OH - 9 killed + Gunman, 16 injured, Mass Shooting, Oregon District, Dayton, 4 Aug 2019

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Oh, that's okay, easy to do. I do think the Dayton shooter may have been pushing away/punishing his parents, one last time, for good, though.
Yes, besides his ex-girlfriend's statement that he "didn't like his parents," has there been any information about his relationship with them?
I'm thinking if he truly targeted his sister, he must have had an awful lot of rage towards his parents. Imo
Yes, besides his ex-girlfriend's statement that he "didn't like his parents," has there been any information about his relationship with them?
I'm thinking if he truly targeted his sister, he must have had an awful lot of rage towards his parents. Imo

I've not heard anything else, but, he may have felt, that he was taking away not himself, but the child that received a different type of attention. Positive attention. Sometimes, in some cases, giving positive attention (to someone who isn't used to a lot of it) can even backfire.
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Not to mention the fact that it's so hard to find good mental health care.
That's another area that needs improvement. Imo

Especially when you live in a very small town, and the child does NOT want to be seen going into the office, and then rebels further, by sitting in stone silence EVERY session. o_O After awhile, you deem it exhausting, and quite useless.
From my local radio
Steve Hooper: When the most recent debate when they all said free healthcare, they all raised their hands. That’s what pushed him over the edge. He felt he was justified. He felt he ran out of alternatives.

Steve Hooper is a 30 year veteran of the FBI. Hooper said the El Paso shooter, during interviews, says he was triggered after watching the DNC debate where all the candidates raised their hands to provide “health insurance” to illegal immigrants.

It was the insanity at the Democrat Presidential debates that triggered the shooter, not Trump’s language.

Here is the audio from the Mike Broomhead Show this morning.

Steve Hooper: When the most recent debate when they all said free healthcare, they all raised their hands. That’s what pushed him over the edge. He felt he was justified. He felt he ran out of alternatives.

Wow. Gotta say it triggered me when I heard about it too, lol. Can't wait until his motive makes the networks.

Had to find the interview so I can listen myself.

Here is the link

Listen to the The Mike Broomhead Show Episode - Former FBI Agent Steve Hooper's Interview with Mike Broomhead on iHeartRadio | iHeartRadio
The problem is, imo that the "mental health resources" don't do a damn thing to fix people who are this type of broken. In the past, they were medicated and/or restrained to the point of 3rd party safety. But that can't happen anymore. In our current society, with our "rules" regarding involuntary treatment, there is zero possibility this type of mentally ill person can be removed as a threat.
The institutions of the past were completely unacceptable, but something needs to come back into play to identify and segregate dangerously mentally ill people (who have yet to kill, rape, etc) in a compassionate way. There is no easy, affordable answer and it’s scary as hell. MOO
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