GUILTY OH - Annabelle Richardson, newborn, found in grave , 7 May 2017 *GUILTY OF ABUSE OF CORPSE ONLY* *resentencing 2022* #4

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starting @14:38 as much as you guys can stomach of the whining please listen to this. It's what the father says " Unfortunately this has happened before and you hid it" What the hell is he talking about? You may need headphones the audio is horrible which I find bizarre seeing as this is a police station and an interrogation room. I wonder how many good tips they missed due to the lousy sound quality lol They need to fire the audio guy or get some new equipment for sure lol

starting @14:38 as much as you guys can stomach of the whining please listen to this. It's what the father says " Unfortunately this has happened before and you hid it" What the hell is he talking about? You may need headphones the audio is horrible which I find bizarre seeing as this is a police station and an interrogation room. I wonder how many good tips they missed due to the lousy sound quality lol They need to fire the audio guy or get some new equipment for sure lol

The verdict is in. And I for one am weary of involvement in subjective interpretations. Here's to you if you still have the fortitude after this harrowing experience.
I did not listen to every word in the press conference but I did not hear him say that he thought he could prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. I heard him say what he believed happened, what he thought many in the community believed happened and that he thought it was a case that needed to be tried. Since proof beyond a reasonable doubt is the ethical standard for a prosecutor to bringing a case to a jury I was taken aback that he did not seem to say that he thought he had that proof. Again, I did not hear every word in the press conference. JMO

That it was a case he thought "needed to be tried" stood out for me too, especially given he readily conceded it was impossible to know, much less to prove, that Skylar's baby was born alive.

IMO his determination the case continue to trial, even after learning the State had zero evidence Skylar had burned her baby, was in no small part because he had so successfully stoked community outrage by suggesting Skylar may have burned her baby alive.
I could have sworn the father says to Skylar in the police room that since she lies so much and she got pregnant and didn't tell them this time AND it happened before. Skyler replies, " I know" sheepishly, did anyone catch that? What does that mean? She was pregnant at some time in the past and didn't tell them? It's on one of the several tapes(I posted it this morning but now can't find it, im tired lol sorry)

starting @14:38 as much as you guys can stomach of the whining please listen to this. It's what the father says " Unfortunately this has happened before and you hid it" What the hell is he talking about? You may need headphones the audio is horrible which I find bizarre seeing as this is a police station and an interrogation room. I wonder how many good tips they missed due to the lousy sound quality lol They need to fire the audio guy or get some new equipment for sure lol

They do say that. Court TV asked the Rittgers after the verdict about it - no doubt because of conversation here and elsewhere on the web. The Rittgers were adamant that, while they didn't know exactly what BSR & Dad were referring to, BSR had never been pregnant before therefore it would be impossible for them to be talking about HER having done this before. The Rittgers seemed surprised by the question and a bit baffled, honestly. So, I think they were telling the truth as they know it. I really do think he was just referring to women have killed their babies before, there is some element of lying involved in this case (at the very minimum by omission - not telling anyone the baby existed for months), therefore she was up a creek without a paddle.
Which perhaps could be diminished by drinking Gatorade at home. She really does need to be in treatment and not at home in the environment we have been shown.


IMO It would surely help if she would eat a balanced diet, but it appears her ED is running her life. Don't know if that can or will be changed even with help.

starting @14:38 as much as you guys can stomach of the whining please listen to this. It's what the father says " Unfortunately this has happened before and you hid it" What the hell is he talking about? You may need headphones the audio is horrible which I find bizarre seeing as this is a police station and an interrogation room. I wonder how many good tips they missed due to the lousy sound quality lol They need to fire the audio guy or get some new equipment for sure lol
When we discussed this a few threads back the general consensus (with some exceptions among some posters I am sure) was that BSR was trying to say that she wouldn't have hurt the baby because it was her own, and her father was saying that wasn't a good enough explanation because of course neonaticide has happened before, speaking generally. I do not believe he was saying Skylar has ever been pregnant before (I think if there had been even a whiff of this being a possibility, the state would have been all over it). I think the other explanation for what he was talking about was her general history of being a liar, but I think at this moment he was talking about other mothers killing their newborns, i.e. "it's happened before."
Reading between the lines, it sounds like one or more jurors thought it at least possible the baby was born alive, but they easily reached consensus that the State hadn't met it's burden of proof.

I wonder how many jurors agreed with Ms. Grawe that the State acted in bad faith in making the burn accusations at trial....

If you only watch the interrogation videos without any background of the case, I believe the burning accusations the juror is referring to were very confusing.

I think the prosecution could have done a better job in explaining the basis of the second interrogation, and the role the coroner's office played here. Their office made a mistake, and the detectives and prosecution payed for it, dearly.

Detectives asked BSR to come to the police station because they'd received autopsy/medical information never seen before. They were just informed by professionals they trust that there was evidence of thermal injury (burning) -- more so on one side of the body!

The professional/forensic anthropologist did not recant or amend her report about thermal injury until several weeks later, after the grand jury, and indictment.

Prosecution should have then concentrated more on what BSR repeatedly admitted: squeezing the baby hard and/or too tight.

"I think I killed her --but I didn't mean to."

I had to read the transcripts and other archived news to draft my own timeline to get a better understanding of how it went down. And jurors are prohibited from doing what I did!

They had a verdict in 4 hours -- including lunch.

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starting @14:38 as much as you guys can stomach of the whining please listen to this. It's what the father says " Unfortunately this has happened before and you hid it" What the hell is he talking about? You may need headphones the audio is horrible which I find bizarre seeing as this is a police station and an interrogation room. I wonder how many good tips they missed due to the lousy sound quality lol They need to fire the audio guy or get some new equipment for sure lol
IMO he's referring to others who have killed their babies. Then he hesitates before saying and you hid it. IOW because others have done it before and Skylar hid 'it' meaning Annabelle, remember that's what they called her, 'it'. So IMO he meant 2 reasons why it's hard to believe her. Not that Skylar's done it before and hid it.
I’m so mad right now. I know they didn’t prove that she burned the baby or murdered her but she still put her baby out there and left her dead in the dark and cold then stated how ‘happy’ she was to her mother.
She is not as confused or scared as we thought imo her answers are quite clever in some parts it’s always maybe. It’s never ‘yes I did this’ it’s ‘maybe just a little’ I mean who even says ‘I might have cremated the baby a little bit’? In what world is that sentence ok? But the wording ‘might have’ a little bit’. ‘I might have squeezed her too tight’, she was playing dumb imo.

She will probably in time pretend this never happened and mum and dad will buy her lots of nice things to heal her trauma without actually addressing the underlying causes of this monstrous mess BSR got herself into. Jmo but you can’t have had much trauma in your life up to that point if a baby is what is going to destroy your life. JMO MOO. Off to sit on my hands now :mad:
When we discussed this a few threads back the general consensus (with some exceptions among some posters I am sure) was that BSR was trying to say that she wouldn't have hurt the baby because it was her own, and her father was saying that wasn't a good enough explanation because of course neonaticide has happened before, speaking generally. I do not believe he was saying Skylar has ever been pregnant before (I think if there had been even a whiff of this being a possibility, the state would have been all over it). I think the other explanation for what he was talking about was her general history of being a liar, but I think at this moment he was talking about other mothers killing their newborns, i.e. "it's happened before."

Agree. More important though is that if BSR had been pregnant before, not doubt in my mind KR would have dragged her to the OBGYN long before April 26, 2017 to get bc script!
I’m so mad right now. I know they didn’t prove that she burned the baby or murdered her but she still put her baby out there and left her dead in the dark and cold then stated how ‘happy’ she was to her mother.
She is not as confused or scared as we thought imo her answers are quite clever in some parts it’s always maybe. It’s never ‘yes I did this’ it’s ‘maybe just a little’ I mean who even says ‘I might have cremated the baby a little bit’? In what world is that sentence ok? But the wording ‘might have’ a little bit’. ‘I might have squeezed her too tight’, she was playing dumb imo.

She will probably in time pretend this never happened and mum and dad will buy her lots of nice things to heal her trauma without actually addressing the underlying causes of this monstrous mess BSR got herself into. Jmo but you can’t have had much trauma in your life up to that point if a baby is what is going to destroy your life. JMO MOO. Off to sit on my hands now :mad:
she only admits when she is caught and I agree,this very dangerous unstable female will kill again, hide and watch and I think the parents had at least a hint she had these tendencies. After I cool off I will look again at the videos and see what else we can dig up on her but I would not be surprised if she did more to that baby that was not discovered, remember she was successful in hiding the act for 2 months, not 31 days (CA). In the Ohio heat that worked to her favor immensely, I think she is very clever and the sheepish whine is just one of her techniques she needs to drop, may have worked when she was 4 but not now. Who would even consider taking birth control pills once you are already pregnant unless your intention is to harm your unborn child? Why is that not considered " Child Endangerment"? Why didn't the jury see that? Even her father saw that right out of the gate! He knew what she was doing and why she was doing it. I am so angry I need a pill lol

Oh, I would like to add: What is the Morning After Pill made of? I think it is some type of supercharged hormone aww.... like an entire package of birth control pills all at once! Imagine that
I’m so mad right now. I know they didn’t prove that she burned the baby or murdered her but she still put her baby out there and left her dead in the dark and cold then stated how ‘happy’ she was to her mother.
She is not as confused or scared as we thought imo her answers are quite clever in some parts it’s always maybe. It’s never ‘yes I did this’ it’s ‘maybe just a little’ I mean who even says ‘I might have cremated the baby a little bit’? In what world is that sentence ok? But the wording ‘might have’ a little bit’. ‘I might have squeezed her too tight’, she was playing dumb imo.

She will probably in time pretend this never happened and mum and dad will buy her lots of nice things to heal her trauma without actually addressing the underlying causes of this monstrous mess BSR got herself into. Jmo but you can’t have had much trauma in your life up to that point if a baby is what is going to destroy your life. JMO MOO. Off to sit on my hands now :mad:

Her interview is not unlike many other suspects who were later convicted. She obfuscated, minimized, played victim, played dumb, confused the issues, etc. She was highly manipulative in those interviews like most guilty suspects. There is nothing fragile and innocent about her. I know Dr. Brady said that based on her most recent exam prior to the pregnancy all her test results were normal. She was a cheerleader. Worked out regularly it seems, based on the text messages. She was a healthy 18 yo when she did this. Of sound mind and body.

Based on her family dysfunction, they will all pretend like this never happened and she will not learn anything from it. It will be swept under the rug. And now Kim will punish her for causing all this drama and wasting all this money. But mostly for making Kim look bad. I bet you none of them will visit the baby's grave site after the publicity dies down.
she only admits when she is caught and I agree,this very dangerous unstable female will kill again, hide and watch and I think the parents had at least a hint she had these tendencies. After I cool off I will look again at the videos and see what else we can dig up on her but I would not be surprised if she did more to that baby that was not discovered, remember she was successful in hiding the act for 2 months, not 31 days (CA). In the Ohio heat that worked to her favor immensely, I think she is very clever and the sheepish whine is just one of her techniques she needs to drop, may have worked when she was 4 but not know. Who would even consider taking birth control pills once you are already pregnant unless your intention is to harm your unborn child? Why is that not considered " Child Endangerment"? Why didn't the jury see that? Even her father saw that right out of the gate! He knew what she was doing and why she was doing it. I am so angry I need a pill lol

I totally agree she will likely end up reoffending because she’s got off lightly this time, what message does this send out to the local high school cheerleaders or just girls in general that you won’t go to jail if you end up in a position where you are burying your own baby in your own garden. Even if you admit to trying to burn your baby and that you squeezed the baby. It’s absolutely ok go to the gym a few days later while you’re still healing from birthing a full term baby and take selfies of your flat belly, however it is not ok if that baby is dead in the ground and only you know. But because you put a plant pot on top of the crude grave that means you care about the baby that you didn’t request any help from 911 for and instead took her outside and buried her.
Casey Anthony vibes, can only imagine what the atmosphere was like on WS when the verdict on that one came in!
I work in heath insurance and pediatricians have an age cap written into their contract. It's almost always 18 or 21 years old. If they see someone above the cap they most likely won't be paid since they are technically practicing outside both their specialty and their contact provisions. I bet so many pediatricians wish they could stay PCP to the the patients they've watched grow up.
SR may still see a pediatrician but I'm sure any mention of it was to her benefit.

I’m curious what insurer you work for. You can message me if you don’t want to post publicly (or you can just ignore of course). My DH is a pediatrician and he has never had an age limit written into a contract and he has contracts with multiple large insurers. He tries to transition patients to IM at 18/19 and recommends they have a PCP in their college town but he has some who do still see him.

Children’s hospitals often push the limits on seeing CF or CHD patients into their 30s. Although as more of us IM/Peds folks are pursuing subspecialties I think we’re filling a niche there and this is slowly shifting.
If you only watch the interrogation videos without any background of the case, I believe the burning accusations the juror is referring to were very confusing.

I think the prosecution could have done a better job in explaining the basis of the second interrogation, and the role the coroner's office played here. Their office made a mistake, and the detectives and prosecution payed for it, dearly.

Detectives asked BSR to come to the police station because they'd received autopsy/medical information never seen before. They were just informed by professionals they trust that there was evidence of thermal injury (burning) -- more so on one side of the body!

The professional/forensic anthropologist did not recant or amend her report about thermal injury until several weeks later, after the grand jury, and indictment.

Prosecution should have then concentrated more on what BSR repeatedly admitted: squeezing the baby hard and/or too tight.

"I think I killed her --but I didn't mean to."

I had to read the transcripts and other archived news to draft my own timeline to get a better understanding of how it went down. And jurors are prohibited from doing what I did!

They had a verdict in 4 hours -- including lunch.


At least that one juror, and likely others, seems to have understood quite clearly what was known by the State and when.

The problem for the State wasn't that they believed at the time of Skylar's 2nd interrogation she had burned her baby and only later learned the forensic anthro had changed her opinion.

The problem the State had was that her original opinion had led to a confession by Skylar that she had tried to cremate her baby "a little bit," and that she had agreed to a burning scenario which was completely absurd and absolutely implausible.

I'm sure the State fervently wished they could jettison the whole burning/cremation thing at trial, but they were stuck.

If Skylar had falsely confessed to the burning, then nothing else she confessed to could be believed. And if her "confessions" about hearing a gurgle and maybe seeing her baby's arms move and perhaps she had lived for a few minutes couldn't be believed, the State was left with absolutely no evidence of any kind the baby wasn't stillborn.

If I understand what the juror said, what bothered her was the State's choice to go to trial AFTER it was known the bones weren't charred and AFTER the State knew Skylar's confession was problematic.

Instead of reevaluating their case and charges, the State went to trial with expert after expert testifying the fact the bones weren't charred didn't mean Skylar hadn't tried to burn her baby. That looked bad. IMO it WAS bad. And unethical as all get out.
Pretty sure any such restriction would violate her civil rights. My vote is her father is just barely more than clueless on this issue and her mother is in collusion with her illness and has been waiting for BSR to get skinny enough to meet her approval before acknowledging that her health is now more at risk than ever.
Kim Richardson seems to mimic a variation of Munchausen? Again, just a tragic situation all around.
If you all want to read about another interesting Warren County, Ohio case, look up Ryan Widmer. He is rotting in prison, convicted of murdering his wife. In my opinion, there wasn’t enough proof to convict him either. And most of those jurors said they didn’t think he acted remorseful enough during the trial, which impacted their decision. It’s a very interesting case. JMO
Interesting--and Charlie Rittger (jr) was one of his attorneys as well
I did not listen to every word in the press conference but I did not hear him say that he thought he could prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. I heard him say what he believed happened, what he thought many in the community believed happened and that he thought it was a case that needed to be tried. Since proof beyond a reasonable doubt is the ethical standard for a prosecutor to bringing a case to a jury I was taken aback that he did not seem to say that he thought he had that proof. Again, I did not hear every word in the press conference. JMO

Ok. I'm an attorney. Her words, including "Am I getting arrested for murdering her?" "I didn't mean to kill her." "Maybe I squeezed her a little". Among others, her actions in putting her baby naked in a pit and concealing the pregnancy, birth and the body and her glee and relief after as shown in texts, establish probable cause IMO.

So while you may not agree she killed her child I see zero ethical violation in pursuing this case.

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