Deceased/Not Found OH - Carrie Culberson, 22, Blanchester, 28 Aug 1996 - #1 *V. Doan guilty*

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The picture of Carrie that everyone saw where she had two black eyes was not from Vincent, it was from her cousin, Shannon Culberson, who also dated Vincent. If he beat Carrie so much why didnt he get in trouble for it? Because it didnt happen. Several other women that Vince date said he never touched them. I guess you all dont know Carrie was known to hit people also and there is proof of that. She wasnt the angel her mom is making her out to be. We all want closure and if Jarrod Messer would tell everyone what he did to her we would have it.
one loving cousin said:
... If he beat Carrie so much why didnt he get in trouble for it? ..
Believe what you want. I'm not buying it. I have seen interviews with her mother, her friends and the people with whom she worked. They ALL said that Vince abused Carrie. This last time, when Vince threw a space heater at Carrie, causing her to get numerous stitches/staples in her head, is the first time that she went to police and pressed charges. Vince was scheduled to go to court on this matter. Conveniently, Carrie disappeared before the trial date. The only matter that is unresolved is finding Carrie's body. The killer is already behind bars.
You are right the killer is behind bars, in warren county. Vincent Doan did not kill Carrie culberson. Jarrod Messer also has property on Bauer rd that the police should be looking at. Ever since they started digging on Fayetteville blan rd alot of activity has been taking place on Bauer rd. Carries body is going to be moved because they are looking in the wrong place, all because no one wants to admit that they were wrong about Vincent. If this was all about finding Carrie they would be looking on Bauer rd also. It really sucks when you have to admit that your wrong but get over it and start looking where you were told to look, if you want to find the truth that is.
one loving cousin said:
The picture of Carrie that everyone saw where she had two black eyes was not from Vincent, it was from her cousin, Shannon Culberson, who also dated Vincent. If he beat Carrie so much why didnt he get in trouble for it? Because it didnt happen. Several other women that Vince date said he never touched them. I guess you all dont know Carrie was known to hit people also and there is proof of that. She wasnt the angel her mom is making her out to be. We all want closure and if Jarrod Messer would tell everyone what he did to her we would have it.
Now this is one blindly optimistic person. There are so many elements involved that pave the way for a situation like this. Were all those witnesses lying just because they hate this guy? And if that's true, why did they hate him and weren't they afraid of vengence from the rest of the clan? Or were they so sick of seeing what was really going on that they just didn't care anymore and wanted to see this guy get his? Can this person really say in good faith that they believe that this guy never hurt her in anyway? Can the others says that Carrie was in fact an angel who was a shining example to young women everywhere of how to be all you can be? I guess I'm from the "old school" where you are taught as a man that all you have the right to do is walk away. You don't have the right to impose your will on other people, including your mate. But what attracts a women to a man like this? There are so many things to consider that it boggles the mind. One thing that amazes me constantly, is the amount of time this God-forsaken system of ours spends on people that are really no threat to anyone anywhere and then lack the resources to prevent a situation like this from ever happening in the first place. And then of course there are those in law enforcement that should be mooping the floors at a fast food joint. They couldn't find their rear ends in a well light bathroom with a full length mirror and a spotlight. And we keep voting for the people who create systems like this. God help us all.
solosamtheman said:
... Were all those witnesses lying just because they hate this guy? ...
Yeah, to hear him and his relatives tell it, it is one major conspiracy against Vince. :rolleyes: No rational thinking individual would ever buy that story. And, to say that the authorities are purposely not searching in the right area--just to keep Vince Doan behind bars. Ridiculous....
Well, we figured it would take less than time than it has before Vince's 3 supporters found this message board too to say - INNOCENT or some other patheic statement like that. I'll tell you all why it's pathetic and the website for Vincent Doan is a joke. Please read below if you have time.

Vincent Doan has refused all requests to answer questions about Carrie Culberson. When you refuse ALL requests that says to most educated human beings that you've got something to hide. This was happening from the very moment Carrie Culberson disappeared.

This theory about Carrie's face and those marks not being made by Vince Doan is ludacrist too. She has hospital papers to prove that she didnt put on makeup and pose for a camera. A man who's name I will not post on a public message board gave a police statment that he saw Vincent Doan hitting and kicking Carrie in April of 1996 when the Jeep ran out of gas. This was not an elvis sighting. It really happened.

Carrie Culberson did not go over to Jarrod Messer's house and die of a drug overdose. Even if she had done that, it would be pretty lame to not call the police and ambulance - but instead go outside and start digging with a back hoe.
If Vincent Doan didnt know a thing about Carrie's disappearance, why did he tell three people on August 29, 1996 "Why does she have to sneak in through the bushes when she comes home". How could he know that unless he was sitting out there next to the house waiting ? Keep in mind, Debbie Culberson had a case against him for hiding on her property from a previous time when he was waiting for Carrie one night. They forgot to tell you all that, didnt they? Police report will reflect that BTW

Debbie Culberson, Carrie Culberson & Christina Culberson may be a whoremongers in the eyes of Vincent Doan's family but let's try this on for size. Vincent Doan moved another girl into his residence less than two weeks after Carrie went missing. He was having an affair with his Brother's wife, and Vince's father has a total of 62 children outside of his marriage to Betty Baker whom he's been married to for 37 years . Vincent Doan told the POLICE this when they took him into custody. Vince was one of those children Lawrence Baker had. Vince's mother Priscilla Doan WORKS for Lawrence Baker & his wife. Betty Baker allows this to happen. Not only THAT... Lawrence Baker (Vince's father) has a child with Priscilla Doan's daugther Katrina. Now if Debbie Culberson is a *advertiser censored* and all these things they've called her, you must wonder what the Baker family is. Process that for a minute.

These comments about a conspiracy between Debbie Culberson & channel 12 news is so funny. Debbie Culberson has NEVER paraded around the cameras. They are going up to her.

By finding these garbage bags and materials that Lori Baker testified to and they are linked to Carrie, that means that her testimony is shown now beyond a shadow of a doubt to be truthful. You people have used the good ole boy tactics for a long time and it's worked for you, however you've stepped on somebody's toes and they've let the cat out of the bag. I doubt seriously sweetie pie will be coming home. 1. because he wouldnt tell anybody anything, we had to find it on our own, so the plea bargin is void.
2. when the find her body, and we will, that will prove that Carrie Culberson didnt strip off buck naked and leave town with some hippies. Your theory will be out the door.

So what you need to do is concentrate on getting your facts straight on that website you've got because you are about two steps away from a slander suit. Even if Vincent Doan was innocent, you all are making him look like a total idiot and you are presenting yourselves as a group of inbred wifebeating liars. The media, and everybody on the internet is seeing that more and more each day. Sticks & stones may break our bones, but your comments to us are like a poot in a whirlwinds.

I'm sorry for this being so long, but I feel like ppl need to know. I dont care if they like it or not. The truth hurts.
findcarrie said: are presenting yourselves as a group of inbred wifebeating liars. ....
This is exactly how I saw this clan from the beginning. Thank God Lori Baker had the courage to step forward and stand up for Carrie Culbertson. I hope that Lori is doing okay today. Have they released the findings on what they found at the digging site?
There is no information released yet on the soil samples or the Luminol tests. They are showing that garbage bags, duct tape and a shirt belonging to Carrie was found in the excavation hole. Those soil samples will take about another week to be completed.
findcarrie said:
There is no information released yet on the soil samples or the Luminol tests. They are showing that garbage bags, duct tape and a shirt belonging to Carrie was found in the excavation hole. Those soil samples will take about another week to be completed.
Do they think that Carrie's body is somewhere on that land? Have they talked to the owner? Will he cooperate?
I am hoping that they can find Carrie and lay her to rest.

She deserves to be found and mourned. Sure she wasn't perfect (no one is!) but she sure didn't deserve what happened.

Her bright smile reminds me of Laci. One of those people whose whole faces lights up.

What a waste of a life and those that covered this up.



PS Thanks for posting this and creating the website, FindCarrie!
You all, something that is VERY important to remember is that I usually keep my negative comments quiet but I think it needs to be made known all the harassment a few of us who work on this case have had to deal with. Every day I open up my inbox where somebody's posted to Carrie's guestbook calling her a *advertiser censored*, among other choice words. They say all kinds of stuff about me, Carrie and her family. There is about three people who think Vince is innocent and they create 40 or 50 emails accounts and even sign on and off with various disks from AOL to disguise themselves not to mention their ISP #s. This type of stuff is very ridulous not to mention the potty mouth comments that are inside Vince's guestbook. SURE we get people writing in calling Vince a loser. I dont post that. People can see for themeselves what the score is. I just had to let a few of you know what is going on and stand up for Carrie & her family.
They say proven guilty by theory but proven innocent by facts. Show me some solid facts on that website and I'll make a public apology. Every word on that site has been twisted and turned to the point it is commical.

The papers are reporting that Messer is not cooperating with authorties but I find it very odd that he's been moved from almost 2 hours away to Warren county which is about 20 mins tops. Looks like somebody better start coming up with some more ideas for how that stuff got in that hole. Wait a minute... I got it... aliens could've landed and drugged everybody at that party.
findcarrie said:
... They say all kinds of stuff about me, Carrie and her family. There is about three people who think Vince is innocent....
Findcarrie - You don't need to defend your, Carrie's or her family's position. Those few people are seen for what they are. The poster that has come here defending Vince sounds totally ridiculous. People see through that nonsense.

I suspect those three people don't really think Vince is innocent. They just don't care what he did. They just want him out. Sorry, it won't ever happen. So, what else do they have but to spout out ridiculous conspiracy theories.

I had read about Vince's father and his extracurricular activities/children, etc. I also read about the fear and abuse that goes on in that clan. That's why I admire Lori so much for stepping forward. Tsk, tsk....this clan never dreamed one of the women would break rank.

Plus, this group of lowlife men treat all women like dirt and think very lowly of them. They can only get a certain type. Carrie didn't fit the mold, and Vince couldn't beat her into submission. That's why he killed her.

In any case, try not to let these people bother you. As my mother always said, "Consider the source."

And, take comfort in the fact, that they didn't get away with it.
I guess I just wanted to let all those who ever doubted anything to know that all the facts and the stuf to back it up is on Carrie's site. I know that I probably put too much on that site, but I have strived from day one to make sure that if somebody came looking for information that they'd have it there and it wouldnt be some kind of theory with nothing to hold it up.

I do hope that we get the answers soon. I know that they are probably laughing at us today because those DNA test came back negative. I still have to wonder why anybody would dig that far down to bury those types of materials. Perhaps whoever called that in knew that they'd look there first and then it would lead to Carrie. I am not giving up on this yet.
yes, most of the witnesses against Vincent were lying. Billy Jo Brown had several warrants against her and several charges that seemed to have disappear during that trial, Lori Baker has told many people that she was given pain pills and sleeping pills. Most of them were told what to say and we know that for a fact because most of them have now recanted their stories. You people only hear and believe what poor Debbie Culberson wants you to believe. Think about it, they found a shirt that belongs to Carrie on one property, more than they ever found on anything that belonged to the Bakers why arent they looking on the BAUER RD property? I would be if I was really concerned about finding my daughter, but Debbie Culberson has different motives.
Billie Joe Brown had been a drunk in the past and wrote a bad check one time. Lori Baker wasnt drugged at any time. She did admit about ordering information pertaining to the Wiccan faith at one time. However Lawerence Baker was arrested last April of 2003 for distribution of Oxcontin. That is a high powered pain killer (also known as a the hill billy herion and no I am not being a smart ellic. Look it up and see what it is referred to. So, looks to me like your group of folks are the ones with drug charges on them. Matter of fact, I'm wondering if Messer wasnt involved in that sting that went down last April with Lawrence Baker and of course Lawerence slipped through the cracks one more time and Messer did not. Perhaps Messer has told on dada???

You'll see that two of your so-called wonderful Bakers are behind bars looks like the jury found them guilty.
If you want lies, let's look at the witnesses they called to stand for the defense who were all aquaintances of the Baker family or somebody who was driving right up beside a vehicle and KNEW it was Carrie but DIDNT write down the damn tag #. That's a little fishy to me? But then again so is this whole story. Makes our so called hearsay witnesses not look so idiotic after all? Points to ponder. That means think about it . BTW
Oh and while I'm at it. Talking about outstanding warrants. Did you happen to tell the viewers on Vince's site that he had a charge against him for assault and battery AND a driving on suspended license AND a previous attempted murder charge that was later dropped b/c the guy was scared to death of what would happen if he didnt plea bargin and tell them that Vince didnt mean to shoot him in the face???? Yall forgot to tell them that part didnt you?
Actually Jill, you should check your facts again. Last April Lawrence Baker was set up by Al Lakes who later went to court and told the investigators he didnt know anything about what they were talking about just to make the cops all look like idiots. The charges were dropped. Vincent wasnt charged with attempted murder, as a matter of fact he got into a fight with one of his friends, and during the struggle a gun went off.No one was charged with attempted murder because it was an accident.
Lori Baker has told me and several other people that she lied on the witness stand, Vincent was not at her house that night and was not covered in blood. I guess you should keep tabs on your so called star witnesses and keep them out of the bars. You know the truth comes out when you have been drinking. Some people let all of their secrets out. As for Billy Jo Brown she is a drunk and always will be. She had to be told who to pick out in the line up, she didnt even know what Vincent looked like until he was pointed out to her. So much for your reliable witnesses. Like I said before the truth will come out and you all are going to be standing around still trying to tie this all to Vincent and Tracey, but they will be home soon.
one loving cousin said:
.... Like I said before the truth will come out and you all are going to be standing around still trying to tie this all to Vincent and Tracey, but they will be home soon. ...]
I thought the District Court of Appeals upheld their convictions, stating the evidence supported the convictions. Or do you also think the District Court of Appeals' judges are part of this vast conspiracy?? :rolleyes:
You know... I am not commenting any more on anything of these stupid comments. I will say this though. You all might want to rethink your strategies for making up these boggus stories about me and the Culberson family. You might see yourself in court again with a law suit. I dont have to be afraid of what I speak because I have FACTS AND COURT PAPERS to show it's true. It's alright for you all to say something derragatory about Carrie and her family but when one of us shoots some FACTS back at you about what you really are about, it sets you on fire. I think it's absolutely hilarious.

This is all a pathetic attempt to make the one or two people who actually are ignorant enough to think that he's innocent, that all this stuff they've found actually makes what Lori Baker spoke on the stand, drunk, high on drugs, and a witch, WAS PROBABLY MORE TRUTHFUL THAN WHAT YOU CAN REFUTE NOW. I seriously doubt that somebody is gonna go out in the back yard and start digging a hole like that to bury some garbage bag, duct tape, and a shirt. Everybody knows the score here.

Folks dont even respond to any more posts from this DA. (not District Attorney) BTW :hand:
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