OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #4

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yeah, out of the thousands of missing person about 60-70 of them are on VICAP as I understand. Didn't put any weight on Brian being on that list because I saw that alert the second or third day I found out about his case. And I didn't know the true facts about VICAP until my post above

So one could argue that there is some kind of reason for him to be on there.

Or it could simply be that since the FBI was involved in his search back then and they didn't find him that they put him on there just as a "receipt" of their involvement.
yeah, out of the thousands of missing person about 60-70 of them are on VICAP as I understand. Didn't put any weight on Brian being on that list because I saw that alert the second or third day I found out about his case. And I didn't know the true facts about VICAP until my post above

So one could argue that there is some kind of reason for him to be on there.

Or it could simply be that since the FBI was involved in his search back then and they didn't find him that they put him on there just as a "receipt" of their involvement.

Could be that the mysterious way he disappeared was enough to consider him a victim of criminal activity.

Another missing persons case I follow is Brandon Swanson, he is also on FBI VICAP. He had ran his car into a ditch, gotten out and started walking, and was talking to his father on the phone. His parents were trying to find him, but he really had no idea where he was. Lost as a goose. While on the phone with his dad, he suddenly said, ‘oh *advertiser censored*’, and that’s the last they ever heard from him. There have been extensive searches and still not found.
MN - MN - Brandon Swanson, 19, Marshall, 14 May 2008

Do we have any retired FBI here that might know the criteria for placing someone in VICAP ? Or, FBI contacts? Would be good to know.
So Brian being on the FBI's VICAP, (Violent Criminal Apprehension program).

Apparently the criteria to be on that list is:
So his listing there was at least revised 09/07/2018, not sure when he originally made it on the list in the first place.

BRIAN RANDALL SHAFFER - COLUMBUS, OHIO | Federal Bureau of Investigation

Any thoughts?

I wonder how strongly foul play has to be suspected for a long term missing person case to be included though (or if foul play just has to be still on the table). It might just be that in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, foul play is a distinct possibility in Brian's case, and that's enough to warrant inclusion in this database. Since a purpose of this system is to identify patterns, and links between crimes... I can see how it's beneficial for Brian's case to be included. Any other disappearances, that bear the same hallmarks, might prove to be important.
yeah, out of the thousands of missing person about 60-70 of them are on VICAP as I understand. Didn't put any weight on Brian being on that list because I saw that alert the second or third day I found out about his case. And I didn't know the true facts about VICAP until my post above

So one could argue that there is some kind of reason for him to be on there.

Or it could simply be that since the FBI was involved in his search back then and they didn't find him that they put him on there just as a "receipt" of their involvement.

Could be that the mysterious way he disappeared was enough to consider him a victim of criminal activity.

Another missing persons case I follow is Brandon Swanson, he is also on FBI VICAP. He had ran his car into a ditch, gotten out and started walking, and was talking to his father on the phone. His parents were trying to find him, but he really had no idea where he was. Lost as a goose. While on the phone with his dad, he suddenly said, ‘oh ****’, and that’s the last they ever heard from him. There have been extensive searches and still not found.
MN - MN - Brandon Swanson, 19, Marshall, 14 May 2008

Do we have any retired FBI here that might know the criteria for placing someone in VICAP ? Or, FBI contacts? Would be good to know.

Sorry, when I just replied above... I was missing these two posts on my screen for some reason. It sounds like the inclusion of missing persons cases in VICAP is a little more stringent than I thought. I agree with @neesaki that the mysterious way he disappeared would put foul play high enough on the list of possibilities. We know it's not because of anything super obvious, such as the discovery of blood, or clothing, etc...

Edit: The update in 2018 may have been to change the name of the contact person in the Columbus Police Department to Detective Andre Edwards.
Could be that the mysterious way he disappeared was enough to consider him a victim of criminal activity.

Another missing persons case I follow is Brandon Swanson, he is also on FBI VICAP. He had ran his car into a ditch, gotten out and started walking, and was talking to his father on the phone. His parents were trying to find him, but he really had no idea where he was. Lost as a goose. While on the phone with his dad, he suddenly said, ‘oh ****’, and that’s the last they ever heard from him. There have been extensive searches and still not found.
MN - MN - Brandon Swanson, 19, Marshall, 14 May 2008

Do we have any retired FBI here that might know the criteria for placing someone in VICAP ? Or, FBI contacts? Would be good to know.

Yes u 100% right, I heard he was there too, and I immediately thought of Brian. I'm all in on Brian Shaffer but Brandon Swanson is a crazy case. Like u wrote, oh *advertiser censored*! and the guy's gone. Donno how much more I can discuss about it here though.
Somewhat offtopic: Deorr Kunz Jr doesnt't seem to be on VICAP though....I think the FBI was involved in his search too.
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Yes u 100% right, I heard he was there too, and I immediately thought of Brian. I'm all in on Brian Shaffer but Brandon Swanson is a crazy case. Like u wrote, oh ****! and the guy's gone. Donno how much more I can discuss about it here though.
Somewhat offtopic: Deorr Kunz Jr doesnt't seem to be on VICAP though....I think the FBI was involved in his search too.

Interesting point, could the reason be, that the FBI is certain Deorr wasn’t a victim of abduction? I think in his case that LE in general consider the parents to be the prime suspects but they have no absolute proof, and haven’t found his body. It’s a crying shame what they’ve been able to get with. MOO
Interesting point, could the reason be, that the FBI is certain Deorr wasn’t a victim of abduction? I think in his case that LE in general consider the parents to be the prime suspects but they have no absolute proof, and haven’t found his body. It’s a crying shame what they’ve been able to get with. MOO

To the old Sheriff Bowerman they were suspects, the new sheriff, his deputy is not willing to go that far though so the latest configuration is "uncleared persons of interest". (Lol , I can contribute with some more definitions)
From what I understand only a sign in sheet or library card was needed at the time to use the library computers.
And some of the libraries I've been in don't ask for any ID for their "sign in sheet," it seems to be more used to keep a count of how many people are using the library computer services.
Just thinking.... Brian disappeared April 1, and his dad had said he had been cramming for some upcoming tests, which sounds like it may have been his semester final exams (just guessing), so possibly scheduled for May. Idk, maybe some were earlier than that.

Also since he started med school in 2004 he would have been only two years in, about half way, with graduation in two more years, so 2008. Does that sound right to everyone or am I off ?

I guess my point is he still had two years to go, so if being a doctor wasn't what he really wanted , why would he put himself through another two years.

Most medical schools have finals at the end of the course not the end of the semester. Typically MS2 winds down in May students have a few weeks to study for and take Step 1 and then start MS3 clinical at the hospital on July 1. At our medical school if you didn’t pass Step 1 then you took a leave of absence from MS until you retook and passed and I think many schools had similar policies.

As for deciding you don’t actually want to be a physician you can absolutely quit (or take a LOA while you decide if you’re sure) after two years. I think some people feel external pressure or feel paralyzed by the debt they have already accrued and that causes them to proceed. I’m not sure completely because although medicine is definitely challenging I really love being a physician.
I talked with a friend of mine that is an FBI agent, he said that missing people do go in VICAP, but not all missing people. He said the agency (usually local) has to enter the person/crime into VICAP. He said that they especially encourage VICAP when the authorities feel it is a "serial" crime. He said they started entering some missing people into the database but he says that relatively speaking, not many agencies utilize the system. He sent me lots of links to read about VICAP but this one is very informative. Why Can't the FBI Identify Serial Rapists?
Most medical schools have finals at the end of the course not the end of the semester. Typically MS2 winds down in May students have a few weeks to study for and take Step 1 and then start MS3 clinical at the hospital on July 1. At our medical school if you didn’t pass Step 1 then you took a leave of absence from MS until you retook and passed and I think many schools had similar policies.

As for deciding you don’t actually want to be a physician you can absolutely quit (or take a LOA while you decide if you’re sure) after two years. I think some people feel external pressure or feel paralyzed by the debt they have already accrued and that causes them to proceed. I’m not sure completely because although medicine is definitely challenging I really love being a physician.

Curiosum, thank you! I've noticed that Brian went on medical trips to some remote, less fortunate, areas to provide medical care and these were sponsored by OSU. Of all of my family and friends that are physicians, I have never heard of such lengthy trips, especially during medical school. I do know many established physicians that have done a quick trip, for 7-10 days to Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Haiti or places like that but not for weeks at a time, I have even gone with them and I loved it!

On another note! Do you think it was the USMLE Step 1 that Brian was prepping for? I know it is offered year-round, or at least it used to be. I don't think this plays any part in Brian's disappearance and it is truly irrelevant "what" test he was stressed about, I am just curious. This case is definitely one that is FULL of rabbit holes to get bogged down in! Thank you so much!
And some of the libraries I've been in don't ask for any ID for their "sign in sheet," it seems to be more used to keep a count of how many people are using the library computer services.

I can name at least one library in my area that does not require an ID and I remember going back to 2006 and being asked for my ID. It all depends on the place. I think who ever posted this went to this place because they knew they could use it anonymously.
I can name at least one library in my area that does not require an ID and I remember going back to 2006 and being asked for my ID. It all depends on the place. I think who ever posted this went to this place because they knew they could use it anonymously.

See that's the problem, and the reason why it's so reckless to just let people at public computers without identifying themselves. The moment that is allowed to happen... a computer will be used for something that it shouldn't have been. If the legacy post really was a hoax written by someone who thought they were being funny... the police time that person wasted, in both Columbus and the US Virgin Islands, would have cost $$$$$
See that's the problem, and the reason why it's so reckless to just let people at public computers without identifying themselves. The moment that is allowed to happen... a computer will be used for something that it shouldn't have been. If the legacy post really was a hoax written by someone who thought they were being funny... the police time that person wasted, in both Columbus and the US Virgin Islands, would have cost $$$$$

Back then yeah but today you can stay anonymous and don't need a place like that. Who ever posted that back then took a big chance. Just because you can go into a library without signing in doesn't mean you are not on a surveillance camera at this place or another business.
If they really don't have this person on camera then that person IMO knew not only about signing in but if they would be on camera. Who would have knowledge like this? Personally I would have looked into an employee that worked there. Maybe that was already done.
Hi ya’ll, new to the forum and just wanted to throw somethings out there. From what I’ve heard and read, Brian was really into music. In the ‘80’s and 90’s my husband was in a rock band that played in a lot of bars. It was amazing to me at closing time how many people, mostly strangers, wanted to keep “the party going.” It would infuriate me at times when at 3:30-4:00 in the morning, my husband would show up with a bunch of drunks/druggies to party on! Supposedly Brian wanted to talk to the band. Maybe somehow he talked to them, went out of the building undetected, went to someone’s home and then OD’d. Then the people would then have to dispose of his body.
Another thought, at closing time of bars the staff really push to get people the hell out so they can clean up the place, count the money, etc. Maybe Brian wasn’t ready to go if he was intoxicated and got into an altercation with a bouncer or staff member. In Galena, Kansas one night, at a bar my husband was playing with his band, I saw a 6’5 inch bouncer pick up a guy, throw him across the room, smash his face and head into a cigarette machine, beat him within an inch of his life just because the patron didn’t want to leave. He almost killed this man. I can’t help but wonder if something like that didn’t happen and Brian had to be smuggled out of the building later.
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I have no idea if Brian is alive or not but if I was forced to give an answer I'd probably say that Brian was killed not long after he left the building and his body is hidden somewhere where he is never going to be found unless someone speaks up.

I've said before that I think Brian was ditching Clint and Meredith and it was probably because Clint invited her with out telling Brian and Brian didn't like her. I think that it's likely he went down N. Pearl St. to avoid being seen by Clint and Meredith. Pearl is more of an alley than an actual street and walking that way if he was going to his house, there would not have been many homes on that street.

If Brian went that way he could have walked to E 7th Ave and taken a right crossing over N High and on to King Ave where he lived. I don't think he made it very far at all. I think it was one of those wrong place wrong time Scenarios.

What bothers me is the sighting of Brian about 3 days later by a homeless guy. This guy said he saw a guy that resembled Brian eating a sandwich while walking outside the store. He said, hey people are looking for you and the man didn't give much of a response and walked into the alley behind the United Dairy store located on High Street and 12th Avenue. That alley that he was referring to is N. Pearl St. Now that in itself sounded a little weird to me because I thought he may have gone home that way, but the United Dairy is the opposite way.

What I do find at least a bit curious is that Brian was friends with a guy who used to live across the street from the United Dairy. I'm half tempted to call him and find out how well he knew Brian but I'm pretty sure the police are already aware of this info. This whole thing is just filled with rabbit holes but I really think the real story is not as mysterious as it looks.
I have no idea if Brian is alive or not but if I was forced to give an answer I'd probably say that Brian was killed not long after he left the building and his body is hidden somewhere where he is never going to be found unless someone speaks up.

I've said before that I think Brian was ditching Clint and Meredith and it was probably because Clint invited her with out telling Brian and Brian didn't like her. I think that it's likely he went down N. Pearl St. to avoid being seen by Clint and Meredith. Pearl is more of an alley than an actual street and walking that way if he was going to his house, there would not have been many homes on that street.

If Brian went that way he could have walked to E 7th Ave and taken a right crossing over N High and on to King Ave where he lived. I don't think he made it very far at all. I think it was one of those wrong place wrong time Scenarios.

What bothers me is the sighting of Brian about 3 days later by a homeless guy. This guy said he saw a guy that resembled Brian eating a sandwich while walking outside the store. He said, hey people are looking for you and the man didn't give much of a response and walked into the alley behind the United Dairy store located on High Street and 12th Avenue. That alley that he was referring to is N. Pearl St. Now that in itself sounded a little weird to me because I thought he may have gone home that way, but the United Dairy is the opposite way.

What I do find at least a bit curious is that Brian was friends with a guy who used to live across the street from the United Dairy. I'm half tempted to call him and find out how well he knew Brian but I'm pretty sure the police are already aware of this info. This whole thing is just filled with rabbit holes but I really think the real story is not as mysterious as it looks.

That is a bit curious. I wonder what the LE, and the PI for that matter, would have to say about that that information.
I have no idea if Brian is alive or not but if I was forced to give an answer I'd probably say that Brian was killed not long after he left the building and his body is hidden somewhere where he is never going to be found unless someone speaks up.

I've said before that I think Brian was ditching Clint and Meredith and it was probably because Clint invited her with out telling Brian and Brian didn't like her. I think that it's likely he went down N. Pearl St. to avoid being seen by Clint and Meredith. Pearl is more of an alley than an actual street and walking that way if he was going to his house, there would not have been many homes on that street.

If Brian went that way he could have walked to E 7th Ave and taken a right crossing over N High and on to King Ave where he lived. I don't think he made it very far at all. I think it was one of those wrong place wrong time Scenarios.

What bothers me is the sighting of Brian about 3 days later by a homeless guy. This guy said he saw a guy that resembled Brian eating a sandwich while walking outside the store. He said, hey people are looking for you and the man didn't give much of a response and walked into the alley behind the United Dairy store located on High Street and 12th Avenue. That alley that he was referring to is N. Pearl St. Now that in itself sounded a little weird to me because I thought he may have gone home that way, but the United Dairy is the opposite way.

What I do find at least a bit curious is that Brian was friends with a guy who used to live across the street from the United Dairy. I'm half tempted to call him and find out how well he knew Brian but I'm pretty sure the police are already aware of this info. This whole thing is just filled with rabbit holes but I really think the real story is not as mysterious as it looks.

Does that route includes going from the part of the building that one exited from the construction area and also was camera free? Then its plausible for sure.

He went to greath lenght to say the least to vanish from his friends and I don't think he wanted to risk being seen passing the outside street entrance of the UTS. He didn't in hindsight know like the rest of us that Clint and Meredith basically just stayed outside for a brief moment before heading to the garage.
Does that route includes going from the part of the building that one exited from the construction area and also was camera free? Then its plausible for sure.

He went to greath lenght to say the least to vanish from his friends and I don't think he wanted to risk being seen passing the outside street entrance of the UTS. He didn't in hindsight know like the rest of us that Clint and Meredith basically just stayed outside for a brief moment before heading to the garage.

I think he was more concerned about them seeing him while driving down N High so he may have gone the way of N. Pearl.
At the top of the map is the United Dairy store circled in blue. I made a line to show where N. Pearl is. At the bottom I circled the entrance to the Tuna. At the bottom I made a small dot. Right across from that you can't see but that continues N Pearl. JMO but I think Brian came out one of the construction entrances and crossed over to N Pearl. As you can see the Ugly Tuna has reopened.


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