coming to pick up Skyla shortly.

And I've always thought the uncle was in that area for some reason.

Someone in one of those two families must have a good idea of who they think did this horrible thing. Maybe it is too incriminating for them to divulge.

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