He "knew it" in his heart, bless him.
He was speaking to the cameras, not to Skylar. It's fact, not opinion or politics, that Ohio ranks high on the list of states in which all manner of "early personhood" laws are being proposed and passed.
Seemed very clear to me what message the judge wanted to send.
Point 1. "Some say the unborn are being killed every day in the US, but here, life is precious."
Point 2. "Life is precious and is to be safeguarded and protected at every stage. The law doesn't allow the State to prosecute women for actions they do or don't take during pregnancy. That's why you weren't charged for not getting prenatal care, and why I can't take your grotesque indifference to life before giving birth under consideration in sentencing you."
Point 3. "Had you decided to get prenatal care (most germaine) your baby would be alive today. "
Message: Lives would be saved if the State had the right to hold women legally responsible for what they do with their bodies during pregnancy.
BTW...I read up some on the Judge's alleged transgressions. The special access he and the other 2 judges afforded Fornell to the vids/recordings had every appearance of impropriety. Which for sure isn't a good look for judges or for the DA, and a bad enough look for the judge to be disciplined. But...the recordings themselves weren't taken surreptitiously, and the system of piping court doings elsewhere was neither new or novel. Just shouldn't have been piped in to Fornell's office.
The judge's choice to have the supporting memo to a defense motion shredded rather than sealed....now that's different. WTH.