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DNA Solves
Wow lots of network timeouts on this site tonight... Servers must be awfully busy!
Oh man that song is not corny it is a classic master, I love that song.

PS Does anyone remember the song "King of the Road" I was so little but it seems like I can remember it coming on one time when my daddy & I were watching the Red Skelton Show..

LOL I forgot about him
Ok, What's your favorite corny song? Fess up! :sponge:

Man o man. I'm a TERRIBLE sleuther. I didn't see the corny part. :crazy:
I thought it was our fav song......hiding my head now.

ps I thought some of you had really bad taste in fav songs. LMAO
ps I thought some of you had really bad taste in fav songs. LMAO

Geez AZ, that one was hilarious, caught me totally off guard!!! Back in a few minutes, gotta go get a roll of paper towels to soak up the tea I just spit all over the computer... :D

Okay, here is one of mine. I remember singing to this song, pretending that a comb was my microphone. Can you believe that I actually downloaded this song to my daughters IPOD? I figured it would build character............... LOL.

Okay this will be the last one for the evening. This is a beauty, it is even introduced by Captain and Tenille. Can you believe my mom had my hair cut like Tenilles? What was she thinking?????
Is Jesse Vicky's son?
From Obit:

[FONT=verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]Taylor leaves behind her Mother and Father, Peter & Vicky Placker, Weleetka [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]2 brothers, Jessie Paschal, Weleetka [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]Chris Placker, Sallisaw [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]2 sisters, Jennifer Paschal, Weleetka [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]Linda Kaye Placker, Weleetka [/FONT]​

Okay, here is one of mine. I remember singing to this song, pretending that a comb was my microphone. Can you believe that I actually downloaded this song to my daughters IPOD? I figured it would build character............... LOL.

Boy,, that took me back - I sang that song when I was little too. Well, we might as well tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree while we are at it. Now I will be singing knock 3 times in my head all night. I'd put it on my daughter's ipod too if I had a clue how to do that - which, as you all know, I don't!:rolleyes:
Thanks TG. I didn't have the patience to find that! LOL. Seems like the school is taking sympathy on the families and hiring them.
Boy,, that took me back - I sang that song when I was little too. Well, we might as well tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree while we are at it. Now I will be singing knock 3 times in my head all night. I'd put it on my daughter's ipod too if I had a clue how to do that - which, as you all know, I don't!:rolleyes:

Oh Ann Fan, I think you are way smarter than you give yourself credit for. ;)
Lauren and TG~
Sorry that we are talking about music while ya'll are sleuthing.
I will try and be more serious.

Geez AZ, that one was hilarious, caught me totally off guard!!! Back in a few minutes, gotta go get a roll of paper towels to soak up the tea I just spit all over the computer... :D

Sweet tea? oh wait, you spit warm tea with honey and just a touch of milk on the 'puter didn'tcha! lol
Oh Ann Fan, I think you are way smarter than you give yourself credit for. ;)

Thanks Lauren - but not when it comes to this stuff. Copy and paste to me means run to the xerox and grab a bottle of glue. But thanks for the sweet comment!
Sweet tea? oh wait, you spit warm tea with honey and just a touch of milk on the 'puter didn'tcha! lol
LOL, actually it was Earl Grey with a touch of sugar and bit of brandy. Not only will the sugar make the keys stick, but that is a terrible waste of brandy. :p

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