OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #3

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That's 4 key people that think Brian is alive. They obviously know something there are not telling us.
Snipped, EBM

That isn't obvious.

It's possible that their belief is based on wishful thinking and that they have allowed that wishful thinking to taint their interpretation of the evidence.
Well, GeoJeffrey, I've already spent a lot of time detailing clues pointing to the construction site - see my prior posts. But here's a brief list:

* by far the key clue - video shows Brian did not leave the Saloona via conventional route that all other customers use. Huge.
* he DID exit the Saloona, presumably within minutes of last being seen, because it was closing time. Had his remains been in the Saloona, indoors, odor would have led to body
*so, he disappeared, but he didn't exit the building via customary route, but he did exit.
* so, how did he exit? Maybe jumped off the balcony. But no one saw that, and that doesn't explain why he was never seen again by people or various other cams.
* seems pretty likely that the means by which he left the building may well be cause for his disappearance, since his disappearance and his departing the building happened right around the very same time.
* and which means of departing the building might potentially have caused his disappearance, caused him never to be seen on any of the many surveillance cams in the area, prevented him from ever using his phone again, prevented him from walking the 5 minutes back to his apt? Well, LE informs that abutting the building housing the Saloona was a construction site that 'would be dangerous to navigate even if sober'. Brian was not sober. Of course, drunk people sometimes engage in inexplicable behaviors and bad decisions and mis-judge things.
* So, Brian leaving the Saloona via the adjacent construction site is a hypothetical. A compelling one. Yes, no direct evidence like a shoe left at the site, etc. No one reported a load bang or a scream. Yeah, there was a bad stench reported at the GatewayTheatre in subsequent years, but that could have been anything. So, a circumstantial case via inference and deductive reasoning.

Yeah, a fight is a possibility, though AFAIK there is no hint that one happened or that there was any animosity between the two friends. Yeah, drugs are a possibility, but AFAIK there is no indication Brian was dealing. Did he have an arrest record? Did drugs turn up in his apt? If he was dealing, why would he screw around with working retail at the JCPenney outlet store? Why would he risk arrest and endanger his shot at being a doctor? And neither of these hypotheticals explains why Brian never appeared on a single cam outside the building, never was seen by eyewitnesses outside the building, never used his phone again, didn't take Clint's call, apparently never spoke to another soul........ Radio-silence from 2am in perpetuity - there is a reason why. And there's a reason why Brian was not seen to have left the building. And there's a reason why Brian's body never turned up - or his phone, or his wallet. And those three reasons are actually just one reason. Brian's remains are at the former construction site. IMO.

Involvement with drugs could be at the user level… I never said he was dealing. Also, the apparent radio silence with Clint, only comes from Clint’s words. Law enforcement has never confirmed this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
9:30 p.m.: Shaffer goes to Ugly Tuna Saloona, leaves after 30 minutes
1:15 a.m.: Shaffer comes up escalators with Clint and Meredith (Brian Shaffer's friends)
1:55 a.m.: Shaffer is seen standing outside to the right of the bar, at top of escalators, talking to two friends. LAST VIDEO OF SHAFFER ANYWHERE
2:09 a.m.: Clint and Meredith leave without Brian.

So at 1:55 Brian walks back into the bar tells Clint and Meredith he's going to talk to the band. From what I can can find out there have been 4 people who verified seeing Brian go back in the bar at around 1:55 am. The police have always said the band never really gave them any useful info so this also puts Brian back in the bar. It took Brian a minute or two to get to the band assuming there was still a decent amount of people in the bar. Remember that the bar closed at 2:30 and last call was at 2:10.

This would also put Brian at the back right corner of the bar "behind" Clint and Meredith and the bars exit. In other words he would have most likely been seen he left the bar again. The stage for the band was also right by the big garage type doors that led to the patio. Even if Brian talked to the band for the just a few minutes it would at least be slightly at 2 am if not longer.

At some point Clint and Meredith wanted to leave and called Brian. I have read that Meredith was the one who called but Clint may have too. Key point coming up!!! I have been in this bar and it is very small. If it was NOT crowded they could have easily seen Brian at the back of the room talking to the band. So I am assuming that there was still quit a bit of people there.

So after calling Brian at maybe around 2:05? They started looking for Brian. Since Brian was talking to the band I'll assume one of them walked back to the band area. Clint also stated that he searched the restroom. After a walk around the bar which included two people and a look in the rest rooms (I read the Meredith looked in the womens restroom too but can't remember where I read this) they decided that Brian must have left. So at 2:09 Clint and Meredith are seen leaving by the escalator.

I'll emphasize again how small this place is. To do a walk around would not take long and I'd find it hard to believe that with 2 people trying to find you, well you would be very hard pressed to be able to hide. UNLESS you slipped under the band stage. If Brian was in the back at some point I think he saw Clint or Meredith coming and he slipped under the stage.

I think he hid under there until the place was closed then opened the garage door to the patio closed it behind him which would have locked it then climbed over the railing to the roof and then the ground below. One of the detectives did mention that Brian could have left this way and could have been undetected. With this statement I'll assume he meant that in that particular area there were no cameras.

Why would Brian do all this? I have no idea but we do know that Brian talked about running away and this was BEFORE his mom died. Taking into account his mothers dead I don't find it hard to believe he walked away and according to Clint's attorney and Randy and the detective he hired they don't either. Clint's attorney said one of the detectives led him to believe that Brian was still alive. That's 4 key people that think Brian is alive. They obviously know something there are not telling us.

Two non-confirnations here that are important:

1.) It has NEVER been confirmed that Brian walked back into the bar when he was last scene. He just goes out of camera range after 1:55am and is never seen again. That is all that is confirmed. I know sources who believe that Brian never went back into the bar.

2.) It has NEVER been confirmed that Brian said he wanted to talk to the band. These are only Clint's words. Based on Clint's actions and apathetic attitude toward Brian following his disappearance, take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Two non-confirnations here that are important:

1.) It has NEVER been confirmed that Brian walked back into the bar when he was last scene. He just goes out of camera range after 1:55am and is never seen again. That is all that is confirmed. I know sources who believe that Brian never went back into the bar.

2.) It has NEVER been confirmed that Brian said he wanted to talk to the band. These are only Clint's words. Based on Clint's actions and apathetic attitude toward Brian following his disappearance, take anything he says with a grain of salt.


NO it's actually that opposite. People have started this rumor that maybe Brian never really entered the bar after he went off camera and he never said he was going to talk to the band.

1. When Brian was seen walking away from the two girls he was talking to he was walking towards the entrance of the bar and was within a few feet of the doorway. Look at the photos that I posted or check other photos on line. I was there and I can verify how close he was.

Also, (and this didn't happen) if Brian decided to not enter the bar he would have had to make a very sharp left turn and walk almost straight into a wall and almost literally walk with his body against the wall to be behind the camera AND behind both girls he just seconds ago was talking to. This would have been a very odd thing to do and I am sure the two girls would have noticed him turning around and walking behind them. The two girls were themselves almost off camera and up against the wall. I'm not sure Brian would even had enough room to walk behind them let alone not be noticed. I'll stress again this area just outside the bar was a very small hallway.

2. In order for Brian to tell Clint and Meredith that he was going to talk to the band he had to have gone back in because they were in the bar. Both Clint and Meredith said that Brian mentioned wanting to talk to the band and walked towards that way. Remember that Meredith did take a polygraph test and passed. I highly doubt the police forget to ask Meredith if Brian was going to talk to the band.

3. The police said that when they talked to the band they didn't really have much to offer in the way of any info as to where Brian might have gone. Nowhere have I ever been able to find were the police makes mention of the band denying that the never talked to Brian.

Even if Brian never actually talked to the band there is quite enough evidence through interviews that states Brian was inside the bar and was going to talk to the band and that he headed towards the stage.
Snipped, EBM

That isn't obvious.

It's possible that their belief is based on wishful thinking and that they have allowed that wishful thinking to taint their interpretation of the evidence.

Why would any of the detectives opinions be based anything but the evidence let alone wishful thinking?
Found this from an employee.

–]michaelborck10 21 points 1 year ago
I used to work at Ugly Tuna (from 2007-2009) and I can tell you with the utmost certainty that there is no employee entrance or service entrance. When we came into work we would walk through the same main entrance (the only entrance) as the customers. When the trash was taken out we would roll it out the main entrance doors to an elevator and take that down to a walkway that led to the dumpsters.

Update: It is said (see vid) that:

1) searching for Brian began no sooner than Monday, 2+ days after he disappeared. Police did take dogs through the construction site - not sure how long after 4/1/06 - and did get 'a couple of hits' but dismissed them (how unfortunate).
2) there was an elevator to the construction site that had a chain in front of it but was apparently accessible. The person who made the vid thinks Brian probably used this elevator. (She also says the construction site was under the Saloona. I'm guessing she's wrong on that, as that is where Mad Mex was located. I think the construction site was the new theatre building immediately east of the Saloona).


This BBM information has me considering the possibility that an inebriated Brian might have (literally) stumbled and fallen in the elevator shaft.
This BBM information has me considering the possibility that an inebriated Brian might have (literally) stumbled and fallen in the elevator shaft.

If there was an elevator to the construction site, it might have been some kind of temporary elevator, and it might have been a few feet away from the Ugly Toona structure. I'm envisioning the Ugly Toona and Gateway buildings as separate structures that are close enough together to appear to be one structure once all the cosmetic work is done.
There may have been eight or ten inches between the exterior walls of the Ugly Toona structure and the exterior walls of the Gateway structure. It may have been necessary to step over that gap in order to get onto that construction elevator. Even if there was some kind of plank or platform directly in front of the elevator, the kind of gap that I described might have been exposed at the sides of the elevator entrance, and Brian may have taken a tumble to one side and become wedged between the walls.
Here's a story about a boy who fell of a balcony and got wedged between two walls:
If that happened to an adult, the adult would be unable to draw a breath and would die within minutes. (There are quite a few similar stories out there regarding children.)
Wow. Here's a WS post from 2006 - 5 months after Brian disappeared, and the poster absolutely nailed it way back then. It is an awful shame that authorities never have and I'm sure never will do what needs to be done to see if Brian's remains are at that construction site (IMO they very likely are)....

11-14-2006, 11:54 PM#72 Simple1 Simple1 is offline
Registered User Join Date Nov 2006 Posts 1

From what I have read, no one can confirm that Brian left the Ugly Tuna Saloona through the public exits. I am almost certain LE would have pursued this, but I thought I’d mention the possibility just in case it has not been fully explored. If Brian exited out the back onto the construction site, might he have fallen, perhaps into a trench or next to a poured concrete foundation? If the site was actively worked on Monday morning, April 3, there is a chance that earth moving on the site filled trenches and backfilled foundations.
I've been looking for contemporaneous articles about this case from the first few years after Brian went missing. Most old links to articles are dead. But some kind soul was kind enough to post the text of a bunch of articles online, and here's a link.


In reading the articles, what I found interesting is that while there is quite a bit of detail about searching that was done in the aftermath of Brian's disappearance, I didn't find a single mention of the dangerous construction site abutting the Ugly Tuna Saloona circa 4/1/2006. Not one. Mentions of searches of dumpsters, rivers, sewers, etc etc, but not the dark, dangerous construction site directly accessible from the Saloona and located mere yards from where Brian was last seen. You know, the site the guy in charge of the investigation observed would be difficult to navigate even if sober. Snippet from wikipedia: "..... service door that, at the time, opened onto a construction site that officers believed would have been difficult to walk through while sober, much less intoxicated...."

This crap makes me really angry.
I've been looking for contemporaneous articles about this case from the first few years after Brian went missing. Most old links to articles are dead. But some kind soul was kind enough to post the text of a bunch of articles online, and here's a link.


In reading the articles, what I found interesting is that while there is quite a bit of detail about searching that was done in the aftermath of Brian's disappearance, I didn't find a single mention of the dangerous construction site abutting the Ugly Tuna Saloona circa 4/1/2006. Not one. Mentions of searches of dumpsters, rivers, sewers, etc etc, but not the dark, dangerous construction site directly accessible from the Saloona and located mere yards from where Brian was last seen. You know, the site the guy in charge of the investigation observed would be difficult to navigate even if sober. Snippet from wikipedia: "..... service door that, at the time, opened onto a construction site that officers believed would have been difficult to walk through while sober, much less intoxicated...."

This crap makes me really angry.

Where was the service door in relation to the Ugly Tuna? You have to figure, it's near closing time, and Brian was known to separate from his friends when bar-hopping in the past. I now believe it likely that Brian did go and talk to the band because of Itsrak's amazing research! In a very drunken state, he could have wanted to go exploring. People do stupid things when drunk. Brian could have gone out the service door, where no patrons were supposed to be in that area. He stumbled and fell into a deep trench and was so badly injured that he could not cry or yell for help. Maybe already dead It was probably too dark to read any danger signs or notices about the construction.

Did the Band say that Brian talked to them? Or simply that they did not remember? I find it hard to believe that they could not remember if they talked to him.

Brian disappeared April 1, 2006. His last known location was the Ugly Tuna Saloona. There is not a single shred of evidence he ever left the building housing the bar, nor is there even a single legitimate indication - cell phone, credit card, atm card, car, apartment, surveillance cam, visual sighting, anything - of his ever subsequently being present anywhere outside the building housing the bar.

From the local NBC affiliate NBC4, April 5, 2006:

Meredith Reed, a friend who was with him that night in the bar, was one of the last friends to talk to Brian Shaffer. "Clint and Brian were talking about something, and Brian mentioned he was going to go up, like toward the stage area," Reed said. After that, he apparently left, and has not been seen since.

From the local NBC affiliate NBC4, April 10, 2006:

Clint Florence is the last person to see Brian Shaffer. The two used to live together and were out celebrating the beginning of spring break. Florence described Shaffer as popular, but a bit of a loner. "Brian likes to either see somebody that he knows or wants to talk to the band. He is known to walk off. He just liked to walk off and do his own thing," Florence said. Florence described the timeline of the night Brian Shaffer disappeared. The men headed to the Ugly Tuna at about 9:15 p.m. At about 10:30 p.m., Brian Shaffer spoke to his girlfriend over the phone, Florence said. About 30 minutes later, the men walked to the Short North Tavern, where they had a few drinks. At 11:40 p.m., they walked to another bar. Then, at about 1:15 a.m., they returned to the Ugly Tuna. Florence said while he was drinking, Brian Shaffer periodically walked away to talk with some people he knew. "Brian got up with them. I am assuming he got up with them, walked out with them to talk with them on the foyer before going on the escalator," Florence said. Shaffer was last seen on surveillance cameras at about 2 a.m. "I called him that night and it went straight to voicemail. It was about 2 a.m. and (there was) no answer," Florence said. Florence said he doesn't think Shaffer had a nervous break down. "I am afraid that Brian might have left the bar and ran his mouth a little bit. He has been known to do that," Florence said. At closing time, after looking for Shaffer, Florence said he went home with another friend. "Of course, I regret now leaving, but I didn't think anything of it. I didn't think Brian -- that anything happened to him because he is known to walk away," Florence said.

From Columbus Monthly 2014 article:

Grainy footage shows Brian standing at the top of the escalator outside the Ugly Tuna Saloona a little after 1 a.m. on the morning of April 1, 2006, talking to two women whom his friend, Clint Florence, knew from Ohio State. After the two women leave, he walks back inside the bar. Florence and another woman they were with told police later they had seen Brian after he’d returned to the bar and told him they were getting ready to leave. Then they lost track of him. After scanning the bar for Brian, calling him repeatedly and waiting for him outside, they left, assuming he had gone home without telling them.

Florence and another woman they were with told police later they had seen Brian after he’d returned to the bar and told him they were getting ready to leave. Then they lost track of him.

This is where I have trouble believing Cint. The Ugly Tina bar itself is very small. If the above is true, did this happen before or after Brian talked to the band? Why wouldn't the camera pick up this alleged footage? Do the cameras at the Ugly Tuna turn off at 2:30am, or are they on 24/7?

Itsrack, do you think that Clint knows what happened to Brian? What is your opinion of Clint?

Was there or was their not a construction site elevator at the construction site? Some say yes, others say no. I would like a confirmation of this. What was being built there at that time? I presume the adjacent theater?

Today, can anyone name all of the businesses in that complex?

Why would you doubt both Clint and Meredith on that point? I know of no reason to suspect that either had anything to do with Brian's disappearance. I see that Alexis' father was suspicious of Clint, but he never laid out the reasons why. Clint just had the misfortune of being Brian's companion at the time Brian disappeared. I don't think he or Meredith have any more idea what happened to Brian than do you or I. On the contrary, he tried to help. He spoke openly, gave his true, blunt opinions, and then I suppose when the detective started getting aggressive with him, Clint did the smart thing and talked to a lawyer for advice, and the lawyer said 'hire me and tell the detective and any media that I represent you and they should call me'. One needn't watch too many Forensic File type shows to realize that speaking with cops/detectives is a bad idea. Thousands of completely innocent people have done time. You NEVER consent to an interrogation, you just say 'I want a lawyer'. Clint did the smart thing. He probably should have done it sooner, and never spoken to the media at all. But he did, and as a result now, 12 years later, his name is still on the web linked to Brian Shaffer's disappearance, unfortunately.

There are media and police accounts at the time directly stating that there was direct access from the Saloona to a construction site and that the construction site would be treacherous even to a sober person. Since Brian didn't use the escalator or the emergency exit with the motion-activated cam and he apparently didn't leap from the balcony (people would have noticed that and in any case Brian then would have shown up on multiple surveillance cams) and since his body was not found in the Saloona, I think he exited by the entrance to the construction site. I think he then had an accident. No conspiracy, no murder, no escaping to a new life, just a simple mis-step. I think he may well have been incapacitated or dead before Clint and Meredith left the Saloona after looking for him. Which is why they, Alexis, Randy, Derek, and no one else, ever heard so much as a peep from Brian again from that very moment on.
This case has always intrigued me and it has been awhile since I have heard any new theories or news on this case.

Does anyone know of a google doc or website ot other organized format that clarifies what is known? I see some of the same questions raised here that I know were raised (and some answered) several years ago - especially with regards to service entrances (I have seen multiple times posters/ex-employees confirming, there is/was no separate service entrance for the bar), construction sites and pouring concrete (there was a lot of discussion indicating it was not feasible for a crew to pour concrete unwittingly over a body, and that this was not the right stage of construction for concrete pouring), the band (I recall they were identified and had no useful info). Unfortunately, I don't have links for any of that, but it would be great if it was organized or documented somewhere to help out people new to the case and as a refresher.

I also recall a photo of the double doors that are close to the Ugly Tunas entrance, out of view of the camera that were locked shut with a chain at the time of Brian's disappearance. The investigators felt that the give allowed by the chains was not enough for someone of Brian's size to fit through and that these doors led to the construction area.

For those that think he may have ended up in the construction area, is that the construction entrance you suspect he may have gone through? Does anyone know if there were any other entrances accessible without crossing the camera's path? Even doubting he could fit through those doors, LE states the area was searched. It would be interesting to be able to see photos of what that area behind the doors looked like while under construction, Without a visual it is hard to say how easy it would be to have searched it thoroughly. Also, if there were workers on site on Monday morning, that is a lot of extra eyes who are familiar with the layout.

I truly have no idea what could have happened here, but have to agree that accidental death at the construction site seems most likely out of all the improbable choices of what could have happened. I have never understood the fixation on Clint as it is hard for me to see what useful information he could be hiding - his whereabouts are corroborated so I can't see how he helped get Brian out of the bar undetected.

Anyway, I will check out the podcasts listed and am glad to see activity and theories posted on here. I hope someday this mystery is solved.
This case has always intrigued me and it has been awhile since I have heard any new theories or news on this case.

Does anyone know of a google doc or website ot other organized format that clarifies what is known? I see some of the same questions raised here that I know were raised (and some answered) several years ago - especially with regards to service entrances (I have seen multiple times posters/ex-employees confirming, there is/was no separate service entrance for the bar), construction sites and pouring concrete (there was a lot of discussion indicating it was not feasible for a crew to pour concrete unwittingly over a body, and that this was not the right stage of construction for concrete pouring), the band (I recall they were identified and had no useful info). Unfortunately, I don't have links for any of that, but it would be great if it was organized or documented somewhere to help out people new to the case and as a refresher.

I also recall a photo of the double doors that are close to the Ugly Tunas entrance, out of view of the camera that were locked shut with a chain at the time of Brian's disappearance. The investigators felt that the give allowed by the chains was not enough for someone of Brian's size to fit through and that these doors led to the construction area.

For those that think he may have ended up in the construction area, is that the construction entrance you suspect he may have gone through? Does anyone know if there were any other entrances accessible without crossing the camera's path? Even doubting he could fit through those doors, LE states the area was searched. It would be interesting to be able to see photos of what that area behind the doors looked like while under construction, Without a visual it is hard to say how easy it would be to have searched it thoroughly. Also, if there were workers on site on Monday morning, that is a lot of extra eyes who are familiar with the layout.

I truly have no idea what could have happened here, but have to agree that accidental death at the construction site seems most likely out of all the improbable choices of what could have happened. I have never understood the fixation on Clint as it is hard for me to see what useful information he could be hiding - his whereabouts are corroborated so I can't see how he helped get Brian out of the bar undetected.

Anyway, I will check out the podcasts listed and am glad to see activity and theories posted on here. I hope someday this mystery is solved.

It's hard to find a site that has all the info in one place. The problem with the construction site is there is not enough known about it. When someone can't have a visual they tend to make one up in their minds eye. This then creates a ton of speculation and when there maybe be some actual proof provided later on by then it's really too late because the misinformation has been spread far and wide.

No one seems to know where this door to the construction site was exactly. Was it an actual door of just a piece of plywood the was hinged to the wall frame? Was it locked? Apparently it wasn't if the police think that Brian may have ventured in there. If it wasn't locked I can't imagine why? The same with the door that led to the outside. I have never seen any street construction where the make shift door didn't have a pad lock on it. That would be a huge liability if not. If there was a padlock then it would be on the outside so Brian would have no way to get out. I personally can't believe that there were two unlocked doors to a very hazardous construction site. Not only that but consider the valuable tools that were inside.

Think of how many hundreds of drunk people that would walk up to that door (outside) just out of curiosity to see what is behind it. I'm sure a lot more than Brian would in front of two off duty police officers. Personally no way no how would a construction company leave a hundred thousand worth of equipment in a very high crime area.
Thx for sharing your thoughts. As to construction site, here is some info from 5/8/2006, at which point Brian had been missing only 5 weeks:

One part of the mystery is how Brian left the building without being caught on tape. Both bar exits are covered by cameras— as is the escalator that leads to the street. Outside the bar, out of camera view, are stairs and an elevator that lead to the first floor. Once on the first floor, the only way out, without being seen on tape, would be through a service exit that leads to a construction site, with doors to the street. But why would Brian go that way? Sgt. Hurst: There’s no reason for anybody to want to go out that area. It’s heavily under construction and would be difficult sober.


I can't help but note that Detective Hurst's mindset was 'well, why would anyone go onto the construction site?', rather than 'let's see, this young man disappeared 5 weeks ago, not a peep since, meaning he most likely died that evening, and he seems not to have left the building, and at the moment he disappeared, he was drunk and just mere yards from a dangerous construction site - hmm, we'd better search the hell out of that site...' They searched the Saloona, sewers, dumpsters, the municipal dump, river, even though there is no indication Brian left the building. Wonder how thoroughly - and how promptly - they searched the construction site right next to the place Brian was last known alive....
This is where I have trouble believing Cint. The Ugly Tina bar itself is very small. If the above is true, did this happen before or after Brian talked to the band? Why wouldn't the camera pick up this alleged footage? Do the cameras at the Ugly Tuna turn off at 2:30am, or are they on 24/7?

Itsrack, do you think that Clint knows what happened to Brian? What is your opinion of Clint?

Was there or was their not a construction site elevator at the construction site? Some say yes, others say no. I would like a confirmation of this. What was being built there at that time? I presume the adjacent theater?

Today, can anyone name all of the businesses in that complex?


The only thing I heard was there was a ladder that Brian would have had to use to get to the bottom floor. The only elevator I saw when I was there was to the left of the escalator. There are a couple offices to the left of the Tuna but I never took a photo of them.

I'm not sure if these cameras actually belong to the bar or are a part of building itself.
It's hard to find a site that has all the info in one place. The problem with the construction site is there is not enough known about it. When someone can't have a visual they tend to make one up in their minds eye. This then creates a ton of speculation and when there maybe be some actual proof provided later on by then it's really too late because the misinformation has been spread far and wide.

No one seems to know where this door to the construction site was exactly. Was it an actual door of just a piece of plywood the was hinged to the wall frame? Was it locked? Apparently it wasn't if the police think that Brian may have ventured in there. If it wasn't locked I can't imagine why? The same with the door that led to the outside. I have never seen any street construction where the make shift door didn't have a pad lock on it. That would be a huge liability if not. If there was a padlock then it would be on the outside so Brian would have no way to get out. I personally can't believe that there were two unlocked doors to a very hazardous construction site. Not only that but consider the valuable tools that were inside.

Think of how many hundreds of drunk people that would walk up to that door (outside) just out of curiosity to see what is behind it. I'm sure a lot more than Brian would in front of two off duty police officers. Personally no way no how would a construction company leave a hundred thousand worth of equipment in a very high crime area.

I have yet to see any proof that there were two off-duty police officers facing the construction site entrance on the night Brian disappeared. If off-duty cops were present in the bar, they were probably spending their time doing what off duty cops in bars usually do, i.e. hitting on the female patrons.

I also haven't seen proof that the doors were chained that night; someone could have forgotten to chain them altogether, or they could have inadvertently been chained more loosely than usual. The cops should not have assumed that they were in the same state on the night Brian disappeared as they were when checked several days later.
If you listen to Comeback an investigative series on iTunes and Podbean on the disappearance of Brian Shaffer you will get to hear from Brightan and Amber as well as Lori Davis, Don Corbett, Sergeant John Hurst, Kevin Miles, and Tim Shaffer Brian’s uncle. We have also reached out to Alexis, Derek, Meredith, Clint, and Shelly. I have spoke to Maurin Derek’s wife and she said they will answer questions for me. Episode One is already out. Episode 2 Details From Sergeant Hurst will be out later this week. I am one of the hosts and started following Brian’s disappearance from day one because I grew up just south of Columbus. My co-host and I have spent many hours reading these boards over the years and we are going to answer a lot of your questions as well as take away a couple of theories. We have a group discussion page on Facebook to discuss what you hear and to follow along with out investigation.
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