GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #2

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...I don't get it !! Anyone have an insight into the reason for this ?

About the only insight one can offer is that it cannot be looked at it from a place that we deem "healthy" - the situations you describe are dysfunctional and the people are not making healthy choices in their circumstances. I am sure psychology could take us through a roller coaster ride of upbringing, heredity, experiences, etc.
Angela's dad says she made a bad mistake. She has to pay for that. He also said she lived with him some too. She had options and she chose to stay with this who killed her baby. I think she chose to cover for him and protect HIM. Now she just wants to go home. If her bail is 25K, does she only have to pay 10%. Or is 25K what she actually must pay. I couldn't hear enough. I hope her dad doesn't bail her out. Poor little baby.

Her bail is $250,000, not $25,000.

Depending on how the judge set the bond to be paid, she could only have to pay 10% cash to a bondsman, with the remainder in collateral. I don't know of any bondsman who will accept any less than 10% of the total bail amount.

The bail may be lowered at a later date (I've seen high bail amounts set at arraignments, then lowered in subsequent hearings).

At any rate, unless her family (or anyone else willing to post her bond) has access to $25,000 cash, and also has something to offer as surety to a bondsman for the remainder (such as real estate), I don't think Angela will be released anytime soon (unless the bail amount gets lowered).
Even if what Angela says is true - that SK is responsible for little Elaina's injuries, and even if it's true that SK (or whomever "they" are) threatened her if she told anyone, it DOES NOT excuse her not calling 911. It's a mother's duty to protect their child(ren).

Given the lies Angela has told that have been posted on twitter (she said she thought the baby had been sold for drug money, she said "If I had something to do with it, why would I be out here?" - all the while knowing exactly what happened), I'm having a real hard time believing anything she says, especially with her history of child abuse (that's been posted here by verified insider Ferretmommy).

Oh - and according to JK, Angela also lied to her when she said she had no place to stay Saturday night, June 1, and asked to stay @ JK's house.

At this point, I'm equally suspicious of both Angela and SK.

I am reserving judgement right now because of what FM said, about AS having the mentality of an 8th grader. I think that is what she said but if that is the case then she may not have the cognitive capacity to do what seems to most people as the obvious. At first I thought she hurt the baby, and she may have, but she may also have been a victim here, too. Not defending her by any means, I just want to hear the real story.
RAW VIDEO: Missing Toledo toddler's mom arraigned on child endangerment charge

Published on Jun 13, 2013

Snipped by me.

I am puzzled, but here goes ONE theory:

SK hurt Elaina and threatened Angela. I want to believe she (Angela) would have spoken by now. Then again, who knows.
if someone harmed my child and then threatened to harm me if i told... i'd have no problem telling them that calling 911 to save my daughter would be worth losing my own life. if they would rather be in prison for murder than child abuse, more power to them.. but my kid NEEDS HELP NOW and i wouldn't be responsible, or be allowed to feel any guilt or regret, for not calling the police. it just wouldn't happen.
if someone harmed my child and then threatened to harm me if i told... i'd have no problem telling them that calling 911 to save my daughter would be worth losing my own life. if they would rather be in prison for murder than child abuse, more power to them.. but my kid NEEDS HELP NOW and i wouldn't be responsible, or be allowed to feel any guilt or regret, for not calling the police. it just wouldn't happen.

You and me both. But we don't know what's what with this "mother". More will be revealed. Looking forward the dad's presser later today.

Van towed from Federal is that of Steinfurth's boyfiriends family
I'm just catching up on all of the latest developments and all I can say is I'm SO ANGRY right now. How DARE she? I need to step away before I say something that gets me banned.
This is all looking very, very bad. I doubt this precious baby is still alive. God, please make me be wrong.
In the raw video of Angela's dad, he says the police don't know where Steven King is. I wonder where he is. I hope the cops do know where he is! No doubt Julie King knows! I don't believe that Angela was threatened. She had many oppurtunities to get baby Elaina help, yet she did nothing. She had makeup on in one of the videos of her,can't remember which one right now. I hope Julie King as well as all those inside that house and did nothing are also charged.

Angela's dad says he's been getting threats. That just isn't right. He didn't hurt or kill baby Elaina. I think Angela and Steven King did. And I think Julie King knows what happened as she helped prevent TS from entering the house by stalling him and TJ.

I hope Steven King is found today if the cops really don't know where he is! I hope Angela doesn't get bonded out. And I pray baby Elaina is found today.
I am reserving judgement right now because of what FM said, about AS having the mentality of an 8th grader. I think that is what she said but if that is the case then she may not have the cognitive capacity to do what seems to most people as the obvious. At first I thought she hurt the baby, and she may have, but she may also have been a victim here, too. Not defending her by any means, I just want to hear the real story.

I understand. I'm trying to reserve judgment, too, until more evidence comes out. At the same time, I'm suspicious, given what FM has posted about how Angela has allegedly treated both children in the recent past. IMO, Angela strikes me as someone who has felt burdened by being a parent, and has taken her frustration out on her innocent, helpless babies (purportedly grabbing the 4 year old by the arm & flinging her onto the couch, forcing the 4 year old to stay in her room for extended periods of time to watch cartoons to supposedly keep her "out of her hair", keeping the baby in her exer-saucer and/or playpen for long periods of time. Then there are reports by JK who stated that Angela was rough with the children, and that Angela struck one of them in the face).

I can't give Angela a pass on her own alleged abusive behavior. Unless a competent forensic psychologist gives her a psych eval that concludes there is a mental deficit, I'm going to consider Angela a 25 year old adult, and I'm going to assume that she knows right from wrong. I'm also going to assume that she knows it's her duty as her children's mother to protect them from an abusive boyfriend. The thing is: If she's also abusing them, she might not blink twice when it comes to anyone else abusing them. IMO, she may have believed that any abuse they suffered at the hands of SK was deserved *discipline*. MOO

Angela's own alleged abusive history is why I'm suspicious of her, as well as the lies that she's told.
. At first I thought she hurt the baby, and she may have, but she may also have been a victim here, too. Not defending her by any means, I just want to hear the real story.[/QUOTE]

She DID NOT have to go to that house. The grandfather said she could have stayed with him. But she kept saying: Steven, Steven. Maybe she was trying to get back with him.

She DID NOT have to go to that house. The grandfather said she could have stayed with him. But she kept saying: Steven, Steven. Maybe she was trying to get back with him.

That would be my guess. Sadly we see so many "mothers" place their children at risk at the hands of their "boyfriends". Pffft.
I'm 2 pages behind but just wanted to say, thank you to whomever posted the youtube link to hte grandpa's interview .. Angela's stepfather.. and commented on looking at his eyes. I almost never watch videos, not sure why.. just don't. But that was well worth watching. I really loved how he said "Steven, turn yourself in now, because I'm comin' for ya - TODAY." or however he worded it. Poor man, sounds like this was all on Angela and SK and whomever else was in that house.

Now, I still have to catch up, but here's a question - if LE isn't 100% sure where Steven is, and if they towed the van away, is there any chance he killed himself and is in the van? I know the van was towed because they brought Elaina away from the house in it the day she went "missing", but just curious. (ETA - nope, I don't see anything leading me to believe he's been seen or heard from since she went missing. hmmmm)

Also, in that video clip I heard the reporter ask do you think she was alive when he brought her out the back and into the van and her father said YES. When asked do you think she's alive now, he said NO.

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