DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I know a seasoned homicide detective who is retired that would be perfect to head up such a team. They wouldn't have to be from out of state. Retired, admired, and seasoned would suffice for me. I wouldn't allow an elected Sheriff or anyone who has been "appointed" to office to even observe them. ;)
This sounds really negative (and is, I suppose) but any truly independent task force would scare certain officials and former officials in some cases to the degree that more murders would be committed---by that, I mean not necessarily the lives of the task force would be at risk, but there would be a scrambling to eliminate those who could collaborate certain matters which have been covered up, acts which have been committed.
Well...guess there is more than one way to clean house. The good news would be the new task force would find them out and send them to jail for the rest of their lives or face the DP.
Deciding to leave well enough alone is indeed a Faustian bargain.
Well, there is no independent task force as yet, so here's a hypothetical: suppose someone comes up with something very incriminating. Where in the world would he or she go with it?

Can anyone here name one LE in the area who can be trusted to do the right thing? One who would pursue a new lead? I'm not insinuating that there are none, but who are the good guys?
I would say if someone came up with something so inciminating they would have to act on it...the OSBI would have to be the ones to do it since they are in charge of this case for the moment.
Media involvement would help, but don't look for it from the two major state papers---the Tulsa World and the Daily Disappointment. And TV stations take their cues from print media.
I agree. The media has been hit and miss on the story. I was glad to see it included in the piece they did the other night on KOTV about unsolved cases. Any attention is good.

I am afraid I have to go back to one of my original thoughts on this case which was a drug/gun deal the girls ran across with either strangers or one stranger and the other knowing the area. I think the perp/perps are long gone and they have no way to track or trace him/them. I don't see this being solved. I was hopeful with the attention given to the pastor, but now I guess that is out.
I agree. The media has been hit and miss on the story. I was glad to see it included in the piece they did the other night on KOTV about unsolved cases. Any attention is good.

I am afraid I have to go back to one of my original thoughts on this case which was a drug/gun deal the girls ran across with either strangers or one stranger and the other knowing the area. I think the perp/perps are long gone and they have no way to track or trace him/them. I don't see this being solved. I was hopeful with the attention given to the pastor, but now I guess that is out.

You're right, I'm afraid. We've gone from trying to identify the culprits to trying to reason to ourselves just why it is this case is going to go unsolved.
I believe my puppy Bobbles (pictured above) has dragged that thing into his corner. Yes---I see it, underneath my socks!
Bobbles is adorable. Even if he steals threads now and then. My dog lies. He tells me all the time that Timmy is in the well so I will let him outside to play. Uh-huh. (I fall for it time after time, too! LOL)
Bobbles is adorable. Even if he steals threads now and then. My dog lies. He tells me all the time that Timmy is in the well so I will let him outside to play. Uh-huh. (I fall for it time after time, too! LOL)

Bobbles is my fifth Boston terrier, I've had a lifetime of them; first thing I saw when they brought me home from the hospital was a black and white dog just like this one, and, since I was born in a Catholic hospital, a bit earlier I'd first seen nuns wearing the same two stern colors.
If circumstances had been different such as the rain, the timing of grading the road, and other things which compromised the initial investigation...they may have found more evidence. I will never understand why they refused outside help to solve this case. (Egos and Justice cannot be served together.)
I was searching for info on an old case when I ran across it. Interesting place, eh? I like a challenge to keep the old mind sharper. (Cuts down on my crossword time...but definitely more intriguing!)

I started out with the Unidentifieds and Jennifer Kesse's case (which is yet another unsolved case in Florida).

We do have a major problem in this country with missing and unsolved cases. It has always been a situation I felt needed attention above so many others in our government, but has received little to none. I would love to see this changed and the horrific numbers go down instead of increase. I look for answers where there seem to be few, but people need to figure out we are all in this together. They are our families, children, neighbors, and even ourselves at stake which are too important to go unnoticed by the vast majority. It is disturbing when you realize the numbers in their entirety and how casually they are dismissed in our country.

Hi SS:
I think the reason for the mounting number of unsolved crimes in this country is that the criminals are much better educated due to TV programs on crime and forensics. They have found out how other criminals have slipped up.

It almost seems like more crimes were solved before DNA than today, but that is probably due to the increase in population in this country.

It is an ever increasing problem that I don't like.
Boston Terriers are a fun breed. My friends BT, Scooby, came to greet me at the door one day when I went for a visit. He had been into the laundry pile and was wearing his mistresses 'unmentionables' around his neck. At least the drawers were black and matched his of the funniest things I've ever seen!
Off Topic: I had a dog who only did that neat trick knowing I was on a date! His payback was to bring all of my "unmentionables" and pile them on the sofa!! Try to explain that one away!! "My dog did it!" ; "I never leave those laying around, I swear!" ; "He is jealous and wants you to hate me for being a slob." Hahahaha~ (The last was the truest statement, imo.)
Off Topic: I had a dog who only did that neat trick knowing I was on a date! His payback was to bring all of my "unmentionables" and pile them on the sofa!! Try to explain that one away!! "My dog did it!" ; "I never leave those laying around, I swear!" ; "He is jealous and wants you to hate me for being a slob." Hahahaha~ (The last was the truest statement, imo.)


OMG, SS. That story is sooo hilarious! I can't stop laughing! Thank you for making my day, I needed a good laugh......

....I know we are OT on this thread but hey......psychics are people too...and we have a sense of humor, nontheless LOL!
All I could add to this would combine a certain time of the month, my ex-, my late, lamented Boston terrier Boodles, the clothing hamper, unexpected guests, and....well, I don't want to go there, and it's OFF TOPIC anyway. Off topic and distasteful, but not unfunny at the time.
Hahahaha, Wfgodot!! OMG!

Sometimes...we need to go OT to include our dogs. I am convinced they can use their powers to zap our computers which keep us connected to the very cases we are trying to solve. Now...we are back on topic...the secret psychic power of the animal kingdom. Fact or fiction?
Maybe so, YD. I do know the vanishing wives or erased wives issue has increased tenfold in the past few years due to the high profile cases where LE is held at bay. Copy cats? No doubt it has to factor in somewhere when you consider Drew P., Craig S., and so many others with wives simply wiped off the face of the earth.
Hahahaha, Wfgodot!! OMG!

Sometimes...we need to go OT to include our dogs. I am convinced they can use their powers to zap our computers which keep us connected to the very cases we are trying to solve. Now...we are back on topic...the secret psychic power of the animal kingdom. Fact or fiction?

My aged Boston terrier Twinkles, long ago, upon our moving into a house we later found to be (drumroll) haunted, did the typical "stand and bark at things invisible to the rest of us" routine immediately after we moved in; we ourselves did not discover anything amiss for some months. Twinkles also, at least once, ran from the dining room in terror, to the basement stairs, and down them--she moved fast for a dog of 14 years--and refused to come back up for a time.

At the time, we just thought i) Twinkles, being a Boston terrier, is, thus, subject to flights of fancy, and also ii) that Twinkles, being in her dotage, was probably just hallucinating. A bit later, after Twinkles died, the noises and the odd smells, the doors shutting and the voices heard at a distance, began.

(wfgodot is now awarded a medal for staying on-topic AND still talking about his d*mn Boston terrier dogs.) "Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen."

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