OH - 8 Family Members Murdered, Pike Co., Media, Maps & Timeline *NO DISCUSSION*

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From Billy Wagner's Court Docket:





22 April 2021 - Jake Wagner Status Hearing

Prosecution announces they have entered into a plea agreement with Jake and his attorneys. Jake pleads guilty to all 23 charges.

At about 1 hour 46 minutes, prosecutor Angela Canepa reads Statement of Facts, which outline some of the details of Jake Wagner's criminal activities in the murder of the Rhoden family and Hannah Gilley

Posted on main thread by @Seattle1 today.

The Columbus Dispatch has been following the story since the bodies were first discovered in April 2016. Links to our complete coverage is below:

Prosecutor: Hacked Facebook accounts, custody dispute led to Rhoden killings | NBC4 WCMH-TV
Updated: Apr 22, 2021 / 05:39 PM EDT

The Wagners were then questioned at the Canadian border, where more evidence was seized, including a laptop and the Wagners’ phones. Investigators say they found a screenshot on the confiscated laptop that showed the Wagners gained unauthorized access to the Facebook account of two people.

The screen shots revealed a growing dispute over the custody of Jake Wagner and Hanna May Rhoden’s shared child. In one screenshot, Hanna May Rhoden told another person that she would never sign custody papers.

That’s when investigators say Jake, George and Angela Wagner executed custody documents that designated Jake and Hanna’s daughter would go to Jake if Hanna were to die. The document was made to look like it was signed a year prior. According to prosecutors, it had a fake signature and unauthorized use of a notary stamp belonging to Angela Wagner’s mother, Rita Newcomb.

Newcomb came forward when prosecutors said she felt she could not continue to lie for her daughter.

For three months leading up to the killings, prosecutors say the Wagners purchased items in preparation. Items included brass catchers, ammunition, magazines, a phone jammer, and items for building silencers for different caliber weapons. The remains of a failed prototype silencer were found on the Wagners’ property.

Jake Wagner recently sat down with prosecutors, where he led investigators to the weapons that were used in three of the killings, along with vehicles used during the offenses.
Jacob Wagner: What a guilty plea means for others accused in Pike County massacre

Jacob Wagner, the youngest of four family members charged, agreed to a plea deal in the brutal execution-like slaying of eight members of the Rhoden family, a case DeWine once called the biggest case in Ohio's Bureau of Criminal Investigation history.

Five years to the day after eight members of the Rhoden family were found dead in 2016, 28-year-old Jake Wagner pleaded guilty to 23 counts -- including eight counts of aggravated murder for the killings of eight members of the Rhoden family in 2016.

Jacob Wagner is charged alongside George “Billy” Wagner III; Angela Wagner; and George Wagner IV.

The plea deal means Jacob Wagner will avoid the death penalty. As he apologized in court, his attorneys said he knows he will die in prison.

Prosecutors say the deal also includes an agreement that will allow Angela Wagner, George "Billy" Wagner, and George Wagner IV to avoid the death penalty, but that means Jake Wagner will have to testify in each of their trials.

This post lands at random.

Stop with the direct or indirect accusations and insinuations about FW. She has NOT been charged as an accomplice or an accessory in this crime, and she has not been officially named as a POI or suspect.

To those members who think it's okay to make such accusations and insinuations, please read Websleuths Victim Friendly policy until you fully understand it:

The "victim friendly" rule extends to family members of victims and suspects. Sleuthing family members, friends, or others who have not been officially designated by law enforcement or in mainstream media as a Person of Interest or suspect is not allowed (i.e. Sleuthing out this type of information, and publicly posting their personal information, including names, addresses, and background data -- even if it is public is not allowed and such posts will be removed, along with any posts that encourage such sleuthing).

This does not mean, however, that statements made by family members and other third parties cannot come into discussion as the facts of the case are reported in the media. Members may reasonably discuss what is said in MSM by them or about them, but do not make random accusations, insinuations, suggest their involvement, bash and attack them, or speculate negatively about them.

Failure to adhere to the above very basic WS policy may result in a loss of posting privileges, temporary or permanent.

Other Acts Evidence as posted by Covert Operator who said this is Moderator approved:


Filed in Common Pleas Court on 2-22-21
Chris Graves letter dated March 6th, 2019
telling her that her communication with the Wagners had been intercepted starting June 9th, 2017 for 30 days then another 30 day extension was granted on July 7th, 2017.

MSM From Chris Grave's Twitter account:

All those times in Alaska that Chris Graves was communicating with the Wagner's over e-mail/phones etc..BCI was monitoring it. This was from
June 9th until August 9th 2017.
Posting this to add in the wiretaps to see what was going on when BCI started recording the Wagners in Alaska.

June 8, 2017 -
Trash Pull Jackson Days Inn

June 8, 2017 - Chris Graves article comes out, interviews with Angela/Jake through Facebook and e-mail.

June 9, 2017 - BCI has a Warrant and starts recording the Wagner's. They hear and/or read Chris Graves' communication with them.

Sunday June 18, 2017 - Wagners attend church in Kenai AK. according to the Pastor.

Monday June 19, 2017 - AK neighbor Brad Conklin sees the Wagners with two heavy-duty pickup trucks, a large horse trailer and another 24-foot-long trailer covered with a tarp.

Tuesday June 20, 2017 - AK neighbor Conklin gives interview to Chris Graves, says he saw the Wagners yesterday, on Monday.

Tuesday June 20, 2017 - The Wagners' long time friend and Ohio Pastor, Kelly Cinereski, tells WCPO 9 News that the Wagners are trying to move on and they attended his son's church in Kenai AK on Sunday.

Wednesday June 21, 2017 - MSM puts out the DeWine laser focus article.

June 28, 2017 - The Wagners' Ohio attorney gives interviews to MSM claiming that LE is harassing his clients.

July 3, 2017 - Angela and Billy register to vote in AK.

July 7, 2017 - Another 30 day extension granted, on the Warrant to record the Wagners.

July 8, 2017 - Chris Graves interview. Jake complains: “And then it followed us here.”

Summer 2017 - Daily Mail puts out rare photos of the Wagners at Walmart and information about some of the Wagners' activities.

Summer 2017 - Billy was fined for not having enough life jackets onboard a boat. He paid the fine.

Summer 2017 - Jake applied for a fishing and hunting license, also gets a speeding ticket.

August 9th 2017 - BCI's Warrant expires and they stop recording the Wagner's. On this Warrant anyway.

Ohio family charged in Rhoden murders kept low profile in Alaska, neighbor says
Pictured, people in laser focus of multiple murder hunt | Daily Mail Online
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Canepa’s Closing Statement
As best as I could hear it..

Jake Wagner spent two days providing us information which ultimately came into this court April 22, 2021, 5 years to the day after the homocides and admitted to the courts that he was guilty of each and every one of the 23 counts contained in his indictment. As noted, the information he provided also implicated each of his co-defendants as also being complicit in all of the offenses. Again, (inaudible).

More recently your honor we sat down with the defendant present in court today, AW, as she had indicated should would also like to do a proffer by providing us information about she and the others involved in (inaudible) crimes.

As this court knows, the state did not provide the proffer statement of Jake Wagner to any mutual defendants or their counsel because the state wanted to ensure that if any other individuals chose to come forward, their statements would be pure, untainted, and uninfluenced by Jakes statements. In that way, we could test the veracity of the statements of JW and any others that came forward.

We just today provided a copy of the proffered statements of both Jake and Angela to George’s attorney, but until this afternoon, nobody else other than the state has been in possession of those.

In her statement, AW admitted that she and her family members JW, GW and BW all conspired together to commit these horrific offenses. Specifically, they entered into the homes at four different locations which we have already outlined in the indictment in order to kill these victims in this case.

Some were specifically targets of the Wagners, some sadly were killed simply because they happened to be there. After planning for months to commit these homocides and then carrying them out, the four co-defendant’s spent their time trying to conceal any evidence of the crime including asking others to be dishonest with us. Angela admitted to purchasing some items leading up to the offenses that were meant to help her other 3 co-defendants to carry out the crimes. Such a a phone jammer which prevents call for help and the shoes that her two sons wore during the homocides were specifically of the size and style they would not typically wear and also to finding, printing off, and forging the custody documents in question.

She also admitted to being the one who would monitor the Facebook accounts of these two individuals whose accounts they hacked into. She was fully aware of the plans as they had discussed them at length with each of her 3 co-defendants both together and separately. She was aware the night they walked out the door on April 21, 2021 of where they were going and what they were going to do and she was present in the (church??) the next morning having completed the crimes.

She had some conversations with them after the fact as well confirming what they had done. As noted and then tried to cover up there involvement and AW helped with those efforts as well. What the defendant provided to us in her statements was very consistent with what her son JW had provided to us this year. Angela was also able to provide us with some additional details including information about other crimes her family has committed over the years.

Based on the totality of information now known by the state including the statements of the defendant and her co-defendant JW we have overwhelming evidence that the defendant and the 3 co-defendant members of her family are responsible for planning and carrying out the homocides of CR, GR, FR, HHG, DR, HMR, CJRR, and KR which occurred on or about April 22, 2016 of which the defendant admits of both her and her family’s involvement.

Both Jake and Angela have admitted in the late hours of April 21 into the early morning hours of April 22, 2016 is when they committed these murders. The defendants three co-defendants trespassed into each of the four residents where the victims were found with the intent to kill them. They were armed with firearms at least two of which had home made silencers affixed to them. The four conspired together in the months that led up to these offenses being fully aware of what the plan was, and all four co-defendants took part in that such as making various purchases to accomplish the goal.

They removed the phones of all victims and cameras and other surveillance equipment to deter detection destroying those items. Additionally, they destroyed those items along with trying to destroy and discard in a concealed manner the silence prototype along with all other evidence of this case including weapons, evidence and other incriminating items. They forged documents and asked others to lie to cover up that particular crime.

They hacked into FB accounts of these two individuals allowing them access to information that ultimately became the motive for these crimes. The defendant engaged in a pattern of corrupt activity by as a criminal with her immediate and some extended family members while acting individually (inaudible)

At this point your honor, the defendant has in essence admitted to committing these offenses with her family members and admits to personally assisting with the planning and operations of these crimes and either committing all of the offenses contained in the indictment directly or being complicit in the commission of them.

As noted she has also agreed to provide truthful testimony in the trial of her co-defendants should she be called to do so.
All these offenses did occur in Pike County or in another county were committed as a continuing course of conduct affiliated with the homocides that were ultimately committed in Pike County OH such that all of counts of the indictment are properly in the jurisdiction of Pike County.

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I listened to Tiff's transcription of AC's comments at AW's confession hearing on 9/10/2021. I used the Law & Crime recording on YouTube posted previously by CO. Below are my additions (in red) to the inaudible spots:

Paragraph 1:

As noted, the information he provided also implicated each of his co-defendants as also being complicit in all of the offenses, again as was consistent with our evidence.

Paragraph 2:

More recently your honor we sat down with the defendant present in court today, AW, as she had indicated she would also like to do a proffer by providing us information about she and the others involved in the (AC just stumbled over her word here) crimes.

Paragraph 7:

She was aware the night they walked out the door on April 21, 2021 of where they were going and what they were going to do and she was present when they returned home the next morning having completed the crimes.

Paragraph 12:

The defendant engaged in a pattern of corrupt activity by acting as a part of a criminal enterprise with the members of her immediate and some extended family members, while acting individually or while the aiding and abetting of the other members of this criminal enterprise in committing the offenses of aggravated murder, aggravated burglary and other offenses contained in the indictment.
Revenge Conversations

These 2 Arraignments on video can be found in this Timeline page 17

Media & Timeline NO DISCUSSION - Pike Co, OH 8 Family Members Murdered


Frederick Wagner's arraignment
November 15th, 2018

We have information from a confidential reliable resource--ahh--source that there was a collection of individuals out at Miss Wagner's home on one occasion, on at least one occasion I should say, in which she was present along with her now Capital Crime Defendant son Billy Wagner along with the other 3 co-defendants all charged with capital crimes, were present at the conversation surrounding if one or more of them got arrested what the others were to do as far as taking revenge on those persons who were not arrested.

And there were individuals that were named but they were to take revenge against anyone who went against them including but not limited to Special Agent Scheiderer, Sheriff Reader and Attorney General Mike DeWine.

There was also discussions of how they would try to make an escape so, again this conversation occurred in Fredicka's home with Miss Wagner present for those conversations.

Certainly I'm not necessarily suggesting that she would you know, become a hit man or anything of that nature but the State does have concerns about her participation in those conversations, potential coordinating of any of those sorts of efforts.

I would also note for the record your honor that she was previously ordered by specially appointed Judge for Grand Jury not to discuss her testimony that occurred in Grand Jury with any persons outside of the Grand Jury. And we again have information that she did in fact discuss that at length with other individuals again to include the now indicted Capital Crime Defendants which is her son and her son's family.


George Wagner IV's arraignment
November 28th, 2018


Additionally your honor previously indicated at Miss Fredericka Wagner's arraignment we did provide the court information that we have through confidential reliable source that there was discussions amongst these 4 co-defendants specifically Jacob, George, Billy and Angela that if one or more of them were arrested and one of them remained at large that person should take revenge on anybody who went against them and they specifically also named Special Agent Scheiderer, Sheriff Reader and Mike DeWine.

And or help the other individuals escape and I would note that is not the only conversation, I only brought up that conversation as it pertained to Miss Wagner. But there have been multiple conversations where those sorts of threats have been made and I would say that specifically George Wagner is probably the most vocal in making those threats.
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Here is what was briefly said by Scheiderer and Canepa about the Captain America Mask, Halloween and Religion.

George Wagner request for bail denied after hearing reveals new details
Time Stamp 1:50


And you indicated that they purchased masks?



And in fact - again referencing back to recorded conversations of George Wagner - he in fact acknowledged on the recording that he had purchased the Captain America mask?




Ok. And do you recall what the date was for that purchase?


I don't recall the exact date on those.


Sometime within that period of -


Between February -


February and April 2016.


And handing you what's been marked as State's Exhibit #35. Is that, is that the mask that was purchased by George?


And do you happen to know whether or not the Wagners celebrate Halloween?

The information is they do not.

And why is that?

They say it's against their religion.

Speaking of religion - you did hear conversations on the recordings where George was mocking Jake for his religion. Is that correct?

Many of them yes.

- Then they testify about the hair dye -
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