OH OH - Chillicothe/Middletown Missing/Murdered, Possible Serial Killer

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
So McCrary says he didn't tell on "Dolla Bill" when it happened because he was trying to protect everyone. But now that he's safe in prison, he doesn't mind telling everything. Not worried about protecting anyone else anymore, apparently.

Apparently not. If I was even remotely related to McCrary, I'd be packing my bags and getting the heck out of dodge. I'm sure "Dolla Bill" has an extensive network at his disposal.
When watching the last episode, the detective mentioned that Wanda Lemons was on public assistance, and there has been no attempted access made to her account since she's disappeared. I wonder if it's someone that may be in the social service circle that has harmed these girls. I'm assuming that most of the girls were receiving some type of state help and that they would feel comfortable around their case workers, or other workers within the department, even after office hours. Even if it did strike them as odd, there may have been a threat of loss of benefits or something. I feel crummy for typing that because I know most social workers really work their tails off to help others, but stranger things have happened. Burnout and the stressful nature of the business could possibly cause someone to start resenting these girls. Of course, this is just wild speculation on my part.
When watching the last episode, the detective mentioned that Wanda Lemons was on public assistance, and there has been no attempted access made to her account since she's disappeared. I wonder if it's someone that may be in the social service circle that has harmed these girls. I'm assuming that most of the girls were receiving some type of state help and that they would feel comfortable around their case workers, or other workers within the department, even after office hours. Even if it did strike them as odd, there may have been a threat of loss of benefits or something. I feel crummy for typing that because I know most social workers really work their tails off to help others, but stranger things have happened. Burnout and the stressful nature of the business could possibly cause someone to start resenting these girls. Of course, this is just wild speculation on my part.

It's a good theory. My suspicion has been someone in LE or closely associated with LE.
The more information I gather on this case, the more I tend to believe that Moore and McCrary are the perpetrators. I believe that Moore (a clearly sadistic individual) was involved with all 6, and that McCrary committed the 6th one with Moore present. I strongly believe there is DNA evidence to support this.

The Vanishing Women documentary mentions that DNA evidence evidence of a second male was found at the Timberly Claytor murder site, and if McCrary's statement that places Moore at the murder scene are true, I believe that the DNA that was recovered is Moore's. Plus, it has been said before that Moore knew the other 5 women.

My theory is that the other 5 women were either given overdoses, or drugged and asphyxiated/drowned intentionally to make cause of death difficult to determine. I believe that the first 5 bodies were dumped in bodies of running water to destroy DNA, and that Charlotte and Wanda's bodies floated to areas where they have not been recovered. My guess is that McCrary's murder of Timberly Claytor was "sloppy" and thus ended the murder series.

I think police know Moore is their main guy, but don't have enough to convict, and this is why they are offering cash reward and waiting for associates of Moore to come forward with info.

My main question at this point, are the Columbus and Portsmouth disappearances related?
Hi all, I followed this for a while last year and I'm just now catching up on the docu-series The Vanishing Women. I've done a simple google search and I feel like there hasn't been a lot of missing women for quite some time. What are your theories? I know there was the Neal Falls guy who is now dead and there's Moore and McCrary that are in the midst of trials and all that. So could it be that they were the culprits? Or was it not a case of a serial killer and maybe just a series of unfortunate events? I don't know what I believe ultimately, but I know I haven't seen much else in the news about other missing women from that area, but again, I've only done a light search. I was just curious of your input.
No connection yet to Ashland, local missing women cases

Chief Deputy T.J. Hollis, of the Ross County Sheriff's Office, heads the local Missing Women Task Force and said no link between the two cases has been found as of yet, but he's working with state Bureau of Criminal Investigation agents to find any connections.

"There's no connection that we're aware of," said Hollis. "We have several BCI agents on the (Missing Women) Task Force and they have access to the profiles of our missing women, so if there's a connection we will know quickly."
Not sure if this is an idea already suggested...but any chance these women could have met the same person through NA/AA or even treatment? Seems Portsmouth missing may have had a link such as that? Just an idea that may already be looked at...then again they are anonymous programs so only first names are used.
I'm not sure if this thread is still active but wanted to add something. I noticed some of the women mentioned in the first 2 pages of this thread were known to hang around the same area. It looks like the same thing with Columbus. I am only on page 2 of reading this forum but wanted to go ahead and make this post.

Lindsey Maccabee (found earlier in Oct nude with trauma to body)

Danielle L Greene (remains identified in the last 2 weeks)

Jamie Bowen (body not found)

Drugs and prostitution continues to be a common thread along with being found near creek/water. The families believe they might be connected.

"Maccabee, 30, was known to hang out on Parsons Avenue and her brother thinks she sometimes sold her body for cash and drugs."

Jamie (I noticed she was included in the first post of this forum)
"The young mother was last seen in April 2014 walking from her sister's to her parents house. The young mother went missing from south Columbus. The disappearance is in the same area where the families of Danielle Greene and Lindsay Maccabee say they were seen."



So...I've been on a true crime binge this weekend, and today started watching "The Vanishing Women" because Chillicothe is where most of my family lives and where I spent a lot of time as a kid. Imagine my surprise when one of my 2nd or 3rd cousins, Jason McCrary, is mentioned as a potential suspect. It's been so long since I've seen him I had to send my mom a picture of him to confirm, but that is him. Honestly, he was always troubled, even as a kid. I was always afraid of him. Sadly, I'm more shocked by the way I found out, than by him being a murderer.
any possibilities that this person is linked to any others in Ohio?


Here's the news coverage stating that other missing women were all found in similar grave sites.


This is all pretty old news. And no they weren't found at "similar grave sites", but Tameka and Tiffiany were both found along Paint Creek Cave Rd. Shasta was found floating in a river, and Timberly was found behind an abandoned building
The zoo man killer in Knoxville tn should be checked against these murder victims and others he traveled with tigers he took care of out of Kodak tn killed four in Knoxville.
The zoo man killer in Knoxville tn should be checked against these murder victims and others he traveled with tigers he took care of out of Kodak tn killed four in Knoxville.

What? That makes literally no sense. There is nothing that ties Tom Huskey to Ohio or this case whatsoever. Hollywood style reaching right there.
New docuseries tries to get answers on missing women of Chillicothe
4 found dead, 2 remain missing from small city

"Gone: The Forgotten Women of Ohio" premiers July 22 at 9 p.m. on Spike TV.

The story began in mid-may 2014, with the disappearance of Charlotte Trego, 27. She remains missing.

About six months later, Wanda Lemons vanished. She, too, hasn't been found.

Four other women -- Timberly Claytor, Shasta Himelrick, Tameka Lynch and Tiffany Sayre -- have turned up dead.

Jason McCrary was convicted of murder in Claytor's death. Himelrick's death was ruled a suicide.


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