OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #3

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Good post and I agree with you 100%. None of the above arguments strike me as reasons to refute the walk away theory.

The argument that does strike me though is why would he take an alternate exit and avoid cameras? If his intention was to walk away, he could have just used the escalator—or waited until everyone went home and then left from his apartment that night. I think in order for me to give serious thought to any theory that involves him being alive, there has to be a connection between his strange method of leaving the building and him walking away. And so far, I haven’t heard that.

The other striking arguement is how could he manage to do this without any credit card activity / signs of making any large cash withdrawals / signs of any research on where to go or how to pull this off. I know the lack of credit card activity was confirmed, I assume LE looked into the other things.

Those are two far more compelling arguments against the walking away theory IMO.

Really looking forward to the next podcast to hear the new information. Great podcast so far!

Thank you! My opinion is he put no thought into the camera at all. Everyone we have spoke to pretty much tells us if we are going to figure out anything the first thing we have to do is let go of the camera not picking him up. They all seem to agree the camera thing was a fluke. It was actually tested by other people and they got in/out of the bar without being seen. I’m not even convinced Brian went back into the bar after speaking with Amber and Brightan. The only 2 people that say they seen him after talking to the girls is Meredith and Clint. I just feel with all the alcohol being consumed that their timing may be off. As far as there not being any financial activity for Brian since his disappearance use to bother me a lot. But there are whole communities devoted to living their lives this way with only cash. We have been told by LE and several others that people go off the grid all the time for decades with no activity on their credit.
...The argument that does strike me though is why would he take an alternate exit and avoid cameras? If his intention was to walk away, he could have just used the escalator—or waited until everyone went home and then left from his apartment that night. I think in order for me to give serious thought to any theory that involves him being alive, there has to be a connection between his strange method of leaving the building and him walking away. And so far, I haven’t heard that. The other striking argument is how could he manage to do this without any credit card activity / signs of making any large cash withdrawals / signs of any research on where to go or how to pull this off. I know the lack of credit card activity was confirmed, I assume LE looked into the other things. Those are two far more compelling arguments against the walking away theory IMO.

Agreed. Brian could have just walked out with Clint and Meredith, wished them good night, and then vanished. Or then walked back to his apt, left his phone there, and then vanished. Instead, in this 'vanish' theory, he found an alternate way out of the building, dumped his phone. And then what? Paid cash for a bus ride to somewhere? Couldn't leave the country w/o a passport, right? So acquired a fake SS# and ID (using squirreled away cash to pay for it) in order to set up a new bank account and get a job and get a credit card? Once he had new ID, could buy a non-burner phone. Pay cash for a computer, and never use a single old account. Not once, ever. New email, new myspace etc, new appearance, new clothes, new car, new insurance, new everything. Start over from scratch at college - Freshman 101. The notion that he might have wanted all of that *and* somehow pulled it off seems preposterous to me. Much more likely in my mind it that his highly peculiar presumed attempted exit from the building that evening is directly tied with the coincident seeming disappearance from the face of the Earth. Tied most likely in the form of accidental death in the construction area in the wee hours of April 1, 2006. I know, I'm beating a dead horse.
Thank you! My opinion is he put no thought into the camera at all. Everyone we have spoke to pretty much tells us if we are going to figure out anything the first thing we have to do is let go of the camera not picking him up. They all seem to agree the camera thing was a fluke. It was actually tested by other people and they got in/out of the bar without being seen. I’m not even convinced Brian went back into the bar after speaking with Amber and Brightan. The only 2 people that say they seen him after talking to the girls is Meredith and Clint. I just feel with all the alcohol being consumed that their timing may be off. As far as there not being any financial activity for Brian since his disappearance use to bother me a lot. But there are whole communities devoted to living their lives this way with only cash. We have been told by LE and several others that people go off the grid all the time for decades with no activity on their credit.

I’d love to hear more details about how this “fluke” could occur, although I realize you’ll probably have to save some of that for the podcast. I have a hard time getting it to add up in my mind. By fluke, do you mean he did use the escalator and somehow wasn’t picked up on camera? This seems unlikely to me since the camera appears fixed and we’ve heard that they accounted for everyone else coming and going (unless this is one of the items that’s been proven untrue). Or by fluke, do you mean it’s not nearly as hard to get out via an alternate exit as we thought? What are the “tests” people did that you speak of? So many questions, but I realize we might need to wait until the podcast to get some of the answers.

One thing I 100% agree with is that Brian may have never reentered the bar after talking to the girls. I’ve always felt that people put too much stock into the reports that he went back into the bar. We definitely can’t confirm he went back in from the video, and the reports of people who were likely pretty drunk at the time aren’t exactly the most reliable. Even if they weren’t that drunk, it’s easy for the human mind to alter timelines/memories without realizing it. Especially since at the time it happened, no one realized they were going to be asked to recall specific details about timelines / what they saw / when they saw it as part of a missing person investigation.
One thing I 100% agree with is that Brian may have never reentered the bar after talking to the girls. I’ve always felt that people put too much stock into the reports that he went back into the bar. We definitely can’t confirm he went back in from the video, and the reports of people who were likely pretty drunk at the time aren’t exactly the most reliable. Even if they weren’t that drunk, it’s easy for the human mind to alter timelines/memories without realizing it.

My understanding is that Meredith, Clint and LE say Brian went back into the bar. How can they be sure if this? As the camera does not show this?

Thank you! My opinion is he put no thought into the camera at all. Everyone we have spoke to pretty much tells us if we are going to figure out anything the first thing we have to do is let go of the camera not picking him up. They all seem to agree the camera thing was a fluke. It was actually tested by other people and they got in/out of the bar without being seen. I’m not even convinced Brian went back into the bar after speaking with Amber and Brightan. The only 2 people that say they seen him after talking to the girls is Meredith and Clint. I just feel with all the alcohol being consumed that their timing may be off. As far as there not being any financial activity for Brian since his disappearance use to bother me a lot. But there are whole communities devoted to living their lives this way with only cash. We have been told by LE and several others that people go off the grid all the time for decades with no activity on their credit.

Are you aware that the lead detective on the case for 12 years, Sgt. John Hurst, has stated "according to individuals we spoke with he (Brian) did go back into the bar" and that "the basic indication is that somehow Brian got down into the construction area..."? In other words, the detective believes that Brian did re-enter the bar, and then wound up in the construction area.... Not that the detective is necessarily right, but....
My understanding is that Meredith, Clint and LE say Brian went back into the bar. How can they be sure if this? As the camera does not show this?


Sergeant Hurst told us that Clint and Meredith are the only 2 people to say that he went back into the bar, and no one else recalls seeing him including the band. LE pretty much took Clint and Meredith’s word on this. You are 100% right they have no footage to show he actually went back into the bar.
Sergeant Hurst told us that Clint and Meredith are the only 2 people to say that he went back into the bar, and no one else recalls seeing him including the band. LE pretty much took Clint and Meredith’s word on this. You are 100% right they have no footage to show he actually went back into the bar.

2 witnesses, neither known to have any reason to lie, say he went back into the bar. 0 witnesses say he did not go back into the bar. Right?
If Brian did not go back into the bar then both Clint and Meredith are lying. If so then Meredith somehow passed a polygraph. If they are mistaken then how so? They said he was going to talk to the band and this was at 1:55. They left at 2:09 after searching for him for a few minutes and calling him. If they were mistaken then they just happened to be mistaken at the exact time Brian got done talking outside the bar and walked towards the front door of the Tuna. This is not very likely.

"Brian would never leave on his own and hurt his family and girlfriend." Really? How many people here know Brian and if you did how would you know? Every day people run off and/or commit suicide and most of the time you hear that there was no indication that they were even depressed. Brian on the other hand had expressed his feelings that he wanted to one day live on an island and live the simple life. He also told Alexis that she should find another guy. No one not even your spouse can get inside your head and see signs. Sometimes it just happens without warning.

It's always baffled me how most of the people I know never carry much cash. I'm just the opposite. I do use CC's but I also carry cash and I don't put small purchases on my card. I just think it's a waste to pay such high interest rates. I think that people who don't carry cash after awhile start to think that it's somehow impossible to live without their plastic cards.

Brian's dad said that Brian never carried cash, but how would he know? He didn't know that Brian was possibly planning on running away. Even if Brian didn't carry much cash it's not hard to leave all that behind if you have a plan. If Brian was planning on leaving of course he wouldn't use his cards. Brian was a pretty intelligent guy. I don't think it would be all that hard for him to figure out how to live on cash only.

One other thing that I will mention. Fake ID's are easy to come by and gift cards are too. I am not sure how easy it would be to get this kind of stuff back in 2006 but it isn't that long ago. If Brian did plan this he could have used this ID for various things he may have needed and a Visa gift card to purchase stuff online. People have been disappearing long before Brian and have done it quite successfully.

Brian was not seen on camera leaving and he just so happened to be the only person, according to Det Hurst, who wasn't accounted for leaving. I'm not going to dismiss this as chance. It very well might be but just seems to coincidental. Looking4Brian mentioned that getting out of the building unseen was tested and they succeeded. I wonder if it was under the same conditions, like on a Friday night at 2 am. The only people who could test out this theory and know it worked would be someone who had access to all the cameras in the building. Maybe they meant the police tested this theory?

I've posted before how I thought it no coincidence that Brian met with all the people that night he was close to, like he wanted to say goodbye. It seemed like Alexis going out of town was not planned. She went home to see her dog that was very sick. If she drove a few hours by herself then I am sure she was pretty upset about her dog. I also wonder why Brian didn't go with her. It's been said that they were together most of the time.

Why would Brian let her go home alone at such a stressful time? If my girlfriend had told me she had to run home to tend to her sick dog she had for years I can't imagine saying OK dear I'm going out bar hopping with my friends, good luck to you. If I remember correctly her dog was not expected to live. No way in the world I would let her go through that by herself.

I think Brian planned to run away and I think that his plan was set so he couldn't go with Alexis. I also think that he may have had help. I think that he had enough, and in his mind couldn't go on with the life he was living. I think he really loved his family especially his mother and I also think he cared a lot for Alexis.

As all of this is just my own opinion I also think that he was a deeply sad person who saw life differently than most. He was very introspective as in he was someone who thought deeply about the meaning of life and was reflective on things most people were not. In some ways he was very introverted and critically judgmental of himself and the path his life was taking.
Is it possible that Clint and Meredith are lying about Brian going back into the bar, or that they actually don't know ?
If Brian did not go back into the bar then both Clint and Meredith are lying. If so then Meredith somehow passed a polygraph. If they are mistaken then how so? They said he was going to talk to the band and this was at 1:55. They left at 2:09 after searching for him for a few minutes and calling him. If they were mistaken then they just happened to be mistaken at the exact time Brian got done talking outside the bar and walked towards the front door of the Tuna. This is not very likely.

"Brian would never leave on his own and hurt his family and girlfriend." Really? How many people here know Brian and if you did how would you know? Every day people run off and/or commit suicide and most of the time you hear that there was no indication that they were even depressed. Brian on the other hand had expressed his feelings that he wanted to one day live on an island and live the simple life. He also told Alexis that she should find another guy. No one not even your spouse can get inside your head and see signs. Sometimes it just happens without warning.

It's always baffled me how most of the people I know never carry much cash. I'm just the opposite. I do use CC's but I also carry cash and I don't put small purchases on my card. I just think it's a waste to pay such high interest rates. I think that people who don't carry cash after awhile start to think that it's somehow impossible to live without their plastic cards.

Brian's dad said that Brian never carried cash, but how would he know? He didn't know that Brian was possibly planning on running away. Even if Brian didn't carry much cash it's not hard to leave all that behind if you have a plan. If Brian was planning on leaving of course he wouldn't use his cards. Brian was a pretty intelligent guy. I don't think it would be all that hard for him to figure out how to live on cash only.

One other thing that I will mention. Fake ID's are easy to come by and gift cards are too. I am not sure how easy it would be to get this kind of stuff back in 2006 but it isn't that long ago. If Brian did plan this he could have used this ID for various things he may have needed and a Visa gift card to purchase stuff online. People have been disappearing long before Brian and have done it quite successfully.

Brian was not seen on camera leaving and he just so happened to be the only person, according to Det Hurst, who wasn't accounted for leaving. I'm not going to dismiss this as chance. It very well might be but just seems to coincidental. Looking4Brian mentioned that getting out of the building unseen was tested and they succeeded. I wonder if it was under the same conditions, like on a Friday night at 2 am. The only people who could test out this theory and know it worked would be someone who had access to all the cameras in the building. Maybe they meant the police tested this theory?

I've posted before how I thought it no coincidence that Brian met with all the people that night he was close to, like he wanted to say goodbye. It seemed like Alexis going out of town was not planned. She went home to see her dog that was very sick. If she drove a few hours by herself then I am sure she was pretty upset about her dog. I also wonder why Brian didn't go with her. It's been said that they were together most of the time.

Why would Brian let her go home alone at such a stressful time? If my girlfriend had told me she had to run home to tend to her sick dog she had for years I can't imagine saying OK dear I'm going out bar hopping with my friends, good luck to you. If I remember correctly her dog was not expected to live. No way in the world I would let her go through that by herself.

I think Brian planned to run away and I think that his plan was set so he couldn't go with Alexis. I also think that he may have had help. I think that he had enough, and in his mind couldn't go on with the life he was living. I think he really loved his family especially his mother and I also think he cared a lot for Alexis.

As all of this is just my own opinion I also think that he was a deeply sad person who saw life differently than most. He was very introspective as in he was someone who thought deeply about the meaning of life and was reflective on things most people were not. In some ways he was very introverted and critically judgmental of himself and the path his life was taking.

Good points,

If this was an accidental death and it still could have been, it is very strange that Brian on that night met with all the people in his life that night who wear important to him. Said to Alexis weeks earlier after his Mother's death, "Maybe you should find someone else." Has the pains and stress of medical school. All of this could lead to him killing himself far away, or starting a new life far away. Brian Shaffer whether intending to live or intending to die, wanted OUT of the life that had pressured him for a very long time.

His dreams of living on an island, the final "I love you" phone call to Alexis. I think Brian was looking to distance himself from his friends that night, not get closer to him. In hindsight, he had to drop out of life, because he couldn't take it anymore.

Now the million dollar question:

Looking4Brian mentioned that getting out of the building unseen was tested and they succeeded. I wonder if it was under the same conditions, like on a Friday night at 2 am. The only people who could test out this theory and know it worked would be someone who had access to all the cameras in the building. Maybe they meant the police tested this theory?

Can we find out from "Comeback" and LE the methods that they tested to leave The Ugly Tuna Saloona, undetected?

If Brian did not go back into the bar then both Clint and Meredith are lying. If so then Meredith somehow passed a polygraph. If they are mistaken then how so? They said he was going to talk to the band and this was at 1:55. They left at 2:09 after searching for him for a few minutes and calling him. If they were mistaken then they just happened to be mistaken at the exact time Brian got done talking outside the bar and walked towards the front door of the Tuna. This is not very likely.

No, they don’t have to be lying, and it would be very easy for them to be mistaken. They said 1:55, but it could have been 1:50 or 1:45. He could have talked to the band before he was seen outside the bar. Or, he could have told them he was going to talk to the band but actually went outside. The human mind can alter timelines / what was said / sequence of events. Even moreso after a few drinks.

Think about one specific thing you did 3 days ago. Now tell me EXACTLY what time you did it. Unless it’s something that had a predetermined time (like a meeeting or appointment), I bet you can’t give it an exact time—if anything, there’s probably at least a +/- 15 minute window around it. That’s the experience Clint and Meredith would have had when giving detectives the timeline 3 days later.

A lot of people make it practically seem like Clint and Meredith were carrying around a notepad and wrote down “1:55am, Brian tells us he is going to talk to the band,” making notes of things that would have seemed inconsequential at the time, and that’s just not real life.
If Brian did not go back into the bar then both Clint and Meredith are lying. If so then Meredith somehow passed a polygraph. If they are mistaken then how so? They said he was going to talk to the band and this was at 1:55. They left at 2:09 after searching for him for a few minutes and calling him. If they were mistaken then they just happened to be mistaken at the exact time Brian got done talking outside the bar and walked towards the front door of the Tuna. This is not very likely.

"Brian would never leave on his own and hurt his family and girlfriend." Really? How many people here know Brian and if you did how would you know? Every day people run off and/or commit suicide and most of the time you hear that there was no indication that they were even depressed. Brian on the other hand had expressed his feelings that he wanted to one day live on an island and live the simple life. He also told Alexis that she should find another guy. No one not even your spouse can get inside your head and see signs. Sometimes it just happens without warning.

It's always baffled me how most of the people I know never carry much cash. I'm just the opposite. I do use CC's but I also carry cash and I don't put small purchases on my card. I just think it's a waste to pay such high interest rates. I think that people who don't carry cash after awhile start to think that it's somehow impossible to live without their plastic cards.

Brian's dad said that Brian never carried cash, but how would he know? He didn't know that Brian was possibly planning on running away. Even if Brian didn't carry much cash it's not hard to leave all that behind if you have a plan. If Brian was planning on leaving of course he wouldn't use his cards. Brian was a pretty intelligent guy. I don't think it would be all that hard for him to figure out how to live on cash only.

One other thing that I will mention. Fake ID's are easy to come by and gift cards are too. I am not sure how easy it would be to get this kind of stuff back in 2006 but it isn't that long ago. If Brian did plan this he could have used this ID for various things he may have needed and a Visa gift card to purchase stuff online. People have been disappearing long before Brian and have done it quite successfully.

Brian was not seen on camera leaving and he just so happened to be the only person, according to Det Hurst, who wasn't accounted for leaving. I'm not going to dismiss this as chance. It very well might be but just seems to coincidental. Looking4Brian mentioned that getting out of the building unseen was tested and they succeeded. I wonder if it was under the same conditions, like on a Friday night at 2 am. The only people who could test out this theory and know it worked would be someone who had access to all the cameras in the building. Maybe they meant the police tested this theory?

I've posted before how I thought it no coincidence that Brian met with all the people that night he was close to, like he wanted to say goodbye. It seemed like Alexis going out of town was not planned. She went home to see her dog that was very sick. If she drove a few hours by herself then I am sure she was pretty upset about her dog. I also wonder why Brian didn't go with her. It's been said that they were together most of the time.

Why would Brian let her go home alone at such a stressful time? If my girlfriend had told me she had to run home to tend to her sick dog she had for years I can't imagine saying OK dear I'm going out bar hopping with my friends, good luck to you. If I remember correctly her dog was not expected to live. No way in the world I would let her go through that by herself.

I think Brian planned to run away and I think that his plan was set so he couldn't go with Alexis. I also think that he may have had help. I think that he had enough, and in his mind couldn't go on with the life he was living. I think he really loved his family especially his mother and I also think he cared a lot for Alexis.

As all of this is just my own opinion I also think that he was a deeply sad person who saw life differently than most. He was very introspective as in he was someone who thought deeply about the meaning of life and was reflective on things most people were not. In some ways he was very introverted and critically judgmental of himself and the path his life was taking.

Very good points, and I completely agree about carrying cash. Even if he didn’t normally carry it, if he was planning on leaving it’s not difficult to change from using credit / debit cards to getting and using cash.

The more I think about it I think Bryan telling Alexis he would just stay and hang out with the guys as it would be his chance to tell them about her, was an excuse not to go with her, a way of making her feel better about him not going with her. Jmo
It's always baffled me how most of the people I know never carry much cash. I'm just the opposite. I do use CC's but I also carry cash and I don't put small purchases on my card. I just think it's a waste to pay such high interest rates. I think that people who don't carry cash after awhile start to think that it's somehow impossible to live without their plastic cards.

Brian's dad said that Brian never carried cash, but how would he know? He didn't know that Brian was possibly planning on running away. Even if Brian didn't carry much cash it's not hard to leave all that behind if you have a plan. If Brian was planning on leaving of course he wouldn't use his cards. Brian was a pretty intelligent guy. I don't think it would be all that hard for him to figure out how to live on cash only.

One other thing that I will mention. Fake ID's are easy to come by and gift cards are too. I am not sure how easy it would be to get this kind of stuff back in 2006 but it isn't that long ago. If Brian did plan this he could have used this ID for various things he may have needed and a Visa gift card to purchase stuff online. People have been disappearing long before Brian and have done it quite successfully.

Paying with cash is easy. The hard part is acquiring more of it to continue to live your life after it runs out, while doing so off the grid. That would either require a job that pays cash under the table, or stealing/forging an identity, or maybe panhandling on the streets. That’s not to say those things are impossible, but they’re really hard to do, especially while remaining unseen. It would also be really hard for him to avoid being recognized with all the publicity his case has gotten. Just like it was really hard for him to leave Ugly Tuna without being seen. Do you see where I am going with this? It would be hard enough for one of these things to happen, but when you string together all of them, you get a theory that just seems incredibly unlikely.
The more I think about it I think Bryan telling Alexis he would just stay and hang out with the guys as it would be his chance to tell them about her, was an excuse not to go with her, a way of making her feel better about him not going with her. Jmo

I think a lot of folks are reading way too much into the conversations with Alexis. I don’t find it unusual at all that she would want to go home and visit with family/see her sick dog without taking her college boyfriend with her. In fact, reflecting back on how relationships usually were in my college days, I think it would be more strange if he did go with her. But everyone is different, and to read anything into that situation is really a stretch IMO.

The only person who would really be able to say if anything in their conversation that night was unusual would be Alexis, and she is on record as saying that Brian sounded completely fine on the phone.
Let’s put it this way, I’m not saying that I 100% believe he is alive, but I feel the possibility of Brian being alive is just as good if not better then him meeting foul play. There were a lot of things that we thought we knew that are 100% false and you will hear all of them soon. On a sad note after speaking to Kevin Miles the former President Of Central Ohio Crime Stoppers a month ago while he was in hospice, we got news that he just passed away. He became very close to Randy Shaffer even giving the eulogy at his funeral.

I can’t wait to hear what else you guys have!

So sad to hear about Mr. Miles. :(
Is it possible that Clint and Meredith are lying about Brian going back into the bar, or that they actually don't know ?

I do not think they are lying, I think their timing may be fuzzy from the alcohol. Not one other person can put him back inside the bar.
Are you aware that the lead detective on the case for 12 years, Sgt. John Hurst, has stated "according to individuals we spoke with he (Brian) did go back into the bar" and that "the basic indication is that somehow Brian got down into the construction area..."? In other words, the detective believes that Brian did re-enter the bar, and then wound up in the construction area.... Not that the detective is necessarily right, but....

Lol. I am very aware, he made that comment to me! There is more then one way down to the construction area without taking the escalator or going back into the bar. If Brian would’ve went to the left of the Ugly Tuna entrance (which is just as possible based on the footage we all have seen) there was a hallway with a service elevator and a stairwell that went down to the construction site. The whole bottom floor was a construction area. These exits were not on camera. Detective Hurst actually said other than Clint and Meredith saying he went back into the bar no one else can confirm this.
No, they don’t have to be lying, and it would be very easy for them to be mistaken. They said 1:55, but it could have been 1:50 or 1:45. He could have talked to the band before he was seen outside the bar. Or, he could have told them he was going to talk to the band but actually went outside. The human mind can alter timelines / what was said / sequence of events. Even moreso after a few drinks.

Think about one specific thing you did 3 days ago. Now tell me EXACTLY what time you did it. Unless it’s something that had a predetermined time (like a meeeting or appointment), I bet you can’t give it an exact time—if anything, there’s probably at least a +/- 15 minute window around it. That’s the experience Clint and Meredith would have had when giving detectives the timeline 3 days later.

A lot of people make it practically seem like Clint and Meredith were carrying around a notepad and wrote down “1:55am, Brian tells us he is going to talk to the band,” making notes of things that would have seemed inconsequential at the time, and that’s just not real life.

Brian is seen outside talking to the two girls at 1:55. This is on video with a time stamp. So all other points you make are moot.
2 witnesses, neither known to have any reason to lie, say he went back into the bar. 0 witnesses say he did not go back into the bar. Right?

So according to records Clint and Meredith say after Brian spoke to the girls he came back in and said he was going to speak to the band. LE ask the band, the staff, and many many other people if they can recall seeing Brian back in the bar after 1:55am and no one else can put him back in the bar.
Good points,

If this was an accidental death and it still could have been, it is very strange that Brian on that night met with all the people in his life that night who wear important to him. Said to Alexis weeks earlier after his Mother's death, "Maybe you should find someone else." Has the pains and stress of medical school. All of this could lead to him killing himself far away, or starting a new life far away. Brian Shaffer whether intending to live or intending to die, wanted OUT of the life that had pressured him for a very long time.

His dreams of living on an island, the final "I love you" phone call to Alexis. I think Brian was looking to distance himself from his friends that night, not get closer to him. In hindsight, he had to drop out of life, because he couldn't take it anymore.

Now the million dollar question:

Can we find out from "Comeback" and LE the methods that they tested to leave The Ugly Tuna Saloona, undetected?


I am not sure the methods that were taken by LE but I will definitely see if Sergeant Hurst will clear this up for us. My co-host Nick has been to the bar numerous times and got a private tour of the whole building and where each camera is located and what it records. I’m not sure if you heard the podcast and heard Sergeant Hurst say that one of the cameras operators had accidentally turned off the automatic pan button. When the door opens the camera is supposed to automatically start recording the door. Since the automatic pan was turned off that camera was not working. So that is 2 exits Brian could have used without cameras to get out of the building (counting the hallway with service elevator and stairway.)
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