GUILTY OH - Annabelle Richardson, newborn, found in grave , 7 May 2017 *GUILTY OF ABUSE OF CORPSE ONLY* *resentencing 2022* #4

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While everyone goes onto the next case, I think one important detail to remember about this tragedy was that Trey’s, the baby father’s, OWN words to police were that he “messed around with her” for just 2 weeks end of July/start of August. If you take the absolute last day of first week of August as the day of conception, August the time Skylar went to her first OB appt on April 26 there had passed 37 weeks and 6 days, meaning Skylar was already well-beyond the 32 weeks she was told. I think a very important fact in the reality of this case I know everyone has very different opinions on the outcome and verdict of this, I don’t think what skylar did was right or good by any means, not at all in fact, but I did not think she delivered an alive baby and then killed it. JMO and I’ve enjoyed hearing the others.
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No, of course Tre isn't responsible for any of Skylar's choices. But he is responsible for his own.

My original comment was in response to what Tre's mother said in court today. She's entitled to her feelings, and I can understand it would be difficult to find out what she did, especially given all the circumstances.

Again, the problem I have is with assigning all blame for what happened solely to Skylar's "selfish" choices.

Again, as I've made crystal clear to my DS, if he makes the choice to have unprotected sex, he is equally responsible for any of the consequences that follow, responsible for knowing what they are, and,whether or not he or anyone else thinks it's right or fair, he will have to abide by whatever decision his partner makes about the pregnancy.

So, again, what exactly would you have wanted your son to do if he were Trey in this case? How would he have held up his end of the responsibility in your view? I still don't understand from you responses what you think he should have done in this exact case. And how does he then share in the consequences of the decisions that BSR made?
Thank you so very much. I was shocked and surprised that the judge said

"I believe in my heart that if it weren't for your decisions, the baby would be here today." ( paraphrased but close to it)

I was not able to listen but after reading your quote - it seems the Judge could have meant a number of things - perhaps the decisions she made during the pregnancy might have led to a different outcome - if she had confided in someone and received pre-natal care/counseling/etc. Giving birth in a hospital may have also given a better chance at success - it will be interesting to see how this statement by him is covered in the media. JMO
I know I've already said I think the baby was alive...But even if the baby showed no signs of life...SR was not medically qualified to make that call. She is painted as a highly suggestable person, but she had no problem taking control of that situation and determining her child was dead. No medical opinions to make sure...She had no problem putting her child in the ground. I just can't imagine. And she seemed giddy the next day in her texts. Yuck.

I think the reason I have so little sympathy for Skylar's plight is simply because she didn't have enough decency and respect for the dead to even wrap the baby in a towel before covering her with dirt. I've never even buried a pet without first covering or wrapping it in something before filling its grave with dirt.
He didn't believe he was the father because of her own actions. She didn't tell him, ever. They dated for a month -August 2017, and she broke up with him citing she wanted to concentrate on cheer, senior year, and proceeded to block him from all contact, social media, etc. He thought - how could it be?

Her breaking up with him and blocking him on social media would not mean he couldn't be the father. He had unprotected sex with her, which I presume he remembers, therefore he would know that he could have got her pregnant.

I don't hold him accountable for any of it actually, but I can't make a judgement on whether he would have wanted the baby or whether he would be a good father because I don't know him.
I have not followed this case on here until recently but was well aware of it from the time it happened.

One thing I do not know though is who named this child? If Skylar did not want the child and the child died and she hid and buried her, it seems unlikely she would have named her. How did she come to be named? Just curious.

So, again, what exactly would you have wanted your son to do if he were Trey in this case? How would he have held up his end of the responsibility in your view? I still don't understand from you responses what you think he should have done in this exact case. And how does he then share in the consequences of the decisions that BSR made?

We don't know why Skylar broke off communication with him very shortly after the 2nd time (not the first time, as he at least initially told LE) they had sex.

If my DS had put himself in that situation, I would hope like h*ell he'd be worried sick about being immediately cut off by a girl with whom he had just had unprotected sex. I'd hope he'd be concerned that the reason she cut him off was because she was afraid of becoming pregnant, and I'd expect him to try to call that girl, if for no other reason than self-interest, to make sure she was OK and not pregnant.

If he did all that and was either lied to or she refused to talk with him, whatever choices were made next wouldn't have been his to make or to be held responsible for.
I think the reason I have so little sympathy for Skylar's plight is simply because she didn't have enough decency and respect for the dead to even wrap the baby in a towel before covering her with dirt. I've never even buried a pet without first covering or wrapping it in something before filling its grave with dirt.

Besides "squeezing the life out of her child," her inhumane treatment of the deceased infant outraged my reasonable sensibilities.

She took her out to the backyard wrapped in a towel, and intentionally stripped her, and dropped her in a small pit in the cold ground like she was a tulip bulb.
We don't know why Skylar broke off communication with him very shortly after the 2nd time (not the first time, as he at least initially told LE) they had sex.

If my DS had put himself in that situation, I would hope like h*ell he'd be worried sick about being immediately cut off by a girl with whom he had just had unprotected sex. I'd hope he'd be concerned that the reason she cut him off was because she was afraid of becoming pregnant, and I'd expect him to try to call that girl, if for no other reason than self-interest, to make sure she was OK and not pregnant.

If he did all that and was either lied to or she refused to talk with him, whatever choices were made next wouldn't have been his to make or to be held responsible for.

He actually testified that he DID reach out to her again after she had blocked him on all social media, as she had clothing items of his that hadn’t been returned. She never returned his calls/messages and he believed she had blocked his number.

Either way, this is all on her. She knew of her pregnancy. He did not. If some of us are going with the “poor, naive teenager” narrative for Skylar and her negligence, the same should be applied to the father of the baby who, as a teenager himself, knew even less than she did about pregnancy and babies.

For all we know, she could have told another one of her infamous lies and claimed to be on birth control, hence the unprotected sex the second time around, which would give him even less of a reason to suspect anything.
Her breaking up with him and blocking him on social media would not mean he couldn't be the father. He had unprotected sex with her, which I presume he remembers, therefore he would know that he could have got her pregnant.

I don't hold him accountable for any of it actually, but I can't make a judgement on whether he would have wanted the baby or whether he would be a good father because I don't know him.
I agree. I had some similar feelings a few threads ago about how it does feel sort of biologically unfair that two people who are both responsible for starting a pregnancy don't have to bear the same burden in dealing with it. I guess that's an age-old gender disparity issue that will never die.

But that's assuming that both parents have the opportunity and knowledge required to bear the burden. It's possible that if Skylar HAD told Trey about the pregnancy as soon as she knew, he would have rejected her and not helped her or taken responsibility for his child. That's certainly how many, many young fathers have responded throughout history. But in THIS case, she did not tell him, so there is no reasonable way he would have known, so how he would have responded will never be the point. They both made the choice to have unprotected sex (I assume it was consensual because nobody's said otherwise), but only she made the choices that came up later. She guarded the choices from everyone. He never had the opportunity to make a choice so he doesn't bear the burden of those choices, legally or otherwise.

Now, do I think his mother's statement was a tad overwrought? Yep. I respect her grief and don't pretend to know how she feels, but I think her initial response to hearing Trey was the father (i.e. eye rolling) speaks more directly to how Skylar may have reasonably anticipated she would be received if she had told Trey and his family about the pregnancy rather than the sentiments expressed in her statement today.
We don't know why Skylar broke off communication with him very shortly after the 2nd time (not the first time, as he at least initially told LE) they had sex.

If my DS had put himself in that situation, I would hope like h*ell he'd be worried sick about being immediately cut off by a girl with whom he had just had unprotected sex. I'd hope he'd be concerned that the reason she cut him off was because she was afraid of becoming pregnant, and I'd expect him to try to call that girl, if for no other reason than self-interest, to make sure she was OK and not pregnant.

If he did all that and was either lied to or she refused to talk with him, whatever choices were made next wouldn't have been his to make or to be held responsible for.

Yes, this is why I was confused, thanks for your answer!

I went back and listened to his testimony at the trial (the first 6:30 of the video below). He's very clear that around the middle of Aug 2016 they had unprotected sex. BSR ended the relationship sometime before the 26th of Aug 2016 when he went back to school. He wished to maintain contact to some degree. He was blocked on social media and tried to contact her one time to obtain belongings and she never returned his call.

On cross, he states he doesn't agree with the characterization of his initial interactions with detectives and doesn't remember the specifics they outline in the report.

I think he did what most young men would do after a short relationship - reach out, be rebuffed, and move on at college.
Lauren Pack‏ @LPackJN
Oda releases the remains to the Richardson family with Scott Richardson's promise that they will be buried properly and the Johnson family will have access to pay their respects @journalnews

8:31 AM - 13 Sep 2019

This confirms to me to what I said earlier. The remains could not be released until the trial was over.
BSR's defense attorney told the Court pre-sentencing that she weighed only 89 pounds, and he recommended to her mom she take her to her pediatrician to check her for vitamin deficiency.


She's 20 year old adult woman. She's a mother.

Still treating her like a child victim.
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BSR's defense attorney told the Court pre-sentencing that she weighed only 89 pounds, and he recommended to her mom she take her to her pediatrician to check her for vitamin deficiency.


She's 20 year old adult woman.

Still treating her like a child victim.

That whole exchange was really weird to me, too. A. Why wouldn't her mom or dad realize she should be seen? B. Why would it be a pediatrician (I'm hoping he meant primary care doctor and just mis-spoke)?

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