GUILTY OH - Annabelle Richardson, newborn, found in grave , 7 May 2017 *GUILTY OF ABUSE OF CORPSE ONLY* *resentencing 2022* #4

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I respect everyone's opinion about this case like i always do in all other cases.

Everyone is allowed to express individual opinions on WS, which not only makes it the greatest crime blog site, but diverse as well.

I followed this case reading about it, but never posted.

So I will express my honest opinion one time, and return to the many other cases I'm following closely.

I do not agree with the NG verdict. I believe she purposefully killed her precious baby, and then covered it up. I accept the verdict even though I disagree with it, which is my right to do so.

I do not believe she was coerced into confessing. I have seen countless interrogations of suspects. Hers was not out of the norm neither were the investigators doing it, imo.

Did she not text how happy she was to have a flat belly again? (Paraphrasing) If so, it not only shows unbelievable callousness, but it definitely shows she was self absorbed much more with her outward beauty than her baby who she had put dead in her backyard as if she buried what she thought had no human value to her. Imo, because it didnt. Her little baby was seen as only an obstacle in her way.

However, I'm not the least bit surprised another white, blonde, female defendant got away with murder.

Remember when a white, very pretty, female teacher, who was actually a pedophile sex offender, with those she knew were underage? If it had been a male defendant they would have been charged with rape, because that is exactly what it is no matter the gender,and been sent to prison for many years.

Yet did she do any jail time at all for her predatory actions, and abuse of power? Of course not. Her attorney said she was just too pretty to go to jail. Sickenly the judge bought it.

So, I'm not the least bit surprised another female murdered her helpless baby, and got away with it again.

Unfortunately women offenders can be afforded far different standards when they wind up in our criminal judicial system.

It's not the first time nor will it be the last when a female has placed no human value for their own babies they have killed, but jurors continue to devalue the lives of these murdered babies as well. ;(

This verdict would have been the total opposite for any father who dared to kill their baby. Then he would be convicted, and sentenced harshly, rightfully so.

Yet it seems if it is done by their mothers then all excuses under the sun are afforded to them when they wouldn't even be discussed, much less considered at trial for the male father offenders nor should it be for either gender.

However, the double standards for each gender doing the same like crimes are replusive.

It painfully shows females demand they are to be treated equal, which they should, except it seems they they don't want it to apply when they find themselves in the criminal justice system.

Instead they want to appear meak, needy, downtrodden, poor little damsels in distress. Why? Because it continues to work for many of them of course.. with either found NG or little if any jail time.

God please protect all of the other unwanted babies who are seen only as burdens, instead of cherished blessings they truly are.

Jmho though, and nothing more.
Thank you so much for this post. It stated everything I think and feel about this case but you stated it so much better than I could have done.
About what was said today.

It takes two to conceive a child. Both are responsible for the choice made to have unprotected sex, both knew a pregnancy was possible, and each bore responsibility to communicate to the other about whether or not Skylar became pregnant. Both Skylar AND Tre. Yes, she blocked Tre on her SM, but he surely did have her phone number.
Shout out to the prosecutors that tried to get justice for Baby Richardson. They did a great job and is is disheartening the jury came back with a Not Guilty. IMO
Now, Skylar can strut down the halls and look great with her body!:(

The prosecutors are the only ones that have advocated for that defenseless baby. And they are being demonized. We know the Richardson's didn't gaf about that baby. We know Skylar didn't. No matter what your feelings about the merits of the case, no one can argue that what she did wasn't "grotesque" as the judge said. And I'm not inclined to give her any sympathy. She had some of my sympathy before the verdict but not now that she's been given a pass. I have no hopes that she will turn out to be an empathetic and kind person.
Strictly my opinion here. I think Ms. Johnson's statement was very over done. I felt like she acted as if she had a personal connection and a relationship with Annabelle. It just came across as very odd to me. I understand that finding out the way she did had to have been incredibly shocking and stressful to not only her but also to Trey. Had Trey spoken about not knowing he had a child on the way, never meeting his daughter, etc I think I would have taken it differently.
I lost a grandson at 24 hours old. I had a connection to him prior to him being born. It was heartbreaking and still affects me to this day and will continue to affect me. I think of his birthday every year and wonder how he would be today.
I missed the end of it because I was transcribing, and then it went poof because I was so far behind. If anybody has a link from Court TV or law & Crime to the entire thing, can you please post it for me.
Richardson going home, sentence is 3 years community control

UPDATE -- Judge Donald Oda sentenced Brooke Skylar Richardson to three years of basic supervision Friday for the charge of abuse of a corpse. He said the standard rules for community control, or probation, apply.

Oda also ordered Richardson to spend seven days in the county jail, but credited her for seven days already served. That means, she is going home.
Strictly my opinion here. I think Ms. Johnson's statement was very over done. I felt like she acted as if she had a personal connection and a relationship with Annabelle. It just came across as very odd to me. I understand that finding out the way she did had to have been incredibly shocking and stressful to not only her but also to Trey. Had Trey spoken about not knowing he had a child on the way, never meeting his daughter, etc I think I would have taken it differently.

I think that she's mourning the relationship that she might have had with the baby. I try not to judge people when they are deeply in grief for something. I think her speech was a clear indication that she needs some professional help in dealing with her grief and I hope that she has some measure of closure now and can get some professional help to move forward.

About what was said today.

It takes two to conceive a child. Both are responsible for the choice made to have unprotected sex, both knew a pregnancy was possible, and each bore responsibility to communicate to the other about whether or not Skylar became pregnant. Both Skylar AND Tre. Yes, she blocked Tre on her SM, but he surely did have her phone number.

I'm confused by this. Before I respond, I'm curious what, exactly, are you saying that Trey should have done?
Strictly my opinion here. I think Ms. Johnson's statement was very over done. I felt like she acted as if she had a personal connection and a relationship with Annabelle. It just came across as very odd to me. I understand that finding out the way she did had to have been incredibly shocking and stressful to not only her but also to Trey. Had Trey spoken about not knowing he had a child on the way, never meeting his daughter, etc I think I would have taken it differently.

Yes, all of this, but especially about Tre.
About what was said today.

It takes two to conceive a child. Both are responsible for the choice made to have unprotected sex, both knew a pregnancy was possible, and each bore responsibility to communicate to the other about whether or not Skylar became pregnant. Both Skylar AND Tre. Yes, she blocked Tre on her SM, but he surely did have her phone number.
And do you think she would have told him she was pregnant?
Richardson going home, sentence is 3 years community control

UPDATE -- Judge Donald Oda sentenced Brooke Skylar Richardson to three years of basic supervision Friday for the charge of abuse of a corpse. He said the standard rules for community control, or probation, apply.

Oda also ordered Richardson to spend seven days in the county jail, but credited her for seven days already served. That means, she is going home.

So, she's become better because of how she realizes how she upset people? SMH, from your link

"Richardson apologized for her actions prior to the judge delivering her sentence.

“I can sometimes be selfish but I would like to think that I’ve become better in the knowledge that I’ve upset everyone,” she said, “and hurt so many people with what I’ve done and I’m forever sorry.”
Strictly my opinion here. I think Ms. Johnson's statement was very over done. I felt like she acted as if she had a personal connection and a relationship with Annabelle. It just came across as very odd to me. I understand that finding out the way she did had to have been incredibly shocking and stressful to not only her but also to Trey. Had Trey spoken about not knowing he had a child on the way, never meeting his daughter, etc I think I would have taken it differently.

.." and my friends and family would tell you have become withdrawn cut off and ...not? the outgoing person I've always been. it's hard to be around people when you're trying not to lose it in front of anyone and can't talk to people because you don't know who you can trust to keep your son's name away from the media and all social media. I had multiple babies one in the family and with friends in the last two years. I've been ..... gender reveal parties, going to see them at the hospital, first birthday parties. I found multiple excuses not to go over and see them when they were babies. when I was around them I found myself making excuses even more excuses not to hold them. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. those that knew what was going on understood, those that didn't really thought it was odd and knew something was wrong. I love kids always have. I'm that Mom my friends kids all call and talk to me. I've helped raise many of them and consider all of them my own.

I would have taken her in with Trey and
I feel more sorry for her than I do BSR. That family has a very caring attitude. Her statement brings tears to my eyes. :(
Do you guys remember the exhibit that was put up that had the note about the detectives meeting with Tre's mother and Tre? It was when the detectives went to their house to get Tre's DNA. There was something in there about Tre's mother rolling her eyes when the detectives told her they thought Tre was the father. She immediately called a lawyer friend and was on the phone ignoring the detectives and rolling her eyes.
Strictly my opinion here. I think Ms. Johnson's statement was very over done. I felt like she acted as if she had a personal connection and a relationship with Annabelle. It just came across as very odd to me. I understand that finding out the way she did had to have been incredibly shocking and stressful to not only her but also to Trey. Had Trey spoken about not knowing he had a child on the way, never meeting his daughter, etc I think I would have taken it differently.
Agree. I felt she was going for an academy award.
Do you guys remember the exhibit that was put up that had the note about the detectives meeting with Tre's mother and Tre? It was when the detectives went to their house to get Tre's DNA. There was something in there about Tre's mother rolling her eyes when the detectives told her they thought Tre was the father. She immediately called a lawyer friend and was on the phone ignoring the detectives and rolling her eyes.

Holy cow! No, I don't remember that. Was it during opening statements? I need to run to the store, but I'm willing to dig for it.
I respect everyone's opinion about this case like i always do in all other cases.

Everyone is allowed to express individual opinions on WS, which not only makes it the greatest crime blog site, but diverse as well.

I followed this case reading about it, but never posted.

So I will express my honest opinion one time, and return to the many other cases I'm following closely.

I do not agree with the NG verdict. I believe she purposefully killed her precious baby, and then covered it up. I accept the verdict even though I disagree with it, which is my right to do so.

I do not believe she was coerced into confessing. I have seen countless interrogations of suspects. Hers was not out of the norm neither were the investigators doing it, imo.

Did she not text how happy she was to have a flat belly again? (Paraphrasing) If so, it not only shows unbelievable callousness, but it definitely shows she was self absorbed much more with her outward beauty than her baby who she had put dead in her backyard as if she buried what she thought had no human value to her. Imo, because it didnt. Her little baby was seen as only an obstacle in her way.

However, I'm not the least bit surprised another white, blonde, female defendant got away with murder.

Remember when a white, very pretty, female teacher, who was actually a pedophile sex offender, with those she knew were underage? If it had been a male defendant they would have been charged with rape, because that is exactly what it is no matter the gender,and been sent to prison for many years.

Yet did she do any jail time at all for her predatory actions, and abuse of power? Of course not. Her attorney said she was just too pretty to go to jail. Sickenly the judge bought it.

So, I'm not the least bit surprised another female murdered her helpless baby, and got away with it again.

Unfortunately women offenders can be afforded far different standards when they wind up in our criminal judicial system.

It's not the first time nor will it be the last when a female has placed no human value for their own babies they have killed, but jurors continue to devalue the lives of these murdered babies as well. :(

This verdict would have been the total opposite for any father who dared to kill their baby. Then he would be convicted, and sentenced harshly, rightfully so.

Yet it seems if it is done by their mothers then all excuses under the sun are afforded to them when they wouldn't even be discussed, much less considered at trial for the male father offenders nor should it be for either gender.

However, the double standards for each gender doing the same like crimes are replusive, and a grave injustice. It leaves a horrible message that if the mom is the one who kills their own baby, its acceptable, and seen as okay as long as the dads dont do it.

It painfully shows females demand they are to be treated equal, which they should, except it seems they don't want it to apply when they find themselves in the criminal justice system.

Instead they want to appear meek, needy, downtrodden, poor little damsels in distress. Why? Because it continues to work for many of them of course.. with either found NG or little if any jail time.

God please protect all of the other unwanted babies who are seen only as burdens, instead of cherished blessings they truly are.

Jmho though, and nothing more.
Excellent Post @oceanblueeyes!

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